Chapter 6 Iron Box
At noon, in the castle, in the study.

"This war was led by Lord O'Quinn himself, and the direwolf family did not have a great knight to sit in command, so the casualties in the army were not large." Parist stood in front of the desk and reported the casualties of the war, "The soldiers who died were in accordance with the usual practice. Pensions were given, and the injured were treated and compensated."

"Very well, how about the spoils count?"

"The inventory has been roughly completed, please have a look, young master." Paris handed over a paper slip.

After receiving the paper slip, Enzo looked over.

Summarized the loot information and the quantity report, it recorded that the loot was divided into two categories, among which gold coins, silverware and other property were divided into one category, and the slaves plundered in the war were divided into one category according to gender and age.

"Did the army still plunder slaves?"

After Enzo recorded the information in his brain with a chip, he threw the paper aside and asked.

"Yes." Paris nodded and said in a deep voice, "When attacking Wolfheart Town, the army encountered very strong resistance, so after the breakthrough, Lord O'Quinn ordered the soldiers to plunder at will, almost destroying Wolfheart Town. All the civilians were turned into slaves."

"Is that so." Enzo rubbed his forehead and asked with some headaches, "According to the previous rules, how do you deal with these slaves?"

"Under normal circumstances, some of the slaves plundered in wars will be given to meritorious soldiers, and the rest will be transported to the Golden City for sale." Parisette replied, and then suggested, "However, now that winter is approaching, the price of slaves is At the lowest time of the year, it is better to send them to the iron mines than to sell them cheaply."

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Enzo nodded.

The iron mine was the fuse of the war between Kai Yuan and the giant wolf. Now that the war is won, the iron mine must be well developed, and all the slaves will be sent to the mine, which just solves the problem of the shortage of labor in the mine.

"Is there anything else to report?"

"The issue of maintaining stability after the war is roughly the same, but winter is coming. According to the past rules, Kaiyuan City should reserve food in advance, otherwise once it snows, the price of food will double."

"Then follow the usual rules."

"Okay, I'll arrange it"

The conversation between the two lasted for an hour.

In addition to the post-war issues, Parist also reported on the daily affairs of Kaiyuan City, as well as the movements of the families in the surrounding towns. Enzo made decisions one by one based on his own ideas and Parist's suggestions.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when Paris left.

Enzo ordered Daisy to prepare lunch, and after eating, Moore, the housekeeper of the castle, knocked on the door.

"What's the matter?" Enzo asked, looking at Moore not far away.

Moore, the old housekeeper who has served the Ye Fu family for more than 30 years, is now over 60 years old. His face looks a little old, but his spirit is very energetic. Meticulous, just like a gentleman.

"The property brought back from the battlefield, I have ordered the servant to count and store it in the warehouse." Old Moore bowed slightly, and said softly, "Gold coins, jewelry and other things have been counted clearly according to their value, but among the spoils, there are still I found something special, so I will report to you."

"Something special?"

"It's a locked black iron box. I don't know what's in it." Moore looked a little helpless, and sighed, "The lock on that iron box is very strange. The best locksmith in the city can't do anything. The servants I also tried using a hammer, but I couldn't shake it at all."

"That's all?" Enzo was a little surprised.

"Not only that." Moore shook his head slightly, and said solemnly, "The surface of that black iron box is covered with strange patterns. Anyone who gets close to it feels very uncomfortable. The whole body was cold, and one even fell into a coma, and it took a while to wake up."

"Oh?" Enzo became a little interested, "Where is that box now?"

"In the treasury, the servants have been ordered to store it separately."

"Find two strong male servants and bring the iron box over." Enzo ordered.

"As you wish, master." Old Moore bowed and exited the room.

After a while, two strong male servants carried an iron box into the second floor of the castle.

The pitch-black iron box was about the same size as a normal box, but the surface was covered with purple textures. It looked weird and mysterious, and exuded a faintly cold atmosphere. Even though it was far away, Enzo still felt faintly uncomfortable.

Going forward, Enzo leaned over and tried to open it.

The lock that locks the iron box has a weird shape, an oval cylindrical flat body, without even a keyhole, and dozens of small rotating parts on the surfaces on both sides. You can change their positions with your fingers, as if containing A certain law gives people a sense of ancient machinery.

"A combination lock?" Enzo thought of the combination lock on Earth.

The mechanism to lock the iron box is obviously on those small parts. It seems that only by arranging them in the correct order can the iron box be opened.

"Although there are only a dozen parts, according to different arrangements, there are at least a thousand possibilities." Enzo stroked his chin, the corners of his lips raised: "It's no wonder that the locksmiths in the city are helpless."

"Chip, analyze the arrangement of the combination lock, and formulate a deciphering plan!"

If you try again and again with your brainpower, you may not be able to decipher the combination lock for half a month. Fortunately, Enzo has a smart chip. As long as you scan the combination lock back and forth, and then analyze the possibility of its arrangement, you can get the correct answer soon.

"The analysis is completed during the analysis!"

The smart chip operates very fast, and after a short calculation, it gives the answer.

"Next, let's see what's in it?"

Enzo was eager to try, rubbed his palms, and according to the arrangement analyzed by the chip, he turned the small parts on the combination lock. After several turns, he heard a light click, the combination lock popped open, and the iron box opened at the same time. , A gloomy chill suddenly hit the face.

"It's so cold!" Enzo couldn't help shivering, feeling the temperature in the room drop instantly.

Looking towards the inside of the iron box, the space inside is mostly occupied by black books, neatly stacked, other than that there are only three purple crystals that are somewhat similar to Rubik's cube, and a fist-sized, translucent crystal. light blue skeleton skull.

(End of this chapter)

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