Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 774 The Battle of Tier 5

Chapter 774 The Battle of the Fifth Tier
The violent sea water turned into a huge wave!

At this moment, the whole world seems to be overwhelmed. The existence of fifth-order life forms, even in the entire multiverse, can be called the existence of strong ones. Their waving hands are endless for small worlds. disaster.

Only planes such as the wizarding world and the holy world can host the confrontation between two fifth-order life forms.

However, even so, once the sea caller made a move, it would have a terrible impact on the surroundings.

The violent and churning waves seemed to swallow the world, but what was even more frightening was the sea beasts that came along with the waves, gathering in groups to form a dying army.

"Bone of Soul!"

In mid-air, Enzo's face was calm, and he whispered syllables. A hole was torn in the sky, and a gloomy light descended from the sky.

After falling into Enzo's hands, Youguang turned into the Soulbone Wand.

"Shadow mirror image!" Enzo said softly.

It was the first time he fought against a life form of the same level, Enzo was not in a hurry to go all out, he planned to use this opportunity to master as much as possible the witchcraft ability he had mastered in the past thirty years.

As Enzo waved his wand, a swirling black hole appeared in front of him.

The surging sea water, as well as the tens of thousands of sea beasts, were all swallowed by the black hole in an instant, and finally turned into nothingness.

On the surface of the sea, Yaheng, the caller of the sea, looked a bit solemn.

On the other side, Enzo waved his wand again, and at the same time that the black vortex in front of him disappeared, he opened a door to the void, and then, a black mist-like liquid emerged from it.


On the opposite side, Sea Caller Yaheng's complexion changed, and a look of gloom appeared in his eyes, because he saw that all the sea beasts he had sent just now had been killed by Enzo, and turned into a group of puppets.

The whole body of flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only the sea king monster with thick bones.

An octopus with scarlet eyes and hideous tentacles oozing mucus.

And huge, island-like giant squids reappeared from the portal one after another.

However, now they have become Enzo's puppets.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flashed with thought. The shadow mirror image was originally an ordinary technique, but after his improvement, it exerted a more terrifying effect. All the power absorbed by the shadow mirror image will eventually be transformed into En Zuo. Zuo's puppet.

On the opposite side, Yaheng, the sea caller, looked gloomy.

But the failure of only one round obviously couldn't make him give up. Yaheng threw the harpoon in his hand into the sky suddenly, and then dark clouds gathered above the sky, and lightning bolts poured down.

At the same time, tornadoes rolled up on the sea.

The turbulent sea water and the strong wind converged to form an extremely terrifying force, but Enzo didn't care about it. As a fifth-order life form, this kind of physical damage could not pose any threat to him at all.

"Stop it, time!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and he began to communicate with the world, using the power of authority to suspend the world around him.

In an instant, everything stops.

The Void Mothership above the sky seemed to have turned into a sculpture. The murlocs and extraordinary soldiers who were fighting fiercely were all in a state of stillness, and even the tornado rising from the sea seemed frozen.

The corner of Enzo's lips twitched a little, and he reached out to touch the sea water in front of him.

Fingertips can still penetrate deep into the sea, and even feel the freezing temperature, but after time is stopped, everything comes to a strange standstill, except for the sea caller Yaheng who is not far away.

"In the wizarding world, no one can defeat a wizard!"

Enzo spoke calmly, expounding the fact that the rules of the multiverse, the ruler of any world, are protected by the rules of the world, outsiders who want to invade must pay a heavier price.

"The legendary hero of the murlocs? With such strength, it's really disappointing!"

Enzo shook his head, with a hint of disappointment in his tone, then raised the magic wand of soul bone in his hand, and released a black ray at Yaheng, the sea caller.

"Silent Light!"

As Enzo spit out a few syllables, the black light went straight to Yaheng. This is a special ability that Enzo only mastered after he was promoted to the fifth level, and it has almost 100% lethal effect.

Yaheng, who is bound by the rules, seems to have fallen into a crisis of death.

"O great ocean!"

