Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 587 The Exclusion of the World

Chapter 587 The Exclusion of the World

That is the rejection of the will of the world!

Although Seablue World is a plane of science and technology, the rules of the world have very little suppression on alien races, but as more and more evil spirits enter Seablue World, Seablue World's will gradually rejects them, and even the rules begin to change.

Even not long ago, the evil ghost army that was transferred from the war ghost world to the sea blue world all showed reactions to varying degrees. Although they were not fatal, they seriously affected their combat effectiveness.

This is the suppression of the rules of the world!

The suppression of this rule will only target alien creatures, but will not have any impact on the native creatures in the sea blue world.

That's why, the Starscream organization obviously has extremely powerful technological means, but still chooses to control puppets or create biochemical humans as their spokesperson in this world.

The reason is very simple, because to the will of the sea blue world, goblins are also alien creatures, but compared with thousands of evil ghosts, goblins are like some moths.

The will of the world pays far less attention to them than the evil ghosts.

"If you want to seize the control of Hailan World without being suppressed by the will of the world, it seems that you still need the help of Hailan natives!" Enzo's eyes flickered.

Before the suppression of the rules of the sea blue world appeared, his original plan was to send up to [-] million evil spirits to the sea blue world through the portal, as the basis for his conquest of this land.

But now it looks like the plans clearly need to change!
The 30 million evil ghosts have descended on this world one after another, which has attracted the attention of the will of the world. If more soldiers of the evil ghosts continue to be sent, it will only form a more terrifying suppression.

Therefore, according to the calculation of the chip.

At most, Enzo could transport about 70 million evil ghost soldiers from the War Ghost World. That would be the limit that Seablue World's will could tolerate, and it wouldn't bring Enzo any terrible trouble.

In the current sea blue world, Enzo only has 20 million evil ghosts and about 10 million sea blue soldiers. Even with the addition of 70 million evil ghosts, it is still difficult to defeat Starscream.

Therefore, it is inevitable to cooperate with the Government of Hope, but since Enzo has decided to conquer the sea blue world, it is naturally impossible for the Government of Hope to maintain its original status.

Bloodfire City will replace the hope government and become the hope of the sea blue people, and the political rights of the wasteland people will be concentrated.

"Next, just wait patiently."

Enzo's eyes shone brightly, and he muttered to himself in a low voice, hoping that the government had almost nowhere to go under Starscream's suppression, so cooperating with him was their only choice.


Hope the government, Lent Floating City.

The floating city floating in the sky is like a huge fortress. It is not affected and threatened by radiation, and it is like a paradise for those wastelanders who are struggling in the doomsday.

Yorick once thought so too.

The people selected by the Hope Government are the last hope of the entire human race. They live on the floating city, retaining the purest blood of human beings, and they are also the masters of the sea blue world.

More than once, Yorick stood on the edge of the floating city and looked down. Through the binoculars, he saw the wastelanders on the surface, struggling to survive, and even killing each other with a piece of bread. Yorick felt extremely twisted pleasure in his heart.

The world has come to an end, but the people living in the floating city are different.

They don't need to work hard to survive, as long as they abide by the rules of the floating city, they can live safely above the sky, high above like gods, overlooking the wasteland below.

Yorick was content with a life like that.

Until later, Starscream appeared, that organization that inexplicably appeared in the sea blue world, rose at an incredible speed, and defeated one floating city after another before the people in the sky could react.

After that, the remaining floating cities immediately set up a government of hope, but even so, they still couldn't stop the Starscream organization.

More and more floating cities were defeated by Starscream, hoping that the government's control over the world would become weaker and weaker.

Just when the Hope government was almost in despair, struggling between surrender and continued resistance, the Giant Potion was developed.

I hope that the government is not clear about the reason for the successful research and development of the giant potion because of the help of the will of the world, but they are very clear that the giant plan is the last hope for mankind to fight against the red spider.

A low-cost giant potion is enough to give ordinary people the power of a giant, and by virtue of their size advantage, they will explode with amazing strength.

However, it is a pity that while the giant potion endows humans with great strength, it cannot keep them rational.

It is precisely because of this that I hope that the government will not use the giant potion on a large scale, and can only rely on the special ace giant to temporarily resist the attack of the red spider, and at the same time speed up the research progress of the giant potion.

"The giant potion is already the last hope of mankind, it must not fail!"

Yorick's eyes shone with determination.

He walked steadily on the streets of the floating city, and the residents of the floating city he met on the way saluted, but Yorick didn't care about them.

Not long after, a huge building appeared in front of him.

This place is already located in the core area of ​​Lent Floating Void City, the Lent Research Institute, which is also the research center of the Giant Project.

Yorick took a few steps forward.

He skillfully took out a card from his pocket, swiped it at the access control of the research institute, and a scan appeared on the blue light screen. After confirming Yorick's identity, the door made of tempered explosion-proof glass opened.

Yorick walked right in.

"Good afternoon, Lord Yorick!" In the laboratory of the research institute, several scientists in white clothes greeted Yorick after seeing him.

"How about the task entrusted to you?"

Yorick's face was serious, the threat from the Starscream organization was approaching every step of the way, and the floating city of Lent was in danger every day, so Yorick was very depressed.

"This one……"

When the person in charge of the research institute heard Yorick's straightforward question, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, and he said hesitantly, "I'm will take some more time."

Yorick frowned, and said in a deep voice, "When I asked you three days ago, you seemed to answer me the same way, right?"

The person in charge lowered his head, his expression struggling.

"Speak directly if you have anything to say, don't be vague here!" Yorick looked unhappy, and reprimanded, "The task I entrusted to you is related to the safety of Lent Floating City, and even the entire Hope Government. No accidents!"

