Journey to the Wizarding World

Chapter 910 Hell Red Flame

Chapter 910 Hell Red Flame
On the other side, the Demon King laughed again.

The terrifying sound wave was an indiscriminate attack, and wherever it went, soldiers of the Ten Realms Expeditionary Army or low-level demons fell down one after another.

"Bone Hell!"

On the city wall, Enzo's face was icy cold. Naturally, he would not allow the king of demons to kill his soldiers, so he waved the magic wand of the soul bone in his hand.

In an instant, the earth trembled.

In the black wilderness in front of the Ten Realms Fortress, countless bones protruded out, turning into a terrifying bone hell, piercing through the body of the demon king Gegra.

However, the next moment.

There was a burst of illusion in the sky, and then, the face of the Demon King Gegra disappeared without a trace. Accompanied by a burst of strange laughter, this time, the Demon King Gegra appeared directly above the Ten Realms Fortress .


Enzo frowned slightly, a coldness flashed in his eyes, the flames under his feet were burning, and in an instant, it turned into a skyrocketing flame.

The tornado formed by the flames directly broke through Gegra, the king of demons, but this time, it was still just a phantom.

In the distance, Gegra's form appeared.


Enzo snorted coldly, and immediately stopped hesitating, black crows transformed into black crows around him, and bound them like chains.

"Compared to illusion with me?"

The corner of Enzo's lips twitched a little, and a sneer appeared on his face. With the magic crow and thousand spirits, he can easily deal with illusion.

The next moment, Enzo waved his wand again.

However, before Enzo's spell was completed, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser's offensive had already come violently, turning into a monstrous black flame.

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flashed.

Immediately afterwards, a black light burst out from his body, which turned into a shield to block the attack of the dragon's breath. At this time, Gegra, the king of demon spirits, also broke free from the shackles of the shadow chain.

At the same time, Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blade Demon, also waved his arm, signaling the demon army under his command to launch a full-scale attack on the Ten Realms Fortress.

Immediately, the Ten Realms Fortress was under martial law.


Zofi, the god of evil spirits, looked at the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xiutas wearing black armor, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes. With his current strength, he was not qualified to confront the Thousand Blade Demon Master Xiu Tas at all.

At this time, the Demon King also let out a strange laugh.

The terrifying sonic attack continuously harvested the lives of the soldiers of the Ten Realms Expeditionary Army.

In the same place, Enzo's eyes were cold.

The next moment, he paused with the Soul Bone wand in his hand, and the flames burned blazingly, and then a fiery snake came out of the flames.

Since then, Fire Serpent has continued to grow.

The surrounding flames were all swallowed by the fire snake, and within a few breaths, the fire snake, which was originally just a small snake, had turned into a colossus.

World Extinguishing Flame Snake!

Back then, the only fifth-order living body under the command of the Flame Demon Tyrant had been used by Enzo since he took control of the Three Realms of Flames.

Immediately after the World Extinguishing Flame Snake was born from the flames, it spit out a ball of fire, as if it was powerful enough to destroy the world.

The fireball went straight into the sky.

In an instant, Ge Gela, the king of demon spirits, uttered a scream, and then that phantom body shattered like a bubble.

But soon, Gegra, the king of demons, reappeared.

It's just that this time it's no longer an illusory form, but the main body of the Demon King. Gegra looks like a huge doll.

Hee hee hee!
The weird laughter still kept echoing, but compared to before, there seemed to be a hint of weakness in the Demon King's voice.

The next moment, Gegra, the king of demon spirits, suddenly opened his mouth that looked like a mechanical vortex, and hot flames were spit out from the mouth, turning into fire dragons.

At the same time, thousands of troops and horses appeared in the flames.

However, facing this kind of attack, the World Extinguishing Flame Snake just opened its mouth and devoured all the incoming flames.

"Don't use fire, fool!"

In the distance, Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blade Demon, frowned slightly, and cursed.

Jingle Bell!
Upon seeing this, Gegra, the king of demons, let out a dissatisfied laugh, but he was very obedient and did not continue to use the power of the flame, but released a gust of wind.

However, neither the flame attack nor the gust of wind poses much threat to the World Extinguishing Flame Snake.

