Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 669 The danger of the forest spirit

Chapter 669 The danger of the forest spirit
The former Aqila World has been renamed the Forest World.

This was originally a world dominated by forests. Under the protection of the tree of Akira, the children of the forest and the Green Goblins were the rulers of this world, but with the advent of wizard civilization, everything changed.

The tree of Akira was sealed, and the children of the forest were on the verge of extinction.

The only remaining children of the forest are almost all in the wizard's laboratory, used as experimental objects to maintain their lives, and the family that replaced the children of the forest are the fallen spirits artificially created by the wizard civilization.

Enzo passed through the portal and descended over the forest world.

He floated in mid-air, looking down, this is a city full of fantasy style.

Knoll City.

A look of reminiscence appeared on Enzo's face. This city was the place where he once lived. The predecessor of the Emerald Crow was also born in this kind of city. tower.

"Go back and have a look."

Enzo shook his head, turned into a shadow and disappeared in place, and then appeared in front of a tall tower. The tower, which has gone through centuries of wind and frost, is still standing, and it is even well maintained.

At the entrance of the tower, squatting a stone beast.

"Welcome back, Lord Enzo."

As Enzo approached, a red light flashed in the eyes of the stone beast, and after confirming Enzo's identity, the door opened automatically.

Even after 100 years, witchcraft props are still used normally.

Enzo went straight into the gate. The fallen spirit girls who were in charge of cleaning up the tower were all surprised when they saw a wizard entering, but the oldest fallen spirit among them gasped.

"You are... Lord Enzo?" The fallen spirit girl exclaimed.

Although they have left the forest world for more than a hundred years, there are still photos of Enzo in the towers in the Nuoer area. These fallen spirit girls are no longer the ones who served Enzo at first, but were supplemented by Nuoer City. here.

According to the rules established by the Phantom of Crows.

The wizard tower in the forest world, only when the wizard has been missing for 300 years, will it be regarded as a useless building and demolished. As for 300 years ago, the academy will send people to maintain it every once in a while.

As for the resources used for maintenance, they will be handed over to the owner of the tower in the form of a bill after he appears.

There is a kind of fallen spirit girl around, all of whom have undergone professional training.

Before they were sent to work in the tower, everyone remembered the name and appearance of the owner of the tower, so after confirming Enzo's identity, all the fallen spirit girls knelt down.

"Get up." Enzo said lightly.

Afterwards, the fallen spirit girls stood up, and one of them, who seemed to be the housekeeper of the tower, took a step forward.

"Welcome home, Lord Enzo."

Enzo nodded and looked at the Fallen Spirit girl in front of him. She was somewhat similar to the original butler of the tower, so he asked, "What's your name?"

"Return to Master Enzo, I am Saxi, the head maid."

The girl replied, "My grandmother was the first housekeeper of the tower, Sa Ling, but she has passed away for many years. Ten months ago, I was sent here by the school to be responsible for maintaining the daily operation of the tower."

Enzo nodded and understood the rules of the forest world.

In today's forest world, as the aborigines, the children of the forest have long been driven off the stage of history. The fallen spirits have become the spokespersons of wizards, but strictly speaking, they are just puppets.

Fallen spirits are the most loyal servants.

The wizard continued the blood of the Fallen Spirit Race through the breeding hall. After each Fallen Spirit Race was born, they could not be raised by their mothers, but were sent to the Unified College to receive a unified education.

Under the brainwashing of the school, the spirit of the Fallen was programmed.

They fully accept their status as servants, and consider it an honor to serve the great wizard civilization, while those who have their own independent thoughts and fail the school graduation examination will be destroyed uniformly.

In Enzo's tower, there are a hundred fallen spirit girls.

They all received tasks from the school and came to serve in the tower. The oldest among them, the Fallen Spirit, was 45 years old. Although his appearance remained unchanged, his life was actually coming to an end.

The average lifespan of the Fallen is only 50 years.

From 15 years old, they were sent to serve in the tower. These Eldar women have never left the range of the tower, and they continue to live a repetitive life day after day, which is undoubtedly a torment for intelligent creatures.

