hunt and eat

Chapter 304 Is it strange to have 8 nicknames for the ritual sense of hunting?

Chapter 304 Is it strange to have ten or eight nicknames for the ritual sense of hunting? ([-]rd update today)

In the early morning of the next day, the five-day room fee was placed on the bar, and the two teams did not wake up the old man sitting behind who was sleeping soundly. They turned around and opened the door, and walked towards the guild hall.

If I remember correctly, the little girl named Konoha at the gate of the village seems to be called Grandpa Jizo.

This name sounds like a master, and I don't know if this person is really hiding something.

Unlike Dongduoluma, which is extremely lively and even noisy every day, Jieyun Village is extremely quiet in the morning.

Except for the crisp chirping of birds and the occasional sound of wind blowing leaves, it is difficult for you to hear it here. Those once familiar voices are full of voices.

This is an extremely peaceful and quiet village.

Of course, it may also be because this time is too early, and most of the villagers are still sleeping.

Although it was just a quick glimpse, in the slightly narrow streets below the ancient pagoda, you can indeed see various shops such as grocery stores, processing houses, and even herbal medicine houses.

Looks like it has signs of regular use.

Later, there will probably be a lot of people gathered there.

"Is it there?"

Walking along the winding path towards the high place, the ancient tower pointed to the tallest building not far away.

Generally speaking, the guild hall is the tallest and eye-catching building in each stronghold and village, and it is often built on the highest ground.

This can be regarded as a conventional layout.

Guta speculated that it was probably to express his admiration for the profession of hunters.

"Speaking of which, I feel that Jieyun Village likes red very much."

As Guta said, the strongest impression of Jieyun Village is that it is filled with bright red everywhere.

From the villagers' clothing to the cloth strips that decorate the houses, from the red-painted roof beams and doorposts of each building, to the red maple leaves all over the village...

All of them reveal that the villagers here love red.

"This is the custom here. According to legend, red can drive away disasters and evil spirits."

Near the door, a girl with ponytails, dressed in the same clothes as the kid at the village door yesterday, answered the ancient tower's question without haste.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Hongli, the Kanban lady of the Hunter's Guild of Jieyun Village. Welcome to come from afar."

"Nice to meet you."

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone followed the guild kanban lady and poured into the guild hall one after another.

The internal layout is generally similar to other guilds, the only difference may be that on the inner wall, there are a large number of weapons made of wood and metal.

It seems to be a special local weapon in Jieyun Village, which is specially used for foreign hunters to visit.

This is the first time I have seen an ancient pagoda. The main structure is a wooden weapon.

As if she noticed the look in his eyes, the Kanban lady took the initiative to answer.

"Most of the weapons in our village are made of the local specialty cloud wood, paired with metal.

I have also heard about the ancient cloud-cloud wood pagoda. It seems to be a well-known high-quality wood with extremely strong toughness and hardness.

But if you say that it can be used as the main material of a weapon, at least before he came to Jieyun Village, he would not believe it at all.

"Actually, it's not just weapons. Clothes like ours... are also made of fibers extracted from cloudwood, which are very strong and durable."

As she talked, Hongli, the kanban lady, pulled a corner of her clothes that looked rough but had a different kind of luster.

This time, not only the ancient pagoda, but also other people looked over in astonishment.

Even the clothes are made of wood?
In all fairness, Jieyun Village's costumes are not ugly.

Even because there are some elements of Japanese style in it, while showing the difference, it also has a special charm.

I heard that this kind of clothing is very popular among hunters even in other parts of the mainland.

But even a well-informed hunter like Qiye knew for the first time that the clothes were made of the fibers of cloud-knotting wood.

Simply incredible.

"If there is no accident, you should have accepted the task of [Thunderwolf Dragon Ecological Survey] issued by the Longli Institute."

"The number of us is indeed quite conspicuous."

Guta nodded, waiting for the next step.

"This is the preliminary sighting report about Thunder Wolf Dragon that we have sorted out so far."

Without too much nonsense, the Kanban lady Hongli directly took out a scroll from behind the bar, spread it flat on the table, and slowly unfolded it.

"Actually, with regard to monsters like Thunder Wolf Dragon, some old people in our village have seen them here and there in some remote places many years ago."

"According to their recollections afterwards, they were generally near the Lingfeng Peak, but it was more dangerous there after all, and no one had investigated it in depth at that time."

For this situation, it is not too difficult to understand.

After all, not every village has as many manpower and material resources as Dongduoluma. Most of them can only explore around the village while ensuring the safety of the village.

Any further distance would be beyond reach.

"It wasn't until the past two months that it gradually attracted our attention due to the large number of hunters who were attacked by this monster near the village."

Following the Kanban lady's fingers, Guta saw the records of casualties on the scroll.

In less than three months, nearly 10 people have suffered minor or serious injuries.

If they were all caused by the same Thunder Wolf Dragon, then the situation would be worse.

"A hunter who encountered Thunder Wolf Dragon said that it is a powerful monster that targets humans and loves to hunt, and even gave it the title of [Unrivaled Hunter] on its own initiative."

"There are other titles like [King of the Forest], [Thunder Moon] and so on."

It has appeared, it has appeared... In order to pursue the sense of ritual of hunting, hunters have a strange habit of giving monsters various titles.

"There is not much information available, but it can basically be concluded that this is a carnivorous monster with a powerful discharge ability."

"Another thing that is rather strange is that there are eyewitness reports showing that during the hunting process of Thunder Wolf Dragon, there will be a wonderful ball of light or electric ball around its body. The specific cause is still being confirmed."

The Kanban lady added two more points.

"Is there only this information? It feels rather vague, and the possibility of misleading conclusions cannot even be ruled out."

Qiye muttered to himself.

To be honest, because she was obsessed with information collation and information collection since she was a child, her experience in this area is far beyond that of the kanban girl in Jieyun Village, so that now she feels that she is a bit amateurish.

"Well, this is also one of the reasons why the Longli Academy entrusted us to form a team to investigate. If we really can't do it, if we capture a Thunder Wolf Dragon, then everything will be clear?"

Guta shrugged disapprovingly.

To be honest, he wasn't too worried about it.

With the combined strength of their two teams, at least near Jieyun Village, they should be able to walk sideways.

Although the sighting reports of the Thunder Wolf Dragon are relatively rare, based on the current situation, it can be inferred that it is at most the level of a regional tyrant, and it is far from having the danger similar to the ancient dragon and the battle king.

So... not a big deal.


(End of this chapter)

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