Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 747 Tiredness

Chapter 747 Tiredness


In the distance, in the shadows, Enzo narrowed his eyes slightly. Even Ms. Moon, the former abyss evil god, wanted to expel Cthulhu from this world, and it was not an easy task.

And with the disappearance of the Eye of the Abyss, the scarlet world also returned to calm.


Scarlet Empress Sheila's complexion changed, and the pupils that had turned into black gradually recovered.

On the opposite side, Ms. Yue swayed slightly.

Obviously, expelling Cthulhu from this world also cost her a lot. At this moment, her face became very pale, and even the blood moon symbolizing her authority in the sky was somewhat dimmed.

Seeing this scene, a gleam flashed in Sheila's eyes.

"Ha ha!"

Sheila's long hair fluttered, her figure floated in the air, and she said proudly, "Sure enough, even you, it is impossible to expel the Eye of the Abyss without paying anything!"

"In that case, don't blame me!"

As soon as the words fell, Sheila had turned into a red glow, and rushed straight to Ms. Yue, the scarlet mist seemed to form a substance.


In the same place, Ms. Yue snorted coldly, and said quietly, "You ridiculous ant, no matter how bad my condition is, I can easily deal with you."

After all, Ms. Yue opened her arms.

Above the sky, the blood moon burned, and around Ms. Yue, the surging Styx also turned into a black dragon, dancing wildly.

The turbulent water of the Styx River, like a giant python, surrounded the Scarlet Empress Sheila in an instant. On the ground, it seemed to form a dark symbol, and endless dark creatures crawled out of the Styx River.


In the River Styx that trapped the Scarlet Empress Sheila, skeleton soldiers gathered into a sea of ​​bones, almost engulfing Sheila. The strong breath of death almost changed the color of the world.

However, facing the attack of the dark creature, Sheila twitched her lips.

That smile resembled that of a higher creature, with the same attitude when facing ants. The Scarlet Empress Sheila stood in place, her feet didn't move at all, she just slowly opened her arms, and the crimson mist turned into an overwhelming mountain.

In an instant, the ocean of skeletons was reduced to ashes!
After the sacrifice, Scarlet Empress Sheila received the blessing of the power of Cthulhu, the Eye of the Abyss, and her strength has grown by leaps and bounds. Coupled with the rules of the Scarlet World, she even faintly suppressed Styx.

Not far away, Ms. Yue narrowed her eyes slightly.

But even so, she was still not afraid. Although she was a little surprised by the strength displayed by the Scarlet Empress Sheila, it was nothing more than that, and did not make Ms. Yue feel a real threat.

"In my name! Moon Burning!"

In the same place, Ms. Yue uttered syllables lightly, following her will, the blood moon above the sky suddenly blazed, and three phantoms of the red moon appeared, and the scorching energy poured down like burning mountains and boiling seas.

Suddenly, the scarlet world once again fell into a doomsday scene.

Mountains and rivers collapsed, the earth cracked, and the flames released by the blood moon spread to every corner of the scarlet world. In the turbulent Styx, countless dark creatures crawled out.

"If this continues, the scarlet world won't last long!"

In the shadows, Enzo shook his head secretly. Both Ms. Yue and Sheila, who was blessed with the power of Cthulhu, the Eye of the Abyss, had reached the limit of the fourth-order life forms. The fierce battle between the two naturally caused extremely terrible effects.

In any case, the Crimson World is just a native plane.

It can't bear the confrontation between two fourth-order extreme powerhouses at all. With Ms. Yue's successive shots, overwhelmed recruitment has begun to appear, and this is obviously not a good thing for Scarlet Empress Sheila.

Because, Scarlet Empress Sheila is the incarnation of the rules of the Scarlet World.

Strictly speaking, the scarlet world belongs to Sheila's body. The more damage the world suffers, the greater the impact on Sheila. In the process of Ms. Yue's confrontation, the stability of the world must be maintained.

Otherwise, once the scarlet world collapses completely, Sheila, who is the incarnation of the will of the rules of the scarlet world, will also disappear from the universe completely.

On the other side, Ms. Yue sneered.

The damage caused to the Scarlet World will ultimately be borne by Scarlet Empress Sheila. Anyway, Ms. Yue's ultimate goal is to swallow this world. Even if the Scarlet World is finally destroyed, she will not hesitate at all.

