Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 845 The Dead World

Chapter 845 The Dead World

As Enzo uttered the syllables, black phantom crows flew out of his body.

In an instant, the invisible black streamer had firmly restrained the giant golden-scale snake. Even though the giant golden-scale snake continued to struggle and resist, it was still useless.

Soon, the Seal of Thousand Illusions will be completed!
Enzo's complexion was a little pale. This body is just a clone, so every trace of magic power belongs to the rootless water. It will decrease after consumption, and it will not recover unless the body puts in power, until it is completely exhausted and disappears .

"Master Enzo, have you sealed... the giant golden scale snake?" Tiaro hesitated beside him.

"Is there any problem?" Enzo frowned.

"of course not."

Tiaro shook his head and said: "It's just that I don't understand that the existence of sea king creatures is always a hidden danger to this world. Why don't you kill it completely?"

"It doesn't make any sense."

Enzo shook his head, and said softly: "There are some things that you still can't understand now, but you will understand when your life level breaks through another level."

Without much explanation, Enzo went to the area where the next sea king creature was.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

All the sea king creatures in the dark water world were killed by Enzo, only the three sea king creatures that absorbed the power of the world in their bodies and were promoted to the fourth rank were preserved by Enzo and controlled by the seal of thousands of illusions. live.

The reason why Enzo kept them was also because of the special rules of the dark water world.

Due to the existence of the will of the dark water world, after the sea king creatures are killed, the power of the world in their bodies will be distributed to other sea king creatures, and if all the sea king creatures eventually die, the power of the world is likely to , will be attributed to the will of the dark water world itself.

Absorb enough power of the world, the will of the dark water world, maybe there is a chance to shape the entity.

Before Enzo fully merged with the heart of the world, he naturally didn't want to see this. If the dark water world will become an indigenous god, then it would definitely not be a good thing for Enzo.

Although it was not difficult for Enzo to kill a newly born native god.

But this native god is special. Not only does he have the strength of a fourth-order life form, but he also represents the will of the dark water world. Whether Enzo chooses to kill him or seal him up, it is not important to the dark water world itself. what a good thing.

Therefore, Enzo will never allow the will of the dark water world to become an entity.

Moreover, the sealing of the last three Neptune-like creatures is also a gift left by Enzo to Tiaro. Although these three Neptune-like creatures have been sealed, if Tiaro can absorb the power in their bodies, he will have a chance to be promoted. It is a fourth-order life form.

As long as Tiaro becomes an indigenous god, order will be restored in the dark water world.

"Next, it's up to you!"

On the spot, Enzo handed the three black gems to Tiaro, saying: "Use the method I taught you, absorb the power of these three Neptune-like creatures as much as possible, if you can be promoted to a fourth-order life form , then not only can you become an eternal native god, but you also have the opportunity to tame these three sea king creatures and use them for the murlocs."

Hearing Enzo's words, Tiaro took it seriously.

"Then... where should I start?"

Tiaro hesitated for a moment, and asked, there are only three sea king creatures left in the dark water world, but they are all fourth-order life forms.

And these three Neptune-like creatures are: the thousand-eyed giant crab, the golden-scaled python, and the mosasaurus!
These three Neptune-like creatures are all just promoted to the fourth level, and they have majestic world power in their bodies, but they cannot possess the wisdom of immortal creatures under the influence of the will of the dark water world.

But as long as Tiaro can absorb the power of these three sea kings, he will have the ability to tame them.


In the dark water world, Enzo spent more than half a month.

After the will returned to the wizarding world, he looked at the black scales in his hand, and a trace of thought appeared on his face. The order of the dark water world has gradually begun to go on the right track. As long as this world heart is integrated again, Enzo can be regarded as the complete ruler of this position. face.

"Next, it's the world of dead spirits!"

On the spot, Enzo took a deep breath and looked at the black skull in his hand. He bought two planes from the auction in the northern border. In addition to the world of dark water, there is also a world of dead spirits. , compared to the dark water world, the undead world is a resource-exhausted plane.

