hunt and eat

Chapter 807 [The 7 Deadly Sins·Introduction to the Sins·The Land of Gold in the Scorching Sun]

Chapter 807 [The Seven Deadly Sins·Introduction to the Sins·The Land of Gold in the Scorching Sun]

"Meaningless sorrow, your journey as a hunter is obviously too smooth."

Seeing that the black tornado had reached the top of his head, Guta punched through the golden dragon body in front of him.

As the latter gradually liquefied, Guta's right arm instantly swelled into a golden dragon head more than [-] meters long under the countless gold wraps.

[The Seven Deadly Sins·Greed·Golden Martial Arts]

The lifelike dragon head quickly twisted its neck and bit down on the storm pillar above its head.

To the surprise of the ancient pagoda, the golden faucet he made was shattered by the storm pillar in the blink of an eye, even though it was a collision between the tangible and the intangible. Lina, who was hiding in it, also took the opportunity to approach Near the ancient pagoda.

"Go to hell, bastard!"

Stretching out her upper body from the storm, Lina raised her fist high and slammed it down heavily.

【Witch Theater·Northern Volume Roaring Wind】

As the battle continued, the bursting character of this Sequence 2, who was the first to show off his cold attitude, became more and more apparent.

Frowning and dodging Lina's fist, which was also wrapped in a thick storm, Guta clenched his right arm casually, and gathered the countless shattered gold that had been splashed on the arm again.

An equally huge metal giant fist roared towards him in an instant with the inertia of his body.

The snow-white fist collided with the giant metal fist again, but the result was a shockingly even match. Under the impact of the impact, Lina and Guta slid back more than ten meters away at the same time.

"Has the body been augmented? It's really scary...your domain." Looking down at the golden arm that was shattered again, Guta cried out in surprise.

"You guy who doesn't even bother to open the domain, where are you talking about ****?
"**** (artificial silencer)!"

"Bah!" (spit on the ground sound effect)

A series of greetings from Zaun made Guta unconsciously stunned.

So dirty language, so low quality.

I always feel... the true character of this [Dragon Magician] is very similar to a certain red-haired idiot I am familiar with.

By the way, is Sequence 2 such a person?
It's really better to be famous than to meet...or is it just for yourself?

"I always feel that your bad attitude towards me is not just because of the reasons you said before." Guta rolled his eyes strangely at Lina, who was obviously a little out of control, as if she was going berserk.


Neither affirming nor denying, Lina just stomped the ground with her back foot, and turned into a phantom that left the string again.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it." Guta snorted noncommittally, and threw the re-liquefied gold on his right arm to the ground.

The two palms crossed in a triangle, making a somewhat strange braided rope-like gesture.

"[Seven Emotions Puppet Line·Eclipse Net Jinluo]"

The diffuse golden light quickly sank into the translucent ground, and then quickly spread to nearly a kilometer of ground.

Lina, who was still moving at high speed, realized at that moment...

Something... is coming!

Without hesitation, she jumped backwards and flipped backwards. In Lina's amber eyes, countless golden thin lines soaring into the sky were reflected.

It's the kind of weird thread that can control other creatures!

Lina's scalp burst instantly, and the moment she turned over and landed, clouds of smoke rose from her body, and her body gradually turned transparent and disappeared.

A large number of gold threads drilled out after that almost submerged her original foothold in the next second.

"Is Xialong's invisibility ability?"

In the center of the battlefield, the ancient tower still maintains a special gesture, and its eyes have not changed at all.

And as time gradually passed, more and more golden threads began to drill out from the ground and straight into the sky, visibly turning into a cobweb-like cage covering a whole kilometer.

"However... when can you hide?"

"I never said I was going to hide!"

A dazzling flame suddenly rose from behind the ancient pagoda, and Lina, whose arm was completely transformed into a vermilion illusory flame, punched the ancient pagoda with her back turned to her.

【Witch Theater · Furnace Killing】

To Lina's surprise, Guta still didn't dodge or evade, but let the arm with a temperature of almost a thousand degrees penetrate directly into her back, and exploded an explosion almost ten times on the chest. The size of the void.

