Chapter 559 Godzilla

The so-called Aurain core is actually the energy source produced by extracting the essence from the core of the earth. If one hundred Aurain cores are gathered together, then with the unique technology of goblin civilization, it can be re-smelted Out of the core of the world's core.

And the core of the earth's core is also the heart of the sea blue world.

"Speed ​​up the plan to plunder the core of Aurain." After a long while, Tamora said again: "In any case, we must first collect a hundred of Aurain's cores and fuse them into the heart of the world before we can obtain Control of the sea blue world."

"Understood." The four goblins said.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

Enzo, who was driving the Red Bee Mech, was heading towards the drop point of the Lighthouse Floating Void City. As the distance to the destination got closer, the number of zombies around was also increasing. Judging from their orderly reactions, Obviously, they are all puppets controlled by the Starscream organization.

The Red Bee mech was suspended in mid-air.

Enzo used the remote viewing function of the mecha to look far ahead, and soon found that a huge floating city had landed on a wasteland, and the surrounding densely packed zombies and mechanical beasts almost drowned the floating city .

"Start the little bee robot."

Enzo spoke softly, and from the inside of the Red Bee Mech, small bee-like robots flew out. This is also one of the upgraded functions of the Red Bee Mecha, which can send small robots to explore the front.

As the little bee robots flew out and sat in the cockpit, the screen in front of Enzo's eyes began to be divided into dozens of pieces, each of which was a scene, and it was the information sent back by a little bee robot.

"This amount of zombies is more than in the dungeon!"

Enzo frowned slightly. Through the information sent back by the little bee robot, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. The number of zombies surrounding the Lighthouse Floating Void City has exceeded one million, and there are at least a few hundred more similar to the Destroyer robot.

These puppets controlled by the Starscream organization are constantly attacking the lighthouse floating city, but relying on the lighthouse floating city's own defense mechanism, it seems that it can last for a long time.

"In order to seize the core of Aurain?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. After communicating with Hank before, he had obtained a lot of information, including the target of the Starscream organization. This organization, which has been opposing the Hope government since its appearance, seems to be for the core of Orin , will continue to attack the Floating Void City.

For the human survivors who hoped for the government, the core of Orain represented the energy of the floating city, so naturally it was impossible to give up easily, and it was precisely because of this that there was an irreconcilable conflict between the hoped government and the Starscream organization.

"But what's the reason?"

Enzo's eyes flickered constantly, and he was thinking about something. Since the Starscream organization would rather be an enemy of the Government of Hope than capture the core of Aurain, besides being used as a source of energy for the floating island, is there any use for this thing?

So far, Enzo already has a core of Aurain in his hand.

However, after such a long period of research, he did not discover the strangeness of the core of Aurain. That thing does have very strong energy fluctuations, but it seems to have no other function except as an energy source.

"Huh? This is?"

Suddenly, a picture appeared on the screen in front of the cockpit. In the northern area of ​​the Lighthouse Floating Void City's forced landing site, a team of mecha fighters was constantly breaking through the siege of zombies and heading towards the Floating Void City.

"Support from the Government of Hope?"

Enzo muttered to himself, and at the same time gave orders to the little bee robots, manipulating them to fly towards the mecha team.

In a moment, the little bee robot and the mech squad got closer.

The deafening roar continued to sound. This mecha team is composed of 35 wild hunters. The mecha headed by it is golden yellow, which is extremely dazzling under the sunlight. The thick barrel is full of power. , a strong beam of light suddenly spewed out.

"Damn Starscream organization!"

Surrounded by another white mech warrior, he cursed sharply, and then the machine guns began to fire wildly, cleaning up the zombies that rushed around, but at this moment, more intense roars continued to sound.

It turned out that these zombies were also equipped with miniature bombs.

They tried their best to get closer to the mecha team in order to explode and cause damage. Even though the mecha team knew this well, it was difficult for them to escape the range of the explosion. Fortunately, they could rely on energy to form a shield to block the attack of the explosion.

The ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing came, and the owner of the golden mech just opened up a path ahead when more than a dozen Destroyer robots appeared, blocking the team's way, and sidewinder missiles were directly projected out.

Bang bang bang! !

The golden mecha immediately raised its arm, and the energy gathered into a huge shield, blocking the attack of the Sidewinder missile, but he himself also retreated ten meters away, and the eyes of the mecha flashed with red light.

呲! !

The scorching laser shot out from the eyeballs of the golden mech, directly piercing through the body of a Destroyer robot, and the energy raged inside, causing the Destroyer robot to issue a rapid siren.

Immediately afterwards, it exploded.

If a bomb exploded on the spot, the strong power would form waves, directly traumatizing the other Destroyer robots around, and the most serious one even had its legs broken.

"Good job, Captain Heyman!"

The cheers of the team members came from behind. The gold-level wilderness hunter Heyman still had a heavy expression on his face. monster.

"What is this? Godzilla?"

Through the image sent back by the little bee robot, Enzo showed a trace of surprise on his face. The giant monster with a height of [-] meters looks like a combination of a crocodile and a lizard in shape. Barbs, pieces of scales are like black metal.

call! !

As soon as the giant monster appeared, it breathed out blue flames, destroying everything in front of it. The owner of the golden mecha's face changed drastically, and he immediately activated the energy shield to block the monster's breath attack.

"A third-order life form again?"

Inside the Red Bee mech, Enzo's eyes flickered. The energy released by this Godzilla was already comparable to a second-order spell. If nothing else, the destructive power should have reached the level of a third-order life form.

"What is the origin of this Starscream organization?"

Enzo frowned slightly, with a puzzled expression on his face. The sea blue world is a technological world, so it is difficult for an individual's life level to exceed the second level, but the Starscream organization sent this monster comparable to the third level.