A broken and crumbling world can also be swallowed!
Even without Scarlet Empress Sheila, Ms. Yue will still destroy the world under her feet, because only by completely crushing the scarlet world, Ms. Yue can devour the energy of this world to her heart's content.

In mid-air, Scarlet Empress Sheila had an ugly expression on her face.

Although relying on offering sacrifices to the Eye of the Abyss has improved her strength, the scarlet world has been destroyed at this moment, which is undoubtedly a very serious blow to Scarlet Empress Sheila.

"We must fight quickly!"

In midair, the Scarlet Empress made up her mind that the longer this battle drags on, the greater the impact it will have on the Scarlet World. Sheila must deal with Ms. Yue as soon as possible in order to protect the world under her feet.

"Dance of black and red!"

Sheila opened her arms, her body was black and red, and the two energy mist intertwined, turning into a terrifying dance.

Immediately afterwards, cracks appeared in the ground under his feet.

A strip of black and red tentacles pierced the ground like a poisonous snake, dancing wildly to the sky.

Ms. Yue frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

next moment.

The tentacles pierced from the depths of the earth quickly gathered together to form an incomparably huge snake, which actually perched on the sky, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the blood moon, which symbolized the authority of Lady Yue.

In mid-air, Sheila's face was pale.

Obviously, devouring the blood moon in the form of a giant snake is also a great burden for her. Feeling the pain caused by the blood moon burning in the snake's belly, Sheila frowned even more, and golden blood overflowed from her nose and mouth.

On the opposite side, Ms. Yue's expression was equally ugly.

The blood moon, a symbol of authority, was swallowed by a giant snake, which not only made Ms. Yue feel suffocated, but also an unspeakable shame, so that Ms. Yue's eyes breathed fire, and the water of the Styx roared wildly under her feet.

"Damn ants!"

Ms. Yue roared angrily, and the surging water of the Styx suddenly turned into a monstrous monster, and rushed directly towards the Scarlet Empress Sheila in midair.


Scarlet Empress Sheila let out a muffled snort. The Styx giant beast that struck seemed to weigh a thousand catties. She fell directly from the sky to the ground, and a large area of ​​corrosion-like traces appeared on her body.

"It turns out... there is still energy..."

Sheila struggled to stand up from the ground, and looked at Ms. Yue with a trace of deep fear. She never imagined that Ms. Yue still retained such a powerful fighting power after expelling Cthulhu, the Eye of the Abyss.

"These are just the beginning."

On the opposite side, Ms. Yue shook her head and said quietly, "Next, let me end all of this."

After all, the Styx surged again.

This time, the incomparably dark water of the Styx turned into thousands of drizzles, which directly penetrated into the depths of the earth, corroding the scarlet world to be riddled with holes, and the terrifying breath of death brought everything into silence.

In the shadows, Enzo gasped.

The famous Styx in the abyss world, even the most ignorant wizards will understand it. It is not the first time that Enzo has seen the power of the phantom of Styx, but it is the first time he has felt the power of Styx.

In the abyss world, many demon lords have the power to use the Styx.

It is a method similar to offering sacrifices. By offering sacrifices to Styx in exchange for the help of Styx’s power, Enzo once met Skeleton King Raymond in the forest world, and he had the ability to summon the phantom of Styx .

However, the Phantom of the Styx summoned by Skeleton King Raymond is far worse than Ms. Yue.

Although the two summoned Styx in the same fourth-order state, the former Ms. Yue had reached the sixth-order existence, so the summoned Styx also had a huge difference.

In the same place, Ms. Yue's face was indifferent.

Now that the blood moon, which symbolizes authority, has been swallowed by the giant snake, Ms. Yue sacrificed all her power to Styx, and through the influence of Styx, destroyed the scarlet world under her feet.

The sky and the earth are dark, and the earth is cracked!
The world corroded by the water of the Styx River is almost at a precarious level. Scarlet Empress Sheila's face is extremely ugly, but she has to release her own energy to stabilize the scarlet world.

Gradually, Sheila's condition became worse and worse.

Ms. Yue relied on the power of Styx to destroy the world under her feet. Although Sheila tried her best to repair it, she was far from being able to restrain the power of Styx, and fell into a disadvantage again.

