Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 88 Talent Test

Chapter 88 Talent Test
Everyone hurriedly followed Sandra's footsteps and walked along the winding road.

Horrible voices often came from the foggy forest, which made people feel chills. The new apprentices prayed anxiously for a safe journey. After two hours of journey, they finally arrived at the deepest part of the forest, in front of a closed black canyon.

"It seems that this is where the Wizarding Academy is located."

Enzo raised his head and looked forward. Huge rocks blocked the front of the canyon, forming a black castle like a barrier.

"There is no entrance, how do we get in?" Jorah whispered.

Before everyone could ask questions, Sandra took out an exquisite medal from her arms. She slowly approached the canyon, pointed the medal in her hand forward, and after a ray of light shot out, the rocks in front of the canyon trembled. After a while, A dark cave was revealed.

"Okay, come in with me."

Sandra gave a strange laugh and walked into the cave first, followed by everyone behind her.

Walking in the long, narrow and dark cave, the surrounding environment is damp and cold. There are luminous stones inlaid on the rock wall every few meters, which are used as lighting to prevent the new apprentices from falling.

After about 10 minutes' journey, everyone finally walked out of the cave, and the scene ahead suddenly became clear.

Looking around, you can see the undulating highlands of the fantasy-style buildings, countless black-feathered crows circling in the sky, and the space inside the canyon is extremely vast. It is not so much a college, but the base camp of the phantom crows is more like a town.

"Our Crows Phantom Wizard Academy was established in the second era, and it has a history of more than 10,000 years."

"As the Academy of Dark Wizards, Phantom Crows encourages competition and believes in the rule of survival of the fittest, but you are newcomers, so there is a six-month adaptation period. During this period, the academy will not send you tasks."

"But once the adaptation period is over, each of you will receive mandatory tasks."

"This is the responsibility you all must bear while enjoying the benefits of the academy!"

While walking towards the college, Sandra introduced a word or two from time to time.

"The college is divided into several large areas, including living area, teaching area, experiment area, task area, etc. After you receive your personal items, you can learn more about them on the map. I will take you to a talent test first."

Not long after, Sandra led everyone across the campus to a cold hall.

There was no one in the silent hall. There was a table and chairs directly in front of it, with a huge crystal ball on it. Sandra stepped forward and sat on the chair behind the table.

"Line up and test your talent now."

The eight ushers commanded the crowd to line up. The person at the front of the line was 'Thunderfaller' Kai Nuo, one of the five powerful members of the Great Wheel. Before he came to the Wizarding Academy, he had obtained some broken wizarding inheritance. I am very confident in my talent.

Under Sandra's gesture, Kai Nuo put his palm on the crystal ball.

A faint light shone, and two light spots floated in the crystal ball.

"Two light spots, what do they represent?" Kai Nuo asked puzzled.

"Two-star talent, very mediocre aptitude." Sandra pointed to the side, and said calmly, "Go get your personal belongings and wait on the side. After a while, the guide will arrange a place for you after the talent test of the others is completed." .”

"Mediocre?" Kai Nuo walked away with a bitter expression on his face.


A timid-looking apprentice came up and put his palm on the crystal ball as before.

This time the reaction of the crystal ball was even smaller, with only one light spot.

"One-star talent, poor guy." Sandra shook her head, mockingly said: "Talent is the foundation of mastering magic power, and it also means future achievements. The lowest one-star talent like you can condense magic crystals, The probability of becoming a real wizard is almost zero."

The timid apprentice turned pale and became depressed.

Everyone continued to start the talent test. Dozens of people put their palms on the crystal ball, but most of the talents shown were only one-star, and there were even very few two-star talents.

"Phew, it's my turn!"

The next tester was Jorah, and he walked forward with some trepidation.

"Three three stars?"

Jorah exclaimed, and inside the crystal ball, three light spots slowly floated up.

"It's not a bad talent. Although the possibility of becoming a real wizard is still low, as long as you meditate step by step, you can at least become a third-level apprentice." A smile appeared on Sandra's wrinkled face.

"Ha! I am indeed a genius." Jorah beamed with joy.

"Next, Enzo."

After Jorah's talent was tested, it was Enzo's turn.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and then covered the smooth crystal ball with his palm.

The light shone, and three light spots slowly floated up.

"Three-star talent, not bad." Enzo's eyes lit up, he was very satisfied with the result.

Then, the apprentices from the overseas islands tested their talents one by one. Most of them had only one-star talent, only one-fifth of the two-star talents, and very few three-star talents.

"Four-star talent?" Not far away, Lorna's eyes suddenly flashed.

After most of the apprentices had tested their talents, it was the turn of a petite girl. She was Tina who had previously clashed with the leather armor girl on the floating ark. When she put her palm on the crystal ball, four light spots unexpectedly appeared.

"Oh? Four-star talent." Sandra's turbid eyes lit up, and the eyes she looked at Tina became friendly, and she said softly, "A great talent, second only to a five-star perfect talent, with such With the capital, I believe that many mentors in the academy are willing to accept you as an apprentice."

"Really? Teacher Sandra." Tina asked sweetly, her eyes brightened.

"Of course, as long as four-star talents practice step by step, they can become a third-level apprentice in a few years. Even if they want to condense magic crystals, there is a high probability of becoming an official wizard. If you want, you can become my disciple now." Sandra said softly.

"Mr. Sandra is a distinguished official wizard. Being her disciple is something that many people dream of."

At the side of the hall, Angelina suddenly spoke quietly.

"I am willing to be your disciple." Tina hurriedly saluted Sandra.

"Very good, kid." Sandra smiled strangely, as if she was very satisfied with getting a disciple of a four-star talent.

Countless envious looks were cast around her, and Tina raised her head arrogantly, but she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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