Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 583 Hope the Government

Chapter 583 Hope the Government
Soon, another ten days passed.

After defeating the Starscream organization in the Mogu Forest, Enzo quickly took control of the fifth base, but after several months of fierce fighting, this forest was almost destroyed.

It takes more energy to restore everything.

"Overall, the harvest this time is good!"

Black Blood Plain, Blood Fire City, and inside the tower, Enzo was in the laboratory, researching potions, while thinking about the harvest of the Mogu Forest War. The biggest spoils were naturally five Orain cores.

"After this war is over, we still need to use the portal to send some evil ghosts to the sea blue world." Enzo murmured.

Although opening the portal requires energy, but to completely defeat Starscream, Enzo needs more evil ghost soldiers, and the three Aurain cores used to build the portal can last for a long time.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Enzo stopped what he was doing, and saw Ulea walking in.

"I hope that the people from the government have arrived." Uriah said.

"Okay, I see." Enzo nodded, and then left the laboratory with Ulea.

The evil ghost army and Starscream confronted each other in Mogu Forest.

At the same time, Starscream and the Hope Government were also engaged in a fierce war. Compared with Enzo, who had the most support from the World of War Ghosts, the Hope Government was obviously weaker and retreated steadily under the attack of the Starscream organization.

In three months, four more floating cities fell.

Two of the floating cities, even before the war started, chose to surrender to the Starscream organization. The desperate people even sacrificed their freedom to save their lives.

Faced with such disadvantages, I hope the government can do nothing.

The technology of sea blue humans cannot resist Starscream at all. Even ordinary giants who are favored by the will of the world and have the ability to incarnate as giants, but unable to maintain their sanity, still cannot play a decisive role.

And the Black Blood Plain has been known to the Hope Government a long time ago.

Although the Hope Government did not know how this power rose, and had never cared about the Black Blood Plain until the end of the battle in the Mogu Forest, the Hope Government woke up in vain.

Black Blood Plain VS Mogu Forest.

The final loser turned out to be the Starscream organization, which was undoubtedly something that the Hope government had never experienced before. After so many years of confrontation with Starscream, the Hope government had never achieved such a victory.

It is precisely because of this incident that the hopeful government saw an opportunity.

If the Black Blood Plain can defeat Starscream once, then there may be a second time. For the government that is almost in despair, the victory of the Black Blood Plain is like a drowning man seeing a plank.

Soon, the hopeful government decided to contact the Black Blood Plain.

Since the two sides have a common enemy, there is naturally an opportunity for cooperation. I hope that the government, as a collection of human power, will refuse their invitation because it believes that there is no human force.

At the same time, in the reception hall.

Beside the huge semi-circular table, three figures were sitting on chairs one by one. Behind them stood some wild hunters, the weakest of which were all silver-level. Driving a mecha could display the combat effectiveness of a second-order life form.

"The world today is really weird."

Belonging to the three major floating cities, the representative of Graycastle Floating City, a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses, shook his head and sighed, "The end of the world has been here for so long, I never thought that wastelanders could Defeat the Starscream organization and build a shelter of this size on the wasteland."

Next to it, the representative of Xiongxin Floating Void City, a burly man, was frowning and thinking about something, looking out of the window, a squad of evil ghost soldiers was patrolling, he seemed hesitant to speak.

"Do you think the controller of this area is really human?"

Suddenly, the silver-haired man, the representative of Lent Floating Void City, spoke slowly, and said in a heavy tone, "Didn't you notice just now? The skin of those patrolling soldiers is covered with scales. Definitely not the same creature!"

"Could it be... a mutation caused by radiation?"

The representative of Graycastle hesitated, and said hesitantly, "After the end of the world, the whole world is shrouded in radiation. Except for the residents of the floating city, almost all the wastelanders are mutated to varying degrees due to radiation."

"You think that would be a mutation?"

