Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 666 The God of Green Trees

Chapter 666 The God of Green Trees
Just when Enzo fell into a trance, the surrounding Zerg army had already attacked like a torrent and a tsunami.

Enzo's heart skipped a beat, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

The Flesh Mother Tree is the medium for the Zerg to jump into the space. After killing it, the possibility of the Zerg's arrival is also cut off. However, what surprised Enzo is the world represented by the Zerg.

It was a world of complete darkness and nothingness.

The endless darkness devours everything around it. Even the avatar created with part of the soul will be swallowed inexplicably quickly after entering it, as if any living beings entering it will perish.

"Could it be... a black hole?"

Enzo suddenly had this idea in his heart, the lair where the Zerg is located is not the material world, but a black hole of annihilation.

In the multiverse, planes are dotted like stars.

The concept of a black hole was proposed by wizard civilization in the second era, and they believed that it was a space outside the material world. The meaning of its existence was to devour everything. Any material world that came close would be annihilated and shattered.

In the multiverse, there are many black holes.

But the timing of appearance is not fixed. Often after a black hole appears, it may exist for thousands of years, or it may disappear in an instant. Until now, no one knows the law of the appearance and disappearance of black holes.

The wizarding civilization has studied black holes for a while.

Even an expeditionary army composed of three sixth-level wizards and a large number of fifth-level holy soul wizards entered the black hole, but the result was stronger than the sixth-level wizards, and they lost contact in an instant.

After such a thing happened, the wizarding world ushered in shock.

The Supreme Council started an urgent discussion on whether to continue the research on black holes, headed by Flame Supreme, resolutely continue the research on black holes, the reason is to rescue those expeditionary forces of wizards who sank into the black holes.

But the Sovereign in the Center of the Earth raised objections.

The sixth-order wizards are considered to be the existence in the multiverse, second only to the Supreme and the Demon King. Even after they entered the black hole, they lost contact in an instant, which means that the danger of the black hole has exceeded imagination.

Even if the seventh-order supreme enters it, it may not be able to return safely.

As far as the wizarding world is concerned, every seventh-level supreme wizard represents a supreme existence and is the pillar of the entire wizarding civilization. The fall of a seventh-level supreme is likely to cause the wizarding civilization to lose a lot of resource points.

You must know that the number of small planes controlled by wizard civilization is calculated in the hundreds of thousands.

Every supreme wizard is responsible for a part of the small planes. If the supreme wizard falls into the black hole, then the heavenly demons in the abyss world will inevitably launch a crazy attack immediately to regain control of those small worlds.

And just as the two Supremes were arguing hard.

A new type of black hole suddenly appeared in the sky above a certain big world. The big world with seventh-order life forms could not resist the power of the black hole, and was eventually swallowed up, becoming a major event in the multiverse.

After that event, the multiverse knew the horror of black holes.

Even Flame Supreme, who has always been fearless and fearless, shut his mouth and did not dare to propose a plan to explore black holes, because since black holes can swallow a large world, it means that seventh-order life forms are meaningless in front of black holes.

"The battle must end as soon as possible!"

Enzo took a deep breath, with a serious look on his face. The danger of black holes is more terrifying than the abyss. If the power of black holes really appears in the wizarding world, it will be a real disaster.

Afterwards, Enzo gave a wand in his hand.

The strong shadow power spread instantly, and the surrounding Zerg army, like a torrent and tsunami, was wiped out in an instant.

The next moment, Enzo had already appeared in front of the Flesh Mother Tree.

Holding the soul bone magic wand high in his hand, the intense energy continuously condensed, and finally formed a ball of annihilation, which directly smashed towards the root of the flesh and blood mother tree.

In an instant, the color of the world changed.

The entire abandoned land was shaken, the earth was torn apart, mountains and rivers collapsed, the rulers of those human kingdoms fell to their knees, praying for the forgiveness of the gods, and everyone fell into panic.

"Long night is coming, faith will last forever!"

"Has the night finally arrived? Great Goddess of the Night, please give your humble believer some guidance?"

In Kaiyuan Kingdom, believers took to the streets one after another.

The earth was constantly shaking, and houses collapsed in large areas. Those believers who believed in the goddess of the night could only pray to the gods in order to seek the protection of the gods.

However, they don't know that the instigator of everything is a wizard.

