Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 705 Auction ends

Chapter 705 Auction ends

"Has it finally appeared?"

In the box, Frosley's eyes flickered. He had known for a long time that the plane coordinates would appear in this auction.

However, for Flosley, who has already embarked on the road of guardian, the coordinates are not very meaningful, but he really wants to know how much the coordinates will be sold for.

"At this time, the Pioneer, at the edge of the multiverse, discovered the coordinates of a different world."

On the auction stage, Calvin said in a serious tone, "According to the known information so far, this is a world where indigenous gods have been born, and the rules are extremely chaotic. The wizard team that discovered this coordinate was almost wiped out!"

"The price of the plane coordinates, I don't think I need to say anything."

"The auction starts now. The reserve price is [-] star coins. Interested wizards, please make a choice as soon as possible."

Calvin briefly introduced a few words.

In the box, Enzo had a thoughtful expression on his face. There are many ways to obtain the coordinates of different world planes. For the wizard civilization, the most common way is to let the pioneer team explore at the end of the universe to find new ones. world.

Just like the world coordinates of the forest spirit.

The third-order wizards of the Dark Pole Region, such as Floresley, Closno, and Mitchell, formed a team to adventure in the multiverse, and accidentally entered the void cracks and were teleported to the surroundings of the forest world.

Thus the coordinates of this world were discovered.

"Eleven Thousand Star Stones!"

"Eleven thousand and five hundred star stones!"

"10,000 taels Thousand Star Stone!"

"Fifteen thousand star stones!"

"Twenty thousand star stones!"

After the appearance of the coordinates of the plane, it immediately attracted the competition of many wizards. Among them, the guardian wizards did not show a firm attitude towards this, but the few conquerors of the Northern Council seemed to be bound to win. generally.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face.

It is quite normal for such a situation to occur. After all, for the guardian Wanling wizard who cannot leave the wizarding world, even if he gets the coordinates of the other world, he cannot go on an expedition himself.

But for the Conqueror All Souls Sorcerer, a new coordinate of another world represents the hope of being promoted to the fifth rank Holy Soul Sorcerer.

The reason is very simple. To become a fifth-level holy soul wizard, the basic condition is to fuse three world hearts.

"Thirty thousand star stones!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and the auction fell silent. The price of [-] star stones is definitely not a small amount even for the Conqueror All Souls Wizard, and only a very few people can own it.

"It seems that the speaker made the move."

At this time, Flossley said quietly, "There are 97 conqueror wizards in the Northern Territory Council, but there are only five holy soul-level existences. Except for Speaker Calvin, there are only four left."

"Four?" Enzo muttered to himself.

Compared with the path of the guardian, the conqueror is more difficult, so the number of conquerors and guardians is very different, and the number of holy soul wizards is even more terrifying.

"Thirty-one thousand star stones!"

Just after a speaker bid for [-] star stones, the auction experienced a brief calm, and then another voice sounded.

"Anyone else?" Enzo had a look of surprise on his face.

The bidder who bid [-] star stones did not seem to be a holy soul wizard, but in order to seek a chance to hit the fifth level, he chose to compete with the speaker, and he had a very firm belief.

"Thirty-three thousand star stones!" After a while, the chairman made another bid.

"Thirty-five thousand star stones!"

The Conqueror All Souls Wizard did not hesitate this time, and directly increased the price of two thousand star stones to express his attitude.

"Thirty-six thousand star stones!" The speaker was not to be outdone.

"forty thousand!"

The Conqueror All Souls Sorcerer is still determined. For him, he can still earn starstones when he runs out, but the coordinates are hard to come by. As long as he can become a holy soul wizard, earning starstones is a breeze.

"[-]!" This time, the speaker directly increased the price by [-].

"[-]!" Wizard of All Souls did not hesitate, but felt a bit bitter in his heart. It was also the path of a conqueror, but the fourth and fifth ranks were far apart, and the wealth of both sides was no longer at the same level.

"Eighty thousand!" The speaker's voice was still calm.

"...[-]!" The voice of the wizard of all souls became trembling, his wealth had reached the limit.

"One hundred thousand!"

After a brief moment of silence, the chairman of the holy soul wizard made another bid, directly raising the price of the coordinates to [-].

