Chapter 729

In situ, Enzo's expression was calm.

On the shoulder, the Evil Ape God was a little hesitant, hesitatingly said: "Are you sure you want to attack that guy Tiger?"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"That guy's strength is among the top among us demigods. Although he doesn't want to admit it, if he really fights, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent."

"If you're scared, go aside first."

Enzo's face was calm, he didn't pay attention to the words of the Evil Ape God, instead he raised his head and scanned the canyon.

"...I'm not afraid."

The Evil Ape God hesitated for a moment, his face blushed, but he jumped off Enzo's shoulder honestly, obviously feeling very afraid of the Mountain Monarch God.

"It should be here."

Enzo looked forward. Around the tomb buried by chaotic rocks, a large number of spirits wandered around, forming a dense gray fog.

"What is this? A ghost?"

Enzo raised his brows slightly, with a hint of thought on his face. As far as he knew, the body of the Mountain Monarch God was a tiger with a scorpion tail, which had the ability to enslave spirits. The spirits around this tomb were obviously all in this way.

However, these resentful souls are different from ordinary spirit bodies.

According to the laws of the multiverse, creatures with intelligence will give birth to spirit bodies after death, and human beings will turn into undead after death. However, under normal circumstances, ordinary undead cannot last for too long, and even disappear when exposed to sunlight.

Only certain special existences can be turned into higher-level undead.

The spirit body that can reach the undead can already withstand the super-radiation of sunlight, but it is still very weak. Only by devouring the air of death or cannibalism can it have a chance to become a higher-level wraith.

According to the ranks of the wizarding world, the strength of the wraith has surpassed that of the apprentice class, and even wizards will find it a bit difficult to deal with, but above the wraith, there are even more terrifying evil spirits.

Evil spirits at the level of second-order life forms are like disaster-like existences for ordinary human kingdoms.

Spiritual bodies higher than evil spirits are called evil spirits or holy spirits.

Although both are spiritual bodies, their essences are completely different. Evil spirits become evil spirits by devouring a large number of similar or evil mind bodies, and the conditions for the formation of the Holy Spirit are even more stringent.

There is almost no difference in combat effectiveness between the two, the only difference is that their personalities are completely different.

Evil spirits symbolize darkness, while the Holy Spirit represents light. A wizard organization in the Dark Pole Region of the wizard world, the Six Lights Nest, has a servant of the Holy Spirit, whose combat power is comparable to that of a bone dragon in purgatory.

On the spot, Enzo looked forward.

Most of the spirits around the stone tomb belong to the category of wraiths, that is, first-order life forms, but there are also a few evil spirits among them, reaching the level of second-order.

"Earth bound spirit?" Enzo muttered to himself.

The difference between the spirits here and the general spirits is that the spirits around the rocky tombs are all trapped here, becoming similar to the existence of earth-bound spirits, which is obviously the backhand left by the mountain god before he fell silent.

Enzo shook his head and didn't think too much about it.

The bloody moon has come, which means that the corpses of the alien gods who came to this world in the first place are likely to have recovered. Enzo must improve his strength as much as possible to face the next trouble.

Although he didn't know what happened to those twelve wizards of all souls, they were trapped in the scarlet world, but Enzo didn't want to end up like them.

Enzo went straight to the tomb of troubled times, and there was a violent reaction in front of him.

The earthbound spirits who were bound around the tomb frantically attacked Enzo like clouds of black mist.

On the spot, Enzo remained expressionless.

The shadows under the feet spread like a tide, turning into poisonous snakes, biting the attacking earth-bound spirits like dancing, killing a large number of spirits in an instant, making the surroundings extremely cold.

"who is it!"

At this time, a sharp voice suddenly sounded, and Enzo looked around, and saw a cloud of black mist roaring out of the tomb of troubled times like a devil, and turned into a giant-like existence in the midair.

"Evil spirit?" Enzo frowned, with a look of surprise on his face.

No wonder the Evil Ape God didn't dare to be an enemy of the Mountain Monarch God. As a demigod creature, the other party could actually drive evil spirits who were also third-order life forms, which proved that his strength was far superior to that of ordinary demigods.

However, Enzo didn't feel any disturbance in his heart.

There was still calm on his face, he looked up at the evil spirit in mid-air, a gloomy light flashed in his eyes.

