Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 607 Ready to leave

Chapter 607 Ready to leave
"I don't know what's going on in the forest world?"

Recalling the experience of the first expedition and the events of his apprenticeship, Enzo couldn't help but have a look of nostalgia on his face.

After the expedition in the forest world ended, the phantom of the crows took over that plane.

As the head of the college, Frosley will integrate the heart of the world, so as to promote the fourth-level wizard of all souls, and lead the college to a more glorious era. However, Enzo is very aware of the difficulty of merging the heart of the world.

Floresley does not have a soul chip, such a god-level auxiliary function, so even if the expedition of the Phantom of Crows is over, it will take at least a long time for him to integrate the heart of the world.

Even, Enzo speculates that he has been promoted to the fourth-level wizard of all souls, and Florsley may not have completed the fusion of the heart of the forest world.

Afterwards, Enzo shook his head.

Dispelling the thoughts in his mind, he looked forward. The god of giants, Lena, was still half-kneeling on the ground, waiting for the instruction of the wizard of all spirits. Lena was promoted to a god with the help of Enzo, so he became his Followers have no psychological burden.

"The expedition to the sea blue world has ended."

After a while, Enzo spoke slowly, sitting high on the dark throne, looking down at the giant god below with calm eyes, and said: "I will also leave this plane soon, as for you, you need to stay and protect Ocean Blue World."

"Master Enzo, are you leaving?"

Reina suddenly raised his head, his face was a little surprised, and said: "So fast? The Starscream organization has just been defeated, and Seablue World still has a lot of things to deal with. If you leave now, what should we do?"

"Don't worry, Lena."

Enzo shook his head and said, "The biggest threat to the sea blue world has been cleaned up by us. This world will enter a state of recuperation for a long time in the future. You don't need to do anything. The nuclear will do."

"Guard the core of Aurain?" Reina asked in confusion.

After being promoted to the God of Giants, Lena already understood the meaning of Aurain's core, and knew that that thing is the core of the world, but hasn't Starscream been defeated? Why does he still need to keep himself to protect Aura? Because of the core.

In his heart, Lena didn't want to stay in the sea blue world.

After being promoted to the God of Giants, he was like a frog jumping out of a well, saw a corner of the multiverse, and couldn't wait to step into the wider sky, because he hoped to follow Enzo to the multiverse.

However, Enzo will not bring Lena with him when he leaves Seablue World.

Although the expedition to the sea blue world is over and Starscream has been defeated, the number of Aurain's cores has only been collected to fifty, which obviously cannot be integrated into a complete heart of the world.

Therefore, in order to avoid the destruction of the sea blue world, Enzo must find a way to fuse the heart of the complete world within two hundred years.

In Enzo's plan, he planned to return to the wizarding world first.

After being promoted to the fourth level wizard, Enzo is already considered a strong man. Even in the northern continent of the wizarding world, he can join the Northern Council, obtain the status of a member, and even use the help of the wizarding world to solve the problems he faces.

"Before the end of the sea blue world, the energy of the heart of the world was divided into a hundred pieces, that is, all the cores of Aurain." Enzo said slowly, "If you want to fuse a complete heart of the world, I also need a hundred Aurain cores, but now I only have fifty Aurain cores in my hands."

"Under such circumstances, if the Heart of the World is forcibly fused, it will inevitably cause unpredictable consequences."

"Therefore, I must leave Seablue World."

Sitting high on the throne, Enzo looked down at Lena, and said: "And you will stay as the guardian of the sea blue world. For two hundred years, you must always guard this tower, and you must never let Aura Because of this there is no damage to the nucleus."

"I understand!" Lena said in a deep voice.

Afterwards, Enzo explained some things, told Lena the precautions for guarding the core of Aurain, and gave the other party a mark, which can contact him at any time in case of accidents.

"Leina will never let down the trust of the adults!" The giant god said firmly.


Bloodfire City, a high tower.

In the solemn meeting hall, beside the huge crystal round table, ten figures sat around, quietly waiting for something.

