Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 681 God Servant

Chapter 681 God Servant
Although the temptation of a world, it is difficult for a wizard to refuse.

But Enzo didn't want to be the one who picked the peaches. The third-level wizards of the Phantom of the Crows had already put in too much effort for the expedition to the forest world. If this opportunity was missed, the promotion to the fourth level would be far away.

"Make a decision as soon as possible."

Gustav shook his head, and said, "In any case, the Thousand-Handed Demon is our biggest threat. No matter who is the heart of the forest world or the final fuser, we must first defeat the demon army."

"I understand." Enzo nodded.

Afterwards, he disappeared in place, returned to the laboratory to continue his research, trying to use the power of potions to solve the mushroom spore virus on the evil ghosts, but he was still unable to achieve his goal.

But at this moment, Enzo's heart suddenly moved.

He felt a call, as if from a distant wizarding world, praying to himself like a believer.


Enzo raised his eyebrows, closed his eyes slightly, and used the power of the soul imprint to break through the barrier of the multiverse to the world of wizards, and found that in the abandoned land, the weeping goddess Helaya was calling him.

"What happened?" Enzo frowned slightly.

At this moment, the expedition in the forest world is at an important point. Leaving rashly may make the wizard side passive, but Helaya will not look for herself for no reason. There must be something to report.

On the spot, Enzo pondered for a moment.

Afterwards, he still decided to take a look, but instead of sending out his body, he formed a clone with the phantom crow and passed through the portal of the forest world.


Meanwhile, the wizarding world.

Abandoned land.

With the sinking of the continent of Essos, Geon, the god of the green tree, also completely fell. The abandoned land ushered in the biggest shock in tens of millions of years, and the rumors of the end of the world began to spread more intensely.

The believers of the Church of Evernight are spreading their faith crazily.

However, with the fall of Geon, the God of Green Trees, Enzo no longer paid attention to the so-called Church of Evernight, and let those believers pray, but still did not get any response, including the weeping goddess Helaya.

Above the sky, a phantom crow turned into a human form.

Enzo looked at the sunken continent of Essos on the surface of the sea, and an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes. The battle of the fourth-order life forms caused this continent to sink to the bottom of the sea. Fortunately, no one died because of it.

That's because before the battle started, all life in Essos had been devoured by the god of green trees, Geon.


Suddenly, there was a burst of red mist, and Helaya, the goddess of weeping, came out and bowed to Enzo.

"Why did you call me?" Enzo asked quietly.

"I tell the master that the task you gave me has been completed." The corners of Helaya's lips twitched slightly, a smug flash of eyes flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Lucy Lais has already agreed to surrender, but she also put forward some conditions."

"Oh? Lucy Lais is willing to surrender?" Enzo frowned.

This was news that surprised him. Although he had subdued the goddess of the night Lucilles before, he was not sure about making her surrender, so Helaya volunteered to be a lobbyist.

Enzo didn't hold out much hope for this.

The reason is very simple. Unlike Helaya, Luciles, as an ancient god, has her own pride. Even in the face of death, she is unwilling to become a servant of a wizard.

I don't know what kind of method Helaya used to change Lucy Lais's mind.

"Master, please come with me."

Helaya made a gesture of invitation, and then took Enzo through the space to the isolated island in the world of war ghosts.

In the grotto, Lucy Lais sat cross-legged.

Her state was extremely weak, and even her source was extremely unstable. Her pale face seemed to be on the verge of death. Feeling the approach of Enzo and Helaya, a trace of hatred could not help but appear in her eyes.

"Have you changed your mind?" Enzo asked.

Lucilles took a deep breath, nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice, "I can swear to surrender to you, but you must agree to one condition."

"Strictly speaking, you are not qualified to bargain."

Enzo shook his head, and said quietly, "But, for the sake of our previous cooperation, let me tell you your conditions."

A trace of complexity flashed in Lucille's eyes.

When she woke up from the Kingdom of God, the wizard in front of her was just a weak and ant-like existence to her, but now she has already posed a threat to herself.

