Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 575 The Power of the Gift of the World

Chapter 575 The Power of the Gift of the World
The news of the fall of the Redstone Floating Void City quickly spread to the Bloodfire City.

"Can the magic cannon?"

In the high tower, Enzo murmured, his eyes flashed a trace of solemnity. He also knew about the peak technology of this goblin civilization. The power of the most powerful destroying magic cannon in the legend is enough to destroy a small plane.

Enzo knew very well that it was impossible for the Starscream Organization to create the legendary Destruction Magic Cannon, but it was just a replica, which was enough to possess extremely powerful power, especially when the opponent had a large number of Aurain Cores.

Since Starscream can use the magic cannon to destroy the Redstone Floating City with one blow.

It also means that the opponent also has the ability to pose a threat to the Bloodfire City in the Black Blood Plain, but Enzo still doesn't know how many magic cannons the Starscream organization has.

"The number should not be too many." Enzo shook his head.

The magic energy cannon is powerful, so the number would not be too many, otherwise the Starscream organization would have attacked the Black Blood Plain long ago, and the opponent's magic energy cannon should only be a recently developed technological product.

However, besides the magic cannon, Enzo is also very concerned about another thing.

That is, after the crash of the Redstone Floating City, what happened to the giants who originally belonged to the Redstone Floating City.

Ordinary giants will perform meaningless actions after falling out of control, and will not return to human form until they are exhausted.

As for the rational giant, not necessarily.

Giants with self-will can control the time of transformation, and at the same time, they can also restore their human form after feeling the threat around them is lifted. What will happen to the rational giants after the crash of the Redstone Floating Void City?

Was it suicidal revenge against Starscream?
Or flee the battlefield, seek refuge in other floating cities, and continue to serve the Hope Government?

Enzo is very interested in the giant plan of Seablue World, but at the same time, he pays more attention to those rational giants, because giants that cannot control themselves are of little value, and only rational giants are the killers on the battlefield.

"A rational giant." Enzo muttered to himself.

According to the news uploaded from the battlefield of the Redstone base, this time the battle with the Starscream organization took place, and the Floating Void City invested a total of four rational giants, two of them died on the battlefield, while the other two fled to nowhere.

At this time, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded in Enzo's mind.

"Have you found any traces of a rational giant?"

A gleam of joy appeared on Enzo's face. The drones in Bloodfire City have spread all over the sea blue world, so they can immediately detect anything, such as the previous war in Redstone Floating Void City.

It wasn't that long ago that drones spotted traces of sane giants.

With a thought in Enzo's mind, a picture recorded by the drone appeared in his mind. A giant covered in snake scales, with scars all over his body, was running on a barren land, as if he was extremely weak.

"Ulea!" Enzo suddenly said loudly.

Not long after, Uriah walked into the hall, still wearing a white robe, as if conducting some experiments.

"Send a team of evil spirits and bring this giant back to Bloodfire City."

Enzo gave Yulea an address and asked the other party to convey his order.

"A giant from Redstone Floating City?"

Ulea's heart moved, and a trace of interest appeared on his face, and said, "Is it finally going to let us get a rational giant? If it is used for experiments, we can definitely get a lot of information."

Since Enzo revealed his identity, Ulea has become his follower.

Although he was just a wasteland scavenger before, Uriah absorbed knowledge very quickly. Not only did he serve as the dean of Bloodfire City College, but he also became a senior scientist in a short period of time. Now he is in charge of the giant research project.

"Starscream is also chasing him, so send more soldiers."

Enzo gave another warning, Ulea nodded, and then passed on the order. An army of evil ghosts composed of 20,000 people immediately went to arrest the snake-scale giant.

After experiencing the war in the Redstone base area, the snake-scale giant's condition has become extremely weak, so Enzo is not worried. The soldiers of the evil ghost tribe encountered resistance when they captured the giant. The only thing that needs attention is the Starscream organization. .

However, according to Enzo's speculation, it is not very likely that the Evil Ghost Clan team will encounter the Starscream organization.

The reason is simple, Starscream is too busy to take care of herself now.

