Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 628 The Betrayer

Chapter 628 The Betrayer

There was a flash of relief in the young man's eyes.

Then, he tilted his head and lost his breath. Before he died, he still held his wife's body tightly in his arms, as if he still felt guilty.

Enzo took a deep breath and continued to move forward.

It has been more than a hundred years since he embarked on the wizarding journey. Enzo has experienced too many things. He originally thought that his heart was as strong as iron and would not be affected by anything.

But now, facing the horror of the restricted area in the abyss, Enzo could hardly suppress the anger in his heart.

The entire mechanical tower has been shrouded in the curse of the Gluttonous Demon God. Strictly speaking, it has become a space similar to a cursed castle, and everyone in it is affected by the curse to varying degrees.

Including Bourne, the owner of the mechanical tower.

At the same time, he was also the most cursed person. The more Enzo walked towards the top of the tower, the stronger the breath of the abyss could be felt, which meant that he was getting closer to Bourne's direction.

Not long after, Enzo finally came to a room.

Pushing open the door of the room, a terrifying scene greeted the eyes. In the dark room, Bourne, who had almost only one head left, was extremely pale, but his eyes shone with a firm luster.

Around him, hungry ghosts stared at him.

Trapped in the mechanical tower for half a month, Bourne faced the curse of the abyss all the time. The nature of the hungry ghosts around him was somewhat similar to the spirit of the curse. They looked at Bourne greedily, eager to tear the flesh from him.

And in fact it is.

With the ability of Bourne's first-order wizard, he can't get rid of the curse of the gluttonous demon god, so the only way to resist the curse is to tear the flesh from his body to suppress the hungry ghosts around him.

In half a month, Bourne's flesh and blood were almost exhausted.

Today, he only has a head and the crystallization of magic power entangled by blood vessels. Even with the powerful physique of a wizard, this state is already on the verge of death. Fortunately, Bourne is a mechanical flow wizard, and he can still rely on mechanical organs to maintain life.

Until this moment, the door was finally opened.

Bourne slowly opened his eyes, and saw a black-robed wizard. A trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes. He didn't know if it was a fallen wizard or the support of the academy.

"It's really embarrassing."

Enzo sighed and shook his head. Bourne's state at the moment seemed to be extremely embarrassing, but fortunately, the magic crystal and head were still there, and his life was not in danger. What's more, Bourne was originally a mechanical flow wizard, and his body had already undergone a lot of trauma. modified.

At the same time, the hungry ghosts around also noticed Enzo.

They turned their heads, with a greedy look in their eyes, and rushed towards Enzo without any hesitation, roaring in a low voice.


En Zuo snorted coldly, and a dim light floated all over his body. In an instant, he instantly killed the faces of the hungry ghosts attacking from around him.

Not far away, a trace of surprise flashed in Bourne's eyes.

The hungry ghosts in the mechanical tower are different from ordinary hungry ghosts. Their nature is similar to the spirit of the curse. If the curse cannot be broken, then no matter how many times they are killed, these hungry ghosts can be resurrected.

In the early days when the mechanical tower fell into the curse, Bourne also tried to resist.

He killed all the hungry ghosts at least ten times, and it didn't take long for those hungry ghosts to reappear. Bourne concluded in his heart that these hungry ghosts might come from the hunger desire in his heart, and they were strange manifestations of curses.

But now, the hungry ghosts were wiped out again.

Bourne could feel that the surrounding curses had disappeared, and they were not cracked by analysis and calculation, but by pure force destruction.

"What kind of strength is this?"

A trace of fear flashed in Bourne's eyes. The source of the curse in the restricted area of ​​the abyss came from the demon god of gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins of the abyss.

"Second-tier wizard?"

Bourne thought in his heart, and secretly said: "No! At least a third-order wizard, the curse of the restricted area of ​​the abyss, even the head of the Campbell family can't break it, unless the third-order wizard takes action, it will never be so easy."

The head of the Campbell family is a second-order wizard.

But even he was unable to break the curse of the Gluttonous Demon God. In this restricted area of ​​the abyss, he could not even protect himself. The only hope was to spread the news to the outside world and ask the academy for help.

