The Ice King of Versatile Mage

Chapter 83 Analysis of Mu Zhanling

Chapter 83 Analysis of Mu Zhanling
"Boss Zhan Kong, although you have the final say on many things in Bo City, it doesn't mean that you can take whatever wine you want."

"I want to report to my superiors that our Great Magic Association will never let go of any peerless genius, not to mention is there anything better than our Great Magic Association in cultivating magicians?"

Yang Zuohe jumped out immediately.

The small family and the small aristocratic family may have to give face to the military, so there is no need for their Great Magic Association.

Copy the house? ?
This world has never heard of any force that dared to copy the home of their Magic Association!
"In other words, our school is actually willing to spend a lot of money to support this kind of students, so we don't want to worry about it, um, um."

Principal Zhu also spoke.

His grandma, Zhan Kong and Yang Zuohe, two guys like Mo Fan, who have not yet graduated, rob people in front of the rent. My old Zhu is very popular.

It doesn't mean that students like this will back down and copy our magic school if they have the ability... Don't forget, many military mages in your army are from our magic school, so come here!
Mu Zhuoyun stood there blankly, looking at how many guests were shocked by Mo Fan, and seeing how many big forces were torturing Mo Fan in front of him.

Look at the mage standing on the dueling field and controlling the dual elements of thunder and fire.

Most importantly, he glanced at Mu Zhanling's direction, and clearly saw the astonishment and approval on Mu Zhanling's face.

He knew that his adopted son was completely adopted, and to be honest, although his family's Mu Ningxue also had this extremely rare magical talent.

But in terms of attractiveness, I'm afraid it's a bit of a stretch to be born with dual elements. After all, Mu Ningxue's natural ice-type spiritual species is definitely above her peers.

However, those rich and aristocratic families of the spiritual ice species can still get it through mobile phone geniuses and treasures.

And this innate dual-element talent, even if you look for it all over the world with a lantern now, there is absolutely no exception!

The only thing that can be thankful is that Mu Ningxue hugged a super thigh, so even if the talent is inferior to Mo Fan, there is a reason to use resources to make up for it.

But his adopted son Yu Ang, when Mu Zhuoyun saw Mo Fan's Thunder Seal - Raging Strike knocked him down, he knew that there was no way to attract Mu Zhanling's attention.

And can he say that he, Mu Zhuoyun, fucking wants this kid now? ?
"Grandpa, how's it going? I've finished watching this duel, how about commenting?"

Although the surrounding guests have begun to "lively" up, but because they are sitting in a corner, they will basically not be affected.

Mu Bing put away the melon seeds, and while stroking Mu Ningxue's soft hair lying on his knees, he revealed to the side Mu Zhanling who had begun to be interested in Mo Fan.

"Tsk, it's hard to say, it depends on how many departments this kid has awakened after the intermediate level."

"If he continues to awaken two departments at once, then the upper limit of this kid will be very high, and the upper limit of talent should be second only to you, and he will be at the same level as those natural souls."

"If he can only awaken one department later, then the upper limit is not very high, but his talent is still at the same level as Ning Xue."

"I remember Xiaoyue said that this kid has a special growth-type stardust magic weapon, and it can also devour the stardust magic weapon from your school."

"The last time I was curious when I learned that there was a growth-type stardust magic tool, I went to this kid's house in the middle of the night and stunned him with a mind-type magic tool."

"Then I analyzed the kid's loach. It should be some kind of special stardust magic weapon. I researched it and found that the stardust magic weapon is bound to this kid's soul."

"If this kid's soul dissipates, this loach will also be scrapped directly. Alas, it's a pity."

When Mu Bing heard Mu Zhanling say it was a pity, his eyebrows twitched, because it was obvious that Mu Zhanling originally wanted to kill people and seize treasures.

"I tried to feed that loach a mortal stardust magic weapon, but he didn't absorb it or move."

"Later, I dressed up and pretended to be an old man to send this kid a mortal stardust magic weapon. Later, when I went to this kid's house the next day, the stardust magic weapon was still there."

"And this kid didn't find this stardust magic weapon because he was carrying that loach. Later, I replaced the mortal-level one with a spiritual-level one."

"But when I went on the third day, this kid still didn't absorb it, and because he was too curious, he changed the spirit-level one to the soul-level one again."

"I wondered if this kid's loach might be of mortal level itself, but after eating the mortal stardust magic weapon from your school, it transformed into a spiritual level."

"So maybe I can only absorb the soul-level one, but when I took it later, the soul-level one wasn't absorbed either, tsk tsk, I don't even understand it."

After hearing Mu Zhanling's words, Mu Bing remembered that Mo Fan felt mentally exhausted all day long.

And he was always catching up on sleep in class, and he thought it was caused by Mo Fan's over-training.

It turned out that it was caused by his grandfather. He glanced at Mo Fan, who was now in high spirits in the duel arena, and silently mourned for him for three seconds in his heart.

"To be honest, I've been researching for a full month, but I just haven't come up with anything. Maybe this kid is really the only one who can toss about this loach."

"During that time, you also saw that your grandfather and I were forced to go to bed early and wake up late because of this incident."

"This kid, through this loach, if he concentrates on cultivating one element and adding the Holy Spring, his cultivation speed will not be lower than that of Ningxue."

"But he likes double opening, and there is no holy spring, so there is no way."

"My evaluation is that the upper limit is very high, and the lower limit is not low. If they are cultivated properly, they should be able to reach the super-level, and they may be the strongest group in the super-level."

"After all, it's not a joke to have one more department than others, and there are problems with the magic power of his two departments, both of which have increased by 20.00%. Although the enhancement is not a lot, it is not a lot."

"Generally speaking, the future is promising!"

"Well, to be honest, I kind of want to train this kid, haha, but I don't think this kid's character is a guy who likes to be controlled by others, so forget it."

"Anyway, Bing'er, you have a good relationship with this kid, and it would be nice to have him come to our house as an offering."

Mu Zhanling talked endlessly about his views and actions, and finally came up with a summary comment.

After listening to this, Mu Bing felt that his grandfather was really awesome, and Bo Linlin really analyzed a lot of information.

And it also accurately stated Mo Fan's dissolute and unrestrained personality.

(End of this chapter)

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