hunt and eat

Chapter 310 [The Ambition of the Ghost Gatekeeper]

Chapter 310 [The Ambition of the Ghost Gatekeeper]
For the person who rescued him, Mongoro thought of many possibilities in just a few seconds.

A serious but powerful middle-aged hunter, a young but extremely talented young girl, a glamorous royal sister in a cheongsam who usually passes by, a blonde big sister with a hot figure...

Cough cough, off topic off topic.

All in all, no matter in any of Mongoro's fantasies, the answer in front of him never appeared.

An Elle cat.

"I... you... this..."

Opening his mouth wide, Mongoro's tongue began to tie up.

His emotions at this time are too complicated, so that the single-threaded simple brain structure can't decide which one to express first.

"Are you OK?"

Although the expression of the young man in front of him was a bit complicated, Qiao Qiao didn't like to think about so many people, so he first confirmed the other party's situation.

Hunters are not just enough to complete the hunt, one of their responsibilities is to protect the civilians in various strongholds.

There are naturally hunters who are purely fond of fighting, and even the proportion of hunters is not low.

But Qiao Qiao always believes that a hunter who lacks faith and sense of responsibility, no matter how powerful he is, is far from being a qualified hunter.

Just like what he once said to Chi Xing, in Qiao Qiao's mind, the value of responsibility is far higher than power itself.

It may be a bit one-sided, but it is also a concept that can be persisted, or...


"Ah, thank you, thanks to you, I'm fine." Quiet Mimi stroked her blooming butt, and Mongoro agreed against his will.

"That's good, this wild boar king, I'm going to let go, you should have no objection?"

Qiao Qiao pointed to the wild boar king who had just gotten up at this time, with a bruised nose and swollen face.

At this time, it is vividly wearing a confused expression of "Who am I? Where am I?"

"Ah, of course I don't have any objections, this is your prey after all."

Men Goro spoke an honorific, which made Qiao Qiao a little embarrassed.

At this time, several footsteps sounded from behind them.

Mongoro turned his head to look, and was taken aback for a moment, his face began to flush visibly with the naked eye.

Except for the tall man with an unexpectedly tender face, the others are almost all beautiful girls with completely different styles.

A black windbreaker with cool double ponytails, a fiery red-haired "Master Bachi", a calm and gentle blond girl, a cute maid with a cute face, and a violent Sanwu loli holding a huge ax...

Today is my lucky day?

My mother, is this luck?
Mongoro burst into elation.

He subconsciously ignored Huiyue, who was gurgling and pouring wine into her mouth, and Hinata, who was dragging her all the way with her collar in her hand, and was about to fall asleep.

One looks very fierce at first glance, and might be beaten if you look at it for a long time, and the other is too young and outside his hunting area.

The former estimated that he would commit a violent crime against himself... For the latter, any excessive words may constitute a more serious crime in a certain sense.

The above two situations made Mongoro retreat three feet involuntarily.

"In Xiamen Goro, I will be added as the guard of Jieyun Village. You can call me by my nickname [Ghost Gate Guard]."

The young man straightened his chest, clasped his hands together, and said solemnly.

Don't tell me, his posture is quite standard. If he hadn't found out his details before, maybe others would really believe what he said.

How could a guy who was chased by wild boars run around in circles be a village guard?

What about a liar?
"Uh, hello, we are hunters here on a special mission, my name is Guta, and they are..."

No matter what they thought in their hearts, Guta and the others introduced themselves one by one.

If Mengoro's reaction was more or less normal when Guta introduced him, then when it came to the girls, this guy really revealed his true nature.

To put it more vividly, it looks like a monkey in estrus.

"Ah, Qiye, what a touching name, it shines like a pearl in the dark..."

"Nia, your name is like the soft grass blown by the breeze, with a gentleness that is indistinguishable from your own."

"Ah, Aqua, innocence and romance are simply custom-made vocabulary for you, please allow me..."

"Ha ha……"

A group of girls showed polite yet awkward smiles, and took a step back at the same time, standing behind Guta.

Nia even felt physically uncomfortable because of the other party's excessively nasty and greasy words.

As a result, in the end, there was only vanity left, wanting to hear how the other party praised her Weiwei.

"Miss Weiwei...uh, your mind is as broad as a mountain range."


"The mind is as vast as the ocean..."


"There are hills and valleys in the chest..."


Why are you talking about boobs?

Even Weiwei, at this time, gradually recalled it, seeing the other party's straight-down gaze, she didn't know what was going on.

"You're courting death, aren't you!"

In a rage, Weiwei directly opened the insurance of the Lightning Ripper, regardless of whether she was going to give this old pervert a shot.

"Okay, okay, don't get excited ~ don't get excited."

Pressing Weiwei's shoulder, Guta gave the young man opposite him a weird look, and turned the topic back to the one he cared about.

"As a guard in the village, why did you come here?"

Of course he knew that the other party could not be a guard, but he still wanted to ask why the young man in front of him appeared here.

Guta's intuition told himself that this guy might provide some key information he wanted to know.

It's impossible to appear here for no reason, right?

"Um, I just want to collect some herbs or something." Mongoro's eyes flickered, and he unconsciously avoided Guta's half-smiling gaze.

"Herbs? Then you have run far enough~"

Although their current location is not too far from Jieyun Village, they have actually gradually entered a more dangerous area, and the number of monsters nearby is gradually increasing.

Generally speaking, except for hunters, few people set foot here.

Where can't herbs be picked, and why did they go to a monster-intensive area more than ten kilometers away from the village?
What about a liar?
Perhaps he felt that this statement was a bit unreasonable, the young man scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and finally explained everything honestly.

"Didn't there be a powerful guy covered in electricity recently, and everyone in the village is very troubled."

"I thought that after defeating that guy, he would probably be recognized by everyone in the village."

"Uh, buddy, are you serious?" Guta looked at Mongoro up and down, no matter how he looked, he seemed to be delivering food.

The one with no return.

"Hey, I know that I may not be the opponent, so I prepared some extra insurance."

Mongoro opened his clothes, revealing the narcotic jade around his waist.

"The powerful type of anesthetic jade for capturing, I spent two months buying leftovers one after another from the hunters on missions, and spent a lot of money~"

Speaking of this, even Mongoro felt a bit pained.

Although this thing is really useful, but the price is really expensive.

After all, raw materials are scarce goods that are officially restricted from circulation.


(End of this chapter)

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