hunt and eat

Chapter 258 From today on, you are my half brother!

Chapter 258 From today on, you are my half brother!
10 minutes later
Guta stood in front of the counter of the Monster Consulting Office, and accepted the special card from the young scholar with a strange expression on his face.

Under a certain pavilion about ten meters away, the remaining members of the Canglan Star team were looking at this place in horror, with no intention of approaching at all.

They were all horrified by the scene of the youth swallowing the dissolved matter in the stomach pouch.

At this time, they all agreed that the scholar's head was probably sick.

"It's a card again... Are the facilities here in East Doruma used to issue this kind of card?" Looking carefully at the metal card in his hand, Guta noticed that one side of the card seemed to be covered with the Dragon Calendar Academy On the other side of the seal, the words [-] are marked with a special purple paint.

"However, aren't you afraid that the hunters will alter the numbers on it?" Guta asked with doubts in his heart.

"This paint is unique, and..." the young scholar explained with a smile, and took out a bottle of transparent liquid that seemed to be water from the counter, shaking it casually.

Guta can be sure that it is not water, because with the shaking of the other party's wrist, the liquid instantly turns into a conspicuous black.

"Only by using this special potion can we eliminate the traces of the bauhinia mixture and perform secondary writing. This formula has never been leaked since it was invented."

After saying this, the young scholar directly extended his hand to the ancient tower, "Olga, a researcher of the Dragon Calendar Academy and a four-star hunter, thank you for your contribution to the decryption."

Guta was a little surprised for a moment.

The research institute is nothing, but... the thin-looking guy in front of him is a four-star hunter?

I didn't see it at all.

"Also, if possible, please be merciful in the trial half a year later, Guta." With a wry smile on his face, Olga pointed at herself.

"Hmm... you are also from the ancient dragon group?" Guta looked Olga up and down in surprise, full of confusion.

He wasn't surprised that the other party knew him, after all, everyone with a high status seemed to have read his profile.

But the other party claimed that he would also participate in the trial that only members of the ancient dragon group could participate in half a year later...

In perception, the opponent's physical strength seems to be only at the level of ordinary people.

Four-star hunters are fine, they might be promoted through channels other than hunting, but the recruitment criteria of the ancient dragon group is only based on combat power... No matter how you look at it, Olga is not that kind of powerful character.

As if seeing Guta's doubts, Olga raised her eyes and said in a low voice, "Well, my combat power mainly depends on my research and transformation of those special insects, which are relatively restrained for most monsters and hunters...'ll see it when you get a chance."

"However, compared to a real 'monster' like you, it's somewhat insignificant." Touching her nose, Olga looked frank.

"You're too much, and I'm still far behind those seniors in the regiment."

Guta also spoke the truth.

Having witnessed the fighting power of many ancient dragon group bosses with his own eyes, although he is still satisfied with his current strength, it is far from being complacent.

He is still far from the Gulong level, or the natural disaster level.

"It's different, it's completely different, you don't even know how special you are..." Olga shook her head vigorously, but she seemed to think of something, but the words stopped abruptly.

"It's a bit far away. All in all, I will stay here for the next six months to conduct research. If you have any questions, please feel free to come to me."

"Just think of me as trying to curry favor with you, the strongest of the new generation..." Olga said bluntly.

After finishing speaking, he quietly looked around and made sure there was no one around, so he lowered his voice and added:
"Well, I also have some special channels here, which can accept hunting commissions for some powerful monsters... Look at the trial half a year later, isn't it..."

"Stop talking, from today onwards, you are my half-brother!" As soon as he grabbed the other's hand, Guta shook it righteously, "If you need it, we will get one for you in half a year. It's not bad to be the first."

Anyway, he was not prepared to take the first place in the trial from the beginning.

"Um, this is too much, I just ask for the top five... just the top five."

A dirty insider deal was quietly concluded at this moment.


"What did you two say just now?" Weiwei asked curiously.

Saying goodbye to Olga, Guta hummed and returned to the bar guarded by the Blue Star team.

It just so happened that Nia also completed the task handover procedures and received a large bounty.

"After making a new friend, by the way, we may be able to get some cross-regional missions exclusive to Longli Academy from the Monster Consulting Office."

"Is that freak scholar? To be honest... I feel that he is a little, how should I put it, not normal." Weiwei directly poured out what Nya wanted to say.

"Hey, you misunderstood, Olga is actually a good person." Guta waved his hand disapprovingly, and then told the whole content of the previous conversation between the two.

"Isn't this really an illegal operation?" Nia was a little unsure, and glanced at the monster consultation office in the distance.

Logically speaking, Dragon Calendar Academy is indeed qualified to release missions alone, but they are generally aimed at those hunters exclusive to Dragon Calendar Academy.

The tasks issued by the guild to the hunters are two parallel lines that do not intersect.

Although the databases of the two are not interlinked, such an approach is somewhat against the rules.

Although hunters are relatively free, there are factions.

Don't you see, even within the guild, there are two camps, the headquarters and the ancient dragon group.

Of course, this is not to say that they are differentiated or independent from each other, but that they target different targets.

Guilds often consider the overall situation and the management of regular hunters.

The ancient dragon group is just the opposite. They only care about those monsters that are really powerful and upwards at the ancient dragon level, and they don't know much about those management chores.

This is still the case within the guild, not to mention that Longli Academy itself is an organization at the same level as the guild.

"Whatever, as long as there are suitable tasks to do, these are irrelevant." Guta patted himself on the chest, not paying much attention to these institutional issues.

It has been repeatedly emphasized many times before that as a member of the ancient dragon group, even if it is a reserve member, the ancient tower still enjoys considerable privileges.

The supremacy of strength is vividly reflected in the group of hunters.

"Forget about this, I'm croaking hungry now, can we find a place to have dinner first?" Weiwei raised her hand and moaned weakly.

"Second!" Mie Jin and Qiao Qiao also raised their hands.

"That's all right. When I entered the city, I noticed that there was a lively barbecue restaurant. Why don't you go there to eat?" Nia smiled.

"Let's go~ let's go!"


(End of this chapter)

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