Chapter 753

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

Multiverse, Crimson World.

The scarlet world, which has experienced the baptism of the doomsday, has ushered in a new era. The original complete continent has been transformed into a 12-yuan land island, and the surviving species have gradually begun to multiply under the protection of Enzo.

However, after experiencing the doomsday crisis, most of the humans in the Scarlet World have been reduced to ashes, and the few survivors, even with the help of Enzo, cannot support the entire world.

Therefore, the human civilization in the scarlet world was completely broken under the doomsday.

"I'm afraid it will take at least a few hundred years for the scarlet world to regain civilization!"

On this day, Enzo stood in the void, stepping on the clouds formed by crows under his feet, looking down at the earth.

That is the most central continent of the scarlet world.

Rex continent.

When the main continent of the scarlet world was torn apart, it turned into 12 Yuan Luyu. In order to commemorate the twelve wizards who sacrificed their own origin, Enzo named Luyu after them.

The Rex Continent is the largest of the 12 Yuan land islands, and at the same time, it is also the most important habitat for human survivors.

Above the sky, Enzo looked down on the earth.

Thousands of human survivors have established camps under the ruins of the Kingdom of Tucker, and they have used this to prosper.

"Huh? What is this?"

On the wilderness outside the camp, several children who looked only eight or nine years old were gathering food under the leadership of two women.

Suddenly, a boy found a scarlet flower between the rocks.

It was a bewitching and beautiful flower. The stamens in the center were like the eyes of the most beautiful woman in the world. The slender and elegant petals exuded a sinking smell.

Looking at the flowers in the crevices of the rocks, the little boy couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

After the collapse of the doomsday, human civilization fell into a trough. Although he was protected by the holy soul wizard, Enzo's more energy was spent on stabilizing the situation in the scarlet world to prevent the world from collapsing.

Therefore, although the human beings in the scarlet world are not blood-drinking, they are not materially rich. Many children born after the end of the world most of the time cannot eat enough.

"It looks delicious."

The little boy licked his fingers, looked left and right, but finally failed to resist the temptation of the red flower, and reached out to pick it off.

However, as the crimson flowers were picked, a stronger smell came out, which cheered up the surrounding children.

In an instant, everyone looked at the flower in the boy's hand at the same time.


The companion next to him couldn't help but speak, but the nine-year-old him had a greedy look in his eyes, subconsciously wanting to reach out and snatch the flowers from Adam's hand.

Seeing this, Adam quickly stuffed the flowers into his mouth.

As the flower was stuffed into Adam's mouth, the strange and seductive taste disappeared immediately, and the petals touched Adam's saliva, and instantly turned into blood, sliding into the belly as if they had life.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in Adam's abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, he wailed and knelt down on the ground, curled up and screamed, and the skin all over his body showed crimson flowers.


"What’s wrong with you……"

Seeing this, the companions around hurried over to surround Adam, but when he got close to Adam, a strange power emerged from the boy's body.

The crimson energy fluctuations caused the children who were approaching to fly up one after another, and landed like kites with broken strings. Two of the girls smashed their heads on the stone, and they bled out on the spot.

The children wailed and got up from the ground, looking at Adam with fear in their eyes, and everyone shunned.

But at this time, Adam was no longer in pain.

He got up from the ground, looked around blankly, his heart was already shrouded in fear, and subconsciously walked towards his best friend.


Adam looked at Eve aggrievedly, the girl hesitated and stood still, and opened her arms out of the emotion between friends.

A flash of joy flashed in Adam's eyes, and he quickly reached out and hugged Eve.

The embrace of a good friend reduced the fear in Adam's heart, but within a few seconds, Adam was startled by Eve's miserable scream.

"How could this be?"

Adam quickly let go of his arms, and looked at Eve in horror, only to see that the girl who had just hugged him was swallowed by a mass of red flames of nothingness.

"help me……"

Eve let out a painful and desperate scream, wailing: "I don't want to die..."