These ten people are already the last ace giants in the sea blue world.

After the last battle in the city of Mosta, although Enzo appeared in time, the cruelty of the war still caused some ace giants to fall. In the end, only ten ace giants including Yulea survived.

"The city lord summoned us, what is it for?"

Hilary sat next to Buck and whispered, "It's been three months since the last war in the city of Mosta. The ace giants are all gathered together. Is there any major event going to happen?"

"Who knows?" Buck was also a little apprehensive.

Three months have passed since the final battle in the city of Mosta. During this time, the ace giants have been recuperating and recovering from the injuries they suffered on the battlefield. But just last night, they suddenly received a call from Enzo. Order, all ace giants were summoned to Bloodfire City.

Ulea sat on a chair, her eyes flickering.

Next to her, the giantess Nora's eyes flickered, she was thinking about something, she looked at the people in the hall with her eyes, and murmured inwardly.

After the Battle of Mosta City, there are only ten ace giants left.

Uriah the Serpent Giant, Hilary the Feather Giant, Buck the Hammer Giant, Nora the Giantess, Ivan the Shield Giant, Humphrey the Fire Giant, Darnell the Ape Giant, Elliott the Steel Giant, Seuss the Wind Giant, Thunder Giant Cage.

As the only female giant among the ten ace giants, Nora has the ability to control the mind. In a group battle, she is the most powerful existence besides the snake giant Ulea and the hammer giant Buck.

However, in the absence of ordinary giants as soldiers, the female giant's combat effectiveness is the weakest. She is not good at fighting, and she can't even compare to some gifted strange giants.

"In such a narrow space, even the ace giant's combat ability will be limited." The female giant Nora's thoughts changed, and she couldn't help thinking about it.

Throughout the history of human society.

The death of the cunning rabbit, the incidents of lackeys cooking are not uncommon, and the Starscream organization has been destroyed, so for the blood fire city, what is the meaning of the existence of the ace giants.

"Will it be..."

The female giant Nora's thoughts changed in her heart, and the expression on her face gradually became disturbed. The Starscream organization has been destroyed, but the sea blue world has not completely settled down. In order to maintain his rule, how should the master of the blood fire city decide the fate of the ace giants? What about the order.

"Even if that man wants to do something, we don't have the ability to resist."

Recalling three months ago, the man in the black robe who tore through the space and appeared above the city of Mosta, the giantess Nora couldn't help feeling a little powerless in her heart.

The All Souls Wizard with the strength of a fourth-order life body can easily defeat the terrifying Goblin Ripper, so the ace giants naturally have overwhelming power, so no matter what Enzo wants to do, the ace giants have no resistance.

Just as the giantess Nora was thinking about it, Enzo in a black robe suddenly came out and went straight to the main seat in the hall.

"Lord City Lord!"

Seeing Enzo appear, the ten ace giants stood up at the same time. Ulea looked at the figure in black robe, and complex luster flashed in his eyes. This is the real owner of Bloodfire City, and the previous body was just a clone.

Sensing the power emanating from Enzo, Uriah smiled wryly in his heart.

A wizard of all spirits with such powerful power would not be afraid of the resistance of the ace giants at all, and even Lena, who became the god of giants, was nothing more than a slightly powerful existence in his eyes.

As for the trump card giant, it is even less worth mentioning.

"Master Enzo, do you have any orders for calling us over?"

Following Enzo's appearance in the hall, among the ten ace giants, Buck, the hammer giant with the simplest mind, spoke first and asked cautiously.

Enzo nodded and looked around.

The ten figures in front of me are already the only ace giants in the sea blue world. Each of them has reached the level of a third-order life form, and the most powerful Uriah even has the qualification to hit the fourth-order.

After the end of the sea blue world came, a large amount of power of destiny was dispersed.

Nine out of ten of those powers of destiny have already been absorbed by Reina, and they have become the god of giants. If the remaining power of fate is extracted, it will only increase the fighting power of the god of giants.

