Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 767 Witchcraft Showdown

Chapter 767 Witchcraft Showdown
On the spot, Enzo frowned slightly.

Entering the Black and White Lost Disc Battle means that Wizard Karen will lose his home court advantage and will not be able to use the power of the Sun Roulette.

After all, in order to protect Liuguang's lair, the sun roulette has long been fixed above the Sands City, and it is not easy to move it.

"Your Excellency Karen, do you dare to fight?"

At this time, Guofat spoke again, looking at Wizard Karen provocatively.

"Why don't you dare?"

Wizard Karen has no expression on his face. After absorbing the power of the red mist on the holy island and recovering the fourth-order realm, he seems to have regained his confidence.

Beside, Enzo hesitated for a while, but did not refute again.

After all, this battle belongs to Goffat and Wizard Karen.

"Your Excellency Guofat, you don't mind letting me enter the black and white fan, do you?"

Enzo said with a light smile.

Although he doesn't intend to prevent Guofat and Karen from fighting in the black and white maze, but he has to enter the black and white maze as a bystander.

Because only in this way, Enzo can ensure the safety of Wizard Karen.


Hearing Enzo's words, an imperceptible gleam flashed in Guofat's eyes, but he did not refuse the request.

Then, Goffat waved his hand.

It turned into a black and white maze like a huge net, and a huge vortex appeared in the middle, like an entrance to a dimensional space.

Enzo is no stranger to such a dimensional space.

When he was still an apprentice, the three major organizations in the Dark Pole Territory held a battle for the coordinates, and the location was in a secret space.

Making dimensional space fragments into equipment is not too advanced knowledge for wizard civilization.

Generally speaking, ordinary wizards who have mastered alchemy can use materials to create space rings, which can be regarded as the lowest level of space equipment.

And large-scale dimensional space equipment such as black and white fans requires wizards of the third level or above to manufacture, but as long as the materials are sufficient, it is not too rare.

To put it simply, the manufacture of space equipment is mainly related to the size of the space. The larger the dimension, the more difficult it is to manufacture.

The black and white lost disk in Guofat's hands is already a sacred item, so the space inside will never be small, enough for two wizards of all spirits to fight.

"Please, Mr. Karen!"

Guofat stretched out his hand, made a gesture of please, and then turned into a green streamer, directly entering the black and white puzzle.

Wizard Karen snorted coldly, the golden wings trembled, and then entered the space of the black and white maze.

Above the sky, a black and white maze floats in the air.

Enzo turned into a black crow, and then entered the black and white maze space. As the black and white vortex swallowed, the surrounding environment also spun instantly.

In an instant, Enzo came to a dimensional space.


Floating in mid-air, Enzo looked around, looking at the huge chessboard formed by intertwined black and white lines below, a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

The space inside the black and white puzzle board turned out to be a huge chess board.

The surrounding area is filled with black and white mist, and the whole dimensional space has a hazy feeling, and the chessboard under the feet is like the earth.

Enzo landed on the chessboard.

Not far away, Guofat and Karen, who had entered the space of the black and white disc earlier, were standing facing each other in mid-air, and the battle between the two sides was about to break out.

"Stop wasting time, let's get started!"

After entering the black-and-white maze space, wizard Karen's golden eyes flashed a dazzling light, and the power of Sunbird's blood was brought into full play.

Thoughts flickered in Enzo's mind.

According to legend, in the ancient times of the wizarding world, apart from the four most powerful god-kings, all belonged to the supreme gods as honorable ones.

Born in the light, Apollo, the sun god who is in charge of the authority of the sun, is a supreme god. According to the calculation method in the multiverse, it can also be called a sixth-order life body.

Such an existence, even today, in the multiverse, is second only to the sky demon, the existence of the supreme level.

In the First Era, the sun god had a high status.

His believers established a huge sun empire, whose might even dared to challenge the god kings. The sun god at his peak once tried to defeat the king of light in order to devour him and replace him.

However, before the sun god's ambition was put into action, the army of demons in the abyss world had already launched an invasion into the world of the gods.

That unparalleled battle made the entire multiverse tremble, and it was also the battle between gods and demons that prompted the rise of wizard civilization.

