hunt and eat

Chapter 805 [Murdering Intent Fluctuations · Others Are Hell] VS [Seven Deadly Sins · Greed · Fallen

Chapter 805 [Waves of Killing Intent · Others Are Hell] VS [Seven Deadly Sins · Greed · Fallen Golden Soul]

"Then it's your turn."

After solving the small problems behind him, Guta raised his eyes slightly, and looked at the two people who were looking at him with fear.

"Don't worry, I will make sure to defeat you before you die from exhaustion."

In the calm words, I don't know how many undetectable real emotions are hidden.

But both Lina and Shenwei are absolutely proud powerhouses, so naturally they won't be intimidated by Guta's words.

"You think you're sure to win?" Lina looked at Guta with a cold face.

The latter didn't mean to answer, but just silently rode the black-horned dragon whose self-existence was completely erased by him, like a puppet.

He seemed to think that this question didn't need to be answered, so he really didn't speak again.

To some extent, it is no wonder that his arrogance [the sun] is so strong that it is outrageous.

"What a disgusting guy, it's always been..." Lina lowered her head, murmuring indistinctly.

The crimson true energy spewed out, and could no longer restrain the fighting spirit in his heart, it directly turned into a curvilinear afterglow, appearing behind the ancient tower like a phantom.

The dazzling blood that shot up into the sky pressed down on each person and rider like a knife and axe.

"A slash that is almost a still have some talent in fighting skills."

The golden super-giant saber was behind his back, and the incoming slash was shattered inch by inch in an instant. The ancient tower riding on the black-horned dragon manipulated his "mount" to turn around slowly.

No, maybe it is not appropriate to call it a black-horned dragon at this moment.

I don't know when, the whole body of the black horned dragon has already been covered by a layer of golden heavy armor similar to the ancient pagoda, with delicate patterns outlined. With white eyes, he was looking at the red-haired young man in front of him with similar eyes at the same time.

[The Seven Deadly Sins·Greed·Heavy Armor]

After a brief exchange of sights, Guta rode the [Golden Horn Dragon] and rushed towards Kamui like a storm.

The huge saber that reaches the ground drags a tearing texture that collapses and spreads on the translucent glazed ground, and slashes towards the roadblocker ahead with a mighty smoke and dust.

Perhaps using the word chop is a bit inaccurate. From a visual point of view, for a saber with a blade thickness of more than two meters, this chopping action is more similar to the concept of "grinding".

Like a praying man's arm blocking a car, like a solitary brave drowning in the sea.

But then again, hunters who fight monsters that far exceed their size and strength every day may have long been accustomed to such a situation.

The only difference is that the [monster] he is facing at this moment is a colleague who is closer to the meaning of the word monster.

"Thank you...for the compliment."

As soon as the first half of the sentence was finished, Shenwei accelerated his drift and slid past the blade of the Saber, and jumped up suddenly when he passed Guta's side, and suddenly used his waist to volley and hit Guta's body with a whip leg. neck.

Although it was also covered by a thick layer of golden armor, it was completely negligible for the divine power that could ignore the defense and cause real damage.

The whip leg, which is far more threatening than it looks, is firmly supported by a pillar-like armored arm.

With the looming white smoke accompanied by the sound of boiling water, the golden outer metal and the crimson true energy began to react violently, as if they were eroding each other.

"It can actually block my extreme intention?"

Shenwei reacted immediately, and then gave up and continued to attack. A kite turned over and fell back to the ground.

Although I don't know why the armor made by the opponent can block my own extreme intention [killing] that ignores defense, but it is obviously not a wise move to continue to compete with him.

No matter in terms of size or strength, it is impossible for him to consume the ancient tower.

"In this world, how can there be a truly invincible ability?"

The moment Guta lowered his left arm, the golden-horned dragon under him slammed into Kamui in front of him spontaneously. The pair of huge and ferocious golden diagonals, wrapped in completely alienated dragon power of the same color, moved towards the tiny figure in front of him from top to bottom. Grind away.

"Don't you do it yourself? You've been underestimated..."

Kamui's eyes narrowed slightly, his bare back was arched high like a bowstring, and the countless dark red "thin lines" on the surface of the skin that were slightly thicker than blood vessels began to faintly glow between black and red.

【Murdering Intent Fluctuations·Others Are Hell】

Shenwei, who had obviously entered a special state, melted like a snowflake in the next moment, and was pierced by a diagonal horn of the Golden Horned Dragon.

At the same time, Shenwei, dragging the blood-colored afterimage, fell from the top of Guta's head like a ghost, and his two fists swung at high speed to shoot out fist shadows, completely covering Guta's huge upper body like a tsunami.

【Sabotage and mass burial】

The Greedy Golden Armor, which was able to fight against [Slaughter]'s ultimate intention, now unexpectedly appears extremely fragile when facing those fists that also carry real damage, so that in an instant, the surface of the half-body armor of the ancient tower has more Dense deep fist marks and fine cracks.

"Has the effect of True Damage almost doubled?"

Under the full-coverage helmet, the silver-white eyes of the sky collected and sorted out the data, and Guta quickly understood the general state of Shenwei.

Although the physical quality didn't show too obvious increase, but the opponent's true energy and the lethality of extreme intention showed a very obvious improvement.

Don't know how he did it.

While thinking about the reason, Guta raised his right arm, and the divine power of the giant saber falling towards the top of his head was a counter-swinging horizontal slash.

Just a second before the blade was about to hit, a large piece of thick dark green vines exploded from the glazed ground at the foot of the ancient pagoda, binding him together with the extremely quiet golden horned dragon beneath him like chains.

Not far away, a tall and beautiful figure was slowly closing the Magic Dao Secretary with a little green fluorescence in his hands.

【Yawon Nuclear Strong Plant Blockade】

"The plant catalytic ability of Yawenglong...but when did it plant the seeds? I didn't even notice it."

Although his whole body was restrained, Guta wasn't overly panicked, but calmly looked at Shenwei who took the opportunity to slash down the giant saber and head straight for his head.

"Then... stop."

The golden armor on the body surface melted slowly, and from the left and right shoulders of the ancient pagoda, there was a group of liquid gold figures that could manifest the upper body, holding two knives crossed and slashing towards Kamui.

【The Seven Deadly Sins·Greed·Fallen Golden Soul】

The two golden figures, like ghosts, traveled nearly ten meters away with the blade almost in the blink of an eye, and pressed on Kamui's head from the front.

"Just because you guys want to stop me?" A look of disdain flashed in Shenwei's eyes, and while his whole body was not slowing down, his waist turned into a blood-red drill bit like a spinning top, mercilessly turning the two golden figures Crushed into metal shards flying all over the sky.

【Destruction Kill·Bloodwind Alone】

However, at the moment when he was about to further deceive himself, the golden fragments that were originally torn into pieces turned into countless strange floating liquid metal balls in an instant, and in the next second they condensed into two golden figures again, holding two The knife attacked again from both sides.


(End of this chapter)

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