The Ice King of Versatile Mage

Chapter 95 Encirclement and suppression

Chapter 95 Encirclement and suppression
"Oh, I hope I can catch it~"

After hearing the words of the half-forbidden curse next to him, Mu Zhanling actually felt that the configuration of this operation was indeed very high.

More than 50 super-levels, eight inversion and semi-forbidden spells, this configuration, the basic emperor-level monsters are killed indiscriminately.

But Mu Zhanling was still not at ease.

Because through the space scroll obtained before, Mu Zhanling basically knew that basically everything in the hands of his "dear" best friend was in Ye Chang's hands.

And he probably knows how many things his best friend has in his hand, and it's because he knows what Ye Chang holds in his hand.

So now that he heard that such a luxurious lineup was deployed for this siege, his expression was still not very good.

"Okay, you guys should make arrangements first, my three dragon beasts are already rushing towards me, and the next encirclement will be handled by your military department."

After Mu Zhanling finished speaking, he summoned a pseudo-dragon and left.

And after Mu Zhanling left, the half-forbidden curse finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, this person's sense of oppression is too great."

"Shan Yanwei, why did this lord sigh when he heard about our encirclement and suppression lineup? I feel that this encirclement and suppression has become a big deal."

"Is a small Black Holy See cardinal and a head teacher really worth dispatching so many powerful people?"

At this time, after seeing Mu Zhanling leave, a super mage who also participated in this operation came over not far away and asked suspiciously.

"Hey, since you have participated in this operation, you should know the identity of the one who just left, right?"

"Ah, sure."

Hearing this single-surnamed Dianwei ask himself this question, although he was even more puzzled, he still answered honestly.

"Since you know this person's strength, then you should also know that this Black Vatican cardinal and that head teacher escaped directly under this person's hands."

"got it."

"Hiss, this subordinate understands!"

The ultra-level brain melon who came over was obviously a little stunned, and finally understood after being reminded by the single surname Dianwei.

"Okay, you go down, remember to search carefully, and don't let go of any clues."

"Although this encirclement and campaign will indeed fail with a high probability, it must also cause the Black Vatican to bleed severely, and make them pay a painful price for the crimes they have done."

The single surname looked at the bustling city and said firmly.



On the other hand, Mu Zhanling rode a pseudo-dragon to meet up with his three summoned beasts while talking to old friends on the phone.

"How about this time, I approved the lineup without any hesitation, and I will go to sit in the town in a few days, do you think the red-clothed archbishop and head teacher can be kept?"

There was an old voice on the other end of the phone.

"Oh, I guess it's not going to work. After I confirmed the four cities connected by the teleportation array, I notified you as soon as possible. You also know how they escaped from my hands. To be honest, I feel stuck."

Mu Zhanling took out a bottle of white wine from the interspatial ring, and after he finished speaking, he took a sip in a daze.

He is in a very complicated mood now. After all, his best friend's wife has become the archbishop in red who has been a disaster for their country of China for more than ten years.

Originally, he could get rid of Ye Chang, but because of his dead friend, Ye Chang ran away. Could his mood not be complicated?

"Hey, what you said seems to be true. It's really hard for Sa Long to run directly under your nose. It seems that I'm going to come here soon. I hope I can keep one."

"The main reason is that I'm still in the imperial capital, so I can't be there immediately. If we encircle and suppress together, I should be able to keep at least one of them, I feel."

"Are you two together? Oh, it's okay. Anyway, there's nothing to do recently. When you come, let's sit together and see if we can catch it."

Mu Zhanling said with a wry smile.

"Hey, you are so unconfident about our Court Magician Association. This time the encirclement and suppression of the head of the Chinese army is also very important. You can definitely keep this Sa Lang, so don't worry."

"By the way, how about your grandson, I remember he will be high in a few days..."


Mu Zhanling's eyes widened suddenly when he heard the words on the other side of the phone, and he hummed loudly.

"Fuck, what's wrong with you?"

Obviously, the other end of the phone was also taken aback by Mu Zhanling's enigma.

"Ahem, it's okay. I have something to deal with here, so I'll hang up first. By the way, remember to call me when you come here. I'll hang up on that!"

Mu Zhanling hung up the phone without giving the person on the other end a chance to ask.

"Hiss, it's over, it's over, it's over, this pursuit is too deep, fuck it, grandson forgot about me!"

Mu Zhanling was already in a bad mood at this time, and his mood was even worse. This wave was really a steal, and he didn't catch up with him, and Sun Zai stayed in Bo City.

Now he can only pray that Mu Bing is okay. Even if he reunites with Xiao Hei now, it will take several hours to return to Bo City with all his strength.

In the office of the president of the headquarters of the Imperial Palace Magicians Association, an old woman with white hair was frowning and looking at the phone that had hung up.

"Damn..., did something happen to this guy? The sound of "hmm" almost made me break out in a cold sweat. Really, people are still like this when they are old."

"Dong dong dong."

After speaking, there was a knock on the door of the old woman's office.


Then came in a tall and thin old man.

"The president has already assembled, when are we going to leave?"

"Have the people been summoned, let's go, that old fellow Mu Zhanling actually said that with our lineup, we might not be able to catch the rats in the gutters of the Black Vatican."

"Damn it, Pang Lai really, Mu Zhanling, an old fellow, is too much to raise the enemy's prestige and lower his own prestige, right?"

"And the most important thing is that this old guy suddenly startled me, and hung up on the phone when it was over. This guy is really outrageous!"

The old woman complained to the old man who came in after knocking on the door.

And the old man in front of the old woman is the strongest summoned beast in the country, Pang Lai, the chief court magician.

"Ahem, Mr. Mu may have his reasons. President, don't complain. After all, this Sa Lang escaped from Mr. Mu. Although our lineup is very luxurious, the range is too big. Good to encircle and suppress."

After all, Pang Lai was still only a semi-forbidden curse. The old woman in front of him and the Mu Zhanling he just said were real forbidden curses. Of course, he could only be a peacemaker.

"Okay, I don't want to talk about that old guy. By the way, how about your precious apprentice, who is almost at the middle level. According to how much you dote on your apprentice, I'm afraid the contracted beast has already been found."

"Ahem, I've found it, but the kid I found for him won't be able to use it, and this kid doesn't know how lucky he is."

"Recently, when this kid went to the dark forest for training, he just walked around casually, and finally picked up a Ye Luosha cub. The holy light sub-dragon cub I found for him can grow to the supreme monarch level. no need."

(End of this chapter)

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