Under such circumstances, Sheila will soon lose.

"Aren't you going to make a move yet? Wizard!!!"

Suddenly, Sheila in mid-air let out a scream, and an arm suddenly exploded, turning into endless blood mist.

In the shadows, Enzo was startled.

On the other side, Ms. Yue frowned slightly, feeling everything around her in her heart, and also found Enzo in the shadows, and looked over.


Enzo's heart sank, and his face was a little ugly. He had already used the power of the shadow camouflage of the artifact, but was still discovered by Sheila, and thoughts flickered in his mind.

"The perception ability of the will of the world?"

Enzo walked out of the shadows slowly, but the expression on his face changed slightly, and a trace of relief appeared in the midst of thinking.

After a short thought, he understood the reason for his exposure.

The artifact shadow camouflage, although it has the ability to escape into the shadows, can prevent most prying eyes, but Enzo is now in the scarlet world after all, as the incarnation of the rules and will of the scarlet world, this world is Sheila's body.

In other words, Enzo in the scarlet world is like being in Sheila's belly.

The other party could naturally perceive the existence of Enzo, but Ms. Yue hadn't noticed the existence of Enzo until the Scarlet Empress Sheila spoke.

Seeing Enzo walk out of the shadows, Sheila was visibly relieved.

She fell directly from mid-air to the ground, her figure was a little shaky, but she persisted through gritted teeth, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty Wizard, you don't want this foreign god to gain more strength, do you?"

"Join me, you and I will deal with her together!"

Sheila knew that she was defeated by Ms. Yue, so she took the initiative to seek Enzo's help, but her thoughts changed deep in her heart.

For Scarlet Empress Sheila, both Ms. Yue and Enzo should be regarded as enemies.

Ms. Yue's desire to devour the scarlet world means obliterating the existence of Sheila.

As a wizard, Enzo came here to conquer the scarlet world. Once he succeeds, Sheila will also become the opponent's slave.

This is also the result that Sheila is unwilling to accept.

But compared to being wiped out by Ms. Yue, surrendering to Enzo is obviously a more acceptable ending. Originally, Sheila thought that she could confront Ms. Yue with Cthulhu, the Eye of the Abyss.

But the result was beyond Sheila's expectations. Ms. Yue's strength seemed to be far beyond her imagination.

Therefore, Sheila can only change her mind.

Joining forces with Enzo is only temporary. After defeating Ms. Yue, the alliance between the two will naturally fall apart. Scarlet World, which has awakened its own will, is not willing to be enslaved by wizards.

"Are you sure you want to intervene? Wizard."

As Enzo walked out of the shadows, on the opposite side, Ms. Yue looked indifferently, looked at the wizard in front of her, and said coldly, "I'm giving you one last chance, get out of here! Otherwise, prepare to face the judgment of death."

After hearing Ms. Yue's words, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

"is it?"

The corners of Enzo's lips were raised slightly, and he said quietly, "To be honest, I was still hesitating, but since you said so, it seems that I can make a decision."

While speaking, Enzo slowly raised his hand.

The Soul Bone Wand appeared in the palm of his hand, a trace of fighting intent flashed in Enzo's eyes, and a trace of strangeness appeared on Ms. Yue's face.

On the opposite side, Ms. Yue's complexion sank.

As Enzo said before, after being drawn into the battle by Scarlet Will, he did not make up his mind to join forces with the opponent, because Enzo was not sure how much strength Ms. Yue still had.

But just now, Enzo made a decision.

In terms of Ms. Yue's arrogant and arrogant personality, if she still has enough strength, she will not say anything to keep Enzo away from the battlefield. It is the character of the opponent to suppress Enzo and Xila at the same time.

After all, for Ms. Yue, the scarlet world is the target of devouring, and Enzo, the wizard of all souls, is also the target.

"It seems that you are determined to court death!"

Ms. Yue's face was gloomy, and the Styx River under her feet was surging, as if turning into ferocious black beasts.

"If you don't fight, how will you know the result?"

Enzo was smiling, but his eyes were fixed on Ms. Yue, while using the scanning function of the chip.


Through the chip scan, Enzo discovered the weakness of Ms. Yue. The confrontation with the Scarlet Queen Sheila did not cause her much harm. A lot of energy, so that the state at the moment is a little unstable.

(End of this chapter)

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