"Illusory Crow Thousand Spirits!"

As Enzo uttered the syllables, two shadows surged up behind him, turning into a [-]-meter-long pitch-black shadow snake, biting the evil spirit left and right.

Immediately, the exciting battle began.

The evil spirit, whose whole body was covered in pitch-black mist, faced the two shadow snakes at the same time. Naturally, it was difficult to break free for a while, and let out bursts of shrill screams.

"It's still too weak."

Enzo shook his head and sighed slightly in his heart, but he didn't refer to the evil spirit in front of him, but to himself who had not yet recovered his strength.

If it was Enzo's heyday, he could easily kill the evil spirits in front of him with just one spell, but now he is only a third-order living body.

At this moment, a beast's roar suddenly came from the rocky tomb, and a huge scorpion's tail swept towards it, directly crushing the rocks in front of it, and a huge golden monster slowly crawled out.

"Who disturbed my deep sleep!"

That half-scorpion, half-tiger monster let out a deafening roar that made the surrounding mountains tremble.

The corners of Enzo's lips twitched slightly, knowing that he had come to the right place.

Mountain God!
This is the silent demigod in the rocky tomb, and compared to other demigod creatures in the Kingdom of Tucker, the silence of the mountain god is more similar to self-cultivation, rather than being weak and forced to be silent.

In this stone tomb, the mountain god has been sleeping for countless years.

In fact, he already has the ability to recover, but before his own strength has recovered to its full potential, he is unwilling to recover easily. Those who disturbed his sleep in the past have been divided and eaten by the earthbound spirits.

But right now, the Mountain Monarch God has no choice but to do so.

Enzo is so powerful that even the earth-bound spirits can't deal with it. The mountain god sensed the call for help conveyed by the evil spirits, so he could only wake up from his deep sleep.

"Ignorant humans."

Like a strange scorpion, the mountain god crawled on top of the rocky tomb, roaring loudly, "You will pay the price for your actions!"

After all, the mountain god flicked the scorpion's tail.

The sharp and pitch-black scorpion tail struck, but Enzo turned into a shadow and disappeared in place. Using the scanning function of the chip, Enzo learned the basic information of the mountain god.

Compared with other demigods in the Kingdom of Tucker, the Mountain God is indeed much stronger.

Gods such as the Evil Ape God and the Green Banyan Tree, although revived, failed to recover 100% of their strength, and most of them were in a state of extreme weakness. It was precisely because of this that Enzo could easily seal the Evil Ape God.

As for the green banyan tree, it is even more vulnerable.

But the mountain god in front of him, although he was forced to recover, his strength has recovered to more than [-]%, and he is only a little short of his heyday. Even without Enzo's disturbance at this moment, I am afraid that he will wake up soon.

What's more, in the ancient times of the Scarlet World, the Tiger God was originally one of the most powerful demigods.

There were no fewer than ten demigods who died at his hands.

In the memory of the green banyan tree, he also fought against the mountain god, but the green banyan tree was defeated with only three moves.

It can be said that among the demigods in the scarlet world, the mountain god in front of him is the existence with the most hope of becoming a true god. If it weren't for the influence of the god corpse from outside, he might have become the ruler of the scarlet world.

"In that case, let's be serious."

There was a trace of indifference in Enzo's expression. As a former wizard of all spirits and a true god of the fourth-order life body level, he didn't know how many times he had killed. Now facing a tiger who is only a demigod, he can't feel the pressure at all.

"Shadow Realm!"

Enzo whispered syllables, and the shadows under his feet spread like a tide. Although it was not long before he came to the scarlet world, Enzo's strength was improving by leaps and bounds every day, especially during this period of time when he swallowed several demigods. It reached the level of a third-order life body in one leap.

According to the calculations of the chip, Enzo can completely recover his strength by devouring enough demigods and relying on the original power in the depths of his soul in another year and a half, and achieve the state of a fourth-order magician in the scarlet world.

But there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the rules allow it.

Although the Scarlet World is only a small world, there are special rules after all. Enzo, as a wizard, is always an outsider. Forcibly breaking through the realm, there is a high probability that it will cause the rejection of the world rules.

