Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 91 Abyss Civilization

Chapter 91 Abyss Civilization
Many races started the age of civilization, which made the earth chaotic.

In order to compete for faith, the gods constantly intervened in the development of the world, and the war inevitably began. In the long years, countless kingdoms collapsed, and a large number of races were annihilated in history.

"The flames of war continued to spread throughout the world, and the gods gradually divided into multiple camps."

"The battle of faith is cruel and bloody. Every god hopes to enshrine the strength of their own race. In order to occupy more resources, they will not hesitate to invest their divine power on the earth, which awakens the extraordinary power of the world."

"Although the divine power descended by the gods is very weak and has many restrictions, it symbolizes the opening of the extraordinary era!"

"In the middle of the first era, under the guidance of the gods, the clans who had mastered the extraordinary power set off more intense disputes. The wars happened all the time and spread to the whole world."

"Until that day comes!"

The scene of the battle of faith came to an abrupt end, and the originally war-torn world was suddenly shrouded in infinite darkness. The gloomy sky seemed to be swallowed by a huge mouth, and the evil chaotic will slowly stretched out its minions.

Mandel's voice became low and his tone became serious.

"A huge crisis has enveloped the world of the gods. Those gods who are still fighting for their beliefs feel uneasy when the darkness falls, but before they can react, the evil abyss has invaded!"

"The ground is cracked, the river is burning, and the original will of the world is howling."

In the darkness that enveloped the world, countless demons came roaring. With their chaotic abyssal will, they invaded the world of the gods in the strongest way, and carried out a frenzied massacre without restraint!
"The devil invades, the abyss strikes!"

"The age of darkness has come. Those demons from the other end of the multiverse, under the guidance of the will of the chaotic abyss, launched a conquest against the world of the gods."

"A large piece of land is occupied by demons, and countless kingdoms collapsed!"

"When the believers were massacred and the temple was burned, the gods finally realized the seriousness of the matter. They coincidentally ended the civil strife caused by the dispute of faith, and launched a counterattack against the abyss civilization with the same hatred."

"Countless oracles came to the world, and the clans who were fighting against each other temporarily gave up their hatred under the order of the gods!"

The threat posed by the demons of the abyss is far higher than the belief competition between the gods. After the gods understood this, the war that lasted for countless years on the earth ended. Humans and all races joined forces to resist the demons under the guidance of the gods.

The scene in front of me changed again. At the end of the first era, all races united to resist the invasion of the abyss became the main theme of the world!
"Compared to the civil war caused by the dispute of faith, the war against the invasion of demons lasted longer. This battle has been fought from the end of the first era to the second era, but it still hasn't ended."

"The demon's corpses piled up like mountains, and even the lakes were filled."

"But because of the existence of the abyss, no matter how many allied forces kill, the demons will reappear endlessly. The longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for the world of the gods."

"The entire southern continent is occupied by demons, and a quarter of the world is swallowed by the abyss!"

"The gods on Heaven Mountain finally couldn't bear it any longer. They no longer simply issued oracles, but joined the war in person, and wiped out a large number of demons with infinite divine power. Finally, the coalition forces of all races saw the hope of victory."

Above the heavens, the gods came to the world one after another, purifying the demons with their mighty divine power.

On the earth, human beings and all races worshiped and felt the incomparable power of the gods. They finally saw the dawn of victory. The abyssal demons from the other side of the universe seemed to be expelled and wiped out.

"However... things are not that simple."

"When the gods personally took action and wiped out a large number of demons, the chaotic abyss will boiled, and a huge portal was opened above the sky again, and some demon lords with terrifying power came out."

"The demon lord in the depths of the abyss has power no less than that of the gods."

"Their appearance pushed the war to a new climax. The duel between gods and demons burst out with extremely terrifying destructive power, causing mountains to collapse, seas to boil, and the whole world to tremble."

"The real war is coming. It is about the survival of the world. Every god is going all out."

"In the middle of the chaotic second era, also known as Ragnarok, when the battle on Heaven Mountain intensified, countless gods and demon lords fell to the ground!"

The blood of demon lords and gods spilled over the earth like stars falling from the sky.

In the chaotic and bloody era, the weak cry and cry, but the strong go upstream. Gods and demons fall to the earth, which represents the cruelty of war, but also means the opportunity for the awakening of legends.

"During these turbulent years, countless heroes showed their talents."

"But no matter who it is, compared with the name 'Osikas', they all seem bleak, like the gap between the sun and fireflies!"

In the originally calm words, Mandel's voice suddenly trembled.

As if out of respect for the name 'Osikas', the picture in front of him slowly fell into darkness. After three seconds, a trace of flame ignited the whole world, like the beginning of a legend.

"The great wizard ancestor 'Osikas' was born in the middle of the second era. He possessed supreme wisdom. In the era when the gods and demons fell to the earth, he solved the mystery in the blood of the gods and broke the shackles of the age of belief. !"

"Transcendence no longer depends on the gods, and the human race has its own power because of the existence of wizards."

"During the continuous war between gods and demons, wizard civilization has quietly risen. When this force grows from a bud into a towering tree, ready to declare its existence to the world, the war between gods and demons has also reached its final stage."

The war between gods and demon lords made the whole world weep.

The dark chaos of the abyss swallowed the sky, countless gods fell, and the roar of the demons resounded through the earth. All the power of the remaining gods gathered in the heavens, preparing for the final battle with the army of abyssal demons.

"The final battle, which has lasted for a hundred years, is so tragic that it cannot be described in words!"

"The gods on Mount Paradise have tried their best, but they still can't resist the endless demons of the abyss. The world is about to be reduced to darkness. At this moment, the wizard alliance headed by the ancestor 'Osikas' has stood up. come out."

"The scale of war is tilted by the Wizarding Union!"

"The gods can't understand why those humble mortal wizards have powers that are close to gods, but because of the existence of these wizards, in the final battle, the gods who were originally at a disadvantage won the victory."

"The army of demons was defeated by the wizards and the gods, and the portal to the abyss world was also sealed by the wizards' union!"

 Ask for collection! !
(End of this chapter)

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