Chapter 685 Myrcella

"Enzo?" The red witch asked in surprise.

"Long time no see, Mysella." Enzo also had a trace of emotion on his face. There were not many old friends from the apprenticeship period left, and he unexpectedly saw Mysaila here.

Compared with 100 years ago, the appearance of the red witch Myrcella has hardly changed, but the aura exuding from her body is stronger.

Obviously, the other party has broken through the realm and become a third-order wizard!
And Myrcella is not an ordinary third-tier wizard, walking the path of a conqueror wizard, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

"Is this the power of Supreme Mind's thoughts?"

Enzo was secretly surprised. The energy fluctuations emitted by Myrcella had reached a terrifying level for a third-tier wizard.

Even without using chip analysis, Enzo could feel that Myrcella's combat effectiveness must have surpassed that of a third-tier wizard.

And the strength shown by the other party just proved this point. As a third-order wizard, he suppressed the three goddesses.

"The changes in the abandoned land were made by you?"

Myrcella looked Enzo up and down, feeling the power of shadow on Enzo, which was from the same source as the energy that can be seen everywhere in the Abandoned Land.

Enzo nodded.

The reason why the eight islands of the Abandoned Land can be integrated into one is the chain formed by the power of shadow, which is entirely Enzo's masterpiece.

"Have you been promoted to the fourth-tier wizard?"

Myrcella sucked in a breath of cold air, knowing very well in her heart that only the fourth-level wizards can use their own power to affect the abandoned land.

Enzo nodded slightly.

"Guardian the way?" Myrcella asked hastily.

"No, it's the conqueror." Enzo shook his head.

Misera's complexion changed slightly, and an extremely complicated luster flashed in her eyes, and she said, "So... in just 100 years, have you already conquered a world?"

The corner of Enzo's lips twitched, but he didn't refute.

"it's a pity."

Misera shook her head, as if she was unwilling, and sighed, "I thought I could surpass you when I came back this time..."

Afterwards, Myrcella raised her head, looked at the three goddesses not far away, and said in a strange tone, "They have all surrendered to you?"

Enzo nodded.

Lucy Laisi's face was ugly, and her eyes flashed with shame, but she also had to admit her identity, and she was loyal to Enzo.

Beside, Helaya didn't care, she looked at Enzo and Misera, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

The two old friends who hadn't seen each other for a hundred years reunited, but after a brief exchange, they fell into silence for a while.

Myrcella's complexion changed unsteadily, her eyes seemed to be a little dazed, and meeting Enzo was the scene she had been looking forward to.

But not in the current situation.

"Come back this time, is it also a revisit of the old place?"

After a long while, Enzo broke the silence and said, "I heard that you went to Stigmata Continent before. How was it? How did you get it?"

Myrcella lifted her spirits, shook her head and sighed, "I took a ghost ship to the northern continent from the abandoned land before, and thought I had seen the vastness of the world."

"Now that I have arrived in Stigmata Continent, I realize that I am still a frog in a well!"

"The Stigmata Continent is the center of the world!"

"I practiced there for 30 years, and I was only eligible to leave after I broke through the realm of a third-order wizard, so I wanted to take a look back at the abandoned land."

"It was only when I got here that I realized that everything had changed before."

Myrcella said, with a strange look on her face.

"You let them spread the faith in the abandoned place?"

Enzo nodded without denying it.

After being branded in the souls of the three goddesses, these three goddesses have completely devoted their allegiance to Enzo, allowing the three goddesses to spread the faith in the abandoned continent, which is also the help provided by Enzo to help Lucy Lais regain her strength.

Ever since changing the pattern of the Abandoned Land and making it a complete continent, deep in Enzo's heart, the Abandoned Land has already belonged to his territory.

"I see."

Myrcella nodded, then raised her head suddenly, and asked again, "By the way, how is the academy? Since you have been promoted to the fourth-level wizard, the expedition to the forest world should be over, right?"

A wry smile appeared on Enzo's face, and he shook his head helplessly.

"Even you can't defeat the Demon of Thousand Hands?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Myrcella's eyes, and said, "Isn't the other party just a fourth-order demon lord?"

"Things are more complicated."

Enzo's face was slightly gloomy, and he briefly described the situation in the forest world, and then told Myrcella about the female devil's capture of Gustav.

