Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 820 Baze World

Chapter 820 Baze World
In today's wild world, war is still in its infancy.

The barbarian tribe destroyed some of the altars of the demigods in order to wage war on the demigods who had enslaved them for thousands of years.

Not all demigods are hated, though.

This also led to a conflict between the demigods hated by the barbarians and the demigods who were not hated by the barbarians. Those demigods who had not yet been involved in the war wandered outside the battlefield looking for opportunities.

At the same time, under the wrath of the wild demigod.

In just half a year, more than a dozen tribes of barbarians suffered devastating blows. The barbarians who did not possess extraordinary power could only seek the protection of the sea blue people. For such a situation, Lena was naturally the one who came No rejection.

So, soon.

There were also conflicts between Laina and some wild demigods. Those demigods accused Laina of sheltering the traitors, but Laina took out the contract signed with the wild demigods, saying that it was reasonable and legal for him to accept the barbarians.

Under such circumstances, more and more barbarians took refuge in Lena.

Although it is not a local deity in the barbaric world, after decades of layout, trade wars and the spread of ideas, in the hearts of many barbarians, Lena has become a deity that is more worthy of belief than other demigods.

In the world of war ghosts, Enzo's eyes flickered.

If this progress is followed, I am afraid that it will not take many years before the expedition to the wild world will end. As the native god of the sea blue world, Lena cannot bear the responsibility of ruling the wild world.

Therefore, as early as the beginning of the expedition, Enzo selected a character.

Originally just a mammoth, later with the help of Enzo and Lena, he became the god of mammoth Antony.

Born in the wild world, he has a unique advantage.

On the spot, Enzo shook his head.

The expedition in the wild world no longer requires much energy and attention. All he can do now is to provide resource support as much as possible. The sea blue people and Lena who have established a firm foothold will soon end this expedition.

At that time, Enzo will get the fifth plane.

Afterwards, a flash of thought flashed in Enzo's eyes. Among the expeditions to the five planes, the Hina world and the wild world are progressing very smoothly, while the remaining Mayan world, the black light world, and the light printing world have been slow. hope of success.

Thinking of the world of black light, Enzo's eyes flashed a trace of solemnity.

The world that has been swallowed by Chaugnar has almost become Enzo's heart knot. After the arrival of 50 million evil spirits, there are now less than [-] million left, and a large number of evil spirits die every day.

Deep in Enzo's heart, the Black Light World Expedition has become a failed decision.

Even, Enzo has recalled Zofi, the god of evil spirits, to the world of war ghosts, and does not intend to give any more resources to the world of black light. He will go to the world of black light together as long as the state of seraphim Gabriel stabilizes.

If you can't get it, destroy it!
As a small plane, the world of black light cannot bear the arrival of fifth-order life forms. Therefore, since this expedition has failed, it may be an option for Enzo to directly turn the table.

Enzo shook his head, no longer thinking about the situation in the world of black light.

"Now that the financial problem has been resolved, maybe Guangyin World can send more extraordinary soldiers!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

The expedition to the world of light printing is mainly led by extraordinary soldiers and wizards. This world is the one that Enzo attaches the most importance to during the expedition of the five realms, because behind the world of light printing is the king of light and the great world of the temple.

Before starting the Guangyin Expedition, Enzo also felt apprehensive.

He also didn't know whether the expedition to the world of light printing would cause fierce reactions from the King of Light and the Great Temple World. If the King of Light took action himself, no matter how hard Enzo put in, the expedition would not be successful.

Fortunately, the current King of Light is too busy to take care of himself.

After the order of the infinite expedition was issued, the conquerors of the wizarding world, all spirits, started their expansion journey like dogs out of cages, and there were not a few people who launched expeditions to five planes at the same time like Enzo.

According to Enzo's knowledge, there was even a fourth-rank All Souls Wizard who launched a planar expedition to seven worlds at the same time, but it is unknown whether it will be successful in the end.

Just as En Zuo was thinking, he suddenly felt something in his heart, and the badge used for communication on his chest fluctuated.

