Chapter 81
"What kowtow?"

Mo Jiaxing said with a blank face, Mo Jiaxing was having fun there just now because he didn't expect that his son would move all the big shots in the city.

"Damn it, don't you know that Mr. Mu Zhuoyun had a bet with your son? If Yu Ang lost, he, Mu Zhuoyun, would personally apologize to you two for insulting you."

"And if your son loses, you have to kowtow and apologize to Mr. Mu Zhuoyun until he is satisfied!"

"The children in our family just said a few words about Mu Zhuoyun secretly, this time your son scolded him face to face!"

"He is a big man who will be angry even if he has tolerance. Today, Mu Zhuoyun definitely doesn't plan to let Mo Fan go!"

The gardener looked at Mo Jiaxing's blank expression, and explained speechlessly.

The co-author Mo Jiaxing didn't even know there was a gambling contract, he was such a confused father.

Mo Jiaxingye was stunned when he heard that, he really didn't know there was such a thing!

He couldn't understand his son's stubbornness and arrogance. Let him kowtow and apologize in front of so many classmates, teachers, neighbors, and friends on such an occasion? ?
Today's children all look like they are slapped in the face and commit suicide by jumping off the building. It is like kowtowing and apologizing on such an occasion, and you will never be able to hold your head up for the rest of your life!

And Mu Bing has been paying attention to Mo Jiaxing's movements. He knows that Mo Jiaxing already knows about this matter, and he is about to come over to "repay the gift".

In fact, when he read the original book, he felt that Mo Fan in this section was very dull, and he just wrote Mo Fan so stupidly.

If it had to be delayed for so long, my father would go up to "repay the gift" in the future, but Mo Fan was still accumulating power there, which was really outrageous, so he just stacked buffs.

When Mu Bing read the original book, it was very difficult to read, so this side directly interrupted the power accumulation of Mo Fan's buff, telling him to hurry up.

Mo Fan didn't continue to grind, after giving Mu Bing a middle finger, he also stretched his muscles a little.

"Huh? What is Mo Fan going to do?"

"I don't know. Just now he looked desperate, but he seemed to be fine after seeing a place in the auditorium. Now the relief on his face seems to be the same as when the current situation no longer exists."

Principal Zhu and Xue Musheng beside him watched Mo Fan's performance carefully and said.

"Hiss, is this kid Mo Fan hiding something?"

Deng Kai in the duel field looked at Mo Fan who was stretching his muscles with ease at this time, and guessed in confusion.

"Why, do you still want to struggle a bit, and stretch your muscles and bones, are you preparing for kowtow for a while?"

"Hurry up, you don't need to stretch your muscles and bones. If you take the initiative to go to my adoptive father to kowtow, my adoptive father will let you kowtow less... a few... a few"

Yu Ang watched Mo Fan stretch his body, thinking that the other party was going to make some unnecessary resistance, and then he taunted him.

But he was stunned before he could say a few words.

Because at this time, Mo Fan's whole temperament has changed.

Mo Fan's black pupils suddenly rounded, and within the eyeballs, which were as dark as the vast universe, there was a purple star's brilliance shining wantonly! !
thunder! !

The head of the elements! !
It represents anger, power, and destruction!

Originally, he still wanted to hide his inborn dual-element, but since it was like this, he didn't want to hide it anymore.

Let this ridiculous class shackles be completely smashed into pieces with this violent thunder! !

Xingzi, they have always been able to have a special connection with the master's heart, and the special attribute of the thunder system itself endows its controller with no less arrogance at any time! !

Not because of humble status! !
Not because you are in danger! !
All the thunder element stars have never obeyed at this moment, that is because today Mo Fan's state of mind has never been compatible with the thunder element stars.

The purple star trails were formed in one go at the moment of raging anger in their hearts, and they seemed to long for all the power that could be given to their callers.

The star trail is now!
The magic filled with the most mysterious power in the world is even more natural.


The purple arcs appeared domineering and manic. They were willing to wrap around Mo Fan like never before, waiting for Mo Fan to give an order.

Mo Fan raised his head, his gaze was like lightning.



In the lightning, Mo Fan raised one hand high, and with the palm of his hand clenched, one after another crazily twisted in the air until the seal of lightning turned into a thunder soldier.

They roared and bombarded Yu Ang's position messily!


After multiple purple thunder marks fell, they formed a stronger lightning bolt with each other, and hit Yu Ang who was defenseless and stunned.

Yu Ang was still mocking one second, but was directly surrounded by these dazzling and terrifying lightning powers the next second, and the shock in his heart couldn't be described in words.

The furious attack is extremely manic, every time the bombardment hits the body, there will be a burst of severe pain, and what is even more frightening is that these thunder marks will penetrate into the body.

It caused a huge electric shock effect on the muscles and bones. Even if the ice silkworm armor resisted, it still couldn't completely resist this pervasive electric shock penetration!
Yu Ang felt that his body was no longer his own, and he stood there twitching violently.

The arrogance and arrogance on the face are gone, only the bewilderment and disbelief are left on the face! !
why? ?

why is that? ? ?
Thunder... This is clearly the Thunder Seal, why do you, a junior magician with the fire system, release the skills of the thunder system? ?
I can't say that the ice silkworm armor is useless in front of Lei Yin, it can only be said that it is completely useless.

Finally, Yu Ang let out a miserable cry, and he fell to the ground slowly surrounded by the purple thunder mark!
This time, it was impossible for Yu Ang to get up again. Lei Yin, who was at the first level and third level, was even more domineering than Huo Zi.

The Ice Silkworm Armor can restrain the fire-type skills, but it is impossible to defend against them. The terrible penetration effect of this third-level Thunder Seal-Rage Strike! !

Lei's roar was still ringing in his ears, but the whole manor was silent at this moment! !

Basically everyone was stunned at the moment when Mo Fan released the Thunder Seal. Although the Thunder Seal missed them, it was better than a thunderbolt from the blue sky! !

What did they see? ?

Lei Yin! !
This shit is Lei Yin? ?
You are a low-level magician of the fire department, you tell us that you can cast Thunder Seal! !

And Mo Jiaxing got up and walked towards Mu Zhuoyun, and he couldn't help but stop when he was about to intercede for his son.

(End of this chapter)

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