The Ice King of Versatile Mage

Chapter 146 Training Location: Kunlun

Chapter 146
But before Mu Bing and the others chatted for a long time, everyone arrived, and the small pre-war meeting also started.

"After Lanzhou Academy finished dealing with those 211s in that line, the competition will start in a while. This time, the guards of Lanzhou Academy are very good. How many of you went to watch the previous games?"

Teacher Zhang Han asked.

Originally, Zhang Han thought that at least half of the people would respond to him, but after he finished asking, he found that none of them responded to him.

"Hiss... You guys, fine."

He waited for a few more seconds and looked at the nine people sitting there, only to find that the nine of them had no intention of answering at all, and they all began to look left and right to see if anyone answered.

"Ahem, let me tell the story, this time the nine guards of Lanzhou Academy..."

In desperation, he could only start to talk about the specific performance of the students from Lanzhou University in the previous games.

"Currently we know that there are eleven school guards in Lanzhou Academy, and the two substitutes are junior third-level, and six of the other nine have not revealed their strength."

"So let's try it out in the first round. I've already made up the list for the first round. Mu Bing, Shi Junyao, Zhong Nuo, Chen Heng, you four go and try it out first."

"The second round will be Mu Ningxue, Ding Yumian, Wang Liuhe, and Zhang Xiafu."

"Do you have an opinion?"

None of the nine people made a sound.

"You fucking..."

Zhang Han looked at the nine people who hadn't talked much in the whole process, and felt a little headache.

"Are you all dumb? I was the only one talking during the whole meeting. You should answer a few words!"

After Zhang Han finished speaking with a dark face, Mu Bing immediately realized that Zhang Han was indeed singing the one-man show all by himself.

Looking at this familiar scene, he suddenly felt like he was dreaming back to high school.

"Ahem, teacher, we have no objections, no objections."

"Ah... yes, yes, yes, the teacher's arrangement is very good!"

"Indeed, teacher, your arrangement is very reasonable. If you arrange it like this, we will definitely call them in a while. No one knows their own mothers."

Following Mu Bing's response, Zhang Xiafu and Chen Heng, who had lived with Mu Bing for half a year, immediately agreed tacitly.

Zhang Han's expression improved a little.

"Huh, get ready, the battle is about to start."

Then everyone dispersed.

"Fuck, Brother Bing, let's go together, what will we say later?"

Chen Heng also ran over to chat with Mu Bing at this time.

"Well... let's get to know our strength first. How are you? Can you release intermediate magic?"

"It's okay, brother Bing, after you moved out of the dormitory half a year ago, my water system has reached intermediate level. Now it is still possible to cast intermediate magic. I have also awakened the poison system, and now I can release magic, but the primary poison system It doesn't seem to be of any use here."

Chen Heng touched his flowing long hair and said modestly.

"By the way, do you know where we will go to practice after the team battle with the imperial capital? I remember that the practice over the years is the highlight of the school's exchange students."

Mu Bing asked while chatting with Chen Heng.

"I know a little bit about this. I know a substitute elder brother who is guarding the school at Lanzhou University. It seems that there is a high probability that he will go to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to practice."

"Hmm! The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is the school serious? That's the territory of the Kunlun Demon Empire!"

Mu Bing raised his eyebrows immediately after hearing Chen Heng's experience news.

"Who knows, but it should be near the Kunlun Empire, and it shouldn't be too far from Anjie."

Chen Heng shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Hiss... this is a bit troublesome."

Mu Bing suddenly felt troubled. The original Kunlun book didn't go into details at all, and this wave touched his blind spot of knowledge again.

"Damn it, I've made you dig holes and do countless bad things!"

Mu Bing silently mourned for himself in his heart.

After a while, people from Lanzhou Academy came over.

"Cough cough, hello everyone from Pearl Academy, our hospitality these few days should be satisfactory, Mr. Zhang Han, are you guys ready?"

At this time, a female teacher with a standard smile came over.

"Teacher Huo Qing, our side is ready, and we can start our friendly sparring at any time."

Teacher Zhang Han also walked forward with a smile on his face and said.

"Ahahaha, that's good, we have already finished solving other schools here, so please follow me to the duel arena."

Huo Qing politely led Mingzhu's people to the duel arena.

At this time, eleven students were already waiting in the duel arena.

Four of them are women and seven are men.

"Okay, everyone is here too, I think this matchup will begin!"

After Huo Qing walked to the 11 people from Lanzhou Academy and said something, he walked back to Mu Bing and the others and asked.

This discussion is naturally the highlight of this college exchange, after all, although the previous schools also have excellent students to discuss with them.

But the gap between the two sides is still too large, which makes the schoolkeepers of Lanzhou Academy feel very unhappy.

It can only be said that the gap between 985 and 211 is still too obvious.

And this last match with fellow 985 Pearl is what everyone in Lanzhou Academy is looking forward to the most.

"Oh oh oh, those two girls on the opposite side are so beautiful!"

At this time, a boy in Lanzhou Academy immediately noticed Ding Yumian and Mu Ningxue.

"Indeed, these two girls are so beautiful. These are the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Sure enough, the girls in the coastal area of ​​Pearl are beautiful."

Another boy in a black sweater sighed.

"Captain, how do you feel?"

At this time, the boy in a black sweater rubbed his shoulders, and he was also observing a man in white with glasses from Pearl Academy.

"Cough, this..."

The man in white wearing glasses cleared his throat and was about to speak when he heard a female voice not far behind them.


"Cough, cough, cough! How do you feel, hmph, although these two girls are indeed a little bit beautiful... Ah, Luo Yin will always be number one in my heart!"

The boy in white wearing glasses immediately adjusted his expression and said solemnly after hearing this light female voice.

"Ah, indeed."

The boy in the black sweater seemed to be used to this scene at this time, so he could only helplessly agree.

"Lai Yinku, Zhao Lingmu, Hui Yingjie, and Li Chi, you four should take the lead, don't let me down!"

At this time, Huo Qing's soft voice came through.

"Mu Bing, Chen Heng, Shi Junyao, Zhong Nuo, you go first in the first round."

After hearing Huo Qing's words, Zhang Han also gave instructions to Mu Bing and the others.

"Shi Junyao, have you summoned the Beast General?"

After the four got together, Chen Heng asked curiously.

"Well...not yet, the gap between a warrior and a servant is too great, but my contracted beast has already entered the advanced stage as a servant, so it's okay to restrain them."

After hearing Chen Heng's question, Shi Junyao also said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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