Enzo took off the badge.

This badge represents the honorary headmaster of the Phantom of Crows, and belongs to the connection between Phantom of Crows Academy and Enzo, but most of the time, Phantom of Crows Academy will not seek Enzo's help.

Because today's Enzo is already a fifth-level holy soul wizard.

According to the rules of the Northern Territory Council, after becoming the speaker, Enzo should not maintain too obvious a connection with the academy, so as not to be able to make a fair judgment after certain things happen.

However, now the badge has received a message.

This seemed to mean that the Phantom Academy of Crows was in big trouble, and even Mitchell, the dean, couldn't solve it.

Enzo opened the message conveyed by the badge.

"Mitchell has fallen?"

After seeing the message in the badge, Enzo's eyes flashed with surprise, and what he got was the news of Mitchell's death.

Then, he quickly checked the message.

It turned out that the message was sent by a wizard named Vito. He is the most talented wizard of Phantom Crows in the past century, a new third-level life form, and one of the vice presidents of Phantom Crows.

According to Vito, Mitchell died not long ago.

The forest world was attacked by unknown civilizations. With the heart of the world, Mitchell won at first, but fell into a trap in the process of chasing the invaders, and fell into the multiverse.

However, for the fourth-order living body, falling does not mean death, it just means that the soul returns to its original source, reincarnated and rebuilt.

But the world of forest spirits encountered a crisis again, but it also attracted Enzo's attention.

"Unknown civilization invader?"

Enzo frowned slightly, and thought, "Mitchell has already controlled the heart of the world, how could he still be designed?"

"And, what about the mentor?"

In today's Phantom Academy of Crows, Mitchell has become a member of the Northern Council after being promoted to the fourth rank. Therefore, strictly speaking, Gustav is the new dean of the academy.

However, Gustav was not mentioned in the message from Vito.

"It seems that it is necessary to take a trip."

Enzo took a deep breath. After all, he was from the Phantom Academy of Crows, so it is necessary to give some help if he can.

Immediately, Enzo no longer hesitated.

He came to the portal leading to the forest world and went directly to the forest world. After arriving at the target location, he found that the forest world seemed to have just experienced war, and there were traces of corrosion everywhere.


Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. The place he was in was a city that had been destroyed. The only thing that remained intact was perhaps this portal, but it was also on the verge of collapse.

Suddenly, a piercing sound sounded, Enzo turned around, and saw a huge reptilian creature rushing towards him.

The Zerg creature was huge, with huge limbs, and at the same time spit out a ball of green liquid from its ferocious mouthparts.

On the spot, Enzo remained expressionless.

Coming to the forest world with his own body, if he exploded with all his strength, it might be a matter of waving his hands to destroy the entire forest world. At this time, facing the attacking bugs, he just waved his hands casually.

In an instant, the giant worm was torn apart.

Enzo walked over slowly, leaned over to pick it up, and extracted a trace of abyssal breath from the blood of the giant worm.

"Demon race?"

Enzo frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "Probably not, but there must be some connection with the abyss."

"In the end what happened?"

Enzo thought for a moment, and then disappeared in place. Not long after, he came to the core of the forest world.

This place is called Illusory Crow City.

At the same time, it is also the power center of the entire forest world, ruled by wizards, and is now on alert.

Enzo took out the badge from his arms, and then went directly to the Illusory Crow City.

Nuoda is a big city. As far as the eye can see, there are buildings full of wizarding world style everywhere. A tower surrounded by crows stands in the most central area. When Enzo came to the tower, he saw Wizard Vito.

"I've met Lord Enzo!"

Vito, who was processing documents in the conference room, immediately knelt on one knee and saluted Enzo when he saw Enzo.

"It doesn't have to be."

Enzo shook his head and looked at Vito in front of him. It was the first time he had seen this genius wizard. According to some information he had obtained before, Vito was not only the genius wizard of Phantom Crows, but also Mitchell's genius. descendants.

According to blood, it should be grandchildren.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that Mitchell handed over the entire academy and even the forest world to him after his fall.