The World Extinguishing Flame Snake conceived from the flames has the ability to be reborn from the ashes, and it is difficult for ordinary attack methods to be effective.

But the World Extinguishing Flame Snake is not without flaws.

As a life form bred in a small world, although the Mieshiyan Snake broke the restrictions of the world's rules, it was still trapped within many rules.

For example, it cannot leave the world in which it was born.

In the battle with the Flame Demon Tyrant, the World Miserable Flame Snake was like this, but with the Three Realms of Flames falling under Enzo's control, the World Miserable Yan Snake was blessed with the power of the Three Realms, and had gradually broken this rule.

Today's World Extinguishing Flame Snake can leave the Three Realms of Flame, but it can't last too long, a few hours at most is the limit.

And if it takes too long to leave the Three Realms of Flame, the World Extinguishing Flame Snake will fall into a berserk state, thereby causing indiscriminate damage to the surroundings, until its own energy is completely exhausted and dies.

If possible, Enzo was unwilling to release the World Extinguishing Flame Snake, but now, facing three powerful abyss lords at the same time, he didn't have much choice.

Although it may not be possible for the World Extinguishing Flame Snake to deal with the Demon King, at least it can relieve Enzo of a lot of pressure.

In the same place, after giving the order to the Mieshiyan Snake, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser hovering in the sky, and he gave a wand of the soul bone in his hand.

"Shadow Realm!"

Enzo whispered a syllable, and the shadow under his feet spread like a tide, and the surrounding area turned into a dark field.

On today's battlefield, the situation is very serious.

Reiner drove the Destroyer mechanical giant, barely contending with the Zushan troll Bolton, the seraphim Gabriel faced the ancestor of the blood demon, and even if the world-destroying flame snake could fight against the demon king Gegra, Enzo could not It is necessary to face the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Shutas at the same time.

Above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser roared.

The next moment, he rushed straight to the ten-world fortress, and that terrifying aura was really like the king of the dark empire.

"Skyfire pupil!"

On the city wall, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, as if two groups of flames were blazing, and the endless crimson immediately turned into flames and attacked.

However, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar shook his wings.

The huge, pitch-black dragon's wings rolled up a terrifying air current, and the incoming flames were instantly dispelled. The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser also opened his bloody mouth and spit out a terrifying dragon's breath.

Facing the incoming dragon's breath, the walls of the ten-world fortress automatically activated their defensive functions. However, under the attack of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser, they were destroyed like rotten ones. The indestructible walls were like paper. .

"Shadow Realm!"

On the spot, in order to protect the fortress of the ten realms, Enzo decisively opened the shadow field, and the shadows under his feet flooded like a tide.

However, above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser let out a smirk.

Now that Enzo used the Shadow Realm to block his attack, Oren Kaiser vented his power to the Ten Realms Fortress.

In the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser suddenly shook his wings, and turned into a black behemoth hovering around the walls of the Ten Realms Fortress. He opened his mouth and spit out dragon breaths, madly attacking those protected by the shadow field. Fortress of the Ten Realms.

In an instant, black dragon flames were everywhere.

The entire ten-world fortress is too huge, and even Enzo's shadow domain cannot protect every area well.

Therefore, facing the attack of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser, Enzo's expression sank.

However, Enzo did not give up because of this.

Looking at the Ten Realm Fortress in the black sea of ​​flames, Enzo's thoughts flickered, so he should use the power of the Heart of Dark Water.

In an instant, black rainwater swayed from the sky, and the power of the dark water world came to the world of the nine hundredth floor of the abyss at this moment.

The sky seemed to be torn apart, accompanied by thunderstorms, and heavy rain poured down like a waterfall.

At the same time, Enzo also whispered syllables.

"Scarlet Moon!"

In Enzo's eyes, a crimson light flashed, and in the sky, an illusory crimson blood moon slowly emerged.

That is the power of authority representing the scarlet world.

Under the pressure of the blood moon, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also fell into a trance for a while, and then fell from the sky.

The huge body of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar fell on the ground, and suddenly there was a violent roar.

But soon, Oren Kaiser climbed up again.

