Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 818 Trade War

Chapter 818 Trade War
Under such a premise, barbarians may support the gods, but they will never be convinced.

Therefore, with the arrival of the sea blue people, the barbarians became more and more dissatisfied with the demigods. Those humans from outside the region not only brought technology to the barbarians, but also improved their lives.

In the hearts of many barbarians, the sea blue people have become savior-like existences, and they even long for the world to be ruled by the sea blue people.

Because of that, at least the barbarians in the wild world no longer have to be oppressed by demigods and live a life of starvation.

"Is there a war now?"

In the mirror, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and it might be a very correct choice for the sea blue people to go on an expedition to the wild world.

Through the trade war, the barbarians have begun to accept the existence of the sea blue people, and even rely on the technology of the sea blue people.

This, and not just savages.

In the god system of the wild world, there are hundreds of demigods. Although they are all demigods and enslave the barbarian tribes, there are actually differences between demigods who are strong and weak.

Even, this gap is extremely serious.

It is not uncommon for powerful demigods to wantonly bully weaker demigods in the wild world. With the arrival of the sea blue people, under the leadership of the giant god Reiner, those weak demigods seem to have found support.

"Don't start a war just yet."

Enzo shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "The penetration of the wild world is not enough, you must be more than 80.00% sure before you can start a war!"

"Yes, Lord Enzo!" Reiner nodded.

Afterwards, the communication between the two was interrupted, and Enzo also learned about the situation in the wild world, inferring in his heart that this should be the second fastest-growing world among the Five Realms Expedition.


At the same time, somewhere in the wild world.

The largest village in the entire wild world is already as large as the kingdom of the war ghost world. At this moment, in the central area called the Doku tribe, a meeting organized by demigods is going on.

"The sea blue people must be expelled!"

At the meeting, an indigenous half-god who was half-man, half-wolf said excitedly, "It's all these outsiders that caused those tribes to disrespect us more and more, and now the priests are starting to fool us!"

"Yeah, these human beings are becoming more and more unsightly!" Next to him, a demigod covered in mucus and as ugly as a catfish also said, "It's all the influence of those Hailan people, the current believers, The lack of awe for us has begun!"

"Last month, I clearly asked those believers to sacrifice ten babies, but they dared to use a goat kid instead!"

"I was so angry that I ate [-] barbarians in one go, and then they were punished. Let's see if they dare to disobey my orders in the future!"

Hearing what the catfish demigod said, a horned demigod next to him frowned.

"You are too cruel, Sika!"

The one-horned demigod shook his head and said, "If you want believers to serve us sincerely, you shouldn't use such harsh methods. Under appropriate circumstances, you should also give them some tolerance!"

"Feeling the kindness of the gods, humans will respect us even more!"

Sika, the catfish demigod, had a look of disdain in his eyes, and said bluntly, "Is there water in your brain? Old goat!"

"We are gods!"

"He is the master of this world. It is already our greatest kindness for those human beings to be able to multiply and thrive on the earth!"

"The weak should serve the strong, this is an eternal truth!"

Beside, several demigods also spoke one after another.

They have different views on the sea blue people. Some of the gods who have benefited from the sea blue people naturally don't want them to leave.

And some demigods are very vigilant.

It has been more than ten years since the sea blue people came to the wild world. Under the influence of the sea blue people, the wild world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

With the help of Hailan Technology, the barbarian tribes who drank blood and had nothing to eat, have begun to form a more advanced social system.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the barbarians, but in the eyes of the demigods, those barbarians have mastered the power of technology, but it also means a hidden danger.

About half a year ago, the half-wolf god had a fierce conflict with the barbarian tribe who believed in him. For some unknown reason, those barbarians started to disobey his orders.

I knew that in the eyes of the half-wolf god, the reason why the weak barbarian tribe can survive in this world is already his kindness, but human beings are ungrateful and show no respect for themselves.

This is obviously an unacceptable thing for the half-wolf god!

He decided to give some punishment to the barbarians, so he used the ancient twelve killing orders, intending to kill tens of thousands of barbarians at a time as punishment.

However, to the demigod's surprise, those barbarians dared to resist him.

Relying on the weapon named [gun] obtained from the Hailan people, the barbarians ambushed the half-wolf god, but the result was unsuccessful.

In the wild world, extraordinary power is only in the hands of the demigods, and it is for this reason that the demigods of the wild world have absolute dominance over the world.

However, with the arrival of the sea blue people, the originally weak barbarians also began to gain strength. Although they were almost insignificant compared to the demigods, they were something that the demigods could not tolerate.

But more importantly, because of the appearance of the sea blue people, the thinking of the barbarians has changed. The original barbarians maintained absolute awe of the demigods, but now, it seems that there has been a change.

The thoughts conveyed by the sea blue people made the barbarians start to rethink the relationship with the demigods, why the demigods can have a long life and enjoy the offerings of the barbarians.

But the savages themselves live a life of not having enough to eat, not having enough clothes to cover their bodies, and serving the gods. The emergence of sea blue civilization makes the savages start to think.

They are also intelligent creatures, why can't they control extraordinary power?
It is the emergence of this kind of thinking that makes some demigods start to be vigilant, but not all demigods in the wild world have this kind of thinking. don't care.

This is also a normal thing.

After all, for the demigods, with a random wave of their palms, hundreds of barbarians can disappear from the world, and they are not afraid of their transformation at all.

Even if the barbarians began to betray the gods under the influence of the sea blue people, what role would they be able to play?

I knew earlier that in this world, demigods are the masters of extraordinary power.

At the meeting, the demigods had heated discussions.

