The Ice King of Versatile Mage

Chapter 113 The Emperor's Heart

Chapter 113 The Emperor's Heart
Asha Ruiya looked at Mu Bing's frowning eyebrows, tilted her head and smiled mysteriously, then said.

"Brother Mu Bing, are you curious about how I got this emperor-level heart?"


Mu Bing said angrily after hearing Asharuya's naughty question.

"Hehe, in fact, this heart was left by my father. He also said before his death that after he rescued the Black Dragon Emperor, the Black Dragon Emperor gave this heart to his father based on his gratitude to him."


"No, isn't there only three emperor-level dragons in the original book, black dragon, green dragon, golden dragon... there should be nothing else. By the way, is this dragon mentioned in the original book?"

Mu Bing thought back with a bit of distress.

"After I broke through to the intermediate level, I discovered that the message my father left me contained the origin of this heart."

"This heart was obtained when the Black Dragon Emperor beheaded a deadly enemy in a duel with him a long time ago. Since then, the Black Dragon Emperor has also been seriously injured since that battle and has been recuperating in the Tyrant Mountain Range."

"Father was able to get this heart because he happened to meet the Black Dragon Emperor when he passed the Tyrant Mountain Range, but at that time, the Black Dragon Emperor was injured all over his body, and he couldn't even beat the general forbidden spell."

"At that time, my father's strength was second only to the Forbidden Curse, so neither side dared to do anything, and my father didn't intend to do it. Instead, he rescued the Black Dragon Emperor, and this is the origin of this heart."

Asharuiya carefully and slowly explained all the information she knew, her tone can be said to be extremely gentle.

Probably because she knew that she was likely to die next.

Mu Bing only realized it after listening to Asharuya's explanation.

"Damn it! Isn't this the fucking ghost dragon in the battle to defend the capital in the later period!"

Mu Bing was really surprised this time. With an emperor-level heart, it's no wonder that Asha Ruiya can have such combat power in the national government if she cultivates according to her current cultivation progress.

Now, Mu Bing's doubts all along have been solved. When Asha Ruiya didn't use the power of the dark angel in the original book, she could have such strength in the national finals because of this emperor-level heart!
"Grandma, I actually forgot about Minggulong, alas, my memory has deteriorated~"

Mu Bing sighed silently in his heart while scratching his hair.

"Brother Mu Bing, can I start to complete this matter now?"

Asha Ruiya didn't know why Mu Bing was a little distressed, but she was not in a hurry now, and waited for Mu Bing's mood to ease before speaking slowly.

"Are you going to start?"

"Yes, I want to finish this matter as soon as possible, because after that, my whole person can completely belong to you, Brother Mu Bing!"

Asha Ruiya said excitedly, although she looked calm at the moment, but in that excited tone, Mu Bing seemed to feel a trace of sickly tone.

"Fuck, it's an illusion."

Mu Bing muttered softly.


Asha Ruiya heard Mu Bing muttered and tilted her head to ask questions.

And Asharuya's tilted head made Mu Bing just see Asharuya's pupils. Mu Bing didn't know if it was his own hallucination. He felt that Asharuiya's pupils had already shown a heart shape.

"Ahem, let's begin!"

Mu Bing felt that something would definitely go wrong if it dragged on, so he coughed and said to Asharuya.

He didn't panic at all about Asharuya's entry into the dark plane this time, after all, Asharuya probably made it by himself in the original book.

This time he is also by her side, although he fell into the dark plane this time, there is a high probability that he will be useless the whole time.

But how can I say that in case Asharuya's last-breathing scroll is not enough, he can manually change it for Asharuya.


Asharuiya first wanted to put her heart on her chest, but found that the two on her chest were too big. In desperation, she could only clamp the heart exuding the imperial pressure between her two huge chests. middle.

Si Yingshi was tightly held in his right hand, and the healing scroll was held in his left hand.

After taking a deep breath, she lay down on Mu Bing's bed steadily, then closed her eyes and said tremblingly:
"Brother Mu Bing, you directly stabbed me in the neck with that magic tool of the curse system."

"Hiss, good."

Mu Bing took a breath of cold air first, then calmed down his unstable mood, and then slowly took out the magic dagger that exuded the curse aura and hung it over Asharuya's neck.

Asharuya closed her eyes tightly after feeling the dagger above her neck, but she still didn't feel the tingling in her head after a few seconds.

She couldn't help but opened her eyes, and then she found Mu Bing who was showing embarrassment and embarrassment in his eyes.

Asharuya smiled knowingly, this smile can be said to be very beautiful, Mu Bing was also a little stunned, Asharuya's smile did not have any other color, the emotion contained in this smile was only strong joy and full of love.

"Brother Mu Bing, put down the magic equipment first."

Asharuya looked at Mu Bing and said with a smile, Mu Bing felt that Asharuya was like a holy angel now, and the seductive beauty of the world before had completely disappeared.

"Grandma's, I'm not willing to poke it. After all, it's a daughter-in-law. It's not good to poke too hard. It's easy to cause too much pain for her. It's not good to poke lightly. If you don't poke hard and leave a sigh of relief, you can't go away. The dark plane, that’s troublesome too, ah~ troublesome!”

After hearing Asharuya's words, Mu Bing put down the curse-type magic equipment in his hand, thinking distressedly.

"Brother Mu Bing, Astraea loves you very much, very much, no matter it was before or now, Astraea will always believe in Brother Mu Bing~"

Asha Ruiya nodded her chin towards Mu Bing, obviously asking Mu Bing to come over, and Mu Bing was stunned when she heard her words after coming over.

He carefully looked at Asha Ruiya who was staring at him affectionately at this time, and Mu Bing gradually eased his mood, and then said.

"Huh, I see."

Then leaned down and kissed Asha Ruiya gently and said softly.

Asharui also closed her eyes with a smile on her face.

After Mu Bing took a deep breath, he picked up the curse dagger and hung it around Asharui's neck.

And it doesn't matter if you recite silently in your heart, and there is nothing wrong with the original work, so it is even more impossible now.

A few seconds later, Mu Bing finally showed a firm expression, holding the dagger with both hands and inserting it.


The dagger was directly inserted into Asharui's throat, but the blood did not flow out. Mu Bing was not surprised, because the healing scroll in Asharui's hand at this time had begun to emit a warm milky white light.

During the whole process, Asharui's expression did not change, and she was always smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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