Chapter 52 Harris

When the last twilight of the sky faded, two figures on horseback finally appeared in the distant wilderness.

"It's Luo Lisi!" Xi Ruili's eyes shone brightly, and a trace of tenderness floated on her cold face.

"Why are there only two people? Where's the army of Kaiyuan City?" Daniel opened his mouth in astonishment, trying to stretch his neck longer, hoping to see the army behind Luo Lisi who came on horseback.

Hogan didn't speak, but his face became more and more ugly.

When he learned that Harris contacted Kaiyuan City, he thought that Kaiyuan City would bring a large number of troops as support when escorting Luo Lisi back to the Golden City. However, he did not expect that there was only one person besides Luo Lisi.

Enzo and Luo Lisi rode forward side by side, and arrived at the gate of the city not long after.

"Aunt Sirili!" Seeing the figure in front of the guards in golden armor, Luo Lisi hurriedly got off her horse, shouted kindly, and threw herself directly into Sirili's arms.

"Ancestors bless you safe." Xi Ruili whispered, stroking Luo Lisi's head.

En Zuo quietly watched the scene before him without interrupting them.

"Excuse me, you are the young master of Kaiyuan City, Mr. Enzo." Hogan cheered up and stepped forward to ask.

"Yes, it's me." Enzo nodded.

"Are you the only one escorting Miss Luo Lisi?" Hogan frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice, "With all due respect, where is the army in Kaiyuan City? Lord Harris didn't tell you about the current situation in the Golden City." ?"

"There is no army, only me." Enzo shook his head slightly, and said calmly, "I know about Rodri's seizure of the Golden City Lord's position, and escorting Luo Lisi here this time is precisely to solve this matter."

"Only you?" Daniel on the side couldn't help but ask.

Enzo smiled lightly and didn't explain anything.

"Let's go to the city first, and we'll make a decision after meeting Lord Harris." Hogan sighed slightly in his heart, looked around and said in a deep voice.

Escorted by more than a hundred guards in golden armor, Enzo and Luo Lisi entered the Golden City.

It was approaching night at this time, coupled with the turmoil in the current situation, even the bustling Golden City in the past seemed silent now. Under the leadership of Hogan, everyone walked through the street and walked all the way, and soon came to a building in the north of the city. .

"The castle is already under the control of Rodriguez, so I can only wrong you to stay here first." Sirili comforted Luo Lisi.

The building in front of me is a large courtyard, surrounded by high walls, and there is a tower standing in each corner, on which two sentries are stationed, and at the entrance of the courtyard, there is also a group of guards in strong clothes patrolling.

"Master Harris is inside, let's go in."

Hogan stepped forward, received a signal from the patrolling guards, and then led everyone into the courtyard.

In a spacious room, Enzo met Harris.

"You are finally back, Miss Luolisi." With the support of two male servants, Harris stood up from the bed with difficulty. His face was as pale as paper, and a thick bandage was wrapped around his chest, exuding a faint Herbal taste.

Then, he turned his gaze to Enzo, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for escorting Miss Luo Lisi, the Golden City will always be remembered in my heart!"

"You're welcome, Harris." Enzo nodded slightly, looked at Harris' chest, and frowned, "What's the matter with your injuries?"

"It's just a small matter, don't worry about it." Harris waved his hand, the movement seemed to affect the wound on his body, he couldn't help but make him talk, and smiled slightly: "Since Rodrik took control of the Golden City, he has been eliminating dissidents. I was very careful, but I was still plotted against, but fortunately, the guards around me tried their best to save me, so I saved my life."

"You've worked hard, Uncle Harris." Luo Lisi bit her lip, her eyes determined.

"As long as Lord Roblei's entrustment can be fulfilled, everything is worth it." Haruth shook his head and said softly, "Let's not talk about this, let's talk about business first. The most urgent task now is to let you inherit the position of the city lord first." .”

After finishing speaking, he cast his eyes on Enzo and said in a deep voice.

"Rodri is despicable and shameless. He betrayed the family's ancient teachings and seized the Golden City. I have found evidence that he assassinated Master Rocassi. Now, as long as he has the support of the elders of the major families, Miss Luo Lisi can legitimately inherit the position of the city lord."

"Then what is the attitude of the elders?" Enzo asked.

"The elder families of the Golden Alliance are willing to follow the ancient teachings, but now that Rodri colludes with Black Crow City and has a large number of troops in his hands, the elders dare not resist him directly. Even if they support Miss Luo Lisi, they can only give some secret help. "

Harris' expression was low, and his tone was dignified.

"If you want to break the situation now, you must first find a way to deal with Rodry, and then after Miss Luo Lisi inherits the position of the city lord, then unite with the major elder families and work together to expel the army of Black Crow City, so that you can truly control the Golden City! "

"So killing Rodri will solve the problem?" Enzo frowned.

Enzo wasn't interested in Harris' specific plan. Philip was the only one who could make him feel threatened in the Icy Plain. As long as the other party didn't show up, the matter in the Golden City would be easy to solve no matter what.

"It's true, as long as Rodri gets rid of, everything can be solved." Harris spread his palms and sighed helplessly, "But although the matter is simple, it is not easy to implement. After Rodri colluded with Black Crow City, he got With a lot of military support, there are even many knights around him, it is very difficult to assassinate him."

"But if we confront it head-on, I don't have enough troops!"

"So, this time, while I am asking Kai Yuan to escort Miss Luo Lisi back to the city, I also hope that Lord O'Quinn can give some military support to the Golden City!" Harris looked at Enzo, his eyes full of hope, and said, ": Master Enzuo, I wonder how many troops you brought this time?"

"Uh, there are no soldiers." Looking at Harris' expectant eyes, Enzo couldn't help but feel a little funny. He raised his hand and touched his nose, then shrugged and said, "I'm the only one escorting Luo Lisi back to the Golden City this time." .”

"One person!?" Harris was stunned, his already ugly face turned even paler, and even his voice became a little trembling, "Could it be that Lord O'Quinn has given up on the Golden City?"

(End of this chapter)

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