The representative of Xiongxin sneered, shook his head and said: "I have seen mutated wastelanders. Humans infected by radiation will indeed have different degrees of mutations, but those so-called mutations are essentially just genetic defects. .”

"Otherwise, the government will not launch the floating city project, just to ensure the purity of human blood and not cause genetic defects due to radiation."

"The humans in this area are definitely not radiation mutations!"

The representative of Xiong Xin spoke firmly, and said in a deep voice, "When I entered this city, I used a combat power detector to scan those scaled people, and guess what I found?"

"How?" Representative Lunt frowned.

"The scale people in this city are all hunter-level fighters!" Representative Xiong Xin said with a heavy tone.

"What? All hunters!"

The representative of Graycastle stood up suddenly, his face full of disbelief, he shook his head desperately and said: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, there are at least a few million people in this city, if all the hunters are there, wouldn't it be too early conquer the world."

"Hmph! Don't you believe it?"

The representative of Xiongxin did not refute, and directly threw a small instrument to the representative of Graycastle, signaling him to scan the evil ghost soldiers patrolling outside.

The representative of Graycastle took a deep breath and turned on the combat power detector.

As a result, as the representative of Xiongxin said, each of the soldiers of the evil ghost tribe patrolling outside has a fighting power that surpasses that of the wild hunters. Among them, the evil ghost tribe who is the team leader is even comparable to a gold-ranked wild hunter.

"How is this possible?" The representative of Graycastle turned pale.

After entering the Black Blood Plain, the three representatives from the Floating Void City were constantly shocked in their hearts. First, they saw the magnificence of the Blood Fire City, followed by those millions of people with scales.

But now, they discovered that all members of this group of scales were hunters.

What a shocking cognition this was for the three representatives. The floating city of Graycastle claims to be the supreme ruler of the [-] floating cities in the government. Confidence cultivated by the learner.

But now, in this Blood Fire City, there are millions of people with scales, all of whom are hunter-level, completely overturning the three views of the three representatives of the Floating Void City.

"What the hell are they?" the Lent representative muttered.

It is obviously impossible for the millions of scale people to be mutated from wastelanders, but if the residents of this city are not wastelanders, where did they come from, or what race they belong to.

"A frog in a well doesn't know the vastness of the world!"

Suddenly, Representative Lent let out an exclamation. He recalled the confrontation with the Starscream organization for so many years, and couldn't help shaking his head.

"Maybe for us, the world is not what we imagined."

The representative of Lent murmured, "The doomsday has come for 100 years. We only know that the cause of all this is radiation, but we don't know where the radiation comes from, and we don't know much about the Starscream organization."

"And now, there is one more scaled man!"

"Perhaps, human beings are no longer suitable to be the rulers of this world."

Hearing the exclamation of the representative of Lent, the representatives of Bear Heart and Graycastle fell into silence. Since the end of the world, there are too many things that have become existences that they cannot understand.

"The unequal information is also one of the main reasons why we have been at a disadvantage with the Starscream organization for so many years!" After a long while, the representative of Lent spoke slowly, ": We have been fighting against the Starscream organization for so many years. Knowing that they have high technology, but not knowing where it comes from."

"Perhaps just as the group of scientists deduced, the Starscream organization is controlled by alien creatures!"

"At present, this possibility is very high!" The representative of Graycastle also nodded, gently lifted the glasses on the tip of his nose with his fingers, took a deep breath, and said, "The scientific and technological level of the Starscream organization far surpasses the foundation of the sea blue world. , apart from alien technology, I really can't think of other possibilities."

"If there are aliens behind Starscream, will the controllers of these scaled people be humans?" Representative Xiongxin said suddenly, "The behavior of the scaled people in Mogu Forest has already represented their position , is an enemy of the Starscream organization, that's why Floating Void City sent us to recruit them."

"The original plan was to win over the other party to the Hope government."

"But now it seems that the plan is about to change." Representative Xiong Xin said in a calm tone.