But the girl's cry for help was not answered, and everyone around her was stunned by the scene before her and fell into unparalleled panic.

And Adam, who was the instigator, was also stunned. He didn't know how to help Eve, so he could only watch the other party's flesh and blood turn into ashes.

In the end, Eve fell to the ground, her flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only a dry bone.

As an eight-year-old child, Adam froze in place at a loss. He looked around blankly and saw the eldest boy among the children, and couldn't help walking towards him.

"Brother Leylin..."

Adam stretched out his hand, hoping to get Brother Leylin's help.

However, what responded to him was Leylin's terrified eyes.

"Get out... get out!!"

The scene of Eve's death was still replaying in Leylin's mind. Looking at Adam who was walking towards him step by step, he couldn't help but scream.

Immediately afterwards, Leylin picked up the stone on the ground and threw it towards Adam without hesitation.

The stone hit Adam's forehead, and blood flowed down immediately.

"Brother Leylin..."

Adam stood there aggrieved, but seeing Leylin looking at him viciously, he picked up a second stone and threw it at him without hesitation.

"Get away from me! You monster!"

With a ferocious face, Leylin said viciously to Adam.

Adam looked around, only to find that the expressions of other people were the same.

"Go away! Monster!"

"Stay away from us!"

The former partners, after witnessing Eve's death, cursed Adam, and at the same time picked up the stone on the ground and threw it hard.

Fear turned a group of children into demons in an instant.

Bang bang bang!
The stones fell like raindrops, and Adam's head was bleeding immediately. While feeling helpless in his heart, a trace of anger gradually surged up.

"How could this be?"

Adam muttered to himself, the pain on his body became more and more intense with the impact of the stone, and finally turned into an angry roar.


Adam let out a roar, and strong energy fluctuations surged out of his body immediately, turning into red ripples and spreading towards the surroundings.

In an instant, a void of red flames swept everything around.

The ground was glowing red, and the burning flames of nothingness not only turned the vegetation into ashes, but even the children who shouted for Adam to go away turned into dead bones.

It was almost just a moment, and there was no sound around.

In situ, Adam looked terrified.

Looking at the dead bones around him, he didn't have a trace of joy, only endless fear in his heart, and finally couldn't help screaming, and ran wildly towards the distance.

After Adam left, a crow landed in this area.

"what is this flower?"

The crow took the form of Enzo and came to the place where Adam was picking red flowers. There, there was another red flower exuding an attractive fragrance.

Enzo stretched out his hand and picked it off directly.

Immediately, an incomparably strange fragrance emanated from the center of the petals, making Enzo feel an urge to swallow it.

But soon, Enzo regained his composure.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo looked at the red flower in his hand and gave an order in his heart.

In a moment, the chip will feed back the data.

"Is it a species that was born by absorbing the blood of Ms. Yue?" Looking at the information returned by the chip, Enzo had a trace of surprise on his face.

This kind of red flower actually contains the power of Ms. Yue. Although it is very weak, it does have real power.

To put it simply, this is a mutated plant born by absorbing the blood of Ms. Moon, which is only available in the Scarlet World in the multiverse.

Enzo looked at the crimson flower in his hand, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The battle with Ms. Yue was already ten years ago.

At the beginning, the twelve wizards of all souls, at the cost of sacrificing their own origin, helped Enzo to advance to the realm of the holy soul, and defeated Ms. Yue.

During that battle, Ms. Yue was injured by Enzo, and a large amount of divine blood was spilled on the scarlet world. Even the blood moon, which symbolized authority, was penetrated by Enzo, causing part of the authority to be scattered in the scarlet world.

And it was the blood and power of Ms. Yue that led to the birth of this scarlet flower, an unprecedented plant in the multiverse.

"Chip, name it: Bana Flower!"

Enzo looked at the crimson flower in his hand and finally named it.

Then, Enzo looked around.

