Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 732 Scarlet Will

Chapter 732 Scarlet Will
On the spot, Enzo stopped talking.

As Ms. Yue said, both of them are not at their peak at the moment. This battle is all about the bottom line. For Ms. Yue, it may take a lot of power to kill Enzo, but as long as everything is over and he is swallowed , you can make up for everything you lost.

Above the sky, the red moon is like a scorching sun.

The strange red light shone on the earth, causing the shadows around Enzo to burn, forming a unique red mist. At the same time, the water of the Styx River came from the sky, and countless dark creatures appeared.

The battle between the two powerhouses affected the surrounding environment.

The earth cracked like a tremor, and abysses and ditches appeared. As far as the eye can see, there are traces of energy raging everywhere, as if the scene of the end of the world is presented in this area.

"Die! Wizard!"

Above the sky, Ms. Yue's eyes were filled with blood and tears, she danced wildly like a demon, with a red light behind her.

A beam of light like a scarlet dragon rushed straight to Enzo below.

As the red light projected from the red moon, it became thinner and thinner, and finally formed laser-like energy, which directly penetrated Enzo's chest.

However, Enzo has already turned into a shadow.

Wearing a shadow camouflage mask, he seemed to be the incarnation of the shadow, he could almost ignore any attack. The moment the red light beam hit, his body had turned into countless phantom crows and flew away.

"Hmph! Ridiculous trick!"

Ms. Yue snorted coldly, but a glint of coldness flashed in her eyes. As a former sixth-order life form, she is a powerful existence second only to the Supreme Wizard and Heavenly Demon in the multiverse.

In the full body period, Ms. Yue killed too many wizards of all spirits.

But at this moment, Ms. Yue did not have an absolute advantage in the face of a fourth-order life form. Instead, the two sides were evenly matched, which made Ms. Yue feel extremely ashamed.

Not far away, Enzo appeared in the form of a shadow. He paused with the Soul Bone Wand in his hand. Dozens of Annihilation Balls behind him had slowly condensed, and then threw them towards Ms. Yue. The energy burst into a terrifying power.

Above the sky, Ms. Yue was expressionless.

Even Enzo's strongest attack method seems to be unable to cause fatal damage to Ms. Yue, but the longer this battle drags on, the more energy will be consumed for her.

This is undoubtedly a great burden!
In Ms. Yue's heyday, she could erase a world with a wave of her hand, but at this moment she has just been reincarnated, and a trace of soul is resurrected with a body, and every trace of original power consumed will cause a huge burden.

But in the same way, what Enzo consumes is also the power of the source.

"As expected of a sixth-order life form!"

In the same place, Enzo was expressionless, but secretly sighed in his heart. As the evil god of the abyss, Ms. Yue, although her strength is less than one hundred at the moment, she is still the strongest opponent Enzo has faced since he embarked on his journey as a wizard.

After the battle just now, one-third of the original power in Enzo's body has been consumed.

However, Ms. Yue also consumed a lot.

"Now, let's see who can last till the end!"

Enzo took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face. The battle with Ms. Yue was destined to result in a winner. At this moment, the competition between the two is who can persevere.

Ms. Yue knew this, and Enzo knew it too.

And right now.

The messy land that was ravaged by energy suddenly split, with violent vibrations, as if the whole world was divided into two halves. The sudden change made Enzo and Ms. Yue vigilant.

"This is……"

Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked into the distance, and saw the ground split open, and a huge fleshy palm suddenly stretched out, like a limb of a prehistoric giant.

"Illusory Crow Thousand Spirits!"

Sensing the strange aura emanating from the fleshy palm, Enzo decisively used the ability of the Thousand Spirits of the Phantom Crow to transform into ten thousand crows, and left the place first to avoid the attack of the fleshy palm.

The huge fleshy palm grabbed Enzo's direction, but Enzo, who had been prepared for a long time, had already turned into ten thousand crows, and the fleshy palm slapped the ground, making a frightening sound.

The next moment, the fleshy palm exploded.

The incomparably scarlet blood seemed to gather into a river, rushing towards the sky like a fountain.