Perhaps he should have been killed when he was in the Kingdom of God.

Lucy Lais felt a little regretful in her heart, but nothing could be changed. Even the powerful ancient gods could only accept their own fate.

"I want you to help me save someone."

Lucy Lais opened her mouth slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Helena, the Goddess of Spring!"


Enzo frowned. He knew the goddess of spring water, but she didn't seem to be called by this name. I wondered if Lucy Lais was talking about the same god.

"Helena is her real name."

At this time, Helaya next to her said, "The Goddess of Spring had many names in ancient times, but few people knew that Helena was her original name, and it was also a name well known by ancient gods."

"I see." Enzo nodded slightly.

Afterwards, he pondered for a moment and said, "As far as I know, Helena, the Goddess of Springs, has already devoted her allegiance to the wizarding civilization after the war in ancient times. I'm afraid I don't need to save her?"

"You call that allegiance?"

Lucy Lais raised her voice a little bit, her eyes gleamed with anger, and she almost roared, "Is it the consequence of being loyal to the wizarding civilization, being locked up in the dark prison of God and randomly selected like livestock?"

"If that's the case, I'd rather she be dead!"

Seeing Lucy Lace's excited expression, Enzo's face was stunned, and at the same time, his eyes flickered slightly.

In the ancient books of the ancient times, there are many records about the goddess of the night and the goddess of spring water. According to legend, the two are the best sisters.

It now appears that the legend is true.

Helena, the Goddess of Spring Water, is indeed a very important existence to Lucy Lace, so she would ask Enzo to save Helena at the cost of surrendering to Enzo.

"I can consider your conditions."

Enzo pondered for a moment, and said, "However, it's not possible now. I can only promise you to release Helena from God's Prison within a hundred years."

The wizard civilization established the God Prison system.

All the gods imprisoned in the prison are the wealth of the wizard civilization, but it doesn't need to be too complicated to save the goddess of spring water. As long as Enzo can pay enough star stones, she can redeem her freedom.

However, to redeem a god, the number of star stones required is astronomical.

Even if the goddess of spring water is just a weak god, things will not be so simple, at least the current Enzo does not have this ability.

"A hundred years?"

Lucy Laisi's eyes flickered, she nodded slightly and said, "Yes, but you have to make an oath with the ancestor of the wizard."

"You have no right to ask me to do anything."

Enzo shook his head and said coldly, "You who are locked up here, no matter whether you sincerely surrender to me or not, you can't change the final outcome. If it's not for the sake of Helaya's intercession, you think you are still qualified Are you talking about terms?"

Beside, Helaya winked wildly.

Lucilles had a shameful expression on her face, her eyes were almost burning with anger, and she clenched her teeth tightly.

"Hmph! What a pity you didn't make the right choice."

Enzo snorted coldly, turned around and left directly. Since Lucilles hadn't recognized the reality, there was no reason for him to continue to indulge her.

Helaya's expression changed.

And just when Enzo was about to leave, Lucilles finally couldn't help but shouted with difficulty.

"wait wait wait!"

Lucille Lace took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, bent her knees slightly, knelt down to Enzo and said, "Please forgive me for being unreasonable before, as long as you can give me a promise to rescue Helena, I am willing to surrender. "

Enzo stopped, then turned around slowly.

Looking at Lucy Lais kneeling on the ground, Enzo raised the corners of his lips slightly, then nodded and said, "Okay! I promise to rescue the goddess of springs, Helena, from God's Prison within a hundred years."

"Thank you."

Lucy Lace's face was pale, and there was a trace of bitterness in her eyes. Enzo's promise was not binding on him, but at this moment, Lucy Lace had no right to bargain.

"So... let go of your spirit now."

Enzo spoke slowly, since Lucilles chose to surrender, it is natural to leave a soul imprint on the opponent.

Lucilles nodded, and then let go of her spirit.

Enzo slowly raised his hand, leaving a trace of power in Lucy Lace's body, forming a soul brand. Under the constraints of this brand, he could punish Lucy Lace at any time.

Unless Enzo dies unexpectedly one day, this brand will remain on Lucilles forever.