"Support from Phantom Crows?"

There was a glimmer of light in Bourne's eyes, but then he was a little puzzled, and secretly said, "Why does it feel like I've seen it there?"

"Long time no see, Bourne."

At this time, Enzo had already spoken, and walked straight towards Bourne, looking at Bourne who only had his head and crystallized magic power left.

"You are……"

A trace of thought flashed across Bourne's face, and memories from a long time ago flashed across his face, causing his eyes to widen and he said in surprise, "Enzo!?"

"My God, so you're still alive?"

A wry smile appeared on Enzo's face. After leaving the wizarding world for 100 years, almost everyone thought he was dead. In fact, he was indeed so. Generally speaking, few people who disappeared for 100 years could return to the wizarding world again.

Bourne's eyes shone with excitement.

"Let's talk about the old days later."

Enzo shook his head, looked around and said, "Your current state, you should find a way to solve it first. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Bourne thought for a moment, and said, "How about your biology and mechanical engineering?"

"You want me to help you with the mechanical transformation?" Enzo understood Bourne's meaning. Now he has only one head left, and if he wants to restore it, he needs to create a brand new body first.

"Yes, there are plenty of materials in my tower."

Bourne nodded. As a mechanical wizard, there are many materials in his tower that can be used for mechanical transformation. There are even many spare mechanical bodies. Enzo only needs to help him assemble them.

"No problem." Enzo said.

Half an hour later, Bourne got up in a liquid nutrition tank, looking at the bionic limbs that were no different from the flesh, a satisfied smile appeared on his pale face.

"Your skills are really good." Byrne sighed.

Afterwards, he jumped out of the liquid nutrition compartment, walked to a mirror, and looked at the brand new body. The main body of this body was made of special metal, and the energy reactor on the chest was connected to the magic power crystal.

Although it can't be compared with the previous body, after this mechanical transformation, Bourne's strength has recovered by at least [-]%, and then he just needs to wait until everything is over, and then slowly carry out the transformation.

"What happened to the Starlink Kingdom?"

After rescuing Bourne, Enzo's goal for this trip has been accomplished, but he still doesn't intend to leave, so he asked, "Did the Campbell family not report to the academy about the actions of the fallen from the Skeleton Castle in the Starlink Kingdom?" "

"Oh! It's all so sudden."

A hint of helplessness appeared on Bourne's face, and he frowned and said, "The Skeleton Castle's operations in the Dark Pole Region have always been very secretive, and no one knows that their base camp is actually established in the Starlink Kingdom."

"This incident in the abyss restricted area is not that simple!"

"The degenerates of the Skeleton Castle have been premeditated for a long time. They seem to plan to rely on the power of the Gluttonous Demon God to promote a group of second-level wizards in the organization to the third level, or even the fourth level."

Hearing Bourne's words, Enzo frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Bourne spoke again, shook his head, and said in a serious tone, "The Skeleton Castle's operation can be so smooth, not only because of their own strength, but also with the help of the traitors from the Campbell family!"

"A traitor to the Campbell family?" Enzo frowned.

Bourne's face was gloomy, and he said, "Yes, although I don't know who it is, but I can be sure that there are fallen people in the Campbell family. It is with the help of traitors that Skeleton Castle can successfully reduce the Starlink Kingdom to the Abyss restricted area!"

"I see." Enzo muttered to himself.

The little bit of doubt in my heart before was finally answered. The Kingdom of Xingtong is not considered weak among the kingdoms of the Dark Pole Region. It also has a wizard family in charge, and the head of the Campbell family is a second-order wizard.

Skeleton Castle is just an organization of fallen wizards that everyone shouts and beats.

Why they were able to successfully launch the abyss restricted zone in the Starlink Kingdom, it seems that apart from offering sacrifices to the Gluttonous Demon God, it was more of the help of traitors, and the traitors came from the Campbell family of the Starlink Kingdom.

"Any deduction?" Enzo asked.

Bourne pondered for a moment, then hesitated, "No one among the wizards of the Campbell family is likely to betray the family. However, there is a first-order wizard whose lifespan is approaching, and he may go to extremes."

"Who?" Enzo asked.

"Joey Campbell!"

