hunt and eat

Chapter 608 Unequal Libras, Gradually Emerging Supporters

Chapter 608 Unequal Libras, Gradually Emerging Supporters

"So, what's going on now?"

Thagul, who hurried back to the battlefield, was frowning, turning his head to the corner of the battlefield full of wreckage.

The powerful perception is released instantly, sweeping the surrounding terrain, and bringing feedback information in the next moment, generating countless images composed of pale lines in his mind.

【Earth Vision and Heaven Listening】

This is an exploratory move specially created by Guta in his previous life, combined with his powerful perception, to replace eyes in the lightless realm.

It couldn't be more suitable at the moment when one's own eyesight was blinded by the black dragon's sneak attack.

In the dark picture in the brain, the silhouette of a very familiar old man is sadly holding a charred "corpse" and crying.

Although compared to the face in his impression, he was at least 20 years older, but by comparing the outline and the familiar voice, Guta still recognized who the other party was in the first place.

"Uncle Layton?"

Looking at the line diagram of the clothing, it seems to be a set of Shadow Hunter.

Standing next to him was Reiji, who still maintained his werewolf form, with a bewildered expression on his face.

I don't know why he, the head of a four-star hunting group, appears here as a shadow hunter.

"Also, what's in his arms is..." Feeling the half-dead scorched black figure whose vitality was rapidly weakening, Guta quickly searched through his memory, and quickly found out who belonged to that breath.

[Sick Lion] Ryan.

"While you were fighting that Tyrannosaurus rex, there was a natural disaster-grade black fire dragon that attacked the retreating team... Although the main target seems to be Reiji, it doesn't seem to let the other hunters go."

Niya, who was on the side, explained a few words in a low voice, and turned her head with some embarrassment.

"Ren, he...received a close-range dragon's breath on behalf of Li Si."

"Where's the fire dragon? Let it run away?" Guta frowned, and sensed that it was released sharply in a ring, sweeping a hundred meters around in an instant.

But apart from some remaining black scales, there didn't seem to be any major discoveries.

That head and Li Si... No, the mutated Silver Fire Dragon, who had a deep hatred with them, seemed to have really left.

I don't know if he noticed that the sin-blood tyrannosaurus was killed, or if it was for other reasons.

If such a flying dragon monster with a deep hatred for humans is not dealt with in time, it will be really troublesome in the future.

But these are not the most important things right now.

Ren... probably couldn't hold on any longer.

Walking quickly to Uncle Layton's side, Guta closed his eyes, and put a white palm directly on Ren's head, which could barely see his face clearly.

Noticing the arrival of the ancient tower, the pale-haired Layton stared at the former with a look of hope, and unconsciously clenched his palms.

"The body is so depleted that the self-healing ability and vitality are almost unable to keep up."

Shaking his head imperceptibly, Guta let out a "tsk", and the corners of his brows furrowed deeply.

Seeing that the ancient tower was helpless, Layton sighed, just lowered his head and hugged his grandson, completely falling into despair.

"But you should have a solution... Fengxian?" Suddenly, Guta said to himself.

"Yes, but I am here, not for this kid."

"Speaking of which, when I received the news, I thought it was going to be too late, but now that I see... your situation is much better than I imagined."

A thick bass suddenly sounded from behind everyone.

A burly figure in a white exercise uniform, carrying a giant dark purple umbrella, slowly walked out of the shadows.

Although he seems to be over 60 years old and his hair is already graying, his face unexpectedly gives people a youthful feeling, saying that there is generally nothing wrong with the white-haired and childlike face.

"Even if 50 years have passed, you are still the same, ruthless." Guta snorted, stood up slowly, and turned to look at the person who came.

Ancient Dragon Group Sequence 7 [Pharmacist] Phoenix Immortal

"Master Pharmacist..." Seeing the person coming, Layton suddenly raised his head, and stared at him with excited eyes as if seeing hope.

If it is this legendary hunter who is said to be able to "chasing souls from the underworld", the one with the highest medical skills known so far, maybe his grandson can really be saved!
There was no immediate response. The pharmacist took two seconds to look at Ren whose skin was almost scorched, and then frowned and glanced at the ancient tower whose eyes were still closed.

"Sorry, although I can indeed save this kid now, I refuse."

Layton, who almost suspected that he had heard wrongly, showed a somewhat bewildered expression on his face.

"For an injury of this level, ordinary treatment is useless. The only thing that can be used is the [Flower of Life] Tomisa that I specially brought this time, but..."

Having said that, Fengxian first patted the wooden box on his back, then raised his left hand and pointed to the ancient pagoda next to him, "Compared with your grandson, what needs treatment now is this guy's eyes."

"Although it's cruel to say so, in terms of the value of both parties, his eyesight is much more important than your grandson's life."


After saying these words, although the hunters beside him were quite upset, Layton, who had rich life experience and experience, just silently lowered his head.

He knew the other party was right.

Compared to the ancient pagoda that will definitely enter the taboo field in the future and lead hunters to a new era, my grandson is just an ordinary hunter who is barely strong, and even died soon because of the implantation of dragon jade...

The value of both parties is not on the same scale at all.

Even if it was Layton himself, even if he wanted to save his grandson's life with great urgency, he might have to give up in despair when faced with such a choice that could almost determine the general situation.

What's more, this flower of life belonged to the pharmacist, and he didn't need his consent to use it as he wanted.

"Okay, so much nonsense."

Guta's helpless laughter suddenly sounded.

A pale palm quietly opened the wooden box behind Feng Xian, and then directly took away the Flower of Life.

"You..." When Fengxian came to his senses, Guta was already holding a white plant in his hands, and knelt down beside Layton.

"Is this guy... so fast?"

"It's obviously just returning to the natural disaster, and the physical quality has not been fully baptized... What a monster."

Fengxian's right eye jumped suddenly, and then she looked meaningfully at the pale figure in front of her.

Unlike the vast majority of people, he is one of the few insiders who knows that the returnee is not Thagul, but the relatively "unknown" [Venus] deputy head of the hunting group and younger brother of [Annihilation Qing] - Nie tile.

Although there is very little information about this person in the guild, so little that it makes people wonder if the other party is a fiction, but he actually met Neva back then.

Although the opponent's strength was weak at that time, the wisdom beyond the times and the ruthless methods had already left a deep impression on him.

Not to mention the overwhelming strength shown by the other party in the final period, and the terrifying methods that even the Forbidden Dragon is afraid of... At this point in time, the return of such a character is simply beyond expectations.

So much so that just a guess about a possible resurrection, he started corresponding preparations as early as 30 years ago.

It's just to eliminate the danger that the other party may encounter during the return process.

And spontaneous supporters like him, even in the top ten sequences, there are quite a few.


(End of this chapter)

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