Mystery: From Meeting Amon

Chapter 150 Heart of the Future

Chapter 150 Heart of the Future
Stephanie Slant?
Hearing the target's name, Lewis couldn't help but look directly at Bazel. After a closer look, Bazel's clothes really had some Indian features, and the set of cropped leggings was the best proof.

Bowing his head and straightening his top hat, he asked softly, "Two years ago, were you involved in the Normandy tragedy?"

Surprise appeared on Bazel's face, and he inadvertently raised his voice, admitting: "Yes, I am one of the survivors on the ship. An honorable punisher."

"So that's the case. It seems that you and Miss Stephanie have known each other for a long time." Lewis thought for a while and asked again: "What kind of relationship do you have with her, is it worth your money to save her?"

Bazel's eyes suddenly diverged, and he was a little dull. After a while, he raised his head and said with a little pride:
"She was a radiant girl who changed my destiny and I love her like seagulls chasing land.

This time, it's my turn to change her fate. "

Lewis smiled lightly. Such a straightforward declaration of love was indeed the style of the Intis people, but he still remained skeptical of Bazel:

"I doubt the authenticity of your words. If you really love her as much as you said, you should try to save Miss Stephanie from two years ago, instead of letting her be controlled by gangsters.

In addition, if you want to save her, why don't you let the Church of the Storm act, the official should be more credible than me, a wild transcendent.

I really want to know what you punishers are doing. You actually allow gangsters to traffic people. Even if you can’t deal with it, you can report it to the church headquarters. Maybe the church headquarters will send someone to deal with it. "

While questioning, Lewis observed Bazel's attitude. He wanted to make sure that there was no problem with the Church of the Storm headquarters, otherwise, this operation might bring unpredictable risks.

Bazel seemed a little anxious, he argued:
"I'm not lying, I only recently got word that Miss Stephanie is still in Enmat.

As for what the Church of the Storm is thinking, I don't know. My status is not high enough to have the right to ask about these things.

But don't worry, in order to gain your trust, I will act with you tonight. "

Lewis did not speak, and in front of Bazel, he silently read the divination statement:

"Bazel is lying..."

After reciting seven times, Lewis' spirit was able to communicate with the spirit world, and he flicked a brass-colored coin.

The coin spun and landed in his hand, which proved that Bazel was not lying.

"Meet at Cohen Pier at eleven o'clock next Thursday night. If I don't see you, or find out that you have a problem, I will cancel the operation immediately."

With that said, Lewis left the local Church of the Storm to await Thursday night's action.

The afternoon sun fell on the body, as if even the sea breeze became gentle and comfortable, and the feeling of relaxation and comfort was rippling.

He picked up a 5-pound note, and then spent a few solis to chat with the street lady on a pleasant topic. He could feel that the potion was almost completely digested.

Perhaps, with another lucky opportunity, he will be able to fully digest the "lucky guy" and meet the promotion conditions of "disaster priest".


Enmat Port, the underground of the Deep Sea Auction House, there were two people left in the empty auction site.

One of them is short and fat, and the other is tall and thin. The short and fat person is the person in charge of the auction "Black Panther", and the tall and thin person competed with Lewis at the auction for "Tail of the Disaster Sea Serpent".

"I'll give you 500 pounds." The panther put on a blue beret, and disgusting granulation squirmed on his body.

At this moment, his body shape and appearance were changing. This process lasted for a few minutes, and he turned into a man with a height of about 173 cm and blonde hair and blue eyes.

"No, you earned an extra 1700 pounds just because of the 'disaster sea serpent's tail', and I demand at least [-] pounds." The tall and thin man was wearing an eye patch, and there seemed to be something wrong with his left eye. This is covered.

"Okay, Captain Roland." The panther agreed casually without arguing for a little money.

"I won't stay here for too long. I will leave when the goods to the southern continent are processed on Friday night." Roland said seriously: "I hope you can come to the pier to look after the goods, so I can feel at ease .”

"No, the pier is the site that 'Grey Wolf' is in charge of. If I go there, there will definitely be conflicts with him."

"Black Panther" smiled, and added: "It is enough to have the 'Grey Wolf', he alone is enough to fight against an official superhuman team, even the most powerful 'Church of Storms' dare not fight us confrontation."

"I hope your statement is correct." Roland understood this truth, he didn't say any more, just went to the staff and took away 800 pounds and an ordinary wallet.

In previous auctions, Roland had bid up the price of the auction item twice, which made this auction earn at least 2000 pounds more.


In the dark confessional room, Bazel sat in front of the cubicle, telling his sins.

According to the custom, there will be a cleric in the compartment to listen and give advice to the lost lambs.

However, it's not yet time for the confessional to open, so Bazel is the only one here.

"Let me thank the Church of the Storm for taking me in for the last time. If I hadn't met the captain two years ago, I might have starved to death on the streets of Enmat Harbor.

It's just that today, I have something to do. After this time, I will leave the Church of Storms to repent for my actions.

Storm above, please forgive my sins..."

Bazel closed the door of the confessional. He came under the Chanis Gate, filled out an application form, and said to the on-duty colleague:
"Punisher Bazel, apply for 'Future Heart' in response to the recent port riots."

Heart of the Future:

Code-named Sealed Artifact 2-315.

As long as you wear it, pictures about the future will appear intermittently in front of you. With the help of these pictures, the Punisher team can avoid most unfavorable situations and successfully complete missions one after another.

As a side effect, the person who holds it will suffer inexplicable bad luck. This kind of bad luck is acceptable within half an hour. Unlucky but not fatal, just suffer some minor injuries.

After half an hour, the bad luck increases, and one must be very careful to avoid these bad luck, otherwise, even if one drinks water and eats, one may encounter an accident.

After an hour, the holder will be cursed with bad luck, this curse will follow for at least three days, it will be fatal at any time, and it is almost impossible to survive.

It is also because the "Future Heart" is very dangerous, so three people need to act together and hold this item in turn.

Of course, "Future Heart" is just the name of the Sealed Artifact, but Bazel knows that this Sealed Artifact comes from the "Sea Serpent of Disaster", which is the product of hunting the Sea Serpent of Disaster, and its material name is "Bitter Gall of the Sea Serpent of Disaster" .

(End of this chapter)

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