Chapter 919 Toys
Hee hee hee!
The weird laughter echoed in mid-air, as if the sound waves spread like ocean waves, making one unable to help but feel trembling all over.


In mid-air, Alice snorted, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

Obviously, as a space wizard, Alice possessed extremely powerful and destructive spells, but she found it difficult to bear this kind of mental attack.

"Let me deal with that monster!"

Next to him, Enzo proposed to deal with the Demon King by himself. Although Gegra is a fifth-order life form, except for mental attacks, other methods are not very powerful.

However, Alice rejected Enzo's proposal.

"No need!"

Alice's face was expressionless, but a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes, then she raised her head and looked at Gegra, the king of demons.

Then, she slowly raised her hand.

"Shatter of the Void!"

In mid-air, as Alice uttered syllables lightly, a strong spatial storm erupted in an instant, like a sudden crack between heaven and earth.

In the distance, Gegra let out a scream.

The body that was originally like a doll is now like a torn doll, its limbs and body are torn apart.

The wounded Demon King Gegra didn't have any blood flowing from his body, but that didn't mean that Alice's spells didn't cause any harm.

On the contrary, the blow just now had a great impact on Gegra, so much so that in mid-air, he still let out bursts of screams.

However, this is just the beginning.

In the distance, the corners of Alice's lips twitched up slightly, a hideous gleam flashed in her eyes, and the golden birdcage in her hand activated the skill again.

Suddenly, golden light burst out!
"not good!"

On the other side, Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blade Demon, changed his face slightly, and immediately ordered the Demon King to return to the Demon World, but it was still too late.

With the shining of the golden light, the figure of Gegra, the king of demon spirits, also disappeared in place, and then shrunk countless times, appearing in the birdcage in Alice's hand.

"Hello, my new toy!"

There was a hint of cruelty on Alice's face, but she did not crush Gegra, the king of demons, but turned her head to look at the battlefield.

"Space witchcraft, is it really so powerful?"

In the distance, Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blade Demon, showed an expression of unwillingness to believe, but he had to accept the facts that happened before him.

"Must escape!"

In the same place, Xiutas's eyes flickered, and the terrifying strength displayed by Alice made him lose his belief in continuing to fight.

As a result, the idea of ​​fleeing from this battlefield also grew in Xiutas's mind, making him unable to help but look into the distance.

As allies attacking the Ten Realm Fortress together, although the relationship between Xiutas and the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser is a little delicate, but before fleeing at this moment, he doesn't mind giving the other party some hints.

After all, in today's world of the nine hundredth floor of the abyss, the lords have reached an alliance. In order to cooperate with the wizards in the north, he does not want the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar to die without a doubt.

However, when Xiutas looked towards the distance, his face suddenly became gloomy, and there was Oren Caesar in the deep pit.

"This damn..."

A trace of anger surged from the bottom of Xiutas' heart, but he did not expect that the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, after seeing Alice's strength, chose to escape one step earlier than himself.

It seems that the so-called dragon clan is not as arrogant as the world imagines when facing the threat of death.

When Alice was dealing with the demon king Gegra, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser and the pearl of the deep sea, Alice, had already fled.

Only a deep hole was left in the ground.

And the Hell Crimson Flame Higra as the latter.

Immediately, Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blade Demon, didn't hesitate anymore, and tore apart the surrounding space with a wave of his hand, preparing to escape from the battlefield.

"Do you want to leave?"

In the distance, Enzo saw through Xiutas' thoughts, and a sneer flashed in his eyes, and then he waved his wand, bursting out a shadow force.

Immediately, the shadows turned into poisonous snakes, and went straight to Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blade Demon, and entangled him almost in an instant.

"Shadow Vortex!"

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flashed, and he uttered a syllable, but saw a shadow on the ground turn into a whirlpool, swallowing the Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xiutas.

"I'll leave this to you, Your Excellency Alice."

Enzo said something to Alice, and then went straight to Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blades, shadows around him continued to surge.


Alice shrugged, and she had no objection to Enzo's behavior. Although she was not afraid of Shiutas, the master of the Thousand Blades Demon, if someone could help her share a little pressure, she would be willing to do it.