"Now let me ask you one last question, how long will it take before you can develop the kind of fanatic potion that can keep the giants sane?"

The threat of the Starscream organization put Yorick in a very bad mood, so even though he usually respects the scientists of the institute, he couldn't help but raise his voice a little at this moment.

The person in charge of the research institute looked hesitant, and finally took a deep breath, and said, "Since Master Yorick said so, then I can no longer hide it from you."

"I'm very sorry, I'm afraid I don't have the ability to research the potion of fanaticism that can give the giant sanity."

The person in charge had some remorse on his face.

"What?" Yorick's face changed slightly, he grabbed the person in charge by the collar, and roared angrily, "I can't research the potion that gives the giant sanity, what are you kidding!?"

"How did you tell me?"

"Using the potion from Bloodfire City as a sample, within a maximum of one month, you can develop a copy version of the fanatic potion!"

"It's been two months now, and you actually said this to me? Could it be that everything you said before was lying to me? You bastard!!"

Seeing that the emaciated head of the institute was arrested by Yorick, the scientists and assistants beside him hurried forward to dissuade him.

"Damn bastard!"

Yorick gritted his teeth, wishing he could skin and kill the person in charge, but the last trace of reason left in his heart made him suppress the anger in his heart.

"What's the problem with the medicine?"

Yorick took a deep breath, put the person in charge of the research institute down, and asked, "Hal, you are the best scientist in Lent Floating City, and even the best of all human beings. As a sample, why can’t you even replicate this potion?”

Hal bit his lip, remorse written all over his face.

A month ago, Yorick, the representative of Lent Floating Void City, returned from Bloodfire City and brought back the Frenzy Potion. Hal took over the research project of Frenzy Potion with confidence.

As the head of the Lent Floating City Research Institute, Hal is almost the best scientist in mankind. He is very confident in himself and believes that he can easily reproduce this potion with the fanatic potion as a sample.

In that case, the giant project of Lent Floating Void City can preempt the entire Hope Government, and Hal can even use this to become a hero of mankind, thus changing the pattern of the world.

It's a pity that when the research on the fever potion started, Hal found that he was very wrong.

As the top human scientist, Hal understands all the elements of the world, and believes that even if the zealot potion can give the giant sanity, it is only formed by different material elements according to different arrangements.

"I was wrong, everything was wrong."

Hal muttered to himself, his eyes became confused. What he discovered while studying the ecstasy potion even made Hal subvert his own three views.

"What's the problem?" Yorick couldn't help but sink in his heart.

"There are many factors that shouldn't exist in the formula of the zealot potion." Hal turned pale and murmured, "I don't know what the names of these ingredients are, and I don't know how they are arranged. These elements are like Appeared out of nowhere."

"I even suspect that the ingredients of the Zealot Potion do not belong to this world at all!"

Hal shook his head blankly.

At this time, Yorick's heart moved. As one of the three representatives who went to Bloodfire City, he had a long conversation with Enzo, so he had some understanding of Bloodfire City.

One of the most critical points is about the identity of the evil ghost clan.

"He didn't lie!"

Yorick's heart trembled, and the conversation with Hal made him more convinced that the alien race in Bloodfire City did not belong to the sea blue world.

That's another civilization!
"It's no wonder the Lord of Bloodfire City is so confident. Lent Floating Void City can't develop the potion of fanaticism, because the material of this potion comes from another world." Yorick's thoughts flashed in his mind.

After a while, he took a deep breath.

Since the materials used to make the potion of fanaticism come from another world, it is impossible to reproduce it with the ability of the sea blue world. This means that if Lent Floating Void City wants to obtain the ability to give the giant sanity, it must rely on Blood Fire City.

"Hal, give me that frenzy potion from before." Yorick sighed helplessly.


Hal was slightly taken aback, and quickly asked, "Are you planning to give up your previous plan if you want to take away the potion of fanaticism?"

Yorick nodded.

"But like this, how do we deal with Starscream? Give me a little more time, maybe we can succeed?" Hal tried the last attempt.

As one of the leaders of the giant project, Hal is even more eager than Yorick to develop a potion that gives the giant sanity. Although the effect of the frenzy potion has not been verified, it seems that Bloodfire City has no reason to deceive Yorick.

"No need, the previous mission is cancelled."

Yorick shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "Since the materials for making the Frenzy Potion cannot be fully assembled, there is no point in continuing the experiment. Let me verify the effect of the Fever Potion."

"If it can endow giants with sanity, as the Lord of Bloodfire City said, maybe we can only cooperate with Bloodfire City."

Yorick shook his head, with a look of reluctance on his face, and said, "Although I'm not willing to give up the floating city and go to the wasteland to become a wastelander, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Starscream has breached another floating city, and we don't have much time left. If we don't want to fall into the worst situation, then we have to make a choice."

Hal's expression changed slightly, and he hesitated even more.

"Greycastle Floating Void City and Bear Heart Floating Void City have promised to give us support, can't they still fight against Starscream?"

"Surrendering to the Bloodfire City means losing the Floating Void City, and everyone will be reduced to wasteland. At least half of them may die because they cannot withstand the threat of radiation."

"Is there no other way?"

Yorick shook his head, a sneer-like expression appeared on his face, and said, "Don't count on the Bearheart Floating City and the Graycastle Floating City anymore. Facing the threat of the Starscream, they have already put in all their efforts to protect themselves. How could that be possible?" How about giving us enough support?"

"Greycastle Floating Void City and Bear Heart Floating Void City, the reason why there is no dead end now is because of the geographical location, the threat of Starscream is not approaching for the time being."

"Only Bloodfire City can help us, and this is the only chance. If we don't seize it, the ending of Lent Floating Void City may be like that of Redstone Floating Void City!"

(End of this chapter)

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