"What happened?" Enzo asked straight to the point.

Vito nodded, and then began to talk.

It turned out that everything started with the order of the Infinite Expedition. Mitchell, the Lord of the Forest World, also responded to the policy of the Wizard Supreme Council and decided to rely on the forces of the Forest World to launch an expedition to a target world.

That world is called Baze World.

The war soon began. A large number of wizards went to the Baze world through the coordinates, including Gustav. The two sides were also small planes, but the native gods of the Baze world had already joined the Alliance of Worlds.

This war lasted for several years.

Under the leadership of Mitchell and Gustav, the forest world has the upper hand. At the same time, the wizards are also gaining a foothold in the world of Baze. The expedition is going very smoothly. According to the plan, the world of Baze can be conquered within ten years at most .

And just after the world of Baze fell into crisis, a mysterious force suddenly joined in.

Under the guidance of that mysterious force, the Baze World not only launched a counterattack against the Forest World, but also reversed the originally decadent situation. Even Mitchell was a little caught off guard.

However, Forest World is Mitchell's home field after all.

The invaders from the Baze world were quickly wiped out. In order to complete the expedition as soon as possible, Mitchell immediately decided to pursue the victory, so he went to the Baze world together with Gustav.

As a result, both of them encountered an ambush.

Mitchell was directly beheaded by the indigenous gods of the Baze world, and Gustav was also lost in the Baze world.

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

After listening to Vito's narration, he gradually understood the whole story. To put it simply, the forest world and the Baze world went to war. As a result, the forest world was about to win, but a mysterious force intervened, causing the forest world to be defeated. The expedition failed.

And, under the ambush of Baze World, Mitchell fell.

This wizard of all spirits who has been promoted to the fourth level, his body collapsed directly, and his soul returned to its original source. It took an unknown number of years to grow again, and more importantly, Gustav was also lost in the world of Baze.

Unlike Mitchell, Gustav is only a third-order wizard.

Therefore, if he falls in the world of Baze, it means real death, and even the soul cannot return to its original source.


A trace of solemnity flashed in Enzo's eyes. For Gustav, Enzo has always had deep feelings in his heart.

"My lord, what shall we do now?" Vito asked.

"Baze World?"

Enzo muttered to himself, with a icy coldness flashing in his eyes, he said in a deep voice, "I will go to the world of Baze personally!"

Anyway, let's bring Gustav back first.

As for whether to continue the expedition to the Baze world in the future, it is another thing to consider.

"Do you want to go with your body?" Vito's eyes flickered slightly.

"The main body? Of course not."

Enzo shook his head, and said, "The Baze world is just a small world, and cannot bear the arrival of fifth-order life forms. If I go there with my body, it may cause the Baze world to collapse directly."

"Going to the world of Baze, I will only come as a clone."

"Since the academy has already started an expedition in Baze World, there should still be wizards there, right?"

Hearing Enzo's question, Vito's eyes flashed a strange look.

"Sorry, Lord Enzo."

Vito shook his head, and said: "Since the fall of our father, the wizards we stayed in the Baze world have been cleaned up by the natives of the Baze world, so there may not even be a second-order wizard in the current Baze world." .”

"Aren't there any second-tier wizards?" Enzo frowned slightly.

If you want to go to the Baze world in the way of descending, then the first condition is to need a carrier. If there is no suitable carrier, Enzo will not be able to complete the descending.

"Could it be possible to go only with the body?"

A trace of hesitation flashed in Enzo's eyes. The fifth-order life form cannot descend to the small plane. This has long been the law of the multiverse, and the only way to break this law is to self-seal.

If Enzo seals his own realm to the fourth level, then there will be no problem in going to the Baze world. However, the consequence of doing so is that Enzo will also bear some dangers.

Because, once he seals himself and enters the Baze world, Enzo cannot easily lift the seal.

"It seems that there is no other way."

Enzo shook his head and took a deep breath. Gustav got lost in the world of Baze, which was an imminent matter, and he had no other choice.

(End of this chapter)

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