Immediately, the Conqueror All Souls Wizard stopped talking.

In the end, this different world coordinate was purchased by the chairman of the holy soul wizard at a sky-high price of [-] star stones.

In the box, Enzo had a thoughtful face.

According to the currency system of the wizarding world, a servant of a fourth-order life body is only worth about [-] star stones, an artifact is worth more than [-] star stones, and a different world coordinate can be sold for [-] star stones.

For most wizards of all souls, this is definitely an astronomical figure. No wonder, before the auction started, Frosley lamented that even if there were coordinates in the auction, Enzo was not qualified to compete.

"Sure enough, the Holy Soul Wizard is rich and powerful."

Enzo couldn't help but sighed with emotion in his heart, and at the same time, a trace of thought appeared on his face, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Now he has three artifacts in his hands.

The shadow camouflage mask, the soul bone wand, and the portal gun obtained from the female devil Sonya.

At the level of wizards of all souls, the vast majority of wizards may not be able to possess a divine weapon.

For example, Florsley, with his current wealth, is not qualified to use artifact-level equipment at all, and he doesn't even have a few sacred equipment on him.

And the three artifacts in Enzo's hands, the shadow camouflage and the soul bone magic wand, can easily be bought for more than five thousand starstones, but the value of the teleportation gun cannot be limited.

Although it is also divine equipment, the effect of the teleportation gun is destined to be special.

This is the crystallization of the wisdom of the goblin civilization. With a teleportation gun, Enzo has 100% self-protection ability even in the face of the holy soul wizard. There are more than [-] coordinates in the teleportation gun, allowing him to shuttle between the universe at any time. middle.

However, those more than a hundred coordinates all come from the open world.

Different from the coordinates of the other world at the auction just now, the coordinates marked on the teleportation gun have already been developed, and most of them, the heart of the world has already been branded. Enzo sneaked into the world where the coordinates are located through the teleportation gun. Or it is very easy, but it is impossible to launch a planar expedition.

"such a pity."

Recalling the coordinate imprints in the teleportation gun, Enzo shook his head helplessly, and sighed in his heart. If the more than one hundred coordinates all came from another world, then his wealth value could surpass the holy soul wizard in an instant.

"The next auction item, the artifact golden melting pot!"

"It still comes from the big world of the furnace, the hands of the dwarf forging master. It is made of immortal gold deep in the flames volcano. It seals 37 kinds of different fires, and the power released is enough to cause damage to fourth-order life forms."

"The reserve price is 3000 star stones!"

After the auction of the coordinates of the different world was completed, an auction item appeared, which was also at the level of an artifact, but because of the influence of the coordinates just now, no one was very interested. In the end, only two guardians, wizards of all spirits, competed.

"If Myrcella is here, maybe she will be interested?"

Enzo frowned, and couldn't help but shook his head. This golden furnace is a fire-attribute artifact, and even if he gave it to himself, it wouldn't be effective, but it would be different if it was Misera who mastered the meditation method of the blazing furnace.

It's just that, as the only disciple of the Flame Supreme, Myrcella may not be interested in this level of artifact.

The two artifacts on her body, whether it is the magic wand or the scarlet pendant, are extremely high-quality artifacts, far surpassing this golden furnace.

"The next auction item..."

The golden furnace was sold for 5000 starstones, and the auction continued, but Enzo became absent-minded.

It's not that the things that appeared after the auction were bad, it's just that he couldn't buy what he wanted with the thousands of star stones on him.

The auction lasted for three days and three nights.

Thousands of auction items were sold, and most of them were holy objects. The wizards of all souls bought holy objects, not necessarily for their own use, but for the descendants of their families.

"it is finally over."

When the last auction item was bought, the century-old auction officially came to an end.

"This session of the Centennial Auction is over, and I look forward to seeing you next time."

In the center of the auction table, Calvin's figure gradually became unreal. This holy soul wizard was originally a projection clone, and soon disappeared completely.

"Xinghai Bracelet..."

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a trace of anticipation in his heart. In this century-old auction, he mainly sold pure-blood goblins and abyss evil gods, and the only thing he bought was the artifact Xinghai bracelet.