"What are you playing..."

Soon, Lina, who suddenly noticed something, suddenly changed her face, and then without hesitation, she pulled out her white arm that had returned to normal, and jumped out quickly.

At the same time, the ancient pagoda, which had a big hole in its chest, began to show countless fine golden cracks all over its body, and finally collapsed into a sea of ​​golden threads that fell like a tsunami.

"Where did the main body go?"

Lina whispered and looked up into the sky, and as expected, she saw a tall human figure walking out of the broken dark space.

Is it that space transfer type move again?

"Forget it, as expected..."

"And, the lifting of the ban on my side has also been completed."

Saying something softly, Lina crossed her hands, and the five fingers of her right hand penetrated between the vertical fingers of her left.

"Let's start the final carnival."

Before the words were finished, the sea of ​​golden silk that was pressing down on Lina's head was swallowed up by countless colorful flames in an instant.

An unprecedented huge pattern covering almost half of the suburban desert District 11 slowly lit up from the glazed land.

Accompanied by the boundless roar of the dragon, five behemoths composed entirely of elements surrounded Lina in the center like a mountain, and roared towards the sky.

They were composed of raging fire, storm, thunder, high-pressure water flow and extremely cold air. They were terrifying monsters almost like oriental dragons, each of which was more than fifty meters in size.

Under Lina's control, the five-headed giant dragon soared up in an instant, swaying its flexible figure, and headed straight for the ancient pagoda from all directions.

【Witch Theatre·Five Dragons Turn Annihilation】

"It's a completely unknown technology, you really can't underestimate anyone." High in the sky, Guta said with inexplicable emotion.

One hand lifted up to the sky again as if the old things were repeating itself.

A round of scorching sun became more and more prominent, and the void above the ancient pagoda slowly took shape, and spread into a super-large volume that could not be ignored in an instant.

At the same time, the ground under Lina's feet gradually melted from translucent glass into a layer of flowing golden liquid in silence.While the latter was in doubt, he continued to maintain the move of the five dragons turning to death, and quickly rushed into the air.

"As a gift in return, please witness, the absolute fairness that gives everything to perish."

"[The Seven Deadly Sins·Introduction to All Sins·The Land of Gold in the Scorching Sun]"

The magnificent scorching sun fell in the sky in the next second, and while the five elemental dragons were involved together, they were completely submerged in the golden land directly below that melted like chocolate.

In an instant, a round of golden sun composed entirely of ultra-high temperature liquid gold took shape.

Lina, who was still immersed in the pleasure of her final ultimate move a second ago, her face froze instantly, trying to recall the five elemental dragons trapped in the golden sun by virtue of the last vague induction.

But it's all in vain after all...

So in the next moment, accompanied by the terrifying movement that shook the world, the golden scorching sun that almost covered half of the desert, under the terrified and inexplicable sight of countless Linas and countless hunters on the horizon beyond, the whole collapse exploded.

The endlessly burning liquid gold turned into clusters of meteors and spread to the entire sky in an instant like a meteor extinguishing the world, and then dragged the red flames and scattered like raindrops towards the desert directly below.


I don't know which hunter took the lead and roared. At the edge of the desert, this group of legendary hunters, who were regarded as myths and legends in the eyes of others, turned around and started running wildly with a strong sense of fear.

Their rich combat experience is enough for them to predict what will happen next.

A few seconds later, as the first batch of "meteorites" touched the ground, dazzling red light rose from all directions, followed by the second batch, and the third batch...

It was only when the whole world was submerged by the tide of red light that the mighty force almost dragged the world into an endless roaring terrifying shock, that it was worthy of descending here.

Only the flame is ten thousand zhang, only the raging fire lives forever.

Whether it is the glazed land, the primitive desert farther away, or the sky where no clouds have been seen for a long time, they all collapsed and dissolved in the burning, turning into endless absolute high temperature.

At this moment, everything melts and all directions are destroyed.


(End of this chapter)

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