hunt and eat

Chapter 251 Gouzi's rebellious period?Just one meal!

Chapter 251 Gouzi's rebellious period?Just a good beat!

"It's rare that it didn't rain today."

Looking at the endless sticky swamp in front of her, Weiwei said curiously.

The swamp area is covered by continuous heavy rain most of the time. The annual rainfall is huge, and the sunshine time is short, which makes it a muddy swamp landform.

I don't know if it's their luck, or it's already been raining. In short, except for some thick mist, there is not a drop of rain falling in the swamp at this moment. It's a rare good weather here.

"This weather is just right for us to search."

Hehe laughed, and Guta pulled out the confused dog from the unloaded half of the carriage.

"Schiff, be good, smell this, and later take us to find the owner of the smell." Guta held a bottle filled with white infusion in one hand, and grabbed Schiff's neck hair with the other hand, using it slightly A bit of animal language skills made the latter quickly understand what he meant.

On the way to East Doruma, Guta easily raised his [Beast Language] level to LV5 by defeating the monsters on the road, gaining the ability to communicate easily.

Although it is not enough for the monsters to fully understand what I mean, it is no longer a problem to communicate with a creature with a high IQ like Schiff.

He lowered his head and glanced at the muddy swamp not far away, and then at his silver-gray clean and tidy hair. The dog shook his head quickly.

"Aww~Aww" (I don't want it, it's so dirty here!)

Schiff pushed his head away from the small bottle that Guta was holding, rolled his eyes and struggled for a while, like Erha who refused to go home after a walk.

Schiff, who had no idea that Guta could understand what he meant, was crazy.

Guta's anger rose slowly.

"Dirty, right? Smelly, right?" Guta looked at Schiff expressionlessly, and said in a low voice, "If you don't want to do it, I won't force you...but it's relative, don't count on me in the future I brought you out, after all, I can't help you~"

"By the way, when you are older, I will find a place to release you. I will miss you then."

With these words, Guta directly used the ability of [Beast Language].

Fuck... Master can understand me?
Gouzi, who realized this, trembled all over at that time, and the hair all over his body began to fall off visibly.

This is the stress response of animals after encountering a great shock.

Feeling the crisis of life and death, Schiff thumped to the ground, changed his previous self-willedness, put his nose close to the small bottle in Guta's hand with a flattering expression, and sniffed it vigorously.

Then there was a painful whimper.

There's no way... The smell of this can of liquid is too pungent!
Not to mention the dog's (crossed out) wolf's nose, all the more so.

But even so, Schiff still resisted the discomfort, turned his head slightly in several directions, and then faced the muddy swamp, showing a heroic and tragic expression.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" (Farewell, my beautiful mane!)

Before Schiff could growl a few times, Guta kicked the dog into the swamp.

"Stop dawdling, hurry up and lead the way!"


The place they chose to enter the ancient tower was a camp that had been used for many years.

The location of the camp is near a somewhat turbid lake.

The water in the river is not that deep, it probably reached the abdomen of ordinary people, but for Guta, it was just below the knees.

Although the water quality is not very clear, but the silt at the bottom of the lake can be seen more or less clearly, at least there is no need to worry about being attacked by creatures that suddenly appear in the water.

On the surface of the water, there are a large number of huge leaf-shaped plants similar to lotus leaves, which inexplicably makes the ancient pagoda feel like dreaming back to the earth.

After finally having the opportunity to wash his body, Schiff rolled vigorously in the water, and soon dyed the surrounding river into gray and black.

"Hurry up and lead the way. If the mission ends early, I'll take you to a restaurant when I get back." Guta grabbed Schiff's ear and cursed repeatedly.

"Wow~" (Master, this is what you said!)
Shaking his wet tail, Schiff quickly swam to a certain slope not far away in an extremely ugly dog-planing style.

After greeting Nia and the others, Guta carried Jojo on his shoulders, and followed closely behind with slow steps.

"Is it not far ahead?" After noticing that Schiff had landed on the shore, he began to circle vigorously, wagging his tail in a flattering manner by the way, and after a little thought, Guta understood what Gouzi meant.

"Get ready..." Guta, who had just landed and was about to turn around to say something to his companions, suddenly sensed a bad wind blowing from behind his head, so he threw himself sideways without hesitation.

The huge jointed limbs pierced fiercely into the wet and soft soil, creating deep holes in an instant.

Guta looked back.

It was a huge spider-shaped monster with six legs, covered with snow-white skin, revealing a light purple carapace.

It is said to be like a spider, but in fact, strictly speaking, this kind of monster is quite different from the spiders on the earth.

Not to mention that it only has three pairs of jointed limbs, even the two front claws are closer to the conventional concept of "hands", far more developed than the monster's hind limbs.

The end of the forepaws presents a sickle-shaped curve, covered with dense jagged thorns, with the unique characteristics of the forelimbs of some praying mantises and spiders.

In addition, Guta has noticed that there is a somewhat weird brass-colored mouthpart on the lower jaw of this monster, which is much larger than ordinary crustacean monsters.

"Skeleton Spider~" Turning over and standing up, Guta slowly drew out his gluttonous sword from behind.

"How did this monster appear by the lake?"

It's no wonder that Guta feels strange. As a subspecies of shadow spiders, skeletal spiders have always lived in dark and cold caves. Most of them appear in the desert at night, and they are rarely seen in other areas.

"However, I have found the reason why Schiff brought us here." Looking at the white membrane on the eye-skeletal spider, Guta's expression twitched unconsciously.

Shadow spiders and skeletal spiders have a rather nasty or disgusting habit, that is, they will put monster skins on themselves.

Generally speaking, most of the targets chosen by shadow spiders are poisonous monster birds, while skeleton spiders are a little more unique, they choose strange dragons.

Therefore, it inevitably carried the smell of a strange dragon, although this was not foreseen by Guta, nor was it what he hoped to see.

"If you leave now, I can barely pretend that you haven't shown up." Guta said viciously.

The guild has always encouraged hunters to hunt and kill monsters such as shadow spiders and skeleton spiders, which are extremely harmful to humans, so even if they didn't accept any quests, Guta could still attack them.

It's just that he is anxious to find the strange dragon subspecies now, and doesn't want to spend too much time on the skeletal spider.

Unfortunately, the other party doesn't seem to think so.

In the next second, accompanied by the sound similar to the opening of a machine spring, the mouthparts of the spider's lower jaw were completely extended outwards, and a pair of brass-colored clips full of spikes were directly clamped to the sides of Guta's body. .


(End of this chapter)

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