After the war of gods and demons, the sun god Apollo did not fall, but after witnessing the rise of wizard civilization, he was furious.

Like many ancient gods, those aloof beings simply cannot tolerate the human beings who were once like ants gaining power beyond themselves.

Therefore, under the call of the god kings, the ancient gods united and began to suppress human beings, but in the end they still failed to stop the rise of wizard civilization.

In the Battle of Tiantang Mountain, the ancestor of the wizard personally killed Apollo, the sun god, and the ancestor of the wizard who stepped into the eighth-order life body with half a foot completely wiped out Apollo, the sun god.

According to legend, after the sun god Apollo was killed, ten sunbirds flew out from his corpse, representing the hope of the sun god's resurrection.

But since the ancestor of the wizard had already killed the sun god, it was naturally impossible to bring him back to life again, so a wave of witchcraft blasted down and almost drove the sun bird to extinction.

The nine sunbirds turned into flowing fire and fell to the ground.

The only remaining Sunbird escaped with a serious injury, and it only took a second for the ancestor wizard to finish it off.

However, Paradise Mountain fought.

The ancestor of the wizard faced too many enemies, and those god kings who could threaten him were the key. As for the "little characters" like Apollo, the sun god, he was not taken seriously by the ancestor of the wizard.

Until later, in the era of the third era, the Karen wizard in the Aurora Region accidentally discovered the remains of the sun god in ancient times, and thus opened the road to awakening.

Wizard Karen got the blood of the Sunbird in the sun god's ruins, so he became a blood wizard and was successfully promoted to a fourth-order life form.

At this moment, all the power of his blood has been released.

In the sky above the black and white labyrinth space, Wizard Karen transformed into a half-human, half-bird golden form, and dazzling light spread from his body surface.

On the other side, Guofat also took a deep breath.

As a newly promoted wizard of all souls, Guofat had full confidence that he could suppress the Karen wizard who had fallen to the third level.

But at this moment, with the help of the black-robed wizard, the other party has recovered the realm of all spirits, which can't help adding a little pressure to Guofat, who was originally full of confidence.

In particular, the black-robed wizard also followed into the black and white labyrinth space lingeringly, to help the Karen wizard.

"Fortunately, I was prepared!"

In mid-air, Guofate glanced at Enzo on the chessboard indiscriminately, and a strange smile flashed across his face.

Immediately afterwards, he looked across.

Karen Wizard, who had activated the power of his blood, transformed into a golden sunbird, emitting an unusually dazzling light.

"Is it the blood of the sunbird?"

There was a flash of greed in Guofat's eyes, and he murmured, "Soon, it will all belong to me..."

After all, Guofat raised his hand.

A magic wand that looked like a green branch appeared in Guofat's palm. He waved the wand downward, and trees grew on the white grid on the chessboard.

Immediately afterwards, the trees grew crazily, and turned into towering ancient trees in a short while. With the appearance of human-like faces on the trunk, hundreds of giant tree people appeared.

"Go! My warriors."

Guofat waved his wand, and the treants surrounded Wizard Karen one by one.

It's just an ordinary summoning treant, but this ring of witchcraft in the hands of Guofat has a strange effect. The strength of each giant treant is comparable to a third-order life form.

Although, it is only the lowest level of Tier [-] monsters.

But even so, if Wizard Karen didn't restore the realm of all spirits and fought against Guofat in the black and white maze, just this level of magic would be enough to put him in trouble.

Fortunately, at this moment, Wizard Karen has recovered the realm of a fourth-order life form.

"The fire burns the sky!"

In mid-air, Wizard Karen raised his arm, and a flame ignited in his palm, which then turned into a crimson wand.

The next moment, Wizard Karen spoke a syllable.

Crimson flames erupted from his body like a mad dragon, and in an instant, they turned into flames that filled the sky and spread towards the surroundings.

Immediately, flames spread in the black and white lost disk space.

"Attribute restraint!"

In the same place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Wizard Karen belonged to the wizard of the fire department, while Guofat was good at the spells of the plant series.

Therefore, from the point of view of the characteristics of the technique, Karen Wizard can completely restrain Gofat, which has an advantage.