Ms. Yue frowned slightly, but she wasn't afraid at all.

Facing the oncoming river of blood, Ms. Yue did not dodge like Enzo did, but raised her head, driving the power of authority, and directly met the attack.

The light emitted by Chi Yue formed a shield in front of Ms. Yue.

The river of blood hit the shield, and the two energies canceled each other out. Ms. Yue frowned slightly and couldn't help but groan.

In an area far away from the battlefield, Enzo transformed into the main body.

"The native demigods of the scarlet world?"

Looking at the blood floating in the air, Enzo's face became solemn, his eyes flashed with thought, and he murmured, "Shouldn't it? If you're just a demigod, how could you release such an attack?"

"Could it be... a real god?"

"No! It's not right, even if a fourth-order life form is born in the scarlet world, it may not be able to cause harm to Ms. Yue!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

He seemed to have thought of something, the expression on his face changed rapidly, and finally became gloomy as if he had enlightened.

At the same time, above the sky.

After being impacted by the bloody river, Ms. Yue's face became even uglier, but she still supported Yukong and stood there, but a trace of solemnity flashed in her eyes, looking at the bloody liquid that almost surrounded her, she bit her lip.

"An incarnation of the will of the world?"

After a while, Ms. Yue raised her head and murmured, "At this moment, it seems that the rules of this world have formed a unique will."

In situ, Enzo was also thoughtful.

The bloody river that suddenly appeared did not seem to be a creature in the general sense, but the incarnation of the rules of the scarlet world, so it was able to break out a strong offensive, causing damage to the mighty Ms. Yue.

"This is...unexpected..."

Enzo muttered to himself, embarking on a journey of wizards for two hundred years, he has gone on three plane expeditions, but this is the first time he has come into contact with the rules and will of the world, he was surprised but at the same time understood.

The will of the world rule represents the soul of a world.

Although theoretically, any world has its own rules, but not every world can give birth to a complete will. Enzo has carried out three plane expeditions, but this is the first time he has seen a conscious The world rules of form.

Above the sky, blood flows.

Strictly speaking, the will of the rules of the world does not belong to a complete life body, but only a way of expressing the rules. The will of the rules of different worlds will be manifested in different forms.

For example, the will of the scarlet world is a mass of flowing blood.

After turning into a river and bombarding Ms. Yue, Scarlet Will turned into a ball of blood and floated in mid-air, but did not attack again, but stared at Ms. Yue's direction as if observing.

In the same place, Enzo showed a thoughtful look.

He was thinking about the reason for the emergence of the will of the world's rules, and it wasn't too complicated. He just thought about it for a moment, and a gleam of understanding appeared in his eyes.

"It seems that the will of the rules of the scarlet world has gradually awakened a long time ago, but it has been dormant."

Enzo's eyes flickered, and he said to himself, "Ms. Yue, who was transformed into a god corpse from outside the territory, came to this world. The powerful energy fluctuations have already prompted the birth of the world's will to rule."

"It's just that, at that time, the rules and will of the scarlet world were still in a prototype state."

"Relying on the instinct of the will of the world, Scarlet felt the strength of Ms. Yue, and did not dare to be an enemy rashly. She could only gradually improve herself. Until now, the impact of the battle between me and Ms. Yue has been too strong. Let the will of the scarlet world feel the danger of destruction, so you have to show up here!"

After a brief analysis, Enzo understood everything.

As a wizard of all souls, Enzo had mastered a lot of knowledge about the multiverse under the guidance of Curtis when he was in the Silver Kingdom, so he knew a lot about the birth of the will of the world rules.

The so-called will of the world is the embodiment of rules.

Any world will have unique rules, or in other words, it belongs to the world itself. When the world is in crisis, the will of the world will protect itself as much as possible, or give birth to some children of destiny, or release its own power to all things .

Just like the sea blue world in the past.

Because of the plans of the goblins, the sea blue world was on the verge of doomsday. Therefore, under such circumstances, the will of the world activated the ultimate self-protection, released its own power to humans, and created a large number of children of the plane.

