Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 615 Abyss Sacrifice

Chapter 615 Abyss Sacrifice
Night falls, and the bright moon is in the sky.

The surroundings had gradually fallen into darkness, and the three of Enzo still rode forward. Due to the discovery of the gluttony totem, Enzo, who seemed to be at ease along the way, also had a thoughtful expression on his face.

The outline of a small town appeared in the distance.

"That's Hongfeng Town." Enoch pointed forward, but a puzzled expression appeared on his face, and said, "I lived here for a while a few years ago."

"I remember that although Hongfeng Town is only a small town, due to its geographical location, its scale is almost the same as that of a city. It is very bustling at night, but what's going on now? There are no ghosts."

"Could it be too late?" Kelly asked next to her.

Enzo shook his head, his eyes lowered slightly. From the silhouette in the shadow, it can be seen that the scale of Hongfeng Town is very large, as Enoch said, almost reaching the level of a small city.

Such a small town has at least [-] residents.

However, the current Hongfeng Town is as quiet as a ghost town, and there is almost no sound coming out. This is obviously illogical, and even seems a bit weird, even at night.

"Did something happen?"

Enzo muttered to himself, but his face was very calm. As a fourth-level wizard of all spirits, his perception ability reached a terrifying level when he was in the wizarding world. Even though he was still a long way from Hongfeng Town, Enzo could feel I noticed that this kind of town exudes an extremely strong abyssal atmosphere.

"Is it the gluttonous demon god again?"

Enzo frowned slightly, and some inferences emerged in his mind. The abyssal breath emanating from Hongfeng Town was very similar to the one on the gluttony totem slate, so there must be some connection between the two.

"Another deadly wizard?"

Enzo was puzzled and thought, "Or, maybe some stupid civilians chose to sacrifice to the Abyss Demon God in order to satisfy their desires, thus triggering a large abyss incident?"

"Even the imprint of the Gluttonous Demon God appeared!"

"What the hell is going on with the Northern Council? Hasn't the Council always been very concerned about matters related to the abyss?"

En Zuo looked at Hongfeng Town in the distance and frowned slightly.

The small town in the darkness was dead silent, and the strong abyssal atmosphere was as thick as an undispelled mist. There was almost no living breath in it, which meant that the residents of this small town were almost dead.

Even in the Xingtong Kingdom, Hongfeng Town is a relatively prosperous town.

All the [-] residents here died overnight, which is already a large-scale incident. As the territory manager, the Phantom of Crows should come to deal with it as soon as possible. If it cannot be resolved, it will be reported to the Northern Council.

The parliament has always attached great importance to matters related to the abyss.

"so troublesome."

Enzo shook his head, with a displeased expression on his face. He originally thought that after returning to the wizarding world, he could relax for a while, but now that this kind of thing happened to him, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

Even though he is in the world of wizards, even if he is a sixth-level gluttonous demon god, Enzo doesn't have to be too afraid. If the other party dares to release his power into the world of wizards, the council will take action immediately, and Enzo doesn't need to do anything at all.

However, Hongfeng Town belongs to the Starlink Kingdom after all.

The Starlink Kingdom is also the territory of the Phantom of Crows. As a member of Phantom of Crows, Enzo should go to explore when encountering such a thing, otherwise it would be unreasonable.

"Master Enzo, shall we take a detour?"

Beside, Enoch asked cautiously, even if he was only a first-order wizard, he could still feel the anomaly in Hongfeng Town in the distance. Enzo could be fearless about the abyss and the gluttonous demon god, but he couldn't.

A sixth-level gluttonous demon god, even if he does not come to the wizarding world with his body, he can easily kill Enoch by sending a clone or even a projection. For a first-level wizard, the most correct way to discover such a large abyss event is to report it to parliament.

"No need." Enzo shook his head.

Now that we have met, there is no need to back down. After all, Enzo is also a fourth-order magician, and there are two planes behind him to support him. Coupled with the local advantages of the wizarding world, even if the gluttonous demon god descends, the opponent may not be able to Can cause too much threat to him.

After saying that, Enzo turned over and jumped off the horse.