The 5 million evil ghost army has arrived outside the Mogu forest one after another, and a fierce battlefield is about to trigger. Even if it is as strong as the Starscream organization, they dare not be careless and are gathering forces from other bases.

However, Enzo does not intend to issue an attack order for the time being.

The existence of the magic cannon is always a threat. If it cannot be solved, once it appears on the battlefield, it will definitely cause terrible damage to the evil ghost army.

Although Enzo didn't mind the damage of the evil ghosts, he didn't want to see meaningless sacrifices either.

After Yulea left, Enzo turned around.

In front of him was a huge light curtain, which marked the Seablue World and the positions of various forces. Enzo looked towards the direction of Mogu Forest, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

5 million demon soldiers have arrived in Mogu Forest, and the war is about to begin.

But for Enzo, the first problem to be solved is the air combat capability of the Starscream organization. Currently, the total number of flying evil beasts controlled by the evil ghost army is only about [-], and half of them are still in Bloodfire City.

Fifty thousand flying evil beasts formed an air army.

But this air-to-air force obviously has no advantage if it wants to fight against the Starscream organization's fighter jets, especially since Mogu Forest belongs to Starscream's territory, and there are many mortars installed around the base, ready for air-to-air combat at any time.

"If casualties are not counted, there is still a chance for the Air Force."

Enzo muttered to himself, if he did not hesitate to sacrifice all [-] flying demonic beasts on the battlefield, he might not be able to defeat the Starscream organization, but it is possible to delay the army's attack on the base of the Starscream organization. matter.

However, even if the air combat is resolved.

There is one more thing Enzo needs to consider, and that is the magic cannon. Although it is not sure whether the Starscream base in Mogu Forest has a magic cannon, attacking rashly will only make Enzo passive.

"How can we solve the magic cannon?" Enzo was lost in thought.

If the Starscream organization puts the magic cannons on the battlefield, it will undoubtedly be a huge threat to the evil ghost army. Enzo must find a way to destroy the possible magic cannons of the opponent in order to tilt the balance of victory.

"Send a death squad?" Enzo considered the possibility of the plan.

If an elite team is selected from the evil ghost army and sneaks into the base of the Starscream organization from behind, will that destroy the magic cannon?

"Obviously not." Enzo shook his head.

Mogu Forest is the territory controlled by Starscream. It has been operated by Starscream for many years, and it is like an iron barrel built long ago. Any creature that steps into it will be noticed by Starscream.

The chances of trying to sneak in quietly are slim to none.

"Since you can't sneak in quietly, you can only attack by force!" Enzo's eyes flashed a cold light.

Since the success rate of the infiltration plan is too low, it seems that they can only attack from the front.

The evil ghost army directly invaded the Mogu Forest, and then sent death squads to forcibly destroy the magic cannon under fire suppression. Although doing so would inevitably pay a heavy price, at least there was still a slight possibility of success.

"However, the Death Squad cannot be composed of soldiers from the Evil Ghost Clan."

Enzo shook his head slightly, his eyes shone with light. The evil ghost soldiers are powerful in individual combat, but facing the powerful firepower bombardment, the possibility of rushing into the interior of the Mogu Forest is very slim.

Instead of forming a death squad with soldiers from the Evil Ghost Clan, it is better to send out a squadron of mech fighters, at least that has a higher success rate.

In fact, the best battle plan is for Enzo to do it himself.

He controls the Red Bee Mecha, which can display the combat power of a third-order life form. At the same time, the Red Bee Mecha has been upgraded many times, and has the ability to be invisible. The possibility of being able to cannon is very high.

In doing so, though, Enzo would be in danger.

Although even if he died, he would only lose one clone, but the management of Sea Blue Chance had already spent so much energy, and Enzo was unwilling to give up easily. Instead of taking the risk himself, he preferred to choose other methods.

For example, the Giant Project!
"If you drive an airship, find the location of the magic cannon, and then directly throw the soldiers injected with the giant potion into the Mogu forest, then the out-of-control giant is enough to destroy the magic cannon."