But the girls of the Fallen Spirit Race had no intention of rebelling against fate.

However, even after being brainwashed by the school, the fallen spirit girls are still intelligent creatures. In the 100 years since Enzo left the tower, among the fallen spirit girls who have been responsible for maintaining the tower in the past, there have been occasional suicides.

Enzo shook his head, a trace of emotion appeared on his face.

This is the tragedy of a conquered civilization. The entire race has been reduced to an appendage and lost its dignity as an intelligent creature. For example, these fallen spirit girls have been living in school since birth, and were sent to high school after graduation. The tower is like a bird in a cage.

"Prepare some food." Enzo ordered.

The fallen spirit girl immediately began to prepare. Now that she has come to the world of forest spirits, Enzo's next step is to use the ability of the wizard of all spirits to deal with the demons of the abyss, but before that, he still needs to collect information.

Enzo came to the top floor of the tower, opened the window and looked outside.

One by one phantom crows flew out of his body and flew towards the forest world in all directions. Enzo used the vision of phantom crows to see this world, which was already devastated.

The once vibrant world has now been divided into two.

The left side belongs to the wizard civilization, with various cities and towers rising from the ground, while the right side is the army of demons, the forest is burned in a large area, the earth becomes pitch black, and the demons destroy everything they see.

In the multiverse, wizards are as terrifying as demons.

But the world conquered by wizard civilization, although losing freedom and dignity, can at least continue to live, but those abyssal demons are different, and any world they fancy will usher in devastating destruction.

The same is true of the forest world.

As a demon lord, the Demon of Thousand Hands intends to rule the world, but he has never restrained the raging demons. This is the nature of the creatures of the abyss, and it is almost unchangeable.

In the sky, phantom crows are flying around.

One of the phantom crows came to Laqi area, which used to be the center of the elf world, the territory of the Akira tree, and the birthplace of the children of the forest, but it has been destroyed at this moment.

"Huh?" In the tower, Enzo frowned.

Relying on the vision of the phantom crow, he saw the center of the Laqi area, where the tree of Ai Qila was originally sealed, but now it was filled with the abyss. A large number of wizards were strengthening the seal with witchcraft, but it still didn't help.

In the sky, a floating ark is flying.

In front of the huge ark, Mitchell and Gustav stood side by side, looking at the seal of the Tree of Akira, with serious expressions on their faces.

"The seal is getting looser."

Gustav looked solemn, and said in a deep voice, "The power of the Thousand-Handed Demon has penetrated into the Laqi area. If we don't think about it, we will lose completely when the Thousand-Handed Demon merges with the Tree of Ekira." .”

Mitchell also frowned, and said with a wry smile, "I understand what you said, but the problem is what to do? With our strength, it is already very difficult to resist the demon army with the heart of the world. Now the power of the Demon of Thousand Hands has penetrated into the How can we expel this force from the Laqi area?"

"It would be great if Master Frosley was here." Gustav murmured.

"Hmph! Are you still ashamed to say it?" Mitchell sneered, and said quietly, "If your disciple is willing to help, we don't have to be so embarrassed. Compared with Frosley, the guardian of the fourth-level wizard, the Conqueror Four Enzo, a super wizard, is it easy to deal with the Demon of Thousand Hands?"

The two looked at each other and fell into silence.

"Speaking ill of people behind their backs is not a good behavior." And at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and the phantom crow flying in the sky suddenly landed on the deck, transforming into the image of Enzo.

Mitchell was dumbfounded.

However, Enzo ignored him, turned around, saluted Gustav respectfully and said, "Mentor."

Gustav was also taken aback.

"You... why are you here?" Mitchell was a little embarrassed, but his eyes were filled with surprise. The situation in the forest world before him was changing from being evenly matched to being disadvantaged by wizard civilization.

The arrival of Enzo at this time is undoubtedly like sending charcoal in the snow.

A half-smile appeared on Enzo's face, and he looked at Mitchell. He didn't expect that the vice-principal would have a little resentment towards him. Fortunately, he arrived in the forest world in time.

