Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 658 Heresy and Rule

Chapter 658 Heresy and Rule

"Hold on, you heretics!"

Around, on a tall building, the giant tree cultist who had turned into a tree demon waved his hand and released vines, entangled Nicole, and let out a low roar.

Elena's complexion changed, and she hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

However, three giant tree cultists also appeared around her, entangled branches and vines, forming a tree sea prison.

"Great Goddess of Weeping, have you abandoned us too?"

Elena's heart trembled. Even a fanatic would be shaken by the almost certain death situation before her. Her daughter Nicole had already been caught by the tree demon, and she was about to be strangled to death.

However, at this moment.

A red beam of light was suddenly cast from the sky, shining on Eileen's body, and a blood-red light flashed in her eyes, like two precious stones.

In the next moment, powerful divine power surged out of Elena's body.

In an instant, the surrounding tree sea prison instantly turned into red ashes, and those few giant tree cultists also wailed.

"This is..." Yala's pupils shrank.

From Eileen's body, she felt unprecedented terrifying power, as if a god had descended into the world, making one unable to bear the thought of kneeling down and submitting.

And around, the giant tree cultists also showed surprise on their faces.

Everyone could feel the power emanating from Elena's body, the aura originating from the gods, immediately made the giant tree cultists tremble and stop their movements as if they lost their will to resist.

"My name, Helaya!"

Eileen made a cold voice, and a pair of scarlet eyes looked at the giant tree bishop in the distance, jumping up like a flame.


The next moment, the giant tree bishop, who was the most powerful but hadn't made a full-strength attack, ignited red flames on his body, and began to spread continuously. In a short while, his whole body was swallowed up by the strange flames.

The surrounding giant tree believers trembled in fear.

Lighthouse Town has long been ruled by the Church of the Giant Tree, so every resident here is considered a member of the Church of the Giant Tree, but the degree of belief is different, divided into fanatics and superficial believers.

However, this moment.

Feeling the powerful divine power emanating from Elena's body, the hearts of all the giant tree cultists were shaken a little. They uncontrollably lifted the tree demon incarnation, and knelt down on the ground in submission.

"Ignorant mortals."

Helaya looked around, and a sneer flashed in her eyes. The most powerful believer of the Giant Tree Church in Lighthouse Town was only a first-order life form, and she was as humble as an ant in front of the true god.

Under Enzo's order, Helaya came to Lighthouse Town.

She felt the sacrifices of the Evernight Cultists, but they didn't appear at the first time. Instead, when the Evernight Cultists fell into despair, they descended on Eileen in the image of a savior.

Helaya looked around.


She muttered to herself, not all the giant tree believers in Lighthouse Town are fanatics, and it is not impossible to change their beliefs.

It's just that Helaya won't do that.

Enzo entrusted her with the task of provoking an all-out war between the Church of the Giant Tree and the Church of Evernight, so as to attract the God of Green Trees, Geon. Only by massacring the members of the Church of the Giant Tree in Beacon Town will the impact of this incident be expanded force.

A icy gleam gradually appeared in Helaya's eyes.

Then, she slowly opened her arms, and the power from the gods spread out at this moment, and the giant tree cultists around them, after being shrouded in divine power, let out screams and turned into ashes.

For a moment, the street was dead silent.

At least a few hundred Giant Tree Cultists were all killed by Helaya, and the Evernight Cultists felt Helaya's power, and they all gave out fanatical cries.

"The Temple of the Weeping Goddess has descended!"

"Great Goddess of Weeping, please accept my humble service."

"Long night is coming, long live the goddess!"

The surrounding Evernight believers have already felt the power of Helaya. Although the Evernight Church mainly believes in the goddess of the night, Luciles, they also express their respect for the goddess of crying, Helaya.

In the eyes of the Evernight Cultists, Helaya is the servant of the Evernight Goddess.

There is a difference in status between the two gods, but for the Evernight Cultists, they are both respected beliefs.

"The long night is coming, and only those who believe can live forever."

Looking at the kneeling and submitting followers of the Evernight Church, Helaya said softly, "The heresy of the Giant Tree Church has been solved by me, and this city will be ruled by the Church of the Evernight from now on."

"Spread the faith of the dark night as soon as possible!"