He whistled lightly, and the black steed immediately turned into a squirrel, looked around in a daze, and then bounced away.

Kelly and Enoch exchanged glances, and jumped off their horses one after another.

Enzo strode towards Hongfeng Town, and the two followed closely behind. The ghost town-like town was getting closer and closer. Enoch took out his wand vigilantly, and cast several defensive spells on himself.

Before approaching the gate of Hongfeng Town, there was a sound in the darkness. Enzo looked over indifferently, and saw a strange figure crawling out.

It seemed to be a ghoul-like human being.

"Hungry...I'm so hungry!"

A wailing sound came, a man with disheveled hair, wearing tattered clothes, his legs and hands were extremely slender, but his abdomen was as big as a drum, and he put one hand into his mouth and chewed continuously. regardless of.


Enoch was stunned for a moment, feeling the aura of the man, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face. As a first-order wizard, he was sure that the creature in front of him was a pure human commoner and not a ghoul.

"Have you been infected by the breath of the abyss?"

Afterwards, Enoch frowned. The man with a belly was in an obviously abnormal state. He kept howling with hunger, and his body exuded a faint abyssal aura. This obviously meant that he had been infected by the abyssal aura.

"Mud Cage!"

Enoch flicked the wand in his hand, and on the ground not far away, the yellow soil surged into a cage, trapping the pregnant man in it.

"Tell me! What happened in Hongfeng Town?"

Enoch looked at the man with a big belly, his tone was cold and serious. He may have acted humble when facing Enzo, but as a formal wizard, when facing ordinary civilians, he looked like a high-ranking emperor.

"Hungry...I'm so hungry!"

The man with the belly didn't answer Enoch, with a pained expression on his face, he chewed his palm vigorously, as if he still couldn't satisfy his hunger, so he lay down on the cage made of soil, and started to eat.

Kelly paled slightly.

After all, she was only a second-level apprentice. Not long after she embarked on her journey as a wizard, Kelly had never seen such a weird scene. The man's abdomen continued to swell, almost to the point of exploding, but he was still desperately eating.

"Affected by the power of gluttony?"

A pensive expression appeared on Enzo's face, and the state of the man with a big belly in front of him was obviously influenced by the demon god of gluttony. In the history of the wizarding world, there have been many similar cases.

In the Second Era, wizard civilization had not yet risen.

The flames of war between gods and demons continued to spread in this world. At that time, the demon god of gluttony was already one of the seven deadly sins of the abyss. Wherever the terrible power of gluttony went, all living beings would be affected.

Once upon a time there was a tribe affected by the gluttonous demon god. Everyone was swallowed by hunger and desire and became the puppets of the gluttonous demon god. No matter how much they ate, they would always feel hungry.

"It's hopeless." Enzo shook his head.

Creatures affected by the power of gluttony have almost no possibility of liberation. Although Enzo is a fourth-level wizard, it is still very difficult to break the power of this sixth-level demon god.

The man in front of him was just a commoner, not worthy of Enzo's energy.

So, Enzo raised his finger.

The gloomy light pierced through the brows of the pregnant man, and the painful expression on his face finally disappeared, replaced by a feeling of relief.

Enzo thought about it.

The soul of the man with a belly turned into a spot of light and fell into Enzo's palm. He felt the energy of the soul and instantly obtained all the memories of the man's life.

After a while, Enzo opened his eyes again.

"A sacrifice by a fallen wizard?"

Enzo muttered to himself, but his eyes became more dignified. From the memory of the man with a belly, Enzo knew everything that happened in Hongfeng Town. This was a plan carefully planned by a fallen wizard. Thousands of residents performed a sacrifice at the cost.

Just like what happened in Giethoorn.

The fallen wizards who appeared in Hongfeng Town, in order to achieve certain goals, chose to make a deal with the Abyss Demon God, and through the power of the altar, they released the breath of the Gluttonous Demon God into the wizard world.

"It's just trying to die!" Enzo's eyes became colder.

The iron law recognized in the wizarding world, those who trade with the abyss demons will not end well in the end, but in order to satisfy the desire in their hearts, there are always people who break this iron law like moths to a flame.