On the barren field, there are traces of potholes everywhere. The land ravaged by witchcraft has collapsed. Huge cracks are like ditches, and strong energy is scattered in the air.

Not far away, in the deep pit, the Flesh Mother Tree has collapsed.

The huge body was finally completely broken under the destruction of the ball of annihilation. The shadow flames swallowed the broken torso of the Flesh Mother Tree, and the Zerg army that crawled out of it continuously disappeared.

In the same place, a trace of paleness appeared on Enzo's face.

The power of the ball of annihilation just now was his full blow, and at least one-third of his magic power was consumed, but he also successfully killed the Flesh Mother Tree and the massive Zerg army around it.

Looking at the Zerg corpses piled up around him, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

It is still unclear what these Zerg army represent, but if the opponent is really a creature in the black hole, then it is undoubtedly a major discovery, and even caused shocks in the entire wizarding civilization.

"The gate of the dimension!"

With a thought in Enzo's mind, the dimensional gate of the War Ghost World opened, and under his orders, millions of soldiers of the Evil Ghost Clan came out.

"Transport all these Zerg corpses back to the World of War Ghosts."

Enzo issued an order that these Zerg corpses have high research value, so it is the best choice to bring them back to the World of War Ghosts.

Afterwards, millions of evil ghosts started the transport operation.

And Enzo also came to the side of the Flesh Mother Tree, looking at the Flesh Mother Tree that had been burned by the fire, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

Enzo waved his hand.

The shadow turned into a ten-meter-long sharp blade, tore apart the trunk of the Flesh Mother Tree, and took out a black heart from it.

The pure black heart exudes a strange aura.

"This is... the coordinates?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, looking at the heart floating in his palm, the luster in his eyes flickered.

A heart with a hint of space power does belong to a coordinate.

But where it leads is still uncertain. After having previous experience, Enzo deduces that using this coordinate, there is a high probability that he will go to a black hole, which is almost equivalent to a dead end even for Enzo.

"Bring it back to the world of war ghosts!"

After thinking about it for a while, Enzo made a decision. After putting away the heart representing the coordinates, he looked at the remnant of the giant tree not far away.

The huge body of the flesh and blood mother tree that was killed by witchcraft is already dilapidated.

The trunk, which was more than a thousand meters high, was directly blown into two pieces. Black flames burned on the broken body, but the wound was like human flesh and blood.

Enzo bent down and picked up a piece of minced meat.

The shape of the flesh and blood mother tree is similar to that between plants and creatures. Although it has been killed by witchcraft, the broken torso fragments still have a certain degree of activity, eager to be infused with nutrients.

"Isn't it the substance of the wizarding world?"

A hint of thought appeared on Enzo's face. The formation of the Flesh Mother Tree required other substances besides the authority of Geon, the god of green trees, and this substance did not seem to belong to the wizarding world.

Afterwards, Enzo ordered the Evil Ghost Clan to bring the remnant of the Flesh Mother Tree back to the World of War Ghosts and give it to Zuo Fei to take care of.

And just as he was thinking about the Flesh Mother Tree and the Zerg.

Not far away, a red glow suddenly flickered, and the weeping goddess Helaya appeared, with a trace of fear on her face.

"What's wrong?" Enzo's heart sank.

"...It's Geon." Helaya said with a grim expression, "Not long ago he appeared on the Isle of Essos in the abandoned land, and devoured all the creatures there, including the giant tree believers and the night believers."

Enzo frowned slightly, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

It seemed that he had been tricked. The mother tree of flesh and blood in the wilderness was originally Ge Weng, the god of green trees. In order to attract his attention, the real purpose of the other party was to devour the souls of believers and restore himself.

"Didn't you stop him?" Enzo frowned.

"Sorry, master." A trace of embarrassment appeared on Helaya's face. When Geon, the God of Green Trees, appeared, she did have a brief confrontation with the opponent, but even the God of Green Trees, who had been seriously injured, was still no match for her.

The battle between the two gods didn't even last a round.

Helaya couldn't fight at all, so he could only run away, and was intercepted by the giant tree cultists on the way, which delayed a lot of time, so he came now to tell Enzo the bad news.

Enzo shook his head and didn't say much nonsense.

