Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 585 Decision Making

Chapter 585 Decision Making
For a wizard, time is important but not important.

After merging the soul of the War Ghost World with the Heart of the World, Enzo can be promoted to the fourth-level wizard, and his life will no longer be restricted. As long as the War Ghost World is not destroyed, he can even live forever.

Therefore, spending some time in the sea blue world is not a big deal.

" really don't plan to form an alliance with the Hope government?" At this moment, Ulea who was on the side suddenly asked.

Enzo looked up.

"Although the Government of Hope is now suppressed by the Starscream, they are still the only political power." Ulea hesitated, and said, "If we can become allies with the Government of Hope, it will be a great deal for the blood fire." For the city, it is undoubtedly a great help!"

"Hope's government will join forces with Bloodfire City, but not as an ally, but as a subsidiary force." After hearing Ulea's words, Enzo looked calm, and said, "The Starscream organization's attack on Hope's government has reached a full-scale attack. With the strength of the hoped government, it is impossible to resist."

"Don't worry, Uriah."

"While hoping the government rejected me today, they will change their mind soon, we just have to be patient."

The corners of Enzo's lips twitched, and a smile appeared on his face.

At this time, his heart suddenly moved.

"Look, here we come!"

Enzo raised his head, his eyes flickered slightly, the whole Blood Fire City was under his control, so he saw a figure who had left the Blood Fire City and was sneaking back.

"Representative Lunt is asking to see Your Excellency Enzo."

Outside the high tower of Bloodfire City, the representative of Lent, who was completely covered in a black robe, said loudly that he did not go with the other two representatives, and seemed to have different ideas about whether to surrender to Bloodfire City.

"come in!"

With a soft sound, the gate at the entrance of the tower opened automatically. The representative of Lent took a deep breath and walked in.

Not long after, in the reception hall.

"Representative Lunt has gone and returned. Is there something wrong?" Enzo asked calmly.

Regarding the return of the representatives of the Hope Government, Enzo had already expected it in his heart. Although the Hope Government is a collection in name, it is actually composed of different floating cities.

Each floating city faces a different situation, and the pressure it bears is naturally different.

Facing the conditions proposed by Enzo, representatives of Bear Heart and Graycastle could resolutely refuse, mainly because they did not have a dead end, so they still had more opportunities to choose.

As for Lent Floating Void City, it is different.

This floating city is currently the main target of the Starscream organization's attack, so the pressure it bears is naturally greater than the other two floating cities.

Although both Bearheart Floating City and Graycastle Floating City will help Lent Floating City in the face of Starscream's attack, they are extremely limited.

To put it simply, so far, Lent Floating Void City is under the greatest pressure facing Starscream, and it is also the one among the three representatives who is most eager to form an alliance with Bloodfire City.

It is for this reason that the representative of Lunt has gone and returned.

"On behalf of Lent Floating Void City, I hope to talk to His Excellency Enzo again!" The representative of Lent took a deep breath and said in a heavy tone.

"What else is there to talk about?"

Enzo sneered, with a playful look in his eyes, he said casually, "Haven't you already rejected my request?"

"To be precise, I hope the government has rejected you." The representative of Lent shook his head and said in a deep voice, "It's not Lent Floating City?"


Enzo frowned, and said in a low voice, "Is there any difference?"

"Of course!"

The representative of Lent took a deep breath and said, "The threats faced by the three major floating cities are different. The ideas of Xiongxin Floating Void City and Graycastle Floating Void City are different from our Lent Floating Void City."

" are not here to represent the Hope Government, but the Lent Floating Void City?" Enzo said with a half-smile on his face, "Aren't you betraying the Hope Government by doing this?"

"Betrayal? Hmph!"

The representative of Lunt sneered, shook his head and said, "The threat of Starscream is imminent, but I hope that the government will not be united."

"Everyone knows that Lent Floating Void City will fall in at most three months, but Xiongxin Floating Void City and Graycastle Floating Void City are still preserving their strength and are unwilling to give all their support!"

"Such behavior, isn't it a betrayal of the original intention of wanting the government to be established?"

Enzo's eyes flickered, and his thoughts changed.