However, at this moment, Yaheng, the sea caller, suddenly took a deep breath and sang an ancient song loudly, saying: "The storm is your breath, the huge waves are your roar, and the ocean is your ruler!"

"Please give me strength!"

Following the chanting of Yaheng, the sea caller, the surrounding space suddenly twisted, and then the time suspended by Enzo's rules was broken, and the murlocs and extraordinary soldiers on the Void Mothership fought fiercely together again.

In mid-air, Enzo's pupils shrank.

"This is... the power of rules?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Enzo's eyes. In his cognition, the power of rules belongs to wizards in the world of wizards. No matter how powerful a foreign race is, they cannot use the power of rules.

But what happened in front of him made Enzo feel unbelievable.

The wizard civilization is the ruler of this world, but the power of rules allows Yaheng, the sea caller, to use it.

"Could it be...he also has the power of a wizard?"

The luster in Enzo's eyes is shining, and the thoughts in his heart are constantly changing. The rules of this world are incarnated by the ancestors of wizards, so only wizards can use the power of rules. This is already an ancient and unchanging cognition of wizard civilization.

"Hmph! Evil wizard!"

On the opposite side, Sea Caller Yaheng saw Enzo's doubts, and sneered, "Do you think there are only rules for wizards in this world?"

"Although the great Sea God has fallen, his will will always protect us. One day, we will revive Lord Sea God, and the glory of the Sea Clan will return to this world, and we will drive out all of you evil wizards!"

Hearing the words of Sea Caller Yaheng, Enzuo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Sea God's Protection!"

Enzo muttered to himself, thoughts flickering in his mind. After the war in the ancient era, three of the four great god kings fell, and only the king of light escaped from the wizarding world and went to the multiverse.

And the three god kings who fell were the mother of the earth, the god of the sea and the storm, and the dark god of death who was in charge of death and reincarnation.

Except for the mother of the earth who fell in the battle of gods and demons, the sea god and the god of death were all obliterated by the ancestors of the wizards, but the king of gods is a seventh-order life after all. Not so easy.

The God King once existed, and must have left traces.

In ancient times, the fall of the Mother of the Earth was more like a kind of self-sacrifice, so not many believers were obsessed with bringing her back to life, and, among the four god-kings, the Mother of the Earth was the most gentle existence. The camp of the gods, but no matter for humans or wizards, there is not much hatred.

The Mother of the Earth is the oldest god, even the first god born in the world. According to ancient legends, she split her own power to create all things, and her status is almost equivalent to the tree of Akira in the forest world.

For the Mother Earth, both humans and wizards are her children in a sense.

Under such a premise, even if the gods and the wizard camp are hostile, the wizards still maintain a reverence for the fallen mother of the earth, rather than a strong suppression policy against other gods.

Except for the mother of the earth, because of the particularity of holding power, the god of death cannot improve himself through the sacrifice power of believers. Therefore, he did not have many believers in ancient times. For him, everything is more awe. .

Moreover, it was unexpected for many gods to stand in the camp of the gods and fight against the ancestor of the wizard, because in the cognition of the gods, the god of death has always been a loner, and there is no strict division of positions. Even when the ancient abyss world invaded, the god of death did not show too strong a reaction.

It is also the mother of the earth, the god of the sea, and the king of light, the three kings of gods, leading the world to fight against the civilization of the abyss.

But what was unexpected was that the god of death, who was clearly indifferent to the battle between gods and demons, inexplicably stood in the camp of the gods before the start of the battle on Tiantangshan, and chose to fight against the wizard civilization.

As a result, the god of death was obliterated by the ancestor of the wizard in an extremely weird way.

Therefore, among the three god kings who fell, because of the lack of believers, the probability of resurrection of the god of death is not high.

On the contrary, Seagod is the most vigilant existence in the files of the Supreme Council.

Different from the Mother of the Earth and the God of Death, Sea God is a god-king with many believers. Even most of the races in the ocean world were created by Sea God. Faith, yearning for the resurrection of the Seagod all the time.

It's just that it's not easy to bring a god king back to life.

But now, Yaheng, the sea caller, suddenly manipulated the power of rules, which made Enzo feel a little vigilant.