The main reason why the price of this world is much lower than that of the dark water world is that the undead world has been severely damaged, so the whole world is in a state of depletion. Unlike other worlds, it can provide resources for Enzo on a regular basis.

On the spot, Enzo used the heart of the world as a medium to open the portal.

The pitch-black portal slowly opened, and inside was the world of the undead. Like the world of dark water, Enzo still did not come in the body, but differentiated with a trace of power.

Flutter and rinse!
The crow flapped its wings and came to the dark water world. What he saw was a barren land, black scorched earth everywhere, as if this world had experienced a terrible catastrophe, and Enzo could not feel a trace of life. .

"It's... so serious?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Enzo's eyes. Although he had made preparations before buying the Necromancer World, he was still a little surprised to see such a dilapidated Necromancer World.

"No wonder no one competes with me."

Enzo sighed in his heart, and finally understood why no one competed with him for the control of the undead world at the auction.

The world has experienced a catastrophe, and everything that was once has withered.

The intelligent creatures that originally ruled the world turned into undead overnight. Enzo's incarnate crow flew in the sky, looking down at the earth, but saw skeletons wandering endlessly in the endless wilderness.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo issued an order in his heart, although after seeing the dilapidation of the dark water world, he no longer had much hope, but he still activated the function of the chip.

In a moment, the chip began to scan.

The entire dark water world was fully scanned, and the conclusion reached was that there was no living body left in the dark water world.

Suddenly, just as Enzo was flying, a fireball flashed across the sky.

Immediately, Enzo turned into a human form, dodged the attack of the fireball, looked around, but saw a huge bone dragon flying over the sky.

And on the body of the bone dragon, there was also a figure in a black robe riding on it.

On the ground, there was the sound of thousands of horses galloping. En Zuo looked around, but saw an army of undead creatures coming towards him, and soon surrounded him.

The next moment, the huge bone dragon also landed on the ground.

"The Skeleton Lord?"

Enzo frowned, looking at the black-robed figure jumping down from the bone dragon, he knew that the creature in front of him was a skeleton lord.

call out!
After the skeleton lord appeared, he raised the javelin in his hand without saying anything, and threw it at Enzo viciously.

Enzo had no expression on his face, and waved his hand to block the attack.


At this moment, the skeleton lord seemed to have seen Enzo's true nature, but a glint of extreme anger flashed in the deep eye sockets.

"Kill him!" the skeleton lord roared.

Immediately, tens of thousands of undead creatures rushed towards Enzo like a tide. Under the order of the skeleton lord, they didn't show any fear at all, so the skeleton soldier with the lowest life level was still the same. .

This is the characteristic of undead creatures, not afraid of death!

Enzo frowned slightly, but there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

The Necromancer world was once dominated by Clairol wizards. It stands to reason that the indigenous creatures in this world, even if they are all incarnate as Necromancers, should remain in awe of the wizard civilization. But now, the Skeleton Lord is learning about Enzo's identity. After that, he became very excited.

In an instant, undead creatures rushed over.

Enzo was not polite either, he paused with the Soul Bone wand in his hand, and the endless shadows immediately turned into tides and rushed away.

The black shadows engulfed the ground, and those weak skeleton soldiers turned into skeleton wrecks almost in an instant. Even some high-level undead creatures barely persisted, but lost their fighting power under Enzo's attack.

The suppression of the life level makes them have no chance of winning.

At this time, the huge bone dragon suddenly flew into the air, opened its ferocious blood mouth, and sprayed out a cloud of thick flames.

On the spot, Enzo frowned slightly.

"Shadow Shield!"

Enzo waved his hand casually, and the shadow immediately turned into a barrier, blocking the bone dragon's attack.

The next moment, Enzo uttered the syllable lightly.