"I appear here now. All my actions have nothing to do with the Hope government. I purely represent the Lent Floating Void City. I hope that Your Excellency Enzo can help us. In return, the Lent Floating Void City can become your subsidiary force!"

Representative Lunt spoke slowly, explaining his purpose.

"Lent Floating Void City is willing to surrender to me?" Enzo asked.

"If possible, Lent Floating Void City still hopes to form an alliance with Bloodfire City." The representative of Lent smiled bitterly, shook his head and said: "However, I am very clear that with the strength of Lent Floating Void City, I am not qualified to cooperate with Your Excellency Enzo." Alliance of equals."

"Therefore, Lent Floating Void City can surrender!"

"But the premise of all this is that Bloodfire City will help Lent Floating City to repel the Starscream forces attacking Lent Floating City. At the same time, we will not hand over the core of Aurain."

After all, Representative Lunt was a little apprehensive.

"Keep the core of Aurain? It's impossible." Enzo resolutely refused. The most precious thing in the sea blue world is the core of Aurain, which is also an indispensable item for merging the heart of the world, so it is impossible for Enzo to give up.

Since Lent Floating Void City decided to submit to itself, they must hand over their Orain Core to prevent it from being taken away by the Starscream organization.

"It's not that the Floating Void City of Lent is unwilling to hand over the core of Aurain, but we also have difficulties." Hearing Enzo's resolute refusal, the representative of Lent sighed with a bitter expression on his face.

"Your Excellency Enzo should be very clear that the core of Aurain is the core energy source of the Floating Void City. Once the entire Floating Void City is taken away, it will crash."

"Even if I agree to hand over Aurain's core to you now, it is impossible for other high-level officials in Lent Floating City to agree to this."

Lent stands for humility.

But Enzo was unmoved by this. The core of Aurain is a must-have item for merging the heart of the world, and it is also a strategic plan to conquer the sea blue world, so there will be no compromise.

"I am determined to obtain the core of Aurain."

After a long while, Enzo pondered for a moment, and said, "But as you said, the core of Aurain is the energy core of the floating city. Without it, the floating city will also fall to the ground."

"In that case, let's do it!"

"I will open up an area on the Wasteland Continent where the survivors of Lent's Floating Void City can live, so you won't need the Floating Void City anymore."

Representative Lunt's face changed, and he seemed to be in hesitation.

Losing the floating city means becoming a wastelander.

In a short period of time, there may not be much impact, but living in the wasteland for a period of time will definitely have various impacts due to radiation.

If it was a few years ago, it would be impossible for any celestial person to give up the floating city and allow himself to be reduced to a wastelander suffering from radiation pollution all the time.

But now, it's different.

The existence of the Starscream organization has put the Floating Void City in a precarious situation. The incident that the Redstone Floating Void City was pierced by a magic cannon has already spread throughout human society.

Since the magic cannon can destroy the Redstone Floating City, it means that the Starscream Organization has the ability to destroy any Floating City.

This is especially true for Lent Floating City!
Starscream's threat was imminent, if Lent Floating Void City couldn't get support, then it was almost inevitable that it would fall.

It is hoped that other floating cities of the government can pin their hopes on the Giant Project, but Lent Floating City does not have this condition, because their time is too late.

In at most three months, Lent Floating Void City would be defeated by Starscream, including the five small Floating Void Cities attached to it.

"Is there no room for negotiation?"

The representative of Lent took a deep breath, trying to make a last effort, and said, "Lent Floating Void City has decided to surrender to you. Perhaps, Your Excellency Enzo, there is no need to take away the core of Aurain that originally belonged to you!"

"Let the core of Aurain stay in the floating city, it also belongs to His Excellency Enzo."

Hearing what Representative Lent said, Enzo shook his head.

"You don't understand anything at all."

With an expression on Enzo's face, he said in a deep voice, "The reason why the Starscream organization attacked the Floating Void City was for the core of Aurain. As long as the core of Aurain is still in the Floating Void City, even with my help, You temporarily repelled Starscream, and they will make a comeback to seize the core of Aurain!"

"Only by handing over the core of Aurain to me can you obtain real security."