"Teleportation gun?"

Myrcella's eyes flashed, and after hearing the process of Gustav being taken away, her expression changed slightly, obviously because she had heard the name of the artifact transfer gun.

It was the crystallization of the wisdom of the goblin civilization. It is very famous in the multiverse. So far, the wizard civilization has not been able to copy the technology of the teleportation gun.

According to historical records, after the goblin civilization was destroyed by wizards, seven teleportation guns were scattered throughout the multiverse, and only three of them were obtained by wizard civilization.

The owners of the two teleportation guns are unknown, and the other fell into the hands of a fourth-order wizard. With the help of the teleportation gun, the other party went to the ninth floor of the abyss alone, and even calmly fell under the siege of three fifth-order demon lords. Get away and make a name for yourself.

"By the way, what are your plans next?"

Looking at Misera on the opposite side, Enzo's heart suddenly moved and he asked.

"I stayed in the Stigmata Continent for 30 years. I planned to rest for a while when I came back this time, and then I would consider going to the multiverse to open up."

The corner of Misera's lips twitched, and said, "But now it seems that my vacation plan will be postponed."

Enzo touched his nose, a smile appeared on his face.

Judging from Misera's meaning, it seems that she intends to follow him to the 57th floor of the abyss to help him rescue Gustav.

This is obviously a good thing for Enzo.

Although Myrcella is only a third-order wizard, her strength is stronger than that of ordinary fourth-order wizards. Supreme Meditation thought that the blazing sun furnace would give her unparalleled combat power.

"You want to go to the abyss with me?" Enzo asked.

"The chaotic abyss in the legend, I have wanted to see it for a long time." The corners of Misera's lips twitched, his eyes gleamed with confidence, and said: "I just mastered the meditation method of the blazing sun furnace, and I just plan to test my strength .”

"I thought Lucy Lais, the goddess of the night, would let me enjoy the joy of fighting, but the result is really disappointing."

Myrcella said, shaking her head.

Lucy Lais, the goddess of the night, had a shameful expression on her face. As an ancient fourth-level god, losing to a third-level wizard was really unacceptable to her, but it really happened.

"If it was my prime..."

Lucilles gritted her teeth, but there was a trace of despair in her heart. She had surrendered to Enzo, and even if she regained her strength, she would not be able to kill Misera to wash away today's shame.

What's more, Lucy Lais paid a heavy price in order to escape the Lost Continent. It is still unknown when she will recover her strength. Even in the heyday, the battle with Myrcella is still unknown.

"Under the abyss, you will find a chance to fight." Enzo laughed softly.

Myrcella shook her head, looking at Enzo with burning eyes.


The smile on Enzo's face froze. Seeing Misera's eyes, he seemed to have guessed something, and said, "You don't think you want to fight with me, do you?"

"What? You don't want to?"

Misera raised her brows, took a deep breath, and said with complicated eyes, "When I was sent to the Stigmata Continent by Christina's mentor, I have been secretly swearing that I will surpass you next time we meet."

"But now it seems that my oath has not been successful."

"Obviously I have much better talent than you, but in the wizarding journey, I really want to be behind you all the time. Although there is a gap between our levels now, I still want to fight with you."

"But..." Enzo showed hesitation.

"What? Are you afraid of hurting me?"

The corners of Misela's lips were raised, and his eyes flickered, "If that's the case, then there's no need for it. I have the idea of ​​meditation in the blazing sun furnace, and I have experienced leapfrog challenges before, and I won every time!"

Enzo's heart skipped a beat.

The gap between the third level and the fourth level is like the gap between the heaven and the earth, and the two are like the boundary between the ordinary and the gods. The leapfrog challenge that Misera said must have defeated the fourth level of life.

Although Enzo also had such a record when he was a third-tier wizard, it didn't mean that such a record was so easy.

If leapfrog challenges were really that easy, geniuses wouldn't be called geniuses.

"If you must, I have no reason to refuse."

After a while, Enzo shook his head, looked around, and said, "But it doesn't seem to work here, right? If we fight with all our strength, the burst of energy fluctuations may sink this continent."

"of course."

Myrcella nodded, then waved her hand, and a holy object similar to a chessboard was thrown out.

