hunt and eat

Chapter 277 Who cares what you are, drag it to the ground first!

Chapter 277 Who cares what you are, drag it to the ground first!

"The opponent tonight is you."

Jumping down from the high platform inside the arena and landing steadily, Guta stood up and looked up and down at the opponent in front of him.

It was a monster with a black body and a primitive flying dragon skeleton similar to that of a booming dragon.

Different from ordinary flying dragons, its outer body is not covered with a hard shell, but replaced by a large amount of jet black body hair with a special protective color, which makes its shape closer to that of a beast.

A pair of scarlet eyes glowing with red light had already completely fixed their eyes on the ancient pagoda falling from a high place.

【Red Brilliant Meteor】-Xunlong
This is the name of the monster in front of him.

Due to living in the sea of ​​trees and dense forests for many years, the Xunlong is different from his close relatives of the flying dragons. In terms of the evolution of self-defense, he did not choose a hard outer carapace, but prefers smooth body hair with speed and concealment. .

Of course, although this kind of body hair looks soft, it is actually a kind of setae, or the product of the special evolution of scales, which can absorb a considerable part of the impact, so it is not too weak in terms of defense.

As the price of abandoning the heavy and hard outer carapace, coupled with its own flexibility and the terrifying explosive power endowed by its strong muscles, the speed and athletic ability of the Xunlong on the ground are definitely second to none among the flying dragons. .

Even compared to the toothed beasts and toothed dragons that are more accustomed to activities on the ground, its speed is not inferior at all, and even surpasses them in most cases.

The mobility beyond common sense, coupled with the black body hair that is extremely concealed in the dense forest, made it the most dangerous top killer in the area.

Therefore, the guild named it "Xunlong" based on the above characteristics and the praise of hunters for "a monster that can't even keep up with the shadow".

"You seem to have a good ability in your body."

Facing the gaze of those blood-red eyes, Guta did not intend to panic at all.

After all, considering Xunlong's petite size among flying dragons, the gap between the two in terms of physique is not as huge as that of hunters and most monsters.

Not to mention the level of strength.

The previous trip to the snow mountain made Guta's strength explosively improved again, so that even in the face of a dangerous monster like Xunlong, he didn't feel too nervous, and it was purely a daily training.

Although the Snow Lion King and those snow lions did not provide any great abilities due to their limited strength, the ancient tower only plundered part of their strength.

But in addition, whether it is the [Arm of Greed] given by the two White Rabbit Beasts [Big Snow Lord], or the special ability given by the giant beast, it undoubtedly made his strength rise again by a large margin.

Yes, I don't know why, although I didn't defeat the giant beast, but my [Swallow Yuan] talent was still activated successfully.

Guta estimated that it was probably because the giant beast stopped attacking on its own initiative, apologized for the previous misunderstanding and made "compensation", which was also counted as a special form of "defeat" by [Tunyuan], so the ability was successfully activated up.

From this point of view, the form of [Tun Yuan]'s plundering ability is far more than just plundering by force.

To get back to the topic, the new ability that Guta plundered from the giant beast is the "Mountain God of Fudo", which is almost the same as the nickname of the giant beast.

【Mountain God】

[I am the mountain, and the dangerous mountain is dormant]

Although I didn't understand it very well from the introduction, after Guta activated the ability once, he understood the effect of this ability from the changes in his body.

[Fudo Mountain God] can compress the host's body size, thereby increasing its body density, defense power and even all aspects of physical fitness, so that it can obtain higher explosive power and attack power under a smaller body size.

After Guta fully activated his ability, he could instantly "shrink" his original body size of 1.8 meters to about [-] meters, and basically improve his physical fitness by nearly [-]% in all aspects.

However, the duration is not very long, about 1 minute, and then you can only use it again the next day.

The limitation in this aspect doesn't seem to have much to do with physical strength. It is purely that it can only last for so long in a short period of time. It is probably a limiter deliberately imposed by considering the compression of the body to damage the body.

Generally speaking, the ability of [Fudo Mountain God] is the most obvious ability in the external performance of the ancient tower so far, but the effect is also very significant.

Although judging from the direct data, it seems that it is not as good as the [Big Snow Lord]'s ability to directly grant three tons of huge force, and there are still problems such as short duration and too long cooldown time, but please note that this is after all an item with " "growth" capability.

As long as the strength of the ancient tower continues to improve, the physical fitness bonus that [Fudo Mountain God] can provide will only get higher and higher, and its upper limit is far beyond what a mere three tons of strength can match.

"It's a pity, there are no trees here, and it seems that your assassination ability can't be fully utilized."

Listening to Xunlong's roar like a big cat, Guta laughed.

Xunlong's combat method has always been to use black body hair to hide in the dark, and to carry out surprise attacks and instant kills when the prey is careless.

However, considering that this is an arena without any obstacles, and several huge torches are thoughtfully placed around it for the convenience of spectators and referees to observe, Xunlong's hidden advantage is undoubtedly completely useless.

Well, this kind of thing didn't happen once or twice.

It's not a Pokémon arena. The terrain and environment can be changed at any time. Under the world view that is biased towards the technological strength of the Middle Ages, it is already quite remarkable to be able to achieve this level.

The next moment, Xunlong moved.

The muscle tissue on its body surface began to squirm visibly with the naked eye, and a very explosive acceleration took off, and it came to the circular wall on the side of the ancient tower.

Leveraging on the wall, Xunlong moved to the blind spot behind the side of the ancient pagoda in just one second.

To be honest, this is the first time Guta has seen such a terrifying maneuverability.

Before he had time to look back, he released the ancient pagoda with all his senses, and stretched out his hand to touch behind him, ready to draw his sword.

But it was empty right away.

Ahhh... Where's my knife?
Guta tilted his head in confusion, and then remembered that he had already handed Taotie over to Longli Academy to do something [Enlightenment and Awakening]?
Inert thinking kills people.

Before he had time to take the heavy hammer [Huahuo] behind him, Xunlong jumped over from behind, pointed his big mouth at Guta's back, and bit down hard.

"What a hasty guy..."

The ancient pagoda who could barely turn around, squatted down directly at the moment Xunlong bit him, and then jumped on his knees, smashing Xunlong's jaw hard.

Before Xunlong could cry out in grief, he threw his elbow down again, hitting the top of Xunlong's head, moving his body forward, and fell to the ground together with Xunlong.

The successive blows made Xunlong a little confused.

But what is more confused now is the audience in the stands and the referee who no longer knows what to say.

Looking at the ancient tower that "dragged Xunlong into the ground" directly below, as if it was a professional wrestler from WWE, while fixing Xunlong's head, while slamming the ancient tower with his elbow crazily, everyone fell into a long silence among.


PS: Yesterday at TI, LGD really lived up to expectations, disgusting themselves and the audience.

PS2: That mammoth king is indeed a monster, but our bp... hey~ just not ban, just play.

PS3: Continue to be an elf!

(End of this chapter)

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