In the shadow spreading under the feet, one after another black chains shot up into the sky, and in an instant, they penetrated the body of the huge bone dragon.

Suddenly, the bone dragon let out a mournful howl.

As an undead creature, the bone dragon doesn't have a body, so naturally it won't bleed, but Enzo's attack directly hurts its soul.

The huge bone dragon fell from the sky, making a loud noise, struggling for a long time and unable to get up. The damage to the soul cannot be recovered in a short time.

"Dark Sea of ​​Fire!"

At the same time, on the other side, the skeleton lord saw that the bone dragon was shot down to the ground, but he ignored it at all, and instead released a dark spell.

"A third-order life form."

In the same place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. He could see that the strength of this skeleton lord was about the third level, but for some reason, he showed strong anger towards himself as a wizard.

"Shouldn't be..."

A hint of doubt appeared on Enzo's face. The Necromancer World was originally the territory of Clairol wizards. It stands to reason that even if this plane suffers a disaster, these intelligent undead creatures should not be like this.

"Shadow Chain!"

Enzo waved his hand, defeating the attacking spells, the shadows under his feet turned into chains, but firmly restrained the skeleton lord not far away.

Then, he turned into a shadow and appeared in front of the Skeleton Lord.

"Why attack me?"

Enzo looked at the Skeleton Lord, and said coldly, "Since your life level has reached the third level, you should understand what I say?"

In the skeleton lord's skull, the fire of the soul flickered slightly.

"Isn't this... the world of Clairol wizards?"

Enzo pondered.


Hearing Clairol's name, the fire of soul in the skeleton lord's skull throbbed violently, as if he finally had emotions.

"She has betrayed us!"

There was a hint of sadness and complexity in the voice of the skeleton lord.

In the same place, Enzo's face was thoughtful.

Then, he waved his hand, and the shadow chains that bound the Skeleton Lord burned, and the black flames engulfed him in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Enzo raised his hand again.

The soul fire belonging to the skeleton lord was held by Enzo in the palm of his hand, and the chip's ability was activated accordingly. The memory belonging to the skeleton lord also appeared in Enzo's mind like a revolving lantern.

After a while, Enzo sighed.

"So that's how it is..."

A trace of complexity flashed in Enzo's eyes, and he shook his head helplessly. Through the memory of the Skeleton Lord, he already knew everything that happened in the world of undead.

The former undead world was also a vibrant and human-dominated plane. Under the rule of Wizard Clairol, an extraordinary civilization developed.

However, this situation lasted only a few hundred years.

As the wizard Clairol battles the Abyss, she is wounded by a powerful demon lord, and the world of the undead is affected.

In order to recover from his injuries, Wizard Clairol chose to abandon the world of the dead.

Thus, a sacrifice began!

All the creatures in the Necromancer World lost their lives in this sacrifice. With the breath of life, Clairol's injuries barely recovered.

And the undead world, where all things die, has completely become a plane dominated by undead creatures. The previous skeleton lord was originally the king of a kingdom, but he also lost his life because of the sacrifice of the wizard Clairol.

The reason why the king can still retain his memory after becoming an undead creature is mainly because he originally possessed the strength of a third-order life form.

On the other hand, those ordinary humans, under the sacrifice of Wizard Clairol, they were all reduced to undead creatures, but lost their memory and way of thinking.

Therefore, strictly speaking, with the sacrifice of Wizard Clairol, all life forms in the entire undead world have died.

This plane has lost the breath of life!
It is precisely because of this that the skeleton lord just now hated the wizard so much. Before his death, he was the most loyal follower of the wizard Clairol, but with that sacrifice, everything was destroyed.


In the same place, Enzo shook his head. All the vitality of the undead world has been taken away by Wizard Clairol, so this world has completely lost the ability to breed life.

Simply put, the world is dead.

Without the ability to breed life, the undead world is like a withered tree. Although it still looks tall and straight, as time goes by, its final outcome will only be death.

(End of this chapter)

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