It is precisely because of the influence of the will of the sea blue world that the age of giants will begin.

However, unlike the sea blue world, the will of the scarlet world had already begun to be born as early as the arrival of the god corpses from outside the territory. Moreover, after feeling the threat from Ms. Yue, the scarlet will did not release its power to all things. Instead, it hastened its own birth.

Obviously, Scarlet Will intends to use itself as a pawn to fight against Ms. Yue, who is an alien god.

"Hmph! Is the will of the world?"

Above the sky, Ms. Yue also noticed that the blood sphere was the incarnation of the will of the world, and a trace of coldness appeared on her pale face.

"It will be your supreme glory to be devoured by me!"

Ms. Yue raised her head, ignoring the injuries on her body, intending to forcibly devour the will of the scarlet world.

And this was her previous plan.

After the first battle with the fallen wizard king, Ms. Yue died, leaving only her broken body and fragmented soul falling into the scarlet world. To restore her own strength, she must swallow the entire scarlet world.

It was also because of feeling Ms. Yue's malice that the Scarlet World Will was born.

In the multiverse, there is no world that is willing to be swallowed. Therefore, when it feels threatened, it will take corresponding countermeasures. For example, the sea blue world opened the age of giants, which is the way the world will deal with the end.

The scarlet world is also unwilling to be devoured, so the scarlet will was born. Even as early as the ancient times, the scarlet will had already begun to guard against Ms. Yue. The battle between the ancient scarlet demigod and the blood disorder tribe was also a decision of the scarlet will.

In ancient times, the world was born.

The demigods of the scarlet world, in order to compete for the chance to become a true god, fought with each other until the appearance of the blood chaos, the will of the scarlet world felt threatened, so they gave orders to the demigods.

Driven by the will of the world's rules, the demigods will fight against the Chaos Blood.

And it was that battle that led to the formation of the Scarlet World. The Blood Chaos Tribe was completely wiped out, and the demigods suffered heavy casualties. Most of them fled to the overseas islands, and the rest fell silent.

However, this is also an acceptable ending for Ms. Yue.

At the beginning, she used her own corpse as a bait to let the blood chaos be born. In this way, Ms. Yue restored herself through reincarnation. In the history of the scarlet world, every blood mess was the body of Ms. Yue.

As early as many years ago, Ms. Yue has been able to recover.

But to be on the safe side, Ms. Yue did not revive in advance, but chose the right time to resurrect with the body of An Yiwei, the seventh princess of the Kingdom of Tucker, which was regarded as a true form of life.

After the resurrection, Ms. Yue devoured everything immediately.

When she first came to the scarlet world, Ms. Yue planned to devour the plane of the scarlet world completely in order to recover herself. The ancient demigods of the scarlet world were only Ms. Yue's initial goal.

However, before Ms. Yue's plan officially started, she met Enzo.

The unparalleled battle between the two led to the emergence of the will of the world, and gave Ms. Yue a violent blow.

"Do you want to continue fighting?"

In the same place, Enzo muttered to himself, the luster in his eyes flickered slightly, the appearance of the scarlet will made him feel a little jealous, and he had already consumed too much original power in the previous battle.

However, Ms. Yue does not seem to have any intention of giving up.

Now she not only intends to devour Enzo, but also wants to completely devour the scarlet will, so as to speed up the recovery of strength.

Doing so is undoubtedly a very arrogant thing!
Above the sky, Ms. Yue's face was icy cold.

Even though blood and tears flowed from her eyes, and fine scars appeared on her body, Ms. Yue's aura was still extremely powerful, and the Blood Moon and Styx behind her both exuded terrifying energy fluctuations.


In the sky, the bloody sphere representing the scarlet will opened a mouth and made a childish voice.

Ms. Yue was unmoved and directly launched an attack.

The burning red moon and the surging Styx released terrifying energy, attacking the scarlet will.

On the ground, Enzo chose to sit on the sidelines.

He tried his best to recover his strength, whether Ms. Yue devoured the Scarlet Will, or the Scarlet Will won, it would not be a good thing for Enzo.

(End of this chapter)

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