He had already known what level of god Helaya was. Such a waste might be enough to deal with third-order life forms, but it would be good if he could keep his life in the face of ancient gods like Ge Weng, the god of green trees.

Back in the Lost Continent, the three goddesses joined forces to fight Ge Weng, the god of green trees.

But in fact, the only one who really confronted Ge Weng was Lucy Lais. As for Qiluo and Helaya, they were all auxiliary existences for soy sauce.

"Lead the way." Enzo said coldly.

Helaya nodded quickly, and then turned into a red light, followed by Enzo, and the two came to the continent of Essos.

According to the calculation method of the Northern Council, the continent of Essos is one of the main continents of the Abandoned Lands, second only to the continent of Icy Plains in scale, where seven large kingdoms live and there are 3 million human beings.

But at this moment, the continent of Essos is dead.

Enzo turned into a shadow and appeared in the sky. He looked towards a barren land, and saw an old tree covering the sky and the sun on the ground. The huge body almost formed a sea of ​​trees.

And around the giant tree, a large number of souls are dotted like stars.

Some of the souls had fanatical expressions on their faces, while others were full of hatred, obviously representing the Giant Tree Cultist and the Night Cultist respectively.

There are seven kingdoms in Essos.

The believers here are also the targets of the struggle between the Church of the Evernight and the Church of the Giant Tree. As the battle of faith has fully started, the flames of war have already spread in this continent, but no one recalls that Geweng, the god of the green tree, will target here.

With the power of the gods, destroy the seven kingdoms.

The appearance of 3 million souls, to Ge Weng, the god of green trees, is like a traveler in the desert, getting a spring of water is as important, after swallowing them all, his strength can be almost completely restored.

"Have you been hiding here?" Enzo's eyes flickered.

After returning from the Lost Continent, Geon, the God of Green Trees, has been hiding in the Essos Continent. He turned himself into a small sapling, but his body was buried deep in the soil, and his roots had already spread all over the Essos Continent. .

Not long ago, Enzo also came to the continent of Essos.

But at that time, he was just looking at the war between the Church of the Evernight and the Church of the Giant Tree. He didn't think that Geon, the God of Green Trees, would hide here, so he was noticed by the God of Green Trees, Geon.

No wonder the opponent didn't make a move for so long.

The believers of the Church of the Giant Tree are the capital of the God of the Green Tree to restore his strength. Seeing the Church of the Giant Tree being suppressed by the Church of Evernight, how can the God of the Green Tree remain indifferent? He can only use the strategy of turning the tiger away from the mountain.

Using the lives of believers in the cold continent and the flesh and blood seeds obtained in the lost continent in the early years, Ge Weng created the flesh and blood mother tree, intending to deal with Enzo.

However, Ge Weng did not expect that Enzo was so powerful.

Kill the Mother Tree of Flesh and Flesh in a short period of time, and hunt down Essos. At this time, Geon, the God of Green Trees, has not completely devoured the souls of the surrounding believers, and is in a critical state.

Enzo turned into a shadow and appeared on the ground.

Before he got close to the giant tree, a vine had grown rapidly on the ground not far away, and an old man walked out slowly from it, holding an emerald-like scepter in his hand.

"Make a deal, wizard!"

After seeing Enzo, the old man said coldly, "According to the principle of equivalent exchange in your wizarding world, I am willing to pay some price in exchange for peace."

A sneer appeared on Enzo's face.

The words of Ge Weng, the god of green trees, obviously meant that his strength had not yet recovered, so he had no chance of fighting and winning, so he proposed a deal.

However, for Enzo.

The principle of equivalent exchange is only applicable to wizards. As for the god of green trees, Geon, as long as Enzo captures and brandes him, then everything of the other party will belong to him, and there is no point in exchanging anything.

"What do you think?"

Enzo was expressionless, the Soul Bone Wand appeared in his hand, and the shadows under his feet spread like a tide.

On the opposite side, Ge Weng, the god of green trees, had a gloomy face.

His state at this time is at a critical point. In just a few more hours, he can devour the souls of 3 million believers and recover himself. Whether he returns to the Lost Continent or escapes from the world of wizards, he will be sure.

However, the appearance of Enzo disrupted the plan of Ge Weng, the god of green trees, and plunged him into an unprecedented crisis. He could only try his best to delay the time.

(End of this chapter)

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