Bourne took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "This Campbell is the oldest official wizard in the family. If calculated according to his seniority, he is even the uncle of the patriarch. He is walking the path of a guardian wizard, but he has four shocks. They all ended in failure, and if there is no accident, there are only ten years of life left."

As he spoke, Byrne sighed and said quietly.

"Your Excellency Joey has always been highly respected in the family. I even received his favor when I first joined the Campbell family. I really don't want him to be the one who betrayed the family."

Enzo's eyes flickered.

According to Bourne, Joey Campbell should not be an extremely evil person, but as a first-order wizard whose lifespan is about to end, he is indeed likely to do extreme things, which is also the weakness of human nature.

In the wizarding world, the death of the guardian means the return of the true spirit.

Strictly speaking, the return of the soul to the origin of the wizarding world means the loss of memory and everything. Even if it may be reincarnated later, it will be a brand new life and has nothing to do with the original soul.

Even wizards cannot resist the fear of death.

According to Bourne's concept, most of the wizards of the Campbell family have a bright future. They have no reason to betray the family and cooperate with the fallen wizards. Perhaps only Joey, who is about to end his life, has a little possibility.

However, Bourne was unwilling to believe that the gentle and friendly Wizard Joy would betray the family.

"Wizard Joey?"

Enzo muttered to himself, looked at Bourne, and said, "Do you have any items that belong to Wizard Joey? Anything is fine."

For fourth-order wizards, the rules can be used to go back in time.

But if you want to check something that happened in the past, it is undoubtedly much easier to have a medium. Enzo wants to confirm whether Wizard Joy is a traitor, so naturally he needs an item that belongs to him.

Bourne thought for a moment, then nodded.

Afterwards, he took out a brooch and handed it to Enzo, "This is a gift from Your Excellency Joey when I married Judith. It is a magical item made by him."

"very good."

Enzo nodded, put the brooch in the palm of his hand, and then began to use the power of the rules to look back at the time screen.

In my mind, dark images kept flashing.

A long river of time seemed to appear in the bottom of Enzo's heart. Gradually, Wizard Joy appeared. From the birth of Wizard Joy, the experience of 300 years played back in Enzo's mind like a movie.

"Wait a minute, it's here!"

Suddenly, Enzo's eyes flashed. In the picture of Wizard Joy, he saw a scene from a year ago. In a dark underground church, Wizard Joy held an oil lamp and chanted.

On the ground, there are impressively the mark of the abyss and the altar of the gluttonous demon god.

"Is it really him?"

Enzo raised his brows. Just as Bourne deduced, the traitor who appeared in the Campbell family was really the wizard Joy. He prayed with the mark of the abyss, praying for the power of the abyss demon god.

And the copper lamp in Joey's hand is the magical item that captures the soul.

It turned out that before the start of the abyss restricted area in the Starlink Kingdom, Joey had already started collecting souls and offering sacrifices to the abyss in order to gain life. Such behavior is obviously a fallen wizard.

Suddenly, another figure appeared on the screen.

Enzo's pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. The figure of the silver-haired young man also came to the underground church, turning a blind eye to Wizard Joy's actions, obviously already aware of it.

"Frank wizard?"

Enzo frowned slightly. Before going to the restricted area of ​​the abyss, he had conducted some investigations on the Campbell family, so he knew very well that the current patriarch of the Campbell family is the second-order wizard Frank.

And the head of the Campbell family actually appeared in the underground church.

This seems to mean that Frank has also fallen, and he even planned the abyss restricted area of ​​the Xingtong Kingdom. When Enzo saw this scene, he couldn't help feeling a little cold in his heart.

If the fall of Wizard Joy is said to be the fear of death.

The behavior of the Frank wizard is even more unforgivable. The lifespan of a second-tier wizard is at least a thousand years. The life of the Frank wizard has just begun, but he chose to join the Abyss Demon God and betray the wizard civilization in pursuit of power.

"How stupid!"

Enzo couldn't help but sneer in his heart. As a second-tier wizard, the Frank wizard is not too old among the second-tier wizards. It can be said that he has a bright future. It is undoubtedly a very stupid decision to choose to seek refuge in the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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