"This is the chessboard of heaven and earth, and there is infinite space inside."

Misera looked at the ever-enlarging chessboard and said, "We can choose the battlefield inside. No matter how fierce the battle is, it will not affect the outside world. You and I can give it a go."

Enzo nodded slightly, his eyes flickering.

He has also heard of the sacred object of the Heaven and Earth Chessboard, which is a sacred object that provides a battlefield for powerful wizards. It has a wide space inside, which can accommodate all the ravages of witchcraft.

"Start now?" Enzo asked.

"of course."

Myrcella's eyes flickered, her tone was a little excited, and she said, "I've been looking forward to the reunion with you for a long time."

After all, she turned into a stream of fire and entered the chessboard.

Enzo followed closely behind. The surrounding environment changed, and he appeared on a piece of barren land. There was almost no difference between this place and the outside world, except that it was surrounded by a wide area.

Myrcella stood opposite, holding a red wand in her hand.

"This [Spiritual Fire Wand] is an artifact bestowed on me by Flame Supreme, and I'm used to using it in battle." Myrcella stroked the Spiritual Fire Wand, and said, "If you have any artifacts or sacred objects, it's best to get them in advance." Get ready."

"Oh, you underestimate me, don't you?"

Enzo frowned, and said with a light smile, "Don't forget, after all, there is a first-order gap between us. Even if you try your best, you may not be able to break through this boundary, even if you have a divine weapon."

"I advise you not to be careless."

Myrcella shook her head, and said seriously, "The fourth-order magicians who fought against me before all had your attitude, but unfortunately, they were all defeated by my hands."

"One of the wizards of all spirits was almost killed by me."

"At that time, I had just mastered the blazing sun furnace, and I couldn't freely control the power of the Supreme Mind's thoughts. I almost killed that Master of All Souls Wizard, but fortunately, the Flame Supreme stopped it in time."

Seeing Misera's serious expression, Enzo was stunned.

He didn't think that the other party was lying. As the supreme idea, the blazing sun furnace is known as the strongest attack in the multiverse, and the wizard who masters the blazing sun furnace meditation method is also called the son of the sun.

It is not uncommon for Myrcella to leapfrog the challenge.

But he couldn't control his own energy, and almost killed the wizard of all spirits, which seemed a bit appalling.

"In that case, fine."

Enzo nodded, put away the contempt on his face, and put the shadow camouflage mask on his face.

This artifact allows Enzo to escape into the shadows at any time.

No matter how powerful Myrcella's attack was, Enzo's life would not be in danger, but deep down in his heart, he didn't think he could use this artifact. Enzo was a wizard of all souls after all.

As a wizard of all souls who once leapfrogged and challenged, Enzo is also very proud in his heart.

If he is really defeated by Misera today, Enzo may have to re-examine himself, and even consider giving up the idea of ​​​​Phantom Crow and Thousand Spirits Meditation, and go to Stigmata Continent to pursue the most brilliant idea.

"I'm going to start, Enzo."

Misera took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with fighting intent, red flames ignited under his feet, like a churning red snake, the violent energy fluctuations surprised even Enzo.

"Is this the power of the blazing sun furnace?"

Enzo was secretly startled. He had known for a long time that the blazing sun furnace meditation method was the top meditation method in the multiverse, and he was very surprised that a third-level wizard could display such terrifying energy fluctuations.

The next moment, Myrcella had already waved her wand.

After mastering the meditation method of the blazing sun furnace, the Flame Supreme has also attached great importance to Myrcella. He not only taught her for a period of time, but also bestowed the gods with a magic wand of spiritual fire.

This spirit fire wand is not only a divine weapon, but also an imitation of the immortal artifact in the hands of the Flame Supreme [Fire Burning Wand], possessing part of the power of the Blazing Fire Wand.

For a third-tier wizard, it is already the best magic wand available.


Not far away, Myrcella softly chanted a spell. In the first attack, she didn't use too powerful witchcraft, it was just the zero-ring witchcraft from the apprenticeship period, but its power was comparable to the three-ring witchcraft.

As Myrcella swung his wand, one after another fireballs suddenly ignited, smashing towards Enzo like rounds of furnaces, and the violent energy howled.

(End of this chapter)

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