Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 661 Dove Dog Demon and Flame Demon

Chapter 661 Dove Dog Demon and Flame Demon
The Abandoned Land ushered in the biggest shock in thousands of years!
In just half a month, the Church of the Evernight and the Church of the Giant Tree, which were originally hostile, launched an all-out war. The bishops of the Church of the Evernight received an oracle in their dreams and attacked the Church of the Giant Tree at all costs.

Suddenly, the flames of war enveloped the entire abandoned land.

The abandoned place in the age of faith, believed in the rules of the divine grant of kingship, so the monarchs of the major kingdoms had long been selected by the two churches, and those kings who refused to believe in the gods were all executed for blasphemy.

Abandoned land, Kaiyuan Kingdom.

The Kaiyuan Kingdom, established a hundred years ago, does not have a long history in the abandoned land. So far, there have only been four kings. The original Kaiyuan King O'Quinn stayed on the throne for the longest time. Great achievements have been established.

But later, with the mysterious disappearance of O'Quinn, the mighty Kaiyuan Kingdom also declined. Although it was not annexed by the surrounding kingdoms by virtue of the resources left by O'Quinn, it still lost two-thirds of the kingdom. territory.

However, even so.

Today's Kaiyuan Kingdom is still very powerful in the Abandoned Land. The kingdom composed of seven cities has a population of nearly one million.

At this time, the capital of Kaiyuan Kingdom.

"came back……"

Enzo looked at the city wall not far away, and a strange gleam flashed in his eyes. This was the starting point for him to come to this world. He left a lot of memories at the beginning, and at the same time, he got the wizard inheritance in this city.

Looking back now, the master of the wizard inheritance should be just an apprentice.

But it was those basic knowledge that allowed Enzo to see the world of wizards, thus embarking on a journey of wizards, and finally came all the way to the present.

Kaiyuan City at this time has changed a lot compared to a hundred years ago.

The ancient and tall city walls are already full of traces of time. Strong soldiers are on duty on the walls. There are many pedestrians at the open city gates. Strict checks are required to enter and exit the city.

Enzo walked straight towards the city gate.

At the gate of the city, several soldiers were checking the identity certificates of those who entered the city, but they turned a blind eye when it was Enzo's turn. A little magic power can block the five senses of these mortals.

Walking into the inner city, the streets are very lively.

Although the Abandoned Land ushered in the age of faith, the churches never interfered with the nobles' governance of the kingdom. As long as they believed in the gods, they were even willing to give some help to mortals, such as healing mortals with divine power.

Not far away, the Church of Evernight is promoting the theory that the long night will come.

"The night will come, but the faith will live forever."

"This world is about to usher in a catastrophe. We must believe in the great Evernight Goddess in order to obtain eternal peace!"

The Evernight cultists brainwashed the surrounding people, and at this time several civilians suffering from serious diseases were brought up.

"The Goddess of the Night will always protect her followers."

A bishop-level figure said with a serious face, and at the same time released divine power with both hands, curing the ills of several civilians.

Witnessing the miraculous picture, the civilians were shocked.

The Abandoned Land is Luyu abandoned by wizards. Although there are some traces of wizards here, they are rare. Mortals have never seen extraordinary methods, so they naturally think that several bishops are gods.

At this moment, there was a commotion not far away.

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he looked around, he saw cracks in the ground and a giant tree rising from the ground. The tentacles-like branches attacked wildly indiscriminately, causing the surroundings to fall into chaos.

"Giant Tree Church?" Enzo frowned.

There is no need to think too much about it, knowing that this is the method of the Giant Tree Church. Now the battle of faith in the abandoned land is fully launched, and the crazy attack of the Evernight Church makes the Giant Tree Church have no choice but to fight back.

And now the Kingdom of Kaiyuan.

The prime minister Edgar and the new king Dylan both followed the gods they believed in and sent all their troops to fight. However, due to Enzo's secret interference, even though the overall strength of the Church of Evernight was not as good as that of the Church of the Giant Tree, the new king Dylan still had the upper hand.

Even, it can suppress Prime Minister Edgar to fight.

Originally, among the seven cities of Kaiyuan City, Prime Minister Edgar exclusively occupied five, and the new king Dylan only had two. But now, with the full opening of the battle of faith and the Church of Evernight's frenzied attack, the situation has reversed instead.