Headed by the half-wolf god, some half-gods believe that the appearance of the sea blue people has affected their rule, and these outsiders should be expelled.

But more demigods remained opposed.

"Kick out the Hailan people, what about the territory given to them before?"

At the meeting, a demigod in the form of a harpies stroked his feathers and said with a sneer, "Don't you want rent from Hailan people?"

Hearing this sentence, the half-wolf god was also silent.

It has been several years since the sea blue people came to the wild world. Under the deal between the giant god Reiner and the wild demigods, the sea blue people got a large piece of land.

Although these territories are all resource-poor areas, they also occupy one-tenth of the wild world. The two parties reached an agreement that the Hailan people have the right to use this land.

However, as a price, Reiner, the god of giants, needs to pay high rents to the demigods in the wild world every year.

For the savage demigods like a frog in a well, that was a bountiful harvest, even enough to make many demigods jealous.

"Even if the Hailan people are not expelled, they must pay more!"

The half-wolf god suddenly said, "I think they will definitely not refuse to increase the original rent by [-]%."

Hearing these words, the eyes of the demigods brightened.

In fact, after several years of contact, the demigods in the wild world no longer have much rejection for the Hailan people who provide huge income every year.

The two sides have almost formed a peaceful coexistence in the wild world. Anyway, for the wild demigods, they have nothing to lose, but can gain considerable wealth every year.

"I agree with this proposal!"

At this time, the goat demigod also nodded, and a greedy luster flashed in his eyes.

Then, all the demigods agreed.

In the final meeting, all the demigods reached a consensus. Due to the arrival of the sea blue people, the barbarians who believed in the demigods changed their minds, which was very bad for the wild demigods.

Therefore, this loss will be compensated by the Hailan people!


A few days later, inside a strange building.

It was originally a barren plain, but now under the construction of Hailan people, modern cities have sprung up, forming fortresses like fortresses.

"Four percent?"

On the throne, Reiner frowned slightly, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone, and said, "Is Your Excellency Sika joking with me?"

Not far away, on a huge chair.

The demigod Sika, who was shaped like a catfish, also had a flash of embarrassment in his eyes, but he still puffed out his chest and said confidently.

"Your Excellency Lena, I am serious!"

"The riot in the barbarian tribe was indeed due to the influence of the Hailan people. Therefore, after our discussion, you need to give us an explanation!"

On the throne, Reiner was silent for a moment.

"Your Excellency Sika, you mean that the barbarians in the wild world rioted and caused you losses, and I need to be responsible for the results?"

Lena stood up slowly and said coldly.

"Uh... It's not just me, it's everyone..."

Seeing that the giant god Reiner was angry, a trace of fear flashed in Sika's eyes, and his voice was a little quieter, as if he did not dare to look at Reiner.

In fact, in Xika's heart, he also felt that the conditions of the wild demigod were a bit too much.

No matter what you say about the barbarian riots, it is also an internal conflict in the wild world. It is really unreasonable to force the Hailan people to ask for compensation, and since the sea blue people came to the wild world, they have been peacefully coexisting with the wild gods.

Even Sika was once benefited by Lena.

"Two percent!"

Just as Sika was hesitating, Lena sighed, shook his head and said, "But I must declare that the barbarian riots have nothing to do with us. The [-]% rent is just for Mr. Sika."

"Is that so, no problem!"

Xika quickly agreed. Although the barbarian demigods originally asked for a [-]% increase in rent, they also knew that this condition was too much, so the bottom line in their hearts was [-]%.

After completing the task so smoothly, Xika couldn't help showing an ugly smile on her face.

Reina endured the loathing in his heart, a smile appeared on his face, and said, "I'll do something to Mr. Xika, then, there is something, I wonder if you can help?"

"Please say."

Sika patted her chest and promised, "Your Excellency Lena is my friend. If there is anything I can help, Sika will never refuse."

"It's not really a big deal."

Reina's eyes sparkled slightly, and he said softly, "After I came to the wild world, I was building a city, but the progress is too slow with only the labor force of the sea blue people, so I want to hire some barbarians."

"Anyway, I've heard recently that after those ungrateful barbarians rioted last time and were suppressed by His Excellency Sika, many barbarians are about to be executed. Why don't you sell them to me?"


A trace of hesitation appeared on Xika's face. For him, selling the barbarian who should have been executed to Lena was an appropriate thing to say, but for some reason, Xika hesitated in his heart.

"As for the price, please rest assured, Your Excellency Sika."

But at this time, Lena struck while the iron was hot, saying: "Based on our relationship, I will definitely give a reasonable price."

"Okay, fine."

Xika finally failed to resist the temptation, nodded and said, "How many barbarians does Your Majesty Reina need?"

"The more the better."

Reina pretended to be calm and said, "Your Majesty Sika should also know that although I rented a large piece of land in the wild world, these areas don't have much resources, and building them requires a lot of manpower and material resources."

There was an awkward smile on Sika's face.

Although the demigods in the wild world trade with Laina, the territory leased to him is the most desolate area, which is almost worthless, so they will be handed over to Laina in exchange for resources.

Therefore, although the Hailan people have gained a foothold in the wild world, they have spent a lot of energy and resources building their territory.

Reina's purchase of barbarian slaves seems to have become very logical.

After a while, Sika left.

In the same place, Reiner's eyes flickered. As a soldier, he was actually not good at maneuvering. The reason why he used trade wars to conquer the wild world was also the suggestion of his advisers.

However, it has to be said that the program was very successful.

Although a lot of resources were spent, the expedition to the barbaric world has achieved very effective results. The sea blue people have not only gained a foothold in the barbaric world, but also won the support of some barbarians.

(End of this chapter)

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