"You are all the most loyal believers of the goddess. The suffering in the world is your temper. Only by sticking to your beliefs can you reach the eternal shore."

Helaya's voice was ethereal and ethereal, and then gradually disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the redness in Elena's eyes faded, and she also collapsed on the ground. Nicole, who had just escaped from the hands of the giant tree cultists, hurried forward to support her.

"Great Goddess of Weeping, has my prayer finally been answered?"

Elena's face was pale, trembling and muttering to herself, although her body was controlled by the weeping goddess Helaya just now, but Elena clearly perceived everything.

As a fanatical believer, Eileen felt very honored, even excited, for the goddess to use her body.

Beside, Nicole also showed a trace of excitement on her face.

Although they had long believed in Helaya, the goddess of weeping, this was the first time they felt the glory of the goddess so closely.

"Cough cough!"

At this time, the aged Bishop of the Night, with the support of the believers, slowly stood up, with a hint of excitement on his face.

Everything that happened just now was seen by him.

The Giant Tree Church almost wiped them out, but the weeping goddess Helaya appeared in time to resolve the crisis.

"The great goddess will never abandon her followers!"

The bishop of the night muttered to himself, his eyes flashed with excitement. Although he failed to get a response to the sacrifice to the goddess of the night, the coming of the goddess of weeping gave him a lot of encouragement.

The three goddesses are all the beliefs of the Church of Evernight.

The arrival of the weeping goddess Helaya means that the goddess has not abandoned the believers. This is undoubtedly an inspiration for the ever-floating Church of Evernight.

At this moment, the giant tree cultists were wiped out by the goddess.

Only those superficial believers are still alive, but they have not mastered the extraordinary power, so this lighthouse town has already fallen under the control of the Evernight Church, and the next step is to spread the faith.

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

At this time, Yala also came slowly. Her face was extremely pale, and she was a little overdrawn due to the fighting power just now, but her eyes were shining brightly. Obviously, the coming of the crying goddess also made her feel refreshed.

"Send news to Kaiyuan City!"

The Bishop of the Night waved his hand and said, "Let King Kaiyuan send troops to take over Beacon City. At the same time, he is calling some believers so that the heretics in Beacon Town will also listen to the Church of Goddess of the Night."

The battle of faith has been going on for a long time.

Both sides have a certain understanding that it is difficult for fanatic believers to change their beliefs, but shallow believers are worth saving. As long as the residents of Lighthouse Town feel the brilliance and power of the Evernight Goddess, there is a high probability that they can be purified.

Therefore, for the Evernight Church.

When encountering shallow believers of the Giant Tree Church, they will try to change their beliefs, but if they are fanatics, they will use powerful methods to kill them.

Although fanatics are not completely unable to change their beliefs.

But for the Church of Evernight, those heretics whose souls have already fallen do not need to be saved at all.

And this is just the attitude of the Church of Evernight.

As for the Church of the Giant Tree, the methods are even more extreme. They treat both fanatics and shallow believers in the same way. As long as they are caught by the Church of the Giant Tree, they will be treated as sacrifices to Gewen, the god of green trees.

Following the orders of the bishop of the night, the believers also began to act one after another.

After the great battle just now, almost all the top leaders of the Giant Tree Cult in Beacon City have been killed. Therefore, the Church of the Evernight did not receive too much resistance in the process of controlling Beacon Town.

The night passed quickly.

In the direction of Kaiyuan City, the soldiers belonging to the new king Dylan had already arrived in Lighthouse City. With the help of the Church of Evernight, they quickly took control of the city and planted a banner belonging to the new king on the city wall.

In the early morning, on the central square of Beacon City.

There were thousands of onlookers. The Evernight Cultists and soldiers tried their best to maintain order in the square. His Excellency the Bishop stood at the forefront, proclaiming the belief of the Evernight Goddess to the residents of Beacon City.

"The night will come, but the faith will live forever."

"This world is about to face a catastrophe of extinction. Only by believing in the great Evernight Goddess can we be blessed!"

The Bishop of Night chanted the creed of the church.

Then, he waved his hand, and a group of believers belonging to the Church of the Giant Tree were escorted to the execution platform by the soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, Bishop of the Night lit the torch.

Fear appeared on the faces of the believers of the Giant Tree Church. As believers of Geon, the god of green trees, what they fear most is flames. After incarnating in the form of tree demons, they are not afraid of physical damage, but flames are their nemesis.