Mitchell's expression suddenly became more embarrassed.

Next to him, Gustav had a complex expression on his face, and he sighed in his heart. The little apprentice at the beginning has now grown into a fourth-level wizard. Such a promotion speed is really scary.

Even in the history of the wizarding world, it is very rare to be promoted to the fourth rank in a hundred years.

When Enzo was accepted as his disciple, Gustav was only a first-level wizard. He could break through two realms in a hundred years, which could be regarded as a genius, but compared with Enzo, he was far behind.

"I didn't expect you to grow up so fast!" Gustav sighed.

"Everything depends on the help of the mentor."

Enzo sincerely said that Gustav has been the most helpful person to Enzo since he embarked on his wizarding journey. As a mentor, Gustav is definitely a very qualified existence.

You know, in the rules of the wizarding world.

Most of the relationship between mentors and disciples is mutually beneficial, but Gustav has always paid unilaterally to Enzo and never asked for anything in return. Enzo has always been grateful for this.

And now, Enzo has been promoted to the fourth rank of All Souls Wizard.

Beyond the existence of Gustav, the mentor, he can finally repay, and the crisis in the forest world is the best opportunity.

Today's phantom of crows, the pattern is no longer what it used to be.

After Flossley was promoted to the fourth-level wizard, he has basically resigned from the position of dean, and Christina is not interested in managing the college. Strictly speaking, the phantoms of the crows are only Gustav and Mitchell. Dean.

This also means that after the expedition to the forest world is over, one of the two will fuse the heart of the world and get the chance to be promoted to the fourth level. staff.

However, all this has to be discussed after the expedition is over.

Enzo looked forward, the place where the Tree of Aiqila was sealed. As the former ruler of the forest world, the power of the Tree of Aiqila was well known to Enzo when he was a first-order wizard.

In a sense, the Tree of Ekira is the god of this century.

But in the end, relying on the restraint of the Calamity Beast, Frosley successfully sealed it, and at the same time ended the fate of the children of the forest. After the tree of Akira was sealed, it fell into a deep sleep.

But now, a trace of power from the abyss has loosened the seal.

"What happened?" Enzo asked with a frown.

The seal of the Laqi area should be a top priority for the Phantom of Crows. The surrounding area is guarded by a large number of wizards all the year round. It is only right to invest your own strength here.

But now, it happened.

"It was my negligence." Gustav shook his head and sighed, "The Demon of Thousand Hands cut off his tentacles and attached himself to several wizards, so that he can approach the sealed place."

"I see." Enzo nodded.

The body of the Demon of Thousand Hands is a huge tentacle monster. According to legend, he has a thousand arms, each of which represents a power. In order to get close to the sealed place, the Demon of Thousand Hands gave up part of his strength. No wonder able to succeed.

In the sealed place at this time, the breath of the abyss has spread.

A large number of wizards around are strengthening the seal, but a trace of abyssal breath is still infiltrating. This force may not be able to break the seal of Frosley, but it is very likely to awaken the tree of Ekira.

In the war a hundred years ago, the Tree of Aiqila was seriously injured.

But after sleeping for 100 years, the power of the tree of Akira is also constantly recovering. If the seal is not loose, it will sleep forever until the heart of the forest world is fused and reduced to Frosley slave.

But now, things are different.

The power infiltrated by the Demon of Thousand Hands loosens the seal. Once the tree of Aiqila wakes up, under the influence of the breath of the abyss, it will inevitably launch a crazy attack on the phantoms of the crows.

And at that time, the demon army will attack in one fell swoop.

Under the pincer attack of the two forces, even if the phantom of the crows still holds the heart of the elf world, they will undoubtedly lose.

"Fortunately, Enzo is here." Mitchell rejoiced in his heart.

In such a critical situation, the only way for Phantom Crows is to turn to Enzo for help. Mitchell originally planned to ask Enzo for help, but he didn't expect that Enzo had already come to the forest world before he spoke.

For the Tier [-] Conqueror of All Souls, even the Tree of Aiqila in its heyday may not have a slight chance of winning.

(End of this chapter)

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