Chapter 794
Except for the Mayan world, the black light world, and the wild world.

Enzo also sent Helaya to the world of Hina, but he didn't have too much expectation for Helaya. Enzo knew how useless the crying goddess was, so this step was just a random move. It's just chess.

The layout of the four worlds has been carried out, but it is still unknown which world will succeed in the end.

"Chip, let's analyze it."

On the spot, Enzo ordered softly, in his mind, the chip immediately started big data analysis through the known information.

"Maya world expedition success rate: 25%."

"The success rate of the Black Light World Expedition: 48%."

"The success rate of the wild world expedition: 41%."

"Hina's world expedition success rate: 6%."

Not long after, the chip gave an answer, and calculated the success rate of the expedition in the four worlds. Although this kind of analysis only relied on the information forcibly obtained from the data, the accuracy rate was not too high.

But for Enzo, it is also a reference.

"From this point of view, the black light world still has the highest success rate!"

Enzo sighed in his heart. Among the three worlds under his command, the World of War Ghosts, which is the fortress of war, is undoubtedly the strongest plane. Therefore, Zofi, who led the expedition of [-] million evil ghosts, is also an expedition to the four worlds. The one with the highest success rate.

Secondly, it is the wild world.

The giants of the sea blue world have already formed a legion, and relying on the knowledge left over from the Starscream organization, the technology of this century is also advancing by leaps and bounds, so their strength cannot be underestimated.

"Is the success rate of the Mayan world only one-quarter?"

Afterwards, Enzo frowned slightly. The expedition to the Mayan world was led by the goddess of the night, Luciles, and the god of giant spiders, Qiluo, but after analyzing the data of the chip, the success rate was only 20.00%.

"It seems that if you want to support a plane expedition, there is no plane behind to support it. Even a powerful god will encounter a difficult situation!"

Enzo sighed in his heart.

Among the five gods under his command, Lucilles, the goddess of the night who has recovered her strength, is definitely the strongest existence, even stronger than Zoffy, the god of evil spirits. But even so, without any support, she can Entering the Mayan world, the success rate is still only a quarter.

"Next, it's me!"

The layout of the Four Realms Expedition has been completed, so Enzo no longer struggled, and then turned his gaze to the ball of light in front of him.

Moments later, Enzo locked the target.

Photoprint the world!

Compared with the previous four worlds, the world of light printing is definitely stronger, and it is even not on the same level as other planes. Although this world is also a small world, it is controlled by the king of light behind it.

Yes, the Light Printing World is the lower plane of the Great Temple World!

Tens of thousands of years ago, the world of Guangyin was just an indigenous plane. The apostles of the King of Light discovered this world and began to invade. After destroying the local gods of the world of Guangyin, they soon began to develop their own beliefs .

Today, the world of light printing is completely under the control of the king of light.

In this world, the King of Light has absolute power. Almost any intelligent creature maintains faith in the King of Light, and any existence that refuses to believe in the King of Light is regarded as heresy.

At the same time, the power system of the light printing world also completely depends on the bestowal of the King of Light.

In the world of Guangyin, there are many human kingdoms, but they believe in the theory of royal authority, so even the king still needs to kneel down and salute when he sees the bishop of the Church of Light.

The reason is very simple. In the world of light printing, the Church of Light is the real ruler. As for the royal family and nobles, they are just the political system introduced by them to rule the common people. Moreover, the extraordinary power of the entire world of light printing comes from the Church of Light.

"Something like the Middle Ages!"

Enzo's eyes flickered, thinking about the information of the light-printed world, and found that the development of this world was somewhat similar to the medieval era of the sea blue world, where the church ruled the world, and all opponents would be branded as heretics.

Unlike the Middle Ages of the sea blue world, the world of light and printing has extraordinary power. The bishops, messengers, and even apologist knights of the church of light control the power bestowed on them by the king of light.

The stronger the believer, the stronger the power of control.