"The goddess of the night is the protector of the world!"

"As for them, they become the minions of the evil god. The only end for the heretics is to be burned to death!"

The bishop of the night had a serious face, with a cold glint in his eyes.

Then, he lit the fire, and the scorching flames devoured a group of Giant Tree Cultists with a burst of mournful wailing, and a trace of unbearable expression appeared on the faces of the onlookers, because not long ago, this was the base of the Giant Tree Church.

Most of the residents of Beacon City have accepted the belief transmission of the Church of the Giant Tree.

The bishop of the night is very aware of this, so he will execute the punishment publicly. Only by letting the ignorant people feel fear can they maintain awe of the goddess of the night and gradually offer their loyal beliefs to the goddess.

Not long after, the public execution ended.

Beacon City was formally ruled by the Church of Evernight. Since then, three of the seven cities in Kaiyuan Kingdom have been occupied by the Church of Evernight. The power of the new king Dylan and Prime Minister Edgar began to balance.

And on the tallest building in Lighthouse City.

Enzo looked at everything in the square, with a thoughtful expression on his face. Ignorant civilians are the easiest to be deceived. Unless they become fanatics, their beliefs may change at any time.

This kind of thing was like this in the age of the gods.

At the beginning of the first era, when the gods ruled the world, the battle of faith was extremely cruel. Almost all people have received the spread of faith since birth, and parents would introduce the gods they serve to their children.

And in the vast majority of cases, the beliefs of a family are the same.

However, in the chaotic era of the First Era, it was normal for the gods to manipulate mortals to fight for their beliefs. Therefore, some shallow believers were conquered, and they might change their beliefs.

Even, some humans believe in multiple gods.

Although the high-ranking gods hope that the believers will remain absolutely loyal, they cannot prevent shallow believers from serving other gods. Therefore, as long as the gods served by a believer are not enemies, then everyone will take laissez-faire.

Just like the Church of Evernight.

Although the main belief is Lucilles, the goddess of the night, some people worship the giant spider god or the goddess of weeping more, such as Yala, or Elena. Although they also believe in Lucilles, the goddess of the night, they do not Not a fanatic of Lucilles, but a firm believer in the God of Giant Spiders and the Weeping Goddess.

Enzo was looking down.

At this moment, Helaya suddenly appeared behind her, knelt down on one knee and said, "Master, what you have told me has been completed."

Enzo didn't turn around, but nodded lightly.

To attract the God of Green Trees, Geon, you have to spend some thought. Stirring a war of faith is only the first step. Under her own order, Helaya has already gone to the palace of Kaiyuan Kingdom to issue an oracle to the new king Dylan.

Starting tomorrow, the war will officially begin.

However, this is a war between mortals. In order to avoid arousing the vigilance of Geon, the god of green trees, neither Enzo nor Helaya will take part in the battle in person. At most, they will use their extraordinary abilities to give some guidance to the new king Dylan.

If Dylan can defeat Prime Minister Edgar, then the entire Kaiyuan Kingdom will become the ruling place of the Church of Evernight, and the belief of the Church of the Giant Tree will be mercilessly suppressed and expelled.

After that, Kaiyuan Kingdom will expand in an all-round way.

According to Enzo's plan, within three months, the unification of the island of the Icy Plain will be completed, and all the believers of the Giant Tree Church will be expelled, which should be enough to attract the attention of Ge Weng, the God of Green Trees.

The Abandoned Land is divided into nine land islands.

Among them, Luyu, where the Icy Plain is located, has a population of more than 5 million, which is already a quarter of the total population of the Abandoned Land. Now seven countries coexist, and at least 200 people have accepted the belief of Geweng, the god of green trees.

However, the vast majority are shallow believers.

Only with the passage of time will these shallow believers become fanatics with firm beliefs, and contribute more power of faith to the god of green trees, Ge Weng, to help him recover his strength.

If Luyu, where the Icy Plain is located, is transformed into the base of the Church of the Evernight, it will undoubtedly be a big blow to Ge Weng, the god of green trees. In order to restore his strength as soon as possible, the other party will inevitably take some actions.

As long as the God of the Green Tree dares to show up, Enzo can take him down in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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