"The Sea God is dead!"

Enzo said coldly, with a blank face, "Everything you've done is just pointless struggle."

Above the waves, a strange smile appeared on Yaheng's face.

"Wizard! You are too arrogant."

Yaheng, the sea caller, shook his head, and said quietly: "After the end of the War of the Ancients, wizard civilization has gradually become the apex of the multiverse, but it is this power that makes you more and more arrogant, thinking that you are the apex of the multiverse. ruler of the

As he said that, Yaheng's expression became frenzied.

"The third era is coming to an end, and the era of change will come soon. We have seen the hope of the Sea God's resurrection from the ancient prophecy. As long as the great Sea God returns to the world, he will definitely lead the Sea Clan to glory again!"

Sea Caller Yaheng's tone was unusually firm.

Enzo's face was indifferent, but thoughts flickered in his mind. Although he didn't think that the sea god had any hope of resurrection in the world where wizard civilization dominated the world, Yaheng, the sea caller, could use the power of rules, but it happened right in front of him.

"In an era of change, maybe everything is possible?"

Enzo chuckled in his heart, no matter whether the Sea God could be resurrected or not, it was a very distant thing for him.

What Enzo needs to do now is to deal with this group of murlocs.

"This guy's ability to use the power of rules should be limited to the ocean area." Enzo looked at the sea caller Yaheng, his thoughts changed, and said: "The sea god fell in ancient times, but his power still affects the sea. In this world, the third era is coming to an end, perhaps it is for this reason that the remaining power of the Sea God is ready to move."

"It seems that we need to spend more energy!"

Enzo took a deep breath, a faint light suddenly appeared on his face, and then, a shadow camouflage mask appeared on his face.

With two artifacts in hand, Enzo is invincible.

On the opposite side, sea caller Yaheng's eyes flashed with solemnity. He was very clear about his own strength. In the world of wizards, combat wizards of the same level were almost invincible, and the power of rules was always oppressing other races.

However, fortunately, the battlefield is now above the ocean, and with the protection of the Seagod's power, Yaheng is qualified to fight the holy soul wizard.

"Shadow Realm!"

In mid-air, Enzo uttered syllables. Since Yaheng, the sea caller, is in the ocean, he can use the power of rules.

Then Enzo would like to try, if the battlefield is changed, what will happen to the ending.

In an instant, endless shadows gushed out of Enzo's body, and the blackness engulfed the ocean. Those weak murlocs were all excluded. Enzo used the power of the rules of the wizarding world to open up an independent battlefield.

In the shadow field, only Enzo and Yaheng remained.


Enzo didn't talk nonsense, and spit out a syllable, and hundreds of huge black tentacles sprang out from the shadow field, heading directly towards Yaheng, the sea caller.

At the same time, the lower part also turned into a dark vortex.


Yaheng's heart sank. After entering the shadow realm, he suddenly couldn't feel the protection of the Sea God. What was even more frightening was that Yaheng couldn't even resist the shadow's suppression, and it was very difficult to escape.

"Spirit of the sea!"

Immediately, facing the black tentacles crazily attacking, Yaheng opened his mouth violently, gushing out water like a waterfall.

Immediately, seawater poured into this space. Although compared with the endless shadows, the seawater seemed insignificant, but for Yaheng, at least he had a place to stay and a chance to confront Enzo.

After getting a temporary respite, Yaheng waved his hand again.

White pearls were thrown out one after another, and after falling into the shadows, they turned into springs everywhere. Water flowed out of the springs continuously, and gathered with the sea water, encroaching on the space of the shadow domain.


Seeing that the surrounding area had been submerged by sea water, Yaheng breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not relax his vigilance, still staring at Enzo in the distance.

"Sure enough, once you leave the ocean, you can no longer use the power of rules."

The corners of Enzo's lips raised slightly, and he saw the reality of Yaheng, the sea caller. The reason why the other party was able to use the power of rules was entirely dependent on the protection of the remaining power of the sea god. Once he left the ocean area, he would naturally Was beaten back to its original shape.

(End of this chapter)

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