It has been two epochs since the rise of wizard civilization, and only [Fallen Supreme] Bhula, the King of Fallen Wizards who has reached the seventh level, has not only betrayed the wizard world, It also caused a lot of damage to the demon gods in the abyss world.

The current King of Fallen, Bushula, is already a top existence in the multiverse.

Whether it is the demon gods of the abyss world or the supreme beings of the wizard world, they all have murderous intentions towards Busula, but they are helpless. The existence of life forms that have reached the seventh level is already the most powerful life in the multiverse. No one can fall easily.

"Master Enzo, what shall we do?"

Enoch clenched the wand in his hand, and couldn't help feeling nervous in his heart. It seemed that Enzo had decided to intervene in the affairs of Hongfeng Town, which meant that they might face a battle.

And the opponent is naturally the minion of the Gluttonous Demon God.

As soon as the words fell, there was a roar in the distance.

Under the night, clusters of dark green flames appeared, and in Hongfeng Town, more than a dozen monsters lying on the ground crawled out. They were distorted in shape, like wild beasts, with sharp teeth and claws, and an astonishingly large abdomen. .

"Gluttony?" Enzo frowned.

After [-] residents of Hongfeng Town were sacrificed, the aura of the abyss gluttonous demon god had already infected this area. The civilians were infected by the abyss aura and became eternally hungry slaves. They fought and ate each other under the devouring desire.

After experiencing purgatory fighting, Hongfeng Town has become a ghost town.

Nine out of ten civilians have died, and their souls have fallen into the abyss, swallowed by the gluttonous demon god, and some civilians persisted until the end, but they were transformed by the abyss and became the minions of the gluttonous demon god.

The minions of the gluttonous demon god are called gluttonous demons.

They were originally ordinary humans, but they did not die after absorbing the power of gluttony. They turned into a ghoul-like form. Their individual combat power surpassed that of a sky knight, and they were only a thin line away from a first-order life form.

A total of fifteen gluttonous demons appeared.

Among them, there is also a Cannibal Demon, which belongs to the elite among the Gluttonous Demons. Its strength is comparable to that of a first-order life form. It is not only physically strong, but also full of aggressiveness.

" hungry!"

"Eat them!"

The gluttonous demons crawling on the ground dragged their bulging stomachs to the ground. They had eaten a lot, but they still felt hungry. This eternal desire was the root cause of their becoming minions of demon gods.

"Back off, Kelly!"

Enoch waved his wand and summoned a few stone monsters to protect Kelly, while he himself looked at the gluttons with a serious face.

More than a dozen gluttonous demons may not be able to pose a threat to Enoch, but the carnivorous demon is a bit tricky. Its strong physical body can make it block most of the attacks of spells, and its sharp claws may even break Enoch. defense.

Beside, Enzo turned his head to look at Enoch, frowning slightly.

"Uh... lord?"

Feeling Enzo's displeased gaze, Enoch was a little at a loss. Then, he saw Enzo shaking his head, raising his palm casually, and snapping his fingers lightly. Spread like a tide.

In an instant, more than a dozen gluttonous demons exploded at the same time.

And the Remnant Eater, which had reached the first-order life form, was also pressed to the ground by invisible magic power, and it was crushed into a pulp.

Enoch was dumbfounded.

After a long time, he woke up suddenly. The person next to him was a big man. At first, Enoch still doubted whether Enzo's strength could reach the third-level wizard, but now he completely dismissed this idea.

"A third-tier wizard, definitely a third-tier wizard!"

Enoch swallowed his saliva, and roared in his heart, "Even the most powerful second-level wizard can't kill the cannibal so easily. The use of this kind of energy has already involved the rules of the world!"

"Oh my god, who the hell is this guy?"

"Fortunately, we are not enemies. Otherwise, this lord could easily kill the Cannibal Demon. If he wants to, it is absolutely easy to use that terrifying power on me."

Enoch had lingering fears in his heart. Looking at the blurred flesh and blood on the ground, he couldn't help feeling a little trembling. He looked at Enzo with even more awe, and at the same time felt a little ashamed in his heart. With such a strong man by his side, he faced When the gluttonous demon, he even showed an attitude of facing a big enemy, which is really ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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