After saying that, Alice raised her head.

"Zushan troll Bolton!"

Looking at the huge mountain of meat in front of her, Alice's eyes flickered slightly. Before accepting the task assigned by the Supreme Council to go to the world of the nine hundredth floor of the abyss, she also conducted some investigations on the world of the nine hundredth floor of the abyss.

Neither the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Kaiser nor the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xiutas were ignored by Alice. As for the ancestor of the blood demon and the king of demon spirits, they were even more vulnerable.

Only Bolton, the Zushan troll, made Alice feel a little jealous.

In the world of the nine hundred layers of the abyss, the Zushan troll Bolton is almost the oldest existence. Although he has been sleeping for many years, according to the information collected by the Wizard Supreme Council, the Zushan troll is definitely not weak.

Even, in a sense, the Zushan troll Bolton may be the strongest creature in the world of the [-]th floor of the abyss.

In the second era of ancient times, at the early stage of the development of wizard civilization, some wizards went to the world of the nine hundredth floor of the abyss and had conflicts with the ancestor mountain troll Bolton.

However, those wizards who entered the world of the nine hundred layers of the abyss and met the ancestor mountain troll Bolton never returned to the wizarding world.

The power of the Zushan troll Bolton is very similar to that of the Gluttonous Demon God. It devours everything and transforms it into its own power.

At this time, there was a sound of the ground trembling, and the huge body of the Zushan troll Bolton moved forward slowly.

The next moment, the Zushan troll Bolton waved his palm.

Just waving the palm like a huge mountain peak, a terrifying gust of wind was rolled up, as if it was enough to tear the sky and the earth apart.

There was a bursting sound in the air, but I saw the big hand of the Zushan troll Bolton heading straight for Alice. Compared with the size and size, it seemed that the Zushan troll's blow was enough to crush Alice to death.

However, in mid-air.

Facing the pure physical attack of the Zushan troll Bolton, Alice's eyes did not flash the slightest panic.

She just raised her hand slowly.

Alice snapped her fingers casually, and disappeared in place. Then, she used space magic to avoid the attack of the Zushan troll.

"Come on, big man!"

In the distance, a flash of interest flashed in Alice's eyes, and she said with a chuckle, "Let me see how powerful the oldest creature in the world of the nine hundredth floor of the abyss is!"

With that said, Alice waved the golden wand.

The void storm then appeared, and the frenzied attack was like wind blades, attacking the body of Zushan troll Bolton swiftly and swiftly.

Stab la la!
The sharp blade transformed by the void storm quickly slashed across the body of the Zushan troll Bolton, but it did not cause any damage.

The seemingly soft skin of the Zushan troll Bolton was enough to block Alice's space magic attack, causing the pupils of the witch in the distance to constrict.

"It was... blocked?"

Alice frowned. Although her attack just now was just an ordinary spell, it was also mixed with space rules.

Therefore, the vast majority of fifth-order life forms may be able to resist Alice's attack, but it is somewhat difficult to be unscathed.


At this time, the Ancestral Mountain troll Bolton in the distance suddenly made a sound, giving people a very disgusting feeling, and said hoarsely.

"If a wizard from the Supreme Council has only this little strength, it would be too disappointing!"

As soon as these words came out, Alice's eyes flickered slightly.

"You know me?"

Alice narrowed her eyes slightly, and a dangerous gleam flashed in her eyes.

"Of course!"

Zushan troll Bolton nodded, raised his bloated arms, scratched the layers of meat on his chest, and said in a low voice.

"The reason why I appear here is to wait for you!"

"Void Witch, Alice!"

Having said this, a ferocious expression appeared on the face of Zushan troll Bolton, and his eyes turned to Enzo in the distance on the other side.

"Otherwise, do you think that an ordinary conqueror holy soul wizard will attract my attention?"

As soon as the words fell, the Zushan troll Bolton slowly raised his two bloated arms.

"Hand over the Void Heart, witch!"

The Zushan troll Bolton stared straight at Alice in the distance, with an undisguised greed flashing in his eyes, and in an orderly tone, asked the other party to hand over a thing called the Heart of the Void.