In the world of light printing, this kind of extraordinary power is called magic, and in addition to the magic bestowed by the king of light, the world of light printing has also given birth to people with extraordinary talents, but once such an existence is discovered, will be strictly controlled.

The King of Light has experienced the rise of wizard civilization, so he is very sensitive to human beings' unauthorized control of supernatural power. If he wants to completely control the world of light printing, the best way is to let all supernatural power be controlled. In the hands of the Church of Light.

The power of magic can be given, and naturally it can be taken back.

The system established by the King of Light in the Light Printing World is doomed to absolute control. If one day, the Light Printing World is really out of his control, then just one thought from the King of Light can take away the extraordinary power of the entire Light Printing World.

And the consequence of doing that would be an extremely fatal blow to the entire light printing world, and even the lack of rules would directly lead to the destruction of the world.

"Light printing world!"

Enzo's eyes flickered, a trace of firmness appeared on his face, and he said in a deep voice, "The target of this expedition is to choose you!"

There are fifteen planes to choose from, but Enzo only chose the world of Guangyin.

There are natural reasons for this. First of all, the prosperity of Guangyin World's resources definitely has a huge advantage compared to the other [-] worlds. The policy of the council after the order of the wireless expedition is issued. If Enzo can complete the expedition, in addition to gaining control of the light printing world, he will also be rewarded by the Supreme Council.

But the most important reason is the integrity of the rules of Guangyin World.

The King of Light has controlled the world of light printing for tens of thousands of years. While mining the resources of the world of light printing, he also spent a lot of energy in this world, so the rules of the world of light printing are extremely stable.

This is unmatched by other worlds.

As a fifth-order life form, if Enzo forcibly descends into a different world, apart from the crazy resistance of the rules, whether the world itself can withstand it is also a big problem.

To put it simply, if Enzo used his body to carry out an expedition to the Black Light World, then the Black Light World itself may not be able to bear it before his expedition is completed, and what Enzo can get in the end may be a broken world.

The light printing world is different.

Although like the other fourteen worlds, the world of light printing is also a small world, but because of the integrity of the rules, it has a stronger carrying capacity. As long as Enzo seals a part of his own strength and comes to the world of light printing, he will not be able to escape. will lead to the collapse of the world.


Soon, another half a year has passed.

The news of the end of the third era has already spread in the multiverse, and even some indigenous planes with extremely occluded information know about the end of the era, but many planes simply cannot understand what the end of the era represents .

Just like those frogs in a well, they can't understand the vastness of the world.

However, such ignorant native planes are only a minority after all, and more planes that joined the Alliance of All Worlds felt a sense of crisis after hearing the news of the end of the era and began to make some strategic deployments.

Because, the vast majority of civilizations know that the horror of the end of the era, after the era of change, represents not only opportunities, but also crises. The history of the end of the previous eras has told the universe that every When the era is coming to an end, at least two-thirds of the small worlds will become the dust of history.

And even a large world will face the choice of rise and fall!

At the same time, the northern mainland.

Dark Pole Realm, the city of fog.

The Phantom Crows, which used to be one of the three major wizard organizations in the Dark Pole Region, has now become the sole ruler of this area, especially after the expedition to the Forest World, the Phantom Crows Academy has become unprecedentedly powerful powerful.

The resources mined from the world of forest spirits have given each apprentice of the Phantom Academy of Crows a better room for growth, and more wizards have been born.

On this day, in the tower in the city of mist.

"Do you want to recruit a group of wizards to go to the world of light printing with you?"

Gustav was sitting at the desk, looking at Enzo opposite, his eyes flashed with thought.

"Yes, mentor."

Enzo looked calm and said, "I plan to launch an expedition to the world of light printing in the near future, so I need a group of wizards to go with me."

"A plane expedition is no small matter."

Gustav said in a deep voice, "Especially the world of light printing, which is the world ruled by the king of light, the seventh-order life body. Although it is only a small world, it must not be underestimated. Have you thought about it?"

"of course."