Moreover, the main purpose of Enzo's purchase of the Xinghai bracelet is also for the 21 Aurain cores above.

As the saying goes, there is nowhere to go when you step through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

The sea blue world is on the verge of doomsday. For Enzo, it is a matter that must be dealt with within a hundred years. However, because he does not know the trace of the goblins, even if he wants to find the lost core of Aurain, he has no chance.

But now, Enzo has obtained 21 Orain's cores at one time.

This also means that he already has the opportunity to merge with the heart of the world, and the doomsday crisis in the sea blue world can also be declared over.

"Master Enzo, please come with me."

As the auction ended, a little Star Clan loli appeared again, and summoned a portal with a wave of her hand, inviting Enzo to follow her footsteps.

"I'll wait for you here." Flossley said softly.

In this century-old auction, Frossley existed purely for soy sauce. Not only did he not sell any items, but he also hardly bought anything. The main reason was that he was too poor.

The newly-promoted guardian, the All Souls Wizard, did not accumulate enough wealth. At the same time, because of the rules, Frosley was trapped in the wizarding world, and could not go on an expedition outside the territory like Enzo.

For the vast majority of all wizards, the only way to leave the wizarding world is to cultivate clones.

Incarnate a part of one's own soul through reincarnation.

And from the apprenticeship to the new practice, until the promotion to the third-level wizard, you can leave the wizarding world, as a pioneer, wandering in the multiverse, and other people to form a small team to take risks.

However, doing so is also very risky.

First of all, in the multiverse, the third-order living body is not safe. Even the avatar of the wizard of all souls is at risk of falling at any time. Secondly, although the avatar is not the main body, it carries part of the soul of the wizard of all souls after all.

If the avatar is caught by some evil beings who are proficient in the power of curse, the other party may use the avatar to curse the soul wizard body far away in the wizarding world. Although it may not be fatal, it is always a kind of damage.

It is also for this reason that although the wizards of all souls who are guardians of the road are very keen on cultivating clones, they will not easily let them leave the wizarding world. Even if they go to multiverse expeditions, they will hide their identities.

Following in the footsteps of Star Clan little lolita, Enzo stepped into the whirlpool.

The surrounding environment changed, and the two came to an empty hall, where Speaker Calvin had been waiting for a long time.

"Sir Calvin?" Enzo was a little surprised.

"It's just a clone."

However, Calvin shook his head and looked at Enzo with a flash of admiration in his eyes. Then he threw the Xinghai bracelet to him without talking nonsense.

Enzo took the Xinghai bracelet and also paid for the star stones needed for the auction.

"Treasure this Xinghai bracelet."

As Calvin spoke, a smug expression appeared on his face, and he said, "In the entire Northern Continent, the only person who can refine the power of the stars into a divine weapon, except for the Great Speaker, is the only person who can do it."

Hearing Calvin's words, Enzo had a look of embarrassment on his face.

Obviously, the holy soul wizard was very proud of the artifact he made, but he didn't know that Enzo bought this artifact not with the power of the stars, but with the 21 Aurain cores on it.

In other words, if the Xinghai bracelet is in the hands of Enzo, it will inevitably be dismantled in the end.

"I'm so sorry, Speaker Calvin."

Enzo hesitated for a moment, and then said something about the sea blue world, and Calvin on the opposite side suddenly became black.

"So, you bought the Star Sea Bracelet for the World Heart Fragment on it?" Calvin frowned.

Enzo nodded with a wry smile.

"Damn it, I wasted ten years of my time."

Calvin murmured, but he didn't say anything in the end, and sighed, "Forget it, since you have already purchased this Xinghai bracelet, no matter what you plan to do, it has nothing to do with me."

Afterwards, Calvin's expression changed.

" addition to the War Ghost World, you also conquered a Sea Blue World, but you didn't integrate the Heart of the World?" Calvin asked.

"Yes." Enzo nodded.

"It's been less than 200 years since you embarked on the journey of wizarding, have you come this far?" Calvin murmured with a trace of confusion on his face, "Doesn't this mean that as long as you complete another plane expedition, you will have the opportunity to return to the next level?" Qualified to become a holy soul wizard?"

(End of this chapter)

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