Enzo didn't intend to take action against the ace giants.

He is not one of those ancient emperors, because he is afraid of the high achievements of his subordinates, he will take some ruthless methods to suppress him. As a wizard of all spirits, Enzo has absolute strength, even if all the ace giants in the sea blue world collectively come back to Enzo , he can also suppress it on his own.

This is the confidence that strength brings!

"Everyone should be clear that the last base of the Starscream organization was destroyed three months ago." After a while, Enzo said slowly, "In the near future, Seablue World will usher in a period of recovery. Coupled with the advent of the Age of Giants, it also represents the world entering a new chapter."

"In order to better manage the sea blue world, I decided to establish ten kingdoms to rule different regions."

"And the ten of you, as the only ace giants left in the world, will all gain the right to rule a kingdom!"

Enzo said calmly.

In the hall, the eyes of the ace giants lit up one after another. They all knew that Enzo summoned him to order some important matters, but they didn't expect that Enzo planned to establish ten kingdoms.

Enzo has been thinking about the system of ten kingdoms for a long time.

The area of ​​the sea blue world is very vast, so if you want to maintain the rule, you must divide it into different blocks, and each kingdom is ruled by ten ace giants, which is just enough to hold the entire sea blue world in your hands.

At the same time, the ten kingdom system, in a sense, is also a reward for the ace giants.

In the war against the Starscream organization, the ace giants also paid a great price. Some ace giants have even stayed on the battlefield forever, and the remaining ace giants are all elites.

Enzo had already planned for the rule of the sea blue world.

Just like the seven-nation system in the world of war ghosts, the ten kingdoms in the sea blue world will be ruled by an ace giant, and the most powerful snake giant, Ulea, will become the largest kingdom ruler among the ten kingdoms.

With such a system, to rule the sea blue world.

In two hundred years, Enzo needs to find a way to integrate the heart of the world, and this is enough to restore the sea blue world to its pre-apocalyptic prosperity.

"Will all be kings?"

The hammer giant Buck muttered to himself, with a flash of excitement in his eyes. Originally, he was just an ordinary resident of the floating city in the era of hopeful government. He never thought that one day he would become a king.

"Thank you, Lord Enzo, for your trust, and I will never disappoint your expectations."

At this time, the giantess Nora also quickly opened her mouth. After hearing Enzo's proposal of the system of ten kingdoms, her worries were swept away. It seems that the Lord of Bloodfire City did not plan to clean up the ace giants.

"Ten Kingdoms?"

Ulea also muttered to himself, not being able to obtain the qualification to be promoted to the god of giants has become a regret in his heart, but now, if the sea blue world implements the system of ten kingdoms, it is acceptable for him to become the master of a kingdom things.

Afterwards, Enzo snapped his fingers.

In the hall, the rays of light converged into words and patterns in mid-air, as if projected by a light curtain, and appeared in front of the ace giants. It was the map of the sea blue world, which was divided into ten pieces by lines.

Each map is marked with a name.

This represents the fiefdoms assigned to the ten ace giants. Each of the fiefdoms is different in size, but overall they are almost the same. Among them, Uriah's territory is located in the center of the world, and it is also the largest one.

"Blood Fire City?"

A hint of surprise appeared on Ulea's face. The block with his name was centered on the Black Blood Plain, and even included the Blood Fire City. The entire kingdom had a vast area, and its geographical location was also the best in the sea blue world.

To Yulea's surprise, Enzo actually granted the Black Blood Plain to himself as a territory, and it seemed that Blood Fire City was the core. This most magnificent city in the sea blue world seemed to be his main city.

"The ten-nation system will be formally implemented after today."

After a long while, Enzo spoke again, saying, "Each of you will be responsible for establishing the kingdom's system. What to do will be sent to each of you in the form of a document."

"As for me, I will leave soon."

"Lena, the god of giants, will stay in the sea blue world and become the guardian of this age of giants!"

"As for Uriah, she will become the ruler of the sea blue world."

(End of this chapter)

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