hunt and eat

Chapter 307 What, I am quite accurate in shooting~

Chapter 307 What?
"Have you seen this guy? Ask you something!"

Kicking on the head of the Grizzly Beast lying on the ground with great aggrievedness and protecting its head, the ancient pagoda with a savage face held up the portrait of Thunder Wolf Dragon and shouted viciously.

The grass stick dangling from the corner of his mouth made him feel a bit more ruffian.

At the same time, in order to make it easier for the blue bear to understand, Guta used the technique of animal language.

"That's right, that's right, Kuola~ Big brother asked you something, but you didn't respond... huh?"

Thinking it was funny, Weiwei, who played a friendly role as a dog's leg next to Guta, stood behind him pretending to be a tiger, and kept poking the chubby head of the green bear with her fingers.

Behind Qingkumamon, the pink-haired loli Hinata also excitedly joined the ranks of bullying Qingkumamon, kicking the opponent's ass with her short legs.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, everyone can be considered to be familiar with each other, and they won't be stumbled like when they first met.

"Ho~ho!" (I've never seen it, I've never seen it~)

"Shut up, look again, this time look clearly!"

"Roar~" (I have never seen °(°ˊДˋ°)°)

"Vivi, Hinata, keep hitting until it remembers."



On the side, Niya, who looked helpless, exchanged a glance with Qiye, who was also smiling.

"The monsters here seem to be quite spiritual, don't they?"

"Well, I'd rather call it...wisdom"

Pointing to the teary blue bear beast, Qiye said with a smile.

Possessing the wisdom to be able to communicate initially, this blue bear beast aroused her strong curiosity.

No, it's not just this green bear beast, like those little dog dragons they encountered before, it seems that they also have a simple wisdom that is different from other regions.

Is it the commonality of this region, or is it influenced by some factors?

Seven nights began to think habitually.

"Isn't this too good?" Meme said in a low voice, pulling Qiao Qiao beside her.

Yes, Qiao Qiao just pretended not to hear, and stuffed his paws on his own.

This kind of thing, get used to it.

About three to ten minutes later, Guta waved his hand, and easily lifted Hinata who was still riding on the head of the blue bear beast.

"It seems that I have never seen it... Forget it, get out of here."

I don't know if it was stunned, or still a little scared, the blue bear beast looked hesitantly at the ancient pagoda next to it, and then at the path not far away that was deliberately moved away by everyone.

"If you want to stay and have lunch with us, that's not out of the question."

"I just miss the taste of bear's paw."

Hearing this, the Green Bear Beast didn't dare to stay. After trembling violently, it ran into the bushes beside it in a panic and disappeared.

Whether out of caution or otherwise, the guy didn't even take the open path.

"This kind of stupid guy has the courage to block the road and rob. It seems that the green bear beast really likes honey."

Looking at the bushes that were knocked out of a bear-shaped hole and scattered with leaves, Guta rested his chin in amazement.

"No matter what, today's goal is to explore the surrounding terrain first. It would be the best if we can find the Thunder Wolf Dragon directly. If we can't find it, we will continue to explore later."

On the simple map in her hand, Nya kept supplementing the notes on the terrain, and said without raising her head.

Guta nodded, just about to say something, but suddenly turned his head to the woods on the side of his body.

"what happened?"

"No, it's probably an illusion."

After talking endlessly, Guta quickly ended the topic, led the two teams, and marched along the outside of the stream again.


As we gradually move away from Jieyun Village, various man-made signs along the way are becoming rarer and rarer.

In contrast, there are more and more rocks and broken logs, as well as rough terrain that is increasingly difficult to walk.

When passing through a trapezoidal high slope full of water vapor, Guta and the others discovered a large herd of elf deer.

This is a small vegetarian monster that looks somewhat similar to a sika deer, with a gray back and a white belly.

Although their own strength is very weak, their speed is actually not slow, coupled with their sensitive perception of the surrounding environment, they are not prey that can be caught casually.

Of course, none of the above is the point. The real point is actually their pair of elf antlers.

Although their own toughness and strength are not suitable for use as equipment materials, the special healing energy contained in them can allow them to be reconciled with various other materials to obtain various potions with amazing effects, and even extremely precious ones. 【Ancient secret medicine】.

At the same time, this is also one of the tasks that Guta and the others received from the guild hall of Jieyun Village.

"This distance is a little farther." Qiye set up a tent with her hands, looking at the herd of elf deer gathered in twos and threes at her feet.

"We must do it quickly. We are in the upwind position, and they will be able to smell us in less than 2 minutes."

Guta made a gesture and was about to rush down, but was directly pulled back by Huiyue with a slightly red face.

This silver-haired ponytail seems to have used his true energy, and his strength in a drunk state is only slightly inferior to that of Guta, which is really surprising.

"Your strength is too great. If it's just the collected materials, let other people come."

Nia on the side nodded, and by the way, pulled back Vivi, who was eager to try and transform the [Electric Light Ripper] into the [Heavy Ballista Form] in her hand.

This girl really doesn't have any self-knowledge.

If she really let her go on, let alone the elf antlers, if the elf deer still has a stump left, it will be considered a high incense.

"Aqua's speed is not slow, it shouldn't be a big problem to collect elf antlers, or..."

Qiye wanted to say that we should take care of this matter, but Nia shook her head.

"It doesn't matter, I have a better way here, and it will be resolved soon."

After finishing speaking, Nia knelt down on one knee and aimed the heavy crossbow [Frost Floating Rose] at several elf deer in the distance.

The white smoke visible to the naked eye overflowed from Nia's whole body, and gradually wrapped the muzzle of [Frost Floating Rose], forming a special structure like a silk nest.

What is this going to do?
Before Qiye could ask the question in his heart, the next moment, Niya brazenly fired several times.

【Precise Operation · Chasing Bullet】

The moment the bullet was unloaded, it was wrapped in layers of special white smoke that was pre-blessed on the muzzle of the gun, and turned into a streamlined long and narrow phantom, shooting at the three elf deer that were close together.

The crisp sound was played again and again, and the frightened elf deer ran away in a hurry, but they didn't realize that three of them, with the verdant antlers on their heads, had quietly fallen to the ground.


Standing up slowly, Nia let out a long sigh of relief, and along the way dispersed the remaining smoke from the gun.

"It went much smoother than expected."

"What, I'm pretty good at shooting."


(End of this chapter)

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