Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 624 Curse of Hunger

Chapter 624 Curse of Hunger
"Emerald City?" Enzo muttered to himself.

After Bourne joined the Campbell family, he became the ruler of the Emerald City, and built a mechanical tower in the center of the city. Relying on the resources provided by the Campbell family, he rushed towards the second-order wizard realm.

However, with Bourne's talent, the possibility of being promoted to the second rank is extremely slim.

In particular, he has also undergone a lot of mechanical transformation, and his body's ability to carry magic power is not even as good as some third-level apprentices. If there are no special opportunities, he may not be able to advance to the second level in his life.

At the same place, Enzo thought about it.

Thirty thousand phantom crows had already scattered all over the restricted area of ​​the abyss, and each pair of eyes provided Enzo with a picture. Using the analysis function of the chip, the map of the restricted area of ​​the abyss soon appeared in Enzo's mind.

At the same time, he also got the direction of Emerald City.

"I hope you're still alive."

Enzo sighed in his heart. The reason why he went to the restricted area of ​​the abyss was because of Bourne, but this place was already shrouded in the breath of the abyss. Bourne, who was only a first-order wizard, might not be 100% alive.

The next moment, Enzo disappeared in place.

Using the power of the rules of the wizarding world, space no longer has too much binding force for him, and the short-distance transmission only consumes magic power. Enzo plans to go to the Emerald City to find Bourne first.

After this matter is resolved, he will consider exploring the restricted area of ​​the abyss.

"It's no wonder that in the multiverse, the abyss world has always been a disgusting existence. These abyssal energies even distort the rules, making this area extremely chaotic." After using several space jumps in a row, Enzo stopped in place.

The rules in the restricted area of ​​the abyss were disordered, which made Enzo somewhat unable to adapt.

Under normal circumstances, Enzo would be able to travel from one town to another every time he jumped through the space, and the magic power consumed would only be the amount of one spell, but in the restricted area of ​​the abyss, this was obviously not the case.

Just a few space jumps consumed a lot of Enzo's mana.

At the same time, the leap of the distance was not obvious, not even as fast as Enzo's flying spell, and there was obviously still a long way to go from Emerald City.

"It's really troublesome." Enzo frowned slightly.

With a thought, a pair of shadow wings appeared behind him. After a slight vibration, Enzo was enveloped, and disappeared in place as if turning into a ghost.

For Enzo, shadow magic is almost a housekeeping skill.

Although he has been promoted to the fourth-level wizard, and most of the battles use the power of rules, the shadow magic is still the foundation of Enzo's path, just like the Flame Supreme, even if he is promoted to the seventh-level wizard, he is still good at controlling flames.

In the sky, a group of shadows moved quickly.

According to this speed, Enzo can reach the Emerald City in at most three hours, but as he goes deeper into the restricted area of ​​the abyss, the abyssal atmosphere in the air becomes stronger and the rules become more chaotic, which makes Enzo feel a little uncomfortable.

For ordinary wizards or mortal knights, the strong breath of the abyss can almost reach a fatal level, but for fourth-order wizards like Enzo, it doesn't have much impact, it just makes him feel uncomfortable.

The fourth-order All Souls Wizard is already comparable to the existence of a god.

This kind of creature has completely broken away from the boundaries of the mundane, and some rules that are suitable for the mundane have also ceased to exist for them.

For example.

It is well known that the weakness of human beings lies in the heart and head. Ordinary people will surely die if their hearts are pierced or their heads are severed. After being promoted to a wizard, the weakness of the heart will no longer exist.

Even if it is just a first-order wizard, if his heart is pierced, he can recover himself through organ transplantation through witchcraft, but beheading is still fatal to a wizard.

But Tier [-] wizards don't have such weaknesses.

Whether it is crushing their hearts, cutting off their heads, or even digging out their whole body organs, it will not cause fatal damage. The power of rules can completely shape their bodies, and what they consume is only some original power.

For fourth-order wizards, perhaps the only fatal weakness lies in the crystallization of magic power in their bodies.

More precisely, the heart of all souls.