"The power of the Moon Goddess?"

In the deep pit, Oren Kaiser's eyes flashed a look of fear, and he did not dare to act rashly in the face of Ms. Yue's authority.

"Don't be afraid of him, Oren Kaiser!"

At this time, the voice of Xiutas, the master of Wanren Demon, said in a deep voice, "The authority of the Scarlet Moon held by this wizard is only a small part."

"If you want to deal with him, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

After all, Xiutasi, the Demon Lord of Wanren, also let out a cry.

In an instant, three cracks appeared in the sky.

As if at this moment, the world of the nine hundred layers of the abyss was about to be destroyed, countless demon spirits and demons poured out of the cracks one after another.

Those terrifying existences were in groups, making one's scalp tingle.

"The world of sharp blades, the world of blood fiends, the world of demon spirits!"

On the spot, Enzo's pupils contracted for a while, and he could see that the three cracks in the sky represented the three planes under the command of Xiutas, the master of Wanren Demon.

These are the manifestations of the power of the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Master Xiutas.

Now, in order to attack the fortress of the Ten Realms, the master of Wanren Demon Xiutas is obviously planning to do his best to bring all the creatures from the three worlds under his command to appear in the world of the nine hundred layers of the abyss.

On the other side, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser also flapped his wings and flew up again.

"Wizard! I will destroy everything about you!"

The eyes of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar shone with undisguised malice, and between the trembling of two black wings, four portals appeared.

From the first portal, plants that looked like humans came out.

Just like the children of the forest in the forest world, the creatures coming out of this portal are also natural creatures, but they look full of strange aura and look like cursed demons.

"Ghostwood World!"

Enzo's eyes flashed, and he immediately saw that the first portal opened by Oren Caesar was the ghost wood world that belonged to the poisonous dragon Dormammu.

At the same time, the remaining three portals also opened one after another.

And these three portals are Black Hole World, Dragon Nest World, and Starfall World. As the portals were opened, countless dark creatures rushed out.

Especially Dragon Nest World.

That is the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser, the largest world under his command, and also his old lair, where countless giant dragons are entrenched all the year round.

Above the sky, the dragon's nest is wide open!

A lot of evil dragons came out one after another, and the worst were third-order life forms. The giant dragon race is a well-known and powerful race in the multiverse. If it weren't for the low reproductive ability, even the wizard civilization would feel afraid of them.

Any pure-blood dragon, as long as it is an adult, is a third-order life form.

They don't even need much practice, they have a great chance to be promoted to Tier [-] Immortal Tier, or even higher Tier [-].

In the entire multiverse, only the Titans can compete with it.

Suddenly, the portal of Dragon Nest World shook.

Enzo looked around, but saw an extremely huge bone dragon with flames all over its body slowly coming out of the portal.

"The fifth step again?"

Enzo's heart sank. Even without using the chip's scanning function, he could still feel the terrifying aura emanating from the huge bone dragon in front of him.

Obviously, this is also a fifth-order life form.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo issued an order in his heart, and the chip immediately began to scan.

Soon, Enzo got a series of information.

This huge bone dragon, even bigger than the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser, should have been an ancient dragon before his death, and had the same level of life as Oren Kaiser.

"Wizard, you should be honored!"

At this time, Oren Caesar suddenly spoke, and said in a deep voice, "Master Higara, you are a strong man that even I am in awe of!"

"Do you know how many resources I spent to obtain the skeleton of Lord Higara?"

"It will be your greatest honor to die under the claws of Lord Higara!"

Hearing the Black Dragon Emperor's words, Enzo's heart skipped a beat.


He had a faint feeling that he seemed to have heard this name before, and the memory that had been sealed in his mind for an unknown number of years was slowly awakened at this moment.

"Could it be... the legendary Hell Red Flame!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and with the help of the chip function, he remembered the information about Higra, and knew that it was indeed an ancient dragon.

Hell Crimson Flame Higlar.

In the Second Era, he was once a well-known strongman of the Dragon Clan. In the war with the Titan civilization, he made great contributions many times. Even facing wizards of the same level, he could not fall behind.

(End of this chapter)

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