The representative of Lent was still very hesitant. Handing over the core of Aurain would mean losing the floating city, and at the same time, millions of heavenly beings would become wastelanders.

The first threat facing the people of the wasteland is the ubiquitous and terrible radiation. After the millions of heavenly beings in the floating city of Lent come to the wasteland, how many people will die because they cannot withstand the radiation.

Thinking of the terrible radiation, even the representative of Lent, who is a hunter, felt his scalp tingle and was unwilling to bear the consequences.

"If you are worried about the threat of radiation, then maybe you don't have to." At this moment, Enzo suddenly said: "The Mogu Forest that originally belonged to the Starscream organization has been taken down by me. There is the entire sea blue world, and the radiation is the weakest." One of the several regions, if Lent Floating Void City is willing to hand over the core of Aurain, I can place you there!"

"Mogu Forest?"

After hearing Enzo's words, Representative Lent raised his head abruptly, and asked in surprise, "Is it the rumored place where Bloodfire City and Starscream fought?"

Enzo nodded, and said, "Perhaps the radiation from the Mogu Forest is stronger than that of the Floating City, but it will not cause the mass death of the residents of the Lent Floating City."

"You don't have to worry about that."

After reassuring Representative Lent, Enzo said in an unquestionable tone, "I need to explain one thing in advance. Although the environment of Mogu Forest is suitable for human survival, the space is limited after all. Even if a shelter is built there , and it is impossible to accommodate all human beings."

"Therefore, only the Floating City that joins me first can get the right to live in Mogu Forest. You should understand what I mean!"

The representative of Lent nodded, his face became extremely serious, and said in a deep voice, "I have another question. If Lent Floating Void City surrenders to Bloodfire City, abandons Floating Void City and surrenders the core of Aurain, and all members go to Morocco The ancient forest lives, so Your Excellency Enzo, will you provide us with shelter?"

"What do you mean?" Enzo frowned slightly.

"Please don't misunderstand, Your Excellency Enzo." Representative Lunt quickly waved his hand and said, "You should be very clear that after losing the Floating Void City, we have lost all our trump cards. Impossible to have the power to fight back!"

"Therefore, if the residents of Lent Floating Void City want to survive and live in the wasteland continent, they must be protected by powerful forces."

"For example... the alien race humans under your command!"

The meaning of Lent’s representative is obvious. Humans who have lost the floating city cannot resist the attack of Starscream on the Wasteland Continent. If they choose to surrender to Enzo and live in Mogu Forest, Enzo must provide Help and shelter.

This is a very reasonable request.

However, in Enzo's plan, after the Lent Floating City is placed in the Mogu Forest, he will not send a large number of evil ghost troops to protect it like a nanny. If the Lent people want to survive in the wasteland, they must Rely on yourself.

"I will not mobilize the evil ghost army to protect you in Mogu Forest." Enzo shook his head.

Representative Lunt's expression changed.

The conditions just now were very reasonable, but the response he got was still refusal, which made Lent feel waver again on behalf of the heart that had already made a decision.

However, at this moment.

"However, if you are attacked by the Starscream organization, I can provide some help." Enzo said slowly.

"Just some help?"

Feeling Enzo's perfunctory, the representative of Lunt couldn't help showing a bit of bitterness on his face, and sighed, "I'm afraid it may not be able to block the attack of Starscream, right?"

"That's not necessarily true." Enzo shook his head, and then said, "I hope the government isn't carrying out the Giant Project? Lunt Floating Void City plus five other small floating cities, the total population should reach about 3 million?"

"After the entire population has turned into giants, the Starscream organization may not dare to act rashly, right?"

"Your Excellency Enzo also knows about the Giant Project?"

The representative of Lent was slightly taken aback, but then realized that the giant's plan to be in the sea blue world was not a secret in itself, and even the formula of the medicine had already flowed to the outside world.

"The power of giants is indeed great."

The representative of Lent took a deep breath and sighed, "However, there is still a fatal flaw in this plan, that is, the giants cannot maintain their sanity. Such a flaw means that the giants will not be able to form an army and compete with the Starscream organization!"

(End of this chapter)

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