In the battle with Ms. Yue back then, there was not a small amount of divine blood sprinkled on the opponent's body, so it also meant that there would never be a small amount of Bana flowers growing in the scarlet world.

"It was an unexpected bonus."

Enzo stroked his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face. After pondering for a moment, he turned into a crow and chased in Adam's direction.

"Name: Subject No. [-]."

Enzo turned into a crow and followed Adam not too far away. As the first person in the scarlet world to take Bianhua, Adam was a very good experimental subject.

Above the wilderness, Adam ran all the way.

After devouring the Bianhua, Adam gained a special power, but this power was out of control, which also led to the previous tragedy.

After all, he was only an eight-year-old child. At this moment, Adam was extremely frightened and could only vent his inner emotions by running.

I don't know how long it took, Adam came to a canyon, looking at the strange environment around him, he couldn't help crying.


Adam hid on the ground and couldn't help crying. At this moment, the sun had gradually set, and darkness was about to cover the world.

In the canyon, there were bursts of howling.

Adam, who had never left the camp too far, felt even more frightened when he heard the sound of the beast, and hesitated whether to return to the camp.

But when he got up, he found that he had been running all the way just now, and now he had forgotten the way he came. In addition, the night fell and the surroundings were pitch black, which made him even more at a loss.

"No matter how you say it, it's just a child."

Enzo shook his head and sighed in his heart, but he didn't show much pity on his face. After 200 years of journey as a wizard, his heart is as tough as a rock.

At this time, the wolf howled again in the distance.

The canyon was fooled, and a pair of dark green eyes appeared like will-o'-the-wisps in the dark, making one feel a little creepy.

Enzo, who turned into a crow, flapped his wings and landed on the rock.

In the distance, wolves emerged from the darkness, looking at Adam greedily, and surrounded him without knowing it.

Suddenly, a trace of panic appeared on Adam's face.

This is not the first time he has seen this kind of beast. After the end of the world, human civilization has broken down. The former knights have long been turned into legends. Humans can only rely on the most primitive way to resist the beast.

Therefore, every time wolves attack the camp, there will be human casualties. In Adam's mind, wolves are very scary things.

But at this moment, he was surrounded by a pack of wolves.

Adam was so frightened that his face turned pale, but his eyes glowed red, and his skin gradually turned red, as if an invisible force would erupt at any time.

On the rock, Enzo watched everything in front of him.

He was not interested in helping Adam. As the first experimental subject to devour the Bianhua, Adam obtained the power of Ms. Yue, but he didn't seem to have the ability to master this power.

"Go... go away!"

Looking at the wolves that were approaching every step of the way, a trace of fear flashed in Adam's eyes, but he was isolated and helpless, and he could only reduce the fear in his heart by roaring.

But the wolves will not choose to retreat because of Adam's roar.


With the howling of the wolf king, the pack of wolves rushed towards Adam, and Adam fell to the ground in fright and cried out in terror.

Until the first wolf pounced on Adam, his eyes finally burst into crimson light again.

In an instant, the originally pitch-black canyon was shrouded in crimson light, and Enzo was a little surprised by the strong energy fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, within ten meters around, all the wolves that pounced on were turned into ashes, and the broken bones were scattered all around.

The rest of the wolves had obviously never seen this kind of scene before, and they were frightened one after another. The wolf king screamed, and ran wildly with his tail between his legs.

In an instant, the wolves had disappeared.

There was a hint of surprise on Adam's face, but more of it was exhaustion. The release of red energy just now seemed to have exhausted his physical strength, and he finally couldn't help but fell to the ground at this moment.

"Is this not going to work?"

On the rock, while recording the experimental data, Enzo saw Adam falling into a coma, so he turned into a human and came to his side.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo leaned over and checked Adam unceremoniously. At the same time, the feedback data from the chip also appeared in Enzo's mind.

As Enzo deduced, Adam did lose his strength after releasing the energy, which resulted in a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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