Random flames spread crazily, and there were crackling sounds all around. The treants who besieged Wizard Karen were all swallowed up by the flames, making a whimpering sound.

"Come on! Have a good fight!"

In mid-air, the corners of Wizard Karen's lips twitched, looking at the tree guards who were engulfed in flames, a smug flash of pride flashed across his face.

However, Guofat on the opposite side didn't feel any loss at all. Even the treants summoned by him were burned to ashes by the flames. Guofat still had a faint smile on his face.

"The game has just begun, so why be proud?"

Guofat's lips trembled slightly, but his voice was low and inaudible.

On the opposite side, Wizard Karen frowned slightly.

Although he didn't hear what Guofat said, there was a faint throbbing in his heart, as if he felt a sense of ominous premonition.

But soon, Wizard Karen shot again, waving the red magic wand, and directly threw a huge fireball like a furnace.

On the opposite side, Guofat opened his arms.

The hurricane turned into a tornado and raged, smashing the fireball like a sharp blade. Immediately afterwards, Guofat clasped his palms together, and there was a tremor from the ground.

Amidst the huge roar, a huge wooden dragon appeared like a prehistoric giant, with its bloody mouth wide open, and blue spears shot out one by one.

Wizard Karen, however, was unafraid.

After healed the pair of golden wings behind him, there was a sudden shock, golden flames erupted immediately, and all the spears that came from him were turned into ashes.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden light burst out.

Guofat frowned slightly, and couldn't help squinting his eyes. The next moment, the wizard Karen in front of him had disappeared into the golden light.

Suddenly, Guofat's eyes flashed.

A gust of wind came from the ear, and the extremely fast flight distorted the space. After the power of the blood was activated, Wizard Karen had completely transformed into a sunbird. In just an instant, he appeared in front of Guofat.


Wizard Karen, in the form of a sunbird, let out a snarl, his palms were like sharp claws, ignited a golden flame, and went straight to Guofat's chest.

The next moment, the sharp claws broke through the chest.

In front of the sharp claws wrapped around the sun's fire, Wizard Gofat's protective energy shield is almost as fragile as tofu.

Wizard Karen succeeded in one blow, but he didn't show the slightest smile on his face.

"An incarnation outside the body?"

Wizard Karen frowned slightly, looking at Wizard Gofat in front of him, who turned into a wooden clone, he couldn't help snorting coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Wizard Karen's sharp claw moved slightly.

The golden flame instantly swallowed the wooden doll's clone, and then Wizard Karen fluttered his wings, looked around in the air, and soon found Guofat's figure on the ground.

In situ, Guofat looked relaxed.

After being promoted to the realm of All Souls Wizard, he felt that the magic power in his body was very abundant, as if it would never be exhausted.

So, Guofat gave a wand in his hand.

All kinds of plants grew on the grid of the black and white fan, and big trees turned into tree figures one after another.

Then, Gofaat waved his wand.

The tree guards who were summoned again came to besiege Karen. Guofat continued to cast spells, summoning monsters, and at the same time changing the environment of the black and white labyrinth, thus making this place his home field.

Not long after, the black and white maze space has completely formed a thousand forest world. For the wizards of Green Tree Fortress, this is the most familiar battle scene.

The next moment, the sound of leaves rubbing against each other sounded, and in the extremely lush forest, vines grew rapidly, turning into poisonous snakes, and went straight to attack Karen Wizard in the sky.

"Aura of fire!"

Facing the crazy attack of vines, Wizard Karen frowned slightly. It is obviously impossible for this level of attack to cause substantial damage to him, but it is constantly consuming Karen's magic power.

Therefore, this time, Karen just released the flame halo.

An ordinary ring of witchcraft turned into a ball of flames and entangled around it, and all the entwined vines turned into ashes.

"Heavenly fire starts a prairie fire!"

After that, Wizard Karen uttered syllables, and a forest had formed in the black and white maze space. Faced with this environment that was not suitable for him to fight, Wizard Karen decided to get rid of them all at once.

As a result, the crimson flame turned into a red rain and shrouded the black and white labyrinth space.

(End of this chapter)

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