Not far away, the tiger-like God of the Mountain God let out a roar, and all the earth-bound ghosts under his command immediately rushed towards Enzo, and at the same time, that tail like a poisonous scorpion swung violently.

Enzo didn't hide or dodge, his eyes flickered slightly.

The next moment, the world was plunged into darkness. After recovering the third-level strength, he could already use the power of the domain. After using the shadow domain, even the native demigods of the scarlet world could not escape.

"You are... an evil god from outside the territory!"

Sensing the absolute darkness around him, a hint of fear flashed in the pupils of the God of Mountain Monarch, and his scorpion-like tail frantically flicked, trying to pierce through the shadow space and escape to heaven.

However, no matter how he struggled, he ended in failure in the end.

"Give up the struggle."

Enzo shook his head, and said indifferently, "The rules of shadows are difficult for even a true god to break, not to mention that you are just a demigod. Strictly speaking, you are even just a beast with extraordinary power."

Hearing Enzo's sarcasm, the Mountain God immediately flew into a rage.

"Damn foreign evil god!"

The Mountain Monarch God let out an angry roar, and the scorpion tail on the back of his buttocks stabbed at Enzo fiercely, roaring, "Don't want me to surrender!"


On the spot, at the moment when the scorpion's tail struck, Enzo's body turned into crows and dispersed, and then slowly gathered in mid-air, saying quietly, "It's a pity, I need strength now."

"So... I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications to surrender."

As soon as the words fell, Enzo raised his arms, and in the wide cuffs, countless phantom crows flew out like sharp arrows, hovering over the Mountain King God like a dark cloud, and let out a strange and sinking cry.


Sensing the threat, the Mountain Monarch God immediately let out a roar, trying to summon the evil spirits loyal to him to help out, but it was unsuccessful.

In the sky, crows struck one after another.

The Mountain King frantically flicked the scorpion's tail, trying to disperse the phantom crows around him, but the phantom crows got into his body inevitably.

Those phantom crows are like ghosts.

After entering the body of the Tiger God, the phantom crows began to parasitize frantically, destroying the body of the Tiger God.

The Tiger God let out a mournful roar, and crows came out of the monster-like body tearing apart the flesh and blood, and those crows that devoured the Tiger God's power immediately flew back into Enzo's body.

In mid-air, Enzo slowly closed his eyes.

Feeling the power of the Phantom Crow, a hint of satisfaction appeared on his face. At this speed, it won't be long before everything about the Tiger God will be swallowed up by Enzo and become the capital for him to recover his strength.

However, at this moment.

Above the shadow-shrouded space, a light-colored light cast like a flame, burning a hole in the shadow space, and it continued to expand, eventually forming a gap like a crescent moon.

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a trace of solemnity on his face.

"Crimson Moon!"

Enzo raised his head, and through the gap in the shadow space, he saw that the moon outside had turned blood red, and he felt a little apprehensive.

With red blood in the sky, the outer gods descend!
When the moon in the sky turned blood red, it seemed to represent the arrival of the evil gods from outside the territory. Enzo didn't dare to be careless, so he became extremely vigilant and summoned all the phantom crows back into his body.

Not far away, the mountain god escaped.

But at this moment, he has also become extremely weak, his monster-like body has become a little dilapidated, and the divine power recovered through silence is almost exhausted at this moment, leaving less than one-third.

Moreover, the loss of this power is irreversible.

In the same place, Enzo's face was solemn. He ignored the dying tiger not far away, but looked at the sky. As the blood moon descended, the breath of the evil god from outside seemed to be getting closer.


Enzo's pupils shrank for a while, and he looked up at the sky. On the crimson moon, a girl-like evil god from the outside world slowly emerged.

"Sure enough, it has recovered!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he could confirm that the girl above the red moon was the foreign evil god descending on the scarlet world.

"No! Not resuscitation."

But soon, Enzo saw the clues, and murmured, "It should be the same reincarnation as me, and some rituals were used. Although this body was obtained, the strength has not been fully recovered."

Immediately afterwards, Enzo frowned slightly.

No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the girl under the red moon seemed a little familiar. Thoughts flickered in his mind, and he couldn't help blurting out ": Seventh Princess An Yiwei!"

 well!It takes a long time to make up for the temporary indulgence. The chapter of the Chinese New Year has finally recovered now. I'm sorry, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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