Enzo stroked his chin, feeling that this plan was feasible.

Although the giants who injected the potion were uncontrollable, their destructive power was astonishing. It was undoubtedly very cost-effective to use them to destroy the magic cannon, and it cost less than the previous plan.

In front of the light curtain map, Enzo's eyes flickered.

In his heart, he kept thinking about the battle plan. According to the scan of the chip, the Starscream organization base in the Mogu Forest had stored at least ten Aurain Cores, so Enzo was bound to win.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

5 million soldiers of the Evil Ghost Clan had gathered outside the Mogu Forest. The Starscream Organization had already noticed this, but because Enzo did not give an order to attack, the Evil Ghost Clan army did not enter the Mogu Forest in large numbers.

However, apart from the Evil Ghost Clan army, the Starscream Organization had also mobilized forces from all over the world to strengthen the defense of the Mogu Forest. Although the two sides did not officially start a war, there were several conflicts.

And just yesterday, a magic cannon was erected in the Mogu Forest.

This seemed to declare the Starscream organization's threat to Enzo. If the evil ghost army did not retreat, they were going to launch a magic cannon attack.

Enzo naturally couldn't withdraw his troops.

However, he will not launch an attack hastily. If he does not find a way to get rid of the threat of the magic cannon, even if the evil ghost army wants to take the Mogu Forest, I am afraid that it will pay a very heavy wait, even 5 million evil ghosts. The soldiers were wiped out.

Black Blood Plain, Blood Fire City.

Standing in a high tower in the city, Enzo is experimenting and conducting research on giant potions.

At this time, Uriah suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

"The rational giant carrier that was in the Redstone Floating Void City before has been brought back by the soldiers." Uriah said straight to the point.

"Caught it? So fast?" Enzo was a little surprised.

"After escaping from the battlefield in the Redstone base, that guy has been walking northward, and seems to be planning to go to Lent Floating Void City, but he lost his energy on the way and fell in a ruined area. When the soldiers found him, he was already unconscious." Ulea. road.

"I see." Enzo nodded.

Afterwards, the two walked out of the tower together and came to the research institute in Bloodfire City, which is located in the Bloodfire City College. Ulea led Enzo, and soon came to a spacious laboratory.

"This is the guy." Ulea pointed forward.

In the huge cultivation cabin, a body is soaked in the green liquid. It is a naked man with lines like snake scales on his body. He is in a coma, but he is constantly recovering himself.

"Is this the carrier of a rational giant?"

Enzo looked at the man in front of him, his eyes sparkled, and Enzo felt a special aura from this man.

"The power of the world's gift!" Enzo's eyes flashed.

When a world is coming to an end, the world itself will emit a sliver of energy, giving gifts to those native creatures that the world regards as children, so that they can gain power similar to the blessing of fate.

According to legend, three epochs ago.

The world dominated by the gods, because of the invasion of the abyss demons, the world suffered unbearable heavy damage, and gradually came to an end. The world instinctively gave a little power to the ancestors of the wizards, so that the civilization of the wizards rose.

This legend is widely circulated in the wizarding world, but it has not been recognized by the Parliament.

But the gift of the world is real. In the process of wizard civilization's expedition to the universe, such things often happen. When a world cannot resist the invasion of wizards, the world will give a little power to a part of the world. Indigenous creatures, thus giving birth to a special existence.

Beings who receive gifts from the world are often different from ordinary people.

As if they were blessed by fate, they would rise in a short period of time and become similar to the protagonists of novels, fighting against the enemies who invaded the world, and there were even incidents where the world power giver defeated the invaders.

And those who receive the gift of the world are also called children of destiny!
Wizard civilization once had unwritten rules that if you encounter a child of destiny during an expedition to another world, the best way is to obliterate it, but killing a child of destiny who is gifted by the world will often be backlashed by the world.

For example, there was a third-tier wizard who forcibly killed the only Destiny Child in that plane at the end of the expedition. Although he got the Heart of Time, a terrible disaster happened to the whole world, and the native creatures almost died. .

(End of this chapter)

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