The Hope Government originally thought that the reason why Bloodfire City's army was able to defeat Starscream was largely due to the fact that it contained Starscream. Bloodfire City's victory was due to a lot of luck, so it planned to recruit Bloodfire City to join the Hope Government.

And now it seems that is obviously not the case.

The overall strength of Blood Fire City seems to be far superior to the Hope Government. Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly a dream to recruit the other party, and even whether the two parties can reach a cooperation depends on the attitude of Blood Fire City.

"Don't be too discouraged!"

At this moment, Xiongxin Floating Void City suddenly spoke, and said in a deep voice, "Bloodfire City and the Starscream organization are indeed very powerful, but don't forget that we still have a plan for giants. Once this plan is successful, all human beings will have giants." ability to transform."

"The age of giants!"

"At that time, the technology of the Starscream organization is powerful, so what about all the hunters of the scales in Bloodfire City? Even the most ordinary ten-meter-level giants will far surpass the silver hunters who control mechas."

"Now we can only pin our hopes on the Giant Project!"

Representative Lent sighed faintly. Facing the threat of Starscream, he hoped that the government's only chance would be the Giant Project. Currently, the government is studying how to keep ordinary giants rational.

And once this plan is successful, it will mean that mankind has entered the age of giants.

At that time, I hope that the government will really have a chance to contend with Starscream, but before anything else, they need to withstand Starscream's attack first, so that the giant plan can be implemented smoothly.

"Cooperate with Bloodfire City to obtain more information."

After a long while, the representative of Lent took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Human beings are still in the most superficial understanding of the nature of the world. If the scaled people in Blood Fire City are really alien civilizations, for us It’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

"At least let us know more!"

"Even, about the origin of the Starscream organization, the reason for the doomsday, and the giant potion that was suddenly developed."

While the three floating city representatives were talking, the door of the hall was suddenly pushed open.

Ulea and Enzo walked in, and the three of them stopped talking immediately, and looked at Enzo behind Ulea, and saw that the other party maintained a human form, not covered with scales like the evil ghosts. All relieved.

They were still considering whether the owner of Bloodfire City was human.

Now it seems that Enzo maintains a human form and does not seem to be an alien creature, but he does not know what method he used to control those scales.

"Hope three representatives of the government."

After entering the hall, Yulea spoke first, saying, "This is the ruler of the Black Blood Plain, Your Excellency Enzo, since you hope that the government intends to cooperate with us, why not sit down and study it."

Saying that, Uriah fetched a chair.

Enzo slowly sat on it, looking at several representatives of the Floating Void City. The three sitting around the round table should represent the Hope Government, and the wild hunters behind are obviously bodyguards.

"Your Excellency Enzo, hello, I am the representative of Lent Floating Void City."

"I am the representative of Xiongxin Floating Void City."

"Greycastle Floating City pays tribute to you!"

The three representatives of the Floating Void City got up one by one to introduce themselves, and at the same time expressed their respect to Enzo. It is hoped that none of the people sent by the government will be fools. Therefore, after understanding the strength of the Blood Fire City, no one dared to underestimate the person in front of him. man.

"Hello, representatives of the Floating Void City."

With a calm expression on his face, Enzo said slowly, "Let me just say it directly, what is the purpose of you guys coming today?"

The three representatives looked at each other, as if they didn't expect Enzo to be so direct.

But soon, they realized that the representative of Lent Floating Void City had a friendly smile on his face, and said, "I heard that there has been friction between the Bloodfire City and the Starscream organization in Mogu Forest recently. real."

Enzo nodded expressionlessly.

"Since Your Excellency Enzo doesn't want to talk nonsense, let's go straight to the point." Representative Xiongxin stood up and said in a deep voice, "As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is my friend. The Starscream organization has been at war with the Hope government for many years. Your Excellency Enzo also understands that when we face the same enemy, we should naturally share the same hatred!"

(End of this chapter)

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