Chapter 85

"What big wings! Is it a monster?"

"My God, it's coming towards the giant wheel!"

Following the direction of the young man's finger, everyone looked together and saw two huge black wings vibrating at a high speed in the distant sky, flying towards the direction of the giant wheel like a black torrent.

"Be careful, everyone, prepare to fight!" Bourne's expression changed slightly, and he shouted loudly.

The people on the giant ship who were in a state of confrontation immediately ignored the civil strife and looked at the sky as if they were facing a big enemy.

In a moment, the black shadow formed by the giant wings has shrouded the sky above the giant wheel.

Under the horrified gazes of everyone on the giant ship, a gray-robed figure landed on the deck. The pair of black giant wings behind him vibrated suddenly, then began to twist and shrink, and finally disappeared completely on his back.

"Are there still so many apprentices from the overseas islands?"

Just as the gray-robed boy landed on the deck, he muttered something to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he swept his eyes over everyone one by one, and said in an indifferent tone.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Lorna from the [Crows Phantom] Wizarding Academy. Since you have passed through the Sea of ​​Devils alive, then even if you have passed the academy's test, I will be the guide to take you to [ Phantom of Crows] Wizarding Academy."

As the voice fell, everyone on board was in an uproar.

"Sorcerer and Wizard Academy!"

"My God, did we pass the test?"

"Is it finally over?"

After drifting in the perilous seas for so long, everyone has long lost the vigor they had when they came here, and they even had doubts about the authenticity of the Wizarding Continent.

But now, when the wizard academy's guide appeared, it seemed that all doubts were dispelled.

"You said that you are the guide of the Wizarding Academy, do you have any proof?" Just as the crowd cheered, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded, Quarth looked around the crowd with a blank expression, and said coldly: "You guys Do you just believe what he says?"

There was a sudden silence on the deck, and everyone looked at Lorna with a hint of vigilance.

"Are you doubting my identity?" Lorna raised his eyebrows.

"I don't mean to offend, but since you claim to be the usher of the academy, you should at least bring a certificate from the wizarding academy, right?" Quarth's eyes were cold and his muscles tensed, as if he was about to turn into a werewolf in the next moment.

"If you question my identity, then I can give you a chance to verify it." Lorna had a half-smile expression on his face.

"Roar!" With a low growl, Quarth's back arched instantly, and in a moment he turned into a werewolf, landed on the ground like a wild beast, roaring, and pounced towards Lorna.

Everyone stared at the scene not far away.

Facing the roaring giant wolf, Lorna's gaze was as calm as water. When Quarth waved his claws and was less than one meter away from himself, he calmly raised his arm and stretched out a finger.

"Ugh!!!" A miserable scream sounded, and Qarth, who was in the air, fell heavily on the deck.

Almost no one saw Lorner's movements clearly, but the moment he raised his arm, a black flame swallowed Qarth, and that flame seemed to be inextinguishable, no matter how Qarth rolled on the deck , cannot be extinguished.

"What a terrifying energy!" Enzo narrowed his eyes, looked at Lorna, and ordered in his heart, ": Chip, scan Lorner's body data."

"The target is surrounded by high-intensity energy during the scan, and the scan failed!"

"What? Failed!" Enzo was startled, his pupils constricted suddenly.

This is the first time that this kind of situation has happened to the chip, as if there is some kind of energy around Lorner that can block the scanning of the chip.

As if feeling something, Lorna frowned slightly, looking around.

Enzo hastily lowered his head and retracted his body into the crowd as much as possible. After Lorna didn't notice anything unusual around him, he raised his eyebrows in doubt, and then cast his eyes not far away again.

"Tsk tsk, blood witchcraft." Looking at the howling werewolf in the flames, Lorna shook his head slightly.

"Although the strength can be improved quickly in the early stage, since the power of the blood is carried, it must bear the shackles from the source of the blood. If you can't break the shackles of fate, your future achievements will never surpass the source of the blood."

Waving his palm casually, Lorna extinguished the black flame, revealing the dying Qarth.

"Okay, is there anyone questioning my identity now?"

There was silence on the giant ship, and everyone looked at Lorna in awe.

"In this case, let us continue our journey." Lorna shrugged and said in a low voice, "There are still three hours away from Lington Island. You can rest for a while. We will wait until we arrive at Lington Island." Take the 'floating ark' to the real wizard continent."

After speaking, Lorna turned and entered the cabin.

After a while of silence, everyone on the deck dispersed. The previous disputes were settled. Bourne ordered his followers to heal Myrcella and invited Enzo to his cabin.

"Thank you for today's matter." In the cabin, Bourne thanked Enzo.

"You don't have to be polite, I had a feud with Suliton, and it was only for my own benefit." Enzo shook his head slightly.

"Anyway, I owe you my life!" At this time, Myrcella, who had just treated the wound, also came over, and said in a solemn tone, "Our Red Castle Kingdom has always believed in repaying favors and paying debts! When the wizard Mainland, I will find an opportunity to repay your life-saving grace."

Enzo smiled slightly and touched his nose.

Although her personality is not easy to get along with, Myrcella, the eldest princess of the Kingdom of the Red Castle, has her own pride and principles, and it is precisely because of this that Enzo is willing to befriend her.

Time flies, three hours have passed.

When an island appeared on the distant sea, the moving giant ship began to slow down gradually, and everyone in the cabin came to the deck one after another. Looking at the long-lost land scenery, many passengers wept with joy.

The transfer point between the overseas islands and the wizarding continent, Linton Island has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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