In mid-air, Alice looked thoughtful.

"Could it this the catastrophe that the teacher said?"

Alice raised her head and looked at the Zushan troll Bolton, with a disdainful expression on her face, she shook her head and said, "If this is the case, that's really disappointing!"

on the other side of the battlefield.

While Enzo confronted Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blade Demon, he still paid attention to Alice and the Zushan troll. Hearing the conversation between the two, thoughts flickered in his heart.

"It turns out that the Zushan troll is not here for me!"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Through the conversation between the Zushan troll Bolton and Alice, he seemed to feel something, which was related to the confrontation between some big people.

As for Alice and the Zushan troll Bolton, maybe they are just pawns. As for Enzo, they are not even pawns.

This time the demon coalition invaded.

Among the three demon lords, Xiutas, the Lord of Thousand Blades, and Oren Caesar, the Emperor of the Black Dragon, may have come to destroy the fortress of the Ten Realms.

However, the Zushan troll Bolton had another purpose.

Enzo had a faint feeling that something was wrong before, why the Zushan troll, who was obviously the oldest creature in the world of the [-]th floor of the abyss, kept paddling during the battle.

In the confrontation not long ago, the Zushan troll Bolton did not show the fighting power that a fifth-order abyss lord should have.

This made Enzo vaguely feel a little unusual.

But facing the seven fifth-order life forms at the same time, he also bears a lot of pressure, so he didn't think much about it, and he didn't fully realize the abnormality until now.

In the battle just now, the reason why the Zushan troll Bolton hid his strength was originally that his goal in coming to the Ten Realm Fortress this time was not Enzo at all.

Although it is not clear what kind of method the Zushan troll used, it is certain that he has already learned that Alice is about to descend to the world of the [-]th floor of the abyss.

Therefore, the appearance of the Zushan troll Bolton on this battlefield was for Alice, not for the Ten Realm Fortress and Enzo.

"There is... there is still this layer!"

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, but his face was a bit gloomy. Although he didn't know what the Supreme Council had planned, he had a faint feeling that he and the wizards in the north seemed to be used as pawns.

Just as Enzo was thinking about it, Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blades in the distance, also saw something was wrong, so he used the space magic again, intending to escape as soon as possible while Alice was entangled by the Zushan troll Bolton This battlefield.

However, Enzo naturally wouldn't let him do what he wanted!

"Want to leave? Die to me!"

A flash of anger flashed in Enzo's eyes. The emotions that had been suppressed by the seven abyss fifth ranks all vented on Xiutas at this moment.

"Shadow Realm!"

In mid-air, Enzo flicked his wand in his hand, and endless shadows spread like a tide, turning the devastated battlefield into a black field.

"Touch of Shadow!"

The next moment, Enzo spat out a syllable, but saw poisonous snakes suddenly appear in the shadow field, like tentacles dancing wildly, madly attacking in the direction of Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blades Demon.

Suddenly, the shadow surged up.

"Damn sorcerer, the ghost is really lingering!"

In the distance, Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blade Demon who was originally like an ancient giant, now had cold eyes, and suddenly felt a headache when he faced the tentacles attacking around him.

In order to escape easily, Xiutas, the master of the Thousand Blade Demon, had already turned into an ordinary human being and found out, but faced with the constantly attacking shadow tentacles, thousands of sharp blades appeared behind him, cutting off the tentacles one by one.

However, in the shadow realm, the shadow tentacles seem to be endless, no matter how much Xiutas cuts off, more tentacles will appear.

"All Blades Return to the Void!"

Seeing this, Xiutas immediately let out a roar, and then the endless sharp blades around him turned into a storm, and went straight to Enzo.

"The sea of ​​trees is coming!"

In mid-air, Enzo was unmoved, poured out syllables, and then used the power of the forest heart to summon a sea of ​​trees.

The next moment, under the attack of the sharp-blade energy storm, the sea of ​​trees summoned by Enzo was destroyed as if destroyed.

However, the expression on Enzo's face did not change at all.

(End of this chapter)

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