Enzo nodded, and said in a low voice, "It is precisely because the world of light printing is the plane ruled by the king of light, so I want to launch an expedition at this time, otherwise, I would not have this opportunity."

A thoughtful look appeared on Gustav's face.

At this time, Enzo chose to enter the world of light printing. It can be said that he has experienced careful consideration. As the world ruled by the king of light, the seventh-order life body, the world of light printing is completely different from those indigenous planes.

It is backed by the Holy Church World as a support. Even though Enzo's expedition in the Light Printing World went very smoothly and successfully suppressed the local strength of the Light Printing World, as long as the King of Light senses that the Light Printing World is in crisis, then the Great Temple World will There will definitely be support.

In that world, what Enzo has to face is not just a world of light printing.

Even if it is a fifth-order life form, it is impossible to compete against the great world of the temple.

However, that was only a normal situation. Now that the third era is coming to an end, wizard civilization and those large worlds have begun to form a situation of mutual checks and balances. The reason why Enzo chose to make a move at this time is precisely because of the opportunity.

In today's Great Temple World, the real enemies that need to be faced are the Wizard World and the Abyss World. Therefore, even if the King of Light knows that the Light Printing World is under attack, he may not be able to devote all his energy to supporting the Light Printing World.

Under such a premise, Enzo decided to launch an attack on Guangyin World.

"Well, since this is your choice, I won't interfere too much."

A trace of complexity flashed in Gustave's eyes. The man in front of him, his appearance was almost the same as that of 300 years ago, but his strength had undergone tremendous changes. The little apprentice who was not even a wizard had now become a fifth-level apprentice. Life form.

The realm of the holy soul, even now, is an existence that Gustav needs to look up to.

"Thank you teacher."

Enzo said softly that he needs a lot of troops for this expedition to the world of light printing, but the troops of the war ghost world and the sea blue world have already been dispatched, so Enzo can only seek the help of the phantoms of the crows.

Of course, this help is not free.

When Enzo recruits wizards to join his expeditionary force, he must also pay Phantom Crows enough rewards, just like Phantom Crows spent magic stones to recruit extraordinary soldiers from Fortress World during the expedition to the forest world.

And, Enzo's goal is not just Phantom Crows.

With only one Phantom Academy of Crows, even if all the wizards are mobilized, they may not be able to take over the world of light printing. Therefore, in addition to the Phantom Academy of Crows, Enzo also issued the same recruitment order from other regions of the northern mainland.

As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, Enzo is already the speaker of the Northern Council.

Therefore, his expedition plan to the world of Guangyin has also received the support of the Northern Council, and even His Excellency the Great Speaker has funded Enzo with a large amount of resources as the basis for the expedition to the world of Guangyin.

After leaving the Dark Pole Realm, Enzo went directly to the city of the Northland.

"Your Excellency Speaker Enzo."

As soon as he arrived in the city of the Northland, an envoy loyal to the Great Speaker found Enzo and said respectfully.

"The three void carriers funded by Your Excellency the Great Speaker are ready, does Speaker Enzo need to check?"

Hearing the messenger's words, Enzo's heart moved.

During this expedition to the world of light and printing, the Northern Council gave Enzo a lot of support. Although these supports were not for nothing, just like a kind of loan, for Enzo, they still solved the urgent need.

After all, the current Enzo is planning to launch an expedition to the five worlds at the same time.

Even if Enzo didn't plan to pay any resources for the expeditions to the Mayan world and the Hina world, the expeditions to the black light world and the wild world also emptied the wealth of the war ghost world and the sea blue world.

Therefore, if Enzo wants to launch an expedition to the world of light printing, he must borrow a resource from the Northern Council. Among them, the price of these three void carriers has already made Enzo feel a lot of pressure.

"It seems that the expedition must be completed as soon as possible."

Enzo smiled wryly in his heart. Although as the chairman of the Northern Council, Enzo's loan interest was very low, but it was still a terrifying figure. If the expedition could not be completed as soon as possible, Enzo's financial situation might be in serious crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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