The source of a wizard's power is the magic power crystal. This kind of thing is a fatal weakness for every wizard. It endows the wizard with magic power and power. As the wizard himself is promoted to the fourth level, the nature of the magic power crystal will also be changed.

The changed magical crystallization is called the heart of all souls.

In the multiverse, the value of the Heart of All Souls is hard to describe in words, and its preciousness even surpasses that of divine fire. Even though the Supreme Council strictly prohibits the transaction and sale of the Heart of All Souls, similar things have never happened in the multiverse. stop.

Even in the abyss world, many demon lords are proud to collect a heart of all souls.

After Enzo was promoted to the fourth-level wizard, the magic power crystallization in his body also transformed into the heart of all souls, showing a pitch-black color like ink.

"Huh? What is that?"

In the sky, Enzo was advancing at full speed, flying towards the Emerald City, when he suddenly saw a small town appearing below the ground, enveloped by a strong abyssal atmosphere, giving off a strange feeling.

"Forget it."

Enzo shook his head, ignoring the anomalies in the town, but at this moment, a vortex suddenly formed in the distant sky, which seemed to have a black hole-like suction, pulling Enzo into it.

"This breath..."

In the sky, Enzo stopped, feeling the breath coming from the vortex, he pondered for a moment, and finally walked in.

In an instant, the feeling of the world spinning around came.

Enzo appeared in an unfamiliar space, surrounded by a barren land, the crimson sky seemed to be a huge mouth to swallow someone, and the ground was cracked and blood flowed, like a scene of an abyss and purgatory.

"What is this? Dimensional space?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes. After the abyss restricted area appeared in the Xingtong Kingdom, the original rules were abnormal, so the space fell into an illusory state. The black vortex just now represented the entrance of the dimensional space.

Since entering this space, you must abide by the rules here.

Of course, this is only for ordinary wizards. This level of dimensional space obviously cannot trap a fourth-level wizard like Enzo. He is very confident in his heart, and when he unleashes his own power, it is enough to break through this space.

But Enzo didn't do that.

The emergence of a dimensional space often represents a distortion of the rules. It is indeed possible to destroy Enzo with pure force, but the consequence of doing so will only make this dimensional space fall into a more chaotic state.

Even, the entire dimensional space collapsed directly.

That would directly lead to the collapse of the space, forming a large number of void cracks, which would be an unimaginable disaster for ordinary wizards. Although Enzo was not afraid, he didn't like brainless destruction either.

"How about taking a look at the rules of this dimensional space?"

Enzo pondered for a moment, and then made a decision to crack a dimensional space. In addition to violent means, he could also find loopholes in the rules. Enzo who has a chip may not be unable to do it.

Then, he started to move forward.

The dimensional space full of abyss flavor is full of distorted rules, so a large number of strange creatures are born. Enzo noticed that in the magma not far away, a bloated monster was sucking the fat from his body.

Disgusting scenes are disgusting.

Enzo's expression was indifferent. As the most evil and distorted world in the multiverse, the abyss world will naturally emerge in endlessly with all kinds of demons.


After walking for a while, Enzo suddenly saw an area similar to a camp not far away, where a large number of ragged humans gathered, some of them were sallow and emaciated, while others were potbellied.

The existence of two extremes is particularly strange.

"Mom, I'm so hungry..."

In the camp, a little girl nestled in the arms of her mother, making an extremely weak voice. Her mother was also sallow and emaciated, with a sad expression on her face.

At this time, the location in the center of the camp.

A deep pit similar to a frying pan collapsed suddenly, and the boiling hot water kept bubbling, making a gurgling sound, and there was a commotion in the camp. Some humans looked at the bubbling deep pit, and their eyes flashed with longing.

As for another part of human beings, they appear to be extremely fearful.

They seemed to be afraid of the pit, but there was a hint of longing in their eyes, and they seemed to be caught in extremely entangled emotions.

"Hunger is the best spur..."

The hoarse and strange voice came from the deep pit, and to the humans in the camp, it was like a death knell.