Different from the electric snake mechanical beast before, the Godzilla in front of him is not a mechanical creature, but some kind of mutant beast, but for some unknown reason, it is controlled by the Starscream organization.

"Chip, hack into the satellite network." Enzo gave an order in his mind.

If this Godzilla is controlled by a chip like the zombies, then Enzo can forcibly seize control by invading the network, but if not, then the way the Starscream organization controls Godzilla is a bit special .

"Ding! No satellite signal detected."

Soon, the chip gave an answer, and Enzo narrowed his eyes. If this Godzilla is not a creature controlled by the central control chip, then how can the Starscream organization manipulate this monster of a third-order life form.

You must know that in the multiverse, in many small worlds, the third-order life forms can already be called demigod creatures. The existence of this level is simply beyond the control of human beings.

Therefore, Enzo became more determined. Behind the Starscream organization was the idea of ​​some outsiders. He also made more inferences about the end of the sea blue world.

On the other side, the battle continues.

Drop drop!
After being breathed out by Godzilla's blue flame, the golden mecha issued a rapid alarm sound, which represented a sign that the energy was about to be exhausted. Heyman's face changed drastically, and he quickly ordered the rest of the team to disperse.

You know, Heyman is a gold-level hunter. If even he can't withstand Godzilla's berserk attack, then the remaining silver-level hunters in the team may turn into scum if they can't even handle a single move. scum.

After hearing the captain's order, everyone immediately dispersed.

At the same time, through the images sent back by the little bee robot, Enzo discovered that another mech squad was also heading towards this area, but judging from their equipment, it seemed that they belonged to another floating city.

I hope that after the government is established, almost all floating cities will join it.

The forced landing of the Lighthouse Floating Void City was an act of invasion by the Starscream Organization to the Hope Government. Therefore, under the call of the government, all the major Floating Void Cities sent mecha fighters to support them.

However, although the major floating cities have stood together under the call of the government, the survivors after the doomsday, who are not freaks, may not do their best even if they agree to support the lighthouse floating city.

Just like Lent Floating Void City.

As the most powerful three floating cities among the hundreds of floating cities, they only sent a mecha team to support the lighthouse floating city, and all of them were composed of silver-level wild hunters. neither.

This is tantamount to sending a cannon fodder to die.

"This mecha is quite interesting."

At this time, Enzo, who was sitting in the cockpit, had a smile on his face. The mecha team that had just arrived at the emergency landing point of the Lighthouse Floating City was also composed of 35 mecha fighters, and the leader was a gold-level hunter.

However, compared to the golden mecha controlled by Heyman, the gold-level wild hunter's mecha is translucent, and it seems to have the ability to be invisible. Using the effect of sunlight refraction, he quietly approached Godzilla .

"Go to hell, monster."

Barlow, who was driving the chameleon mecha, had a flash of killing intent in his eyes, and then appeared above Godzilla, like a divine soldier descending from the sky, the lightsaber formed by the energy gathering directly inserted into the monster's spine.

"Successful?" Enzo frowned.

The scales of the Godzilla monster seemed hard, but they were actually not that strong. The energy lightsaber pierced directly into Godzilla's body like cutting tofu, and then crazily destroyed it.

This degree of trauma is enough to make the mutant beast howl.

But Godzilla didn't respond. The sharp barbs on the spine shot out like spears, madly attacking the chameleon mecha.


Barlow cursed, and immediately drove the mecha into the air, relying on the flexibility of the chameleon mecha, dodging a large number of barbed attacks.

At the same time, Godzilla sprayed blue flames again.

The two war mechas had no time to dodge, and immediately turned into ashes, and before they even had time to wail, the berserk blue flames formed a range attack, making the mecha fighters dodge desperately.

Bang bang bang!
Heyman controlled the golden mecha, dodged the attack of the blue flame, and fired missiles at the same time, bombarding Godzilla's face, causing damage, but Godzilla still stood tall.

"Self-repair function?" Enzo frowned slightly.

It was obvious that it had been seriously injured just now, but this Godzilla still didn't show any tendency to fall down. Instead, it stood standing in place. The originally black scales emitted bursts of golden light.

"Chip, scan!" Enzo ordered.

Under the scanning function of the chip, Godzilla's form can be clearly seen at a glance. Only then did Enzo discover that there is a golden spar in his body that resembles a sphere, which is constantly emitting energy to keep Godzilla in a recovery state.

"That is?"

Suddenly, Enzo's pupils shrank, and he said in surprise, "Aurain's core?"

No wonder this Godzilla monster can burst out with such powerful energy. It turns out that there is an Aurain core in his body, and it is the energy of this Aurain core that keeps it in an infinite state. restore state.

In a matter of moments, Godzilla was back to normal.

Violent blue flames sprayed out from the mouth again. Even the zombies couldn't dodge this kind of range attack. They were turned into ashes under the blue flames. Some of the zombies with self-explosion devices in their bodies turned into large bombs .

"Captain, let's retreat."

Around, a war mecha made a desperate sound. The power of Godzilla has even surpassed the electric snake mechanical beast. In just a moment, more than a dozen war mechas fell. An enemy of this level is not at all They can handle it.

At the same time, the owner of the chameleon mecha also fell next to the golden mecha. The two came from different floating cities, but as the world's top gold-level wild hunters, almost everyone is familiar with them.

"What are your plans, Hyman?"

Barlow didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly, this Godzilla is too powerful, and the two of them may not be able to deal with it together, so retreat seems to be the only option, but if both mecha teams retreat, Then the Lighthouse Floating Void City will eventually become isolated and helpless.

Hyman remained silent, seemingly hesitating.

Before he had time to speak, Godzilla had already launched another attack, and his huge and thick tail swept over like a whip.

(End of this chapter)

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