The Ice King of Versatile Mage

Chapter 121 The New Blood Race

Chapter 121 The New Blood Race

Mu Bing took out a basin from the storage space, and then gathered an ice knife in his hand to start dismembering the female vampire.

Because Mu Bing didn't know much about the human body, he cut and inserted it randomly with an ice skate, which made the corpse that already had two big holes even worse.

"Ahem, I'm sorry."

Mu Bing got up with a basin full of blood and looked at the devastated dead female vampire, and couldn't help touching his nose with a little guilt.

But just when he felt a little guilty, he quickly turned his head and glanced at the pile of corpses beside him, and immediately the trace of guilt disappeared in his heart.

He was even a little angry.

"Fuck you, you have killed so many people, do you have any objections to letting me bleed you?"

Mu Bing kicked the female vampire who was already dead at this time.

"Don't talk, right? If you don't talk, I will take it as your acquiescence."

Feeling puzzled, Mu Bing kicked again, and felt comfortable after the incident. Then he walked up to the burly man with the pot of blood in his hand.

"Damn it, I didn't notice it just now, but now I take a closer look at how good this big brother is!"

Mu Bing walked up to the burly man and observed carefully, and found that the burly man had a really good figure and a very low body fat percentage.

The appearance is also very good. At first glance, he is a handsome uncle. The only regret is that he has no hair.

"Ahem, brother, are you conscious?"

Mu Bing saw that it was almost done, and then reached out to shake the burly man and shouted loudly.

Then the strong man seemed to hear Mu Bing's shout, his eyelids trembled slightly, and then finally opened his eyes under Mu Bing's continuous shouting.

"You... who are you?"

"Fucking brother, you finally woke up, is there anything unusual about your body?"

Seeing that the burly man finally spoke, Mu Bing hurriedly approached and asked.

"I... I... I'm thirsty, I want water, can you give me the basin of water in your hand?"

The burly man did not answer Mu Bing's question, but stared at the basin of blood in Mu Bing's hand and asked eagerly.

"Oh, the ceremony is still completed."

Mu Bing looked at this burly man and said.

"Give me... Please give me that basin of water, I'm sorry!"

The burly man said eagerly.

Mu Bing also frowned slightly seeing the burly man's increasingly eager expression.

"Is it necessary to drink the blood of the blood race immediately after the ceremony is completed, or will I die immediately if I don't drink it?"

At the beginning, Mu Bing wanted to observe the specific situation, and then give the man the blood of the blood family.

But right now it seems that it can't be delayed any longer, he can feel the vitality in the awakened man's body gradually dissipating.

"Oh, here you are."

Mu Bing handed the basin to the strong man's mouth.

The burly man was like an ordinary man seeing a naked beauty, his eyes gradually became crazy.

The whole person was struggling crazily, as if he wanted to snatch the pot of blood from Mu Bing's hand and drink it immediately.

When the burly man's lips touched the pool of blood, he immediately began to suck crazily.


This filled the quiet wine cellar with the sound of strong men and blood.

In just ten seconds, nearly a thousand milliliters of blood in the Mu Bing basin was drunk by the burly man.

Mu Bing carefully observed the changes in the burly man throughout the whole process. He found that after drinking the first mouthful of blood, the vitality that had been dissipating in the burly man's body immediately stopped dissipating.

Then a large amount of blood entered his body, and Mu Bing could also feel the strength rapidly accumulated in the strong man's body.

"Tsk, is this vampire's blood so awesome? Fortunately, I didn't give him all of it. There are a total of [-] milliliters of blood. I gave him [-]. Alas, I'm such a good person!"

After drinking, the aura in the body of the strong man has climbed to the level of a general.

But the target is not surprising. After all, the owner of this blood has the strength of an intermediate commander. It is not surprising that Mu Bing can raise a strong man to the level of a warrior with a quarter of a catty of blood.

He even felt that this quarter of the blood had been improved less, and he hadn't raised it to the advanced stage warrior.

"How about it?"

Seeing the man calm down after drinking the blood, Mu Bing said.

The burly man didn't answer Mu Bing, but looked around before speaking.

"What about that woman?"

"Dead, the body is there."

When Mu Bing finished talking about the female vampire's death, the burly man's expression instantly became a little excited.

"Good... good!"

"What good?"

Mu Bing asked after him.

"This woman...I used to be this woman's fitness trainer..."

The burly man began to tell Mu Bing excitedly about the reason why he was tied here.

It turned out that this female vampire went to my gym where the burly man was located a year ago, and then fell in love with the burly man.

At that time, the strong man was short of money, and the female vampire was willing to spend money, and the female vampire was indeed a stunner, so the strong man decided to bow down under the skirt of the female vampire after thinking about it for a long time.

But the female vampire in the back played too much, the strong man once wanted to run away after earning enough money, but because of the strong strength of the female vampire.

As well as the huge network of vampire families behind it, the strong man has nowhere to go and can only continue to succumb to the female vampire.

And the female vampire also fell in love with him during that year, pestering the strong man like a sickly woman all day long.

Until the end, she actually wanted to transform the strong man into a vampire, her servant, through a ritual.

After listening to the description of the burly man, Mu Bing could only sigh, it was outrageous that her mother opened the door for the outrageous and outrageous home.

"But since she's dead, let's take it as it is."

Mu Bing looked at the sad and indignant man with his mouth slightly raised and thought.

Although Mu Bing listened to the strong man's words, it didn't mean that he really believed the strong man's words.

Just before the burly man woke up and looked around. When he looked at the place where the female vampire was nailed, Mu Bing felt his anger for a moment, but it was quickly covered up.

After Mu Bing took a deep look at the burly man, he untied the rope that bound the burly man without saying anything.

After untying the strong man, Mu Bing opened the phone with Lingling.

"Hey, hello, is Lingling there?"

"I'm here, what's going on with you, Mu Bing?"

Lingling's nervous questioning voice also came from Mu Bing's ear.

"Don't worry, this female vampire's strength is just that. Although I'm not very strong, it's more than enough to deal with this kind of thing."

(End of this chapter)

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