The next moment, an arm that seemed to be composed of countless blood vessels protruded out of the deep pit.

The humans in the camp tensed up.

In the end, that arm stretched out in the direction of a man. The man's belly was as big as a drum, like a pregnant woman. Seeing the arm stretching towards him, he immediately let out a terrified and shrill scream.

But with his bloated body, he was doomed to be unable to escape.

The arms wrapped around the man with the belly like a poisonous snake, and then dragged him into the deep pit. The human beings in the surrounding camp had expressions of relief on their faces, and the eyes of those with a big belly revealed greed.

On the spot, Enzo frowned slightly.

He has already noticed the abnormality in the camp. The deep pit seems to be a curse of the abyss, which originated from the demon god of gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins. The humans in the camp have fallen into the curse of hunger.

"No! Help me!!"

Amidst the shrill screams, the man was dragged into the deep pit, and the boiling liquid covered his whole body, like a fat pig that had lost its hair.

Soon, the man's screams stopped abruptly.

The tempting aroma spread out quickly, and the humans in the camp seemed unable to suppress their desires, and rushed towards the deep pit one after another, only a small number of people still stuck to the bottom line.

"Mom, I'm so hungry..."

Looking in the direction of the deep pit, the little girl also had a longing expression on her face, but her mother tightly covered her eyes, as if she didn't want the girl to continue watching.

"Sleep, you won't be hungry when you sleep."

The mother comforted the girl, but she herself was equally hungry. She hadn't eaten anything for ten days, and she was also very eager for the smell emanating from the deep pit, almost unable to restrain her desire.

In the camp, there are very few sallow and emaciated people.

The vast majority of people could not suppress their hunger and chose to sink, but the consequence of doing so was like a man in a deep pit.

He ate so much that he ended up being food for everyone.

There seems to be no way to crack the camp that is trapped in the curse of hunger. People who can't bear the hunger will eat the same kind in the deep pit, but the consequence of doing so is destined to become the food of others.

How long can you continue to endure hunger?
Do you choose to sink in desire?Or stick to the bottom line and strive for that one-ten-thousandth hope?
The vast majority of people in the camp chose the former.

"I can not stand it any more!"

At this time, a yellow and thin man suddenly let out a wailing scream, and suddenly rushed towards the deep pit. His thin body seemed to explode with great strength, pushing away the people around him, and started to eat .

Feeling the taste of flesh and blood in his belly, an extremely satisfied expression appeared on the man's face.

At the same time, his body also began to mutate, his hands turned into claw-like things, and his sunken abdomen bulged like a pregnancy, which looked extremely ferocious and terrifying, but the man ignored his changes and greedily devoured his flesh and blood.

"The curse of hunger?"

Enzo stroked his chin, a trace of thought appeared on his face, this dimensional space seemed to be under an abyssal curse, and it was almost impossible for human beings trapped in it to get rid of it.

"But...anything to break the curse?"

Enzo was deep in thought, breaking through the dimensional space with strength was the easiest way to answer, but Enzo was unwilling to do that. According to his inference, there should be a more ingenious way to leave this space.

"Eat? Or not?"

Enzo frowned slightly. The key to breaking the curse of hunger should be whether he chooses cannibalism. The purpose of the test is whether he can restrain his desire. Those who are tempted by hunger to choose cannibalism will eventually become slaves of gluttony.

Perhaps, only by sticking to the bottom line can we leave this space.

" long will it be?"

Enzo deduced the method to break the curse, but he didn't know how long he would be able to break the curse. The limit that ordinary people can endure hunger is about ten days at most, but wizards can easily go without food for hundreds of years.

"Should I be trapped here for hundreds of years?"

A sneer appeared on Enzo's face, and he understood the way to break the curse, but Enzo had other ideas. He couldn't waste too much time here, so it seemed that he could only choose an easier way to break the curse.

At the same place, Enzo thought about it.

The next moment, the shadow under his feet seemed to turn into a troll, with a body over [-] meters covering almost the entire camp, and the humans inside screamed in alarm. Except for those who were completely swallowed by hunger, everyone else fled in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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