Chapter 54 Rolling
"It turns out that you've figured everything out!" Harris' face was pale, and his figure shook for a while, as if his strength had been taken away from him.

"Knowing this, it's time to send you on your way." Rodri shook his head pityingly, looked at Archie, and said, "Mr. Hungry Wolf, please help me catch Luo Lisi, I still need her to open the iron vault. Others have no value."

"Happy to help." Hungry Wolf licked his lips and looked at Luo Lisi.

"I swear to protect Miss Luo Lisi!" Harris' face changed, and he suddenly shouted.

And in the next second, the hungry wolf had already moved, his legs were like springs, and he pounced like a wild beast. Before the dead soldiers standing beside Luo Lisi could react, those sharp blade-like palms had already swung out. Two thunder arcs of grudge.


The dead warriors were absolutely loyal to Harris, but the power of the great knights was beyond their ability to contend. Even though they had tried their best, these knights still couldn't resist the attack of the hungry wolf, and they were defeated in an instant.

"Don't even think about hurting Miss!" A trace of determination appeared on Harris's face, and he rushed forward without fear of death.

"I'm sorry, Master Robley, that's all I can do."

With a large body in front of Luo Lisi, Harris smiled and closed his eyes. After the hungry wolf showed the terrifying strength of the great knight, he was completely desperate. He just wanted to protect the lady as much as possible before he died.

"Want to die? Then I'll make you happy!" The hungry wolf grinned ferociously, and stabbed Harris' heart with claws.

brush!at this time.

A figure suddenly stood in front of the hungry wolf, swung out the short black blade sharply, and hit the sharp claws of the hungry wolf, making a sharp and ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing against each other.

One blow failed, and the figure of Hungry Wolf fell to the ground.

"You actually blocked my attack?" He narrowed his eyes, looking at the other side with a hint of danger.

"Harris, let your people back down, leave this place to me." Enzo said calmly with calm eyes.

"Enzo, be careful!" Harris breathed a sigh of relief after the catastrophe. Seeing that Enzo blocked the attack of the hungry wolf, he hurriedly protected Luo Lisi and retreated.

"Enzo? You are the young master of Kaiyuan City? The guy who has mastered witchcraft?" Hungry Wolf's eyes were filled with excitement, and he licked his lips and said, "I have heard your name often these days. I really want to see how powerful the legendary witchcraft is!"

As soon as the words fell, the hungry wolf opened his arms, and a strong fighting spirit surged out of his body.

His legs were slightly separated, and cracks appeared on the stone bricks under his feet due to the accumulation of power. Before the audience could react, Hungry Wolf had already shot again, and this time it erupted from him at a faster speed. Harris Waiting for others to see only an afterimage.

"Die!" The hungry wolf grinned ferociously, and pounced with sharp claws.

Facing the lightning attack, Enzo's face remained unchanged, his body's magic power oscillated, and he activated Shadow Stealth instantly. His whole body turned into a shadow and disappeared in place, making the hungry wolf's attack miss, and his sharp claws hit the ground directly.

Boom!Floor tiles burst, smoke and dust everywhere.


On the ground, the hungry wolf lay on all fours, feeling vigilant in his heart. After he became a great knight, he has always been known for his explosive speed. Even the monsters in the wilderness cannot escape his hunting, and Enzuo on the opposite side is obviously just The knight, however, escaped his attack.

"Is this the power of witchcraft?" Hungry Wolf licked his lips.

laugh!At an extremely tricky angle, the sharp blade pierced straight out.

"Here!" Hungry Wolf suddenly turned his head, swung his arm quickly, stretched out a steel-like palm, and directly grabbed the black blade coming from behind, and Enzo, who was holding the knife, was also exposed to his In view.

"I've caught you." Hungry Wolf's eyes lighted up excitedly.

"Really?" Enzo sneered disdainfully, the corners of his lips raised, he decisively let go of the sharp blade in his hand, leaned back slightly, and raised his other palm, "Shadow Spear, go!"

Witchcraft is mastered over time, becoming more and more proficient.

After Enzo made a sound, the black mist in his palm condensed, forming a pitch-black spear almost instantly. With the sudden exertion of his arm, the shadow spear was thrown out at an astonishing speed, almost tearing the air apart. .


Before the hungry wolf could react, the spear of shadow had already pierced his shoulder. The strong physique of the great knight was as vulnerable as tofu in front of the spear condensed by witchcraft.

"Ugh!!!" Hungry Wolf screamed until he felt severe pain in his shoulder.

Holding his shoulders in pain, Hungry Wolf's face was pale, and he knelt down on the ground. The spear condensed by witchcraft quickly turned into black mist and dissipated, but the hole formed by the crushed flesh kept gushing out black blood.

"So strong!" Harris was stunned.

He didn't expect that the great knight, who was not invincible before, would lose in just one round, and Enzo ended the battle with a crushing posture with almost no effort, showing shocking strength.

"How is this possible!?" Rodri couldn't believe it, his pupils constricted to the extreme.

The wound on Hungry Wolf's shoulder could almost be described as terrifying. In this state, even the great knight could not continue to fight. He couldn't believe that the character he had spent a lot of energy and finally brought back was defeated so easily.

"It's too weak, not even the three brothers Andrew."

Looking at the howling hungry wolf on the ground, Enzo couldn't help shaking his head slightly. Although the other party is also a great knight, except for the faster outbreak speed, other comprehensive strengths are very weak. It is no wonder that a great knight will become a gangster leader.

After temporarily solving the hungry wolf, Enzo turned his attention to Rodri again.

"What do you want to do?" Rodri was startled suddenly, and stepped back again and again.

"Luo Lisi, how do you think we should deal with him?" Enzo asked calmly, expressionless.

"Rodeli betrayed the family's ancient teachings and killed brother Rocaxi. According to the rules of the Golden City, he should be sentenced to death!" Luo Lisi gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with strong hatred.

"Capital punishment?" Enzo raised his eyebrows and asked, "How about burning with flames?"

"Wait, wait! You can't kill me!" Rodri's eyes flickered, he gritted his teeth and threatened, "Behind me is Lord Philip, the knight of the sky. His majesty is irresistible. If you kill me, everyone will die!"

Enzo said nothing, and looked at Rodri with indifferent eyes.

Seeing that Enzo didn't continue to move, Rodri was slightly relieved. His thoughts changed, and he quickly figured out what to say, so he straightened his back pretending to be calm, and said slowly.

"I think you are well aware of Lord Philip's power, so you will not do stupid things. Now that the matter has developed to this point, I can give you a chance. As long as Luo Lisi helps me open the iron vault and recognize my position as the city lord, I will Guaranteed that after Philip unifies the ice field, you can still...uh...ah!!!"

Just as Rodrik was talking eloquently, the voice stopped abruptly.

Under his feet, flames suddenly ignited, and dense mantras wrapped around his body like poisonous snakes. Rodri's skin turned red, and then flames ignited all over his body.

Witchcraft, the curse of explosive flames!
(End of this chapter)

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