Beside, Helaya's eyes were a bit complicated.

"Don't be sad, don't be sad."

Helaya secretly said in her heart, "The shackles of the soul brand are only a temporary existence, and they will be broken one day."

It's different from Lucy Lace's soul branding for the first time.

In the long life of Helaya, there have been more than three experiences of surrendering to the strong, each time leaving something like a soul mark, but in the end driven by fate, those strong who were surrendered by Helaya, finally All died for various reasons.

Therefore, for Helaya, even if her soul is imprinted, it does not mean that she will lose her freedom completely. In the immortal life of a god, anything can happen.

After the soul imprint was placed, Enzo waved his hand to release Luciles from the imprisonment.

Then, he turned his gaze to Helaya.

"Master, please come with me."

Helaya quickly understood what Enzo meant. Since Luciles, the goddess of the night, had chosen to surrender, the next target would naturally be Qiluo, the god of giant spiders in another grotto.

Compared to Lucy Lais, Qiluo is weak.

But the other party is also a god after all, and being able to enslave him is also a great benefit to Enzo.

Afterwards, Enzo came to the cage where the giant spider god was imprisoned.

At this time, Qi Luo, the god of giant spiders, had already shown his main body form. The huge dream weaver was chained by shadows, and he couldn't get out of the grotto. He could only recover his strength by sleeping.

Although this recovery is minimal.

"Wake up, Qiluo."

In the same place, Lucy Laisi's face was pale, and a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes. She had surrendered to Enzo, so Qi Luo's fate would also be the same.

Sensing Lucy Lais' call, the Giant Spider God immediately opened his eyes.

"Have you finally broken free?"

Seeing Lucy Lais's figure, a trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of the giant spider god, but then he became vigilant and murmured, "Not necessarily, maybe it's that wizard's trick again!"

Lucilles shook her head, a trace of bitterness appeared on her face.

"Give up, Qiluo." Lucilles sighed helplessly, and said, "I have surrendered to the wizard."

A trace of disbelief flashed in the eyes of the giant spider god.

But she didn't make a decision right away, but the thoughts flickered in her heart. The long-term detention made her unable to tell whether the Lucilles in front of her was a hallucination or the wizard's method.

"I leave it to you." Enzo said lightly.

Compared to making Lucy Lace surrender, the giant spider god is obviously easier to subdue. The other party is unconditionally loyal to the Evernight Goddess, so Enzo doesn't need to say anything, and everything can be left to Lucy Lace.

Lucilles took a deep breath and walked forward slowly.

She stroked the scarred body of the giant spider god and whispered to her. After feeling the presence of Lucy Lace, the giant spider god finally gave up struggling and realized that what happened around her was not an illusion.

After that, things went very smoothly.

After learning that the goddess of the night had surrendered, the giant spider god was a little emotional, but finally accepted the world, and chose to let go of his spirit to let Enzo imprint his soul.

Since then, the three goddesses of the Church of Evernight have surrendered to Enzo.

"Let's go, it's time to leave."

Enzo said slowly, since Lucilles and Qi Luo have declared their surrender to him, there is no need to imprison them in the World of War Ghosts.

The next moment, the gate of the dimension opened.

Enzo took the three goddesses directly to the abandoned place in the wizarding world, appearing in a wilderness.

In the distance are the cities of the Red Keep Kingdom.

At this time, the city was already in chaos. The news of the sinking of the Essos continent spread, and the rumors of the end of the world became more and more intense. Almost everyone joined the Evernight Church to pray for the protection of the Evernight Goddess.

However, no matter how much they prayed, they could not get an answer.

Even those high-level members of the Church of Evernight felt their own power was constantly passing away, as if the three goddesses had abandoned them, and thus fell into a state of extreme panic.

"What is the master going to do?" Helaya asked tentatively.

Enzo took a deep breath, and then slowly flew up into the sky until he could overlook the entire Abandoned Land. Except for the sunken continent of Essos, there were only eight islands of different sizes left in the Abandoned Land.

(End of this chapter)

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