After losing three cities in a row, Edgar was left with only two cities.

Nominally, the new king Dylan has already controlled five cities, and the position of Prime Minister Edgar is in jeopardy. Naturally, the Church of the Giant Tree will not sit idly by, so it has launched several counterattacks.

At this time, it was obvious that there were Giant Tree Cultists in Kaiyuan City.

The giant tree that appeared on the street is not a very serious matter. Enzo has already felt the central area of ​​Kaiyuan City, where the energy fluctuations are called strong. Obviously, the goal of the giant tree church is there.

"Go and see."

Enzo muttered to himself and sighed slightly in his heart. If the new king Dylan is indeed of O'Quinn's blood, then from the perspective of seniority, he may belong to his grandson's generation.

Naturally, it is impossible to let the Church of the Giant Tree kill it.

With a thought in his mind, Enzo had already turned into a shadow and disappeared on the spot. Almost instantly, he came to the center of Kaiyuan City, above the royal palace.

At this time, the palace was also in chaos.

The imperial guards in black armor were waiting in formation, but with the flashes of green light, giant trees rose from the ground, and the believers of the giant tree church came out of the tree trunks.

"Kill heretic Dylan!"

A bishop of the Giant Tree Church said with a cold face, "The heresy bewitched by the evil god must be eliminated!"

After that, he waved his hand.

The giant tree cultists began to charge towards the depths of the palace. Although the royal guards were a little scared, they still gritted their teeth and pushed forward. These royal guards are already the elite of the Kaiyuan Kingdom, but their general strength is not yet at the level of knights.

Therefore, their resistance is pointless.

In almost three minutes, the imperial guards were defeated. One of the centurions quickly sent a signal to the sky, trying to summon the soldiers in the city for support, but it seemed that time was running out.

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly, and planned to attack directly.

The believers of the Giant Tree Church, after accepting the power of Ge Weng, the god of the green tree, all gained extraordinary abilities. Among them, bishop-level figures even gained combat power no less than that of a first-order life form.

This kind of strength may not be considered a big deal in the wizarding world, but it can definitely walk sideways in the abandoned land.

You know, O'Quinn was just a sky knight back then.

According to the level of knights, only extraordinary knights can be called first-order life forms, and sky knights are insignificant at all, but even so, O'Quinn was able to establish the Kaiyuan Kingdom with his powerful personal force.

That's why, the Abandoned Land was abandoned by wizard civilization.

Even if it has a population of tens of millions and an abandoned land with few resources, it can still only be regarded as a remote place, and only the gods wanted by the parliament will choose to spread their beliefs here.

Just when Enzo was about to take action to deal with this group of giant tree cultists.

In the depths of the palace, a special force suddenly emanated, causing Enzo to give up his decision to act.

"This is?" Enzo frowned slightly.

Although the familiar breath was very faint, it was exceptionally clear. It came from the smell of the abyssal demon, and Enzo would not admit it wrong.

The next moment, there was a roar from the depths of the palace.

More than a dozen dove dog demons with fangs and sharp claws appeared in the black mist, and fought fiercely with the giant tree cultists.

Abyss Demon!

Even if it is just a group of dove dog demons, it represents the abyss after all. This kind of power should not appear in the abandoned land. How can the abyss patronize a place where even wizard civilization disdains to rule.

In the Forsaken Lands, wizards are legendary beings.

As for the abyss, it is even more ethereal. Enzo has lived in the abandoned land for so long, but he has never seen any information about the abyss in any books or documents.

Demons have never descended on the Forsaken Lands.

Even those greedy devils are unwilling to develop their trading partners in such a place, because the abandoned land is too barren, and even human souls are very inferior.

But now, demons appear in the abandoned land.

Enzo didn't know what was going on, but it was just a group of dove dog demons, which could not arouse his vigilance, so he turned into a shadow and hid himself to observe the follow-up of the matter.

"Damn heresy, is this the evil god's minion?"

The bishop of the giant tree waved vines to block the attack of the two dove dog demons, with an angry expression on his face.

Dove dog demon is a low-level abyssal demon.

After this kind of demon reaches adulthood, there are only some elites who can reach the level of first-order life forms. In the abyss, there are many similar cannon fodder. They were born in the fountain of the abyss, and many appear every day.

The little devils who have just crawled out of the fountain of the abyss will fight instinctively. The scene of the strong devouring the weak is played out in the abyss every moment, and those abyss lords who have grown up will also engrave this instinct in their souls. deep.

Therefore, like the powerhouses of the wizard civilization, the demon lords of the abyss world will also take the initiative to launch an attack after discovering the alien plane, and carry out a devastating blow to the race on the alien plane.

However, there is an essential difference from wizard civilization.

That is, demon lords invade alien planes for killing and fear, while wizard civilization is for conquest and rule. The former will wreak havoc after discovering an alien plane, while the latter is good at managing alien planes.

This is why, in the multiverse, the abyss and the wizard civilization are at the top of the two planes, but the comprehensive strength of the wizard civilization is stronger than the demon lords in the abyss world.

Although the two worlds have not waged a full-scale war for a long time, with the continuous conquest of the wizard civilization, its strength has become stronger and stronger, and it has already surpassed the abyss civilization.

Meanwhile, the fighting continues.

More than a dozen dove dog demons fought with the giant tree cultists, and the two sides entangled endlessly. The guards next to them had no room to intervene. In the battle of the first-order life form, mortals could only hide far away.

And just when the situation reached a stalemate, another breath of abyss appeared.

The scorching flames erupted like a furnace. On the ground of the palace, flames converged into strange symbols, and then the central area burned up, turning into a huge demon image.


This is one of the well-known demon races in the abyss. Any Balrog can reach the level of a first-order life body in adulthood, and has a strong growth rate, even reaching the level of a demon lord.

When he was in the Lost Continent, Enzo had encountered a Balrog Lord.

It was a Barlow flame demon. Even though it had been imprisoned for many years, it could still display its formidable strength, but in the end it was beheaded by Enzo, and its body materials were divided into pieces.

The Balrog that descended from the Abandoned Land was obviously not at the level of a lord.

But he also exuded a frightening aura, a pair of flaming eyes burst out with star flames, swung a flaming giant sword, and slashed at the giant tree cultists.

Immediately, the giant tree bishop was beheaded.

Flame is the nemesis of trees. The believers who believe in Geon, the god of green trees, all take the form of tree demons, so they can entangle with the dove dog demon endlessly, but they are not the opponents of the Balrog.

What's more, the strength of this Balrog has reached the second level.

The Balrog roared silently, waving the huge sword with both hands, and the burning flames spread almost to the entire palace. While killing a member of the Giant Tree Cultist, it also caused terrible damage to the surroundings.

The royal guards had already fled frantically.

They had never seen a demon before, and when they felt the terrifying aura on each other, they were already so frightened that they were not at the level of knights, and they even forgot how to fight.

In the corner, Enzo's eyes flickered.

He became very interested in the appearance of these demons. The timing of these demons' appearance was very interesting. Since he took the initiative to deal with the giant tree cultists, it was likely to be related to the new king Dylan.

It even has a relationship with Kaiyuan Kingdom.

"Could it be... the devil?"

Enzo speculated in his heart that although the abandoned land is barren, there are still tens of millions of human beings living there. Even if their souls are very weak, the sum of tens of millions of souls still has a certain value.

The appearance of the abyss demon may be a conspiracy of a certain devil.

Ge Weng, the God of Green Trees, and Lucy Lais, Goddess of the Night, fought each other to compete for the power of faith, but the appearance of the devil was even more terrifying to the Abandoned Land.

Because, the target of the devil is the soul.

If he thinks it is valuable, he may even use some secret method to kill tens of millions of humans in the entire abandoned land, and then harvest their souls. Demons have always been so terrifying in history.

Not far away, the battle is drawing to a close.

With the appearance of the Balrog, the followers of the Giant Tree had no power to resist, and were soon slaughtered. The bishops of the Giant Tree were still shouting heresy, but they were mercilessly beheaded by the giant sword of the Balrog.

The restraint of attributes, coupled with the difference in level, the giant tree cultists lost completely. When all the giant tree cultists were killed, a vortex suddenly appeared on the ground, and the dove dog demons all got into the vortex, and the Balrog sent out a wave After laughing wildly, it also turned into a stream of fire